Yee Haw Bob Sexual Harrassment

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Your's is equally interesting. Like I said, I'll believe your proof until then you are just telling "a story"
And yes she is asking for acceptance, she posted this as a warning to others.

I am not saying she owes anyone anything, so you can stop saying she doesn't.
I'm sharing my opinion. You are free to have your own but just because you don't like mine doesn't mean I'm wrong any more than you are.

I didn’t realize this was a contest.

It’s futile to read too much into something. I read what she had to say and will act accordingly with regards to whether I want to go to his show.
I didn’t realize this was a contest.

It’s futile to read too much into something. I read what she had to say and will act accordingly with regards to whether I want to go to his show.

Then stop trying to make it one.
This makes me very, very sad.

If it’s true, then Bob has been using his position and fame to assault young women. That is disgusting.

If it’s not true, I think his reputation will be too damaged for him to go on. He is ruined even if innocent.

In any case, I think we will hear of his retirement very soon.

I think that sums the situation up perfectly: guilty or innocent, I can't see any easy way out of this for Bob to remain in his job now.

My problem is, no one else really knows the "guilty or innocent" answer for certain except for Bob's and Michelle's own personal interpretations of the same event. Disney obviously believed Bob's version (as there's absolutely no way they would have risked potentially damning brand-damage otherwise, especially if there was a photo sent to them) but Michelle has also made a very clear and compelling case on Facebook countering that opinion with her own side of the story. Sadly, Bob's guilt or innocence is probably now a moot point as this will all come down to whatever spreads fastest on the internet, and I think we all know how that will end.

My own concern, as I stated above, is that this all comes down to interpretation. I would be really amazed if in 20 years of arranging photo opportunities with assorted groups of people, hands had not occasionally landed in places where they should not have been while getting everyone lined up for a photo on that small stage area. And as I understand it, this incident was with quite a big group of Disney race bloggers, and presumably lots of cameras and mobile phones (which thinking about it in hindsight, would be a really stupid time to think about groping someone!).

Michelle clearly interpreted this as a completely deliberate and malicious attempt to "feel her up", and quite rightly she regards this as abuse against her person and in the current climate she is adamant that needs to be addressed and action taken. However this is an interpretation that I suspect Bob may not agree with, but I honestly think that whatever he might say now will just add fuel to the fire and be treated as merely a cover-up - it's now a case of "damned if you, damned if you don't". The internet will have decided.

So I'm not saying who is right and who is wrong as I wasn't there so I can't know - and further evidence may still crop up anyway, as this allegation is only 24 hours old. What I am saying is that I like and trust both Michelle and Bob, so there are still questions in my own mind as to two potential interpretations of the same event, both of which may be utterly accurate in each person's recall.

Now how you resolve that I have no idea, but as I said above I can't see any good outcome of this for Bob no matter whether this situation was actually accidental or malicious.

Disney tried to pay her off. Sounds like hush money to me.
Haha! $500 isn’t hush money. That’s empty claim money. “Here you were slightly inconvenienced” money. Obviously people looked at this picture. (I’m positive some females too) and said “This person is being a little sensitive.”

Unless more people come forward I highly doubt out of the thousands of pictures this man has taken with people he decided to go all sex offender with this one woman.
I posted on another thread about this. I’m concerned that sexual assault/harassment is so prevalent. I’ve dealt with both harassment and assault.

I’m also concerned that someone with a grudge could ruin an innocent person’s life with a false accusation. I know people say that the accuser has no reason to make a false accusation and risk the repercussions, but there are people who would do it to get revenge and attention.

I’m hoping that the result of this is people speaking up when it happens, and reporting it to the authorities immediately, so there is a better chance of the perpetrator being punished.

Sorry, but no. It is highly likely that she has legal counsel and they expressly told her not to do such a thing. She does not owe the Internet photographic evidence.

Sorry but no. If she is going to tell her story in public, she needs to provide the proof. This man is now tainted with this accusation, if he did it he should face the consequences. If he didn't, it doesn't matter as his reputation will never recover.
Sorry but no. If she is going to tell her story in public, she needs to provide the proof. This man is now tainted with this accusation, if he did it he should face the consequences. If he didn't, it doesn't matter as his reputation will never recover.
Oh. I still love him. :)
Oh. I still love him. :)
But many won't. The person said "I'm sharing this publicaly now because I want you to use caution if you are a woman and get near this man. I'm sharing this if you have a daughter---so you can keep her away". That will regardless of true or not cause issues with his reputation.
I always want to believe the victims and this woman appears to have character...but I'm wondering where the line is between innocent and did he even realize where his hand was in a rushed photo and something much more problematic. I'm not mitigating anything, but I know I had several people touched my butt on my last WDW trip, and I don't think any of them meant to - especially not the little kid who kept patting/knocking into me in general in the line for Peter Pan. I'd think if it was that brazen someone would have spoken up in the moment, but again, victims should always be listened to, and I don't need a photo. Also, it's not up to me as to how this woman should feel. Basically, I just have lots of thoughts, and they're not playing nicely with each other. It's a whole lot of back and forth in my mind.
But many won't. The person said "I'm sharing this publicaly now because I want you to use caution if you are a woman and get near this man. I'm sharing this if you have a daughter---so you can keep her away". That will regardless of true or not cause issues with his reputation.
Meh...if she TRULY cared about anyone else she would provide her picture. Expecting people to just take her on her word to treat someone like a predator is absurd.
If one is now willing to make public an incident that could potentially ruin another's career and/or life AND the teller of the story has proof, why would you not show the proof? You know darn well when you tell the story you are going to be doubted and called an outright liar so why would you not offer the proof of you have it?

Not owing anyone anything and simply backing up your side of the story are two different things. And it's stories like this where the "victim" refuses to give proof they claim to have that can make it very hard for others to come forward. This is the kind of stuff that makes it easy to dismiss others.
I always want to believe the victims and this woman appears to have character...but I'm wondering where the line is between innocent and did he even realize where his hand was in a rushed photo and something much more problematic. I'm not mitigating anything, but I know I had several people touched my butt on my last WDW trip, and I don't think any of them meant to - especially not the little kid who kept patting/knocking into me in general in the line for Peter Pan. I'd think if it was that brazen someone would have spoken up in the moment, but again, victims should always be listened to, and I don't need a photo. Also, it's not up to me as to how this woman should feel. Basically, I just have lots of thoughts, and they're not playing nicely with each other. It's a whole lot of back and forth in my mind.
But you know the difference between unintentional and intentional really... A brush as someone walks by, a badly placed hand in a photo are different than being grabbed. You have to put effort in to grab someone’s behind. In no way could that be unintentional IMO.

ETA- She said he “grabbed and squeezed”
As for why she didn’t post the photo on social media... Maybe she was legally advised not to. I’m not saying that is for sure why, but it could be a reason.
Meh...if she TRULY cared about anyone else she would provide her picture. Expecting people to just take her on her word to treat someone like a predator is absurd.
To the bolded knowing how quickly these things can get out of control the side effect is real. I get what you are saying I just also know how people in general are (look at some of the comments on this thread and the other thread and you'll see it's already in effect). Doesn't make people wrong or right just means it's already causing issues with his reputation.
As for why she didn’t post the photo on social media... Maybe she was legally advised not to. I’m not saying that is for sure why, but it could be a reason.
I would think if she was legally advised not to share a photo on social media she was also legally advised not to post anything on the matter or speak about it as it could impede investigation.

*That's part of the reason I asked about going to law enforcement to at the very least file a report.
Probably... IDK. I’m not a lawyer. It’s just an idea.
Oh I understand what you mean but from a legality sense it would be strange to say "don't post a pic of your proof but talk all you want about it" As is I'm not sure she sought out going to the police or going that route other than speaking with Disney about it (just based on the information I know from the two threads).
I don't doubt Michelle's account that Bob's hand was on butt. I believe that part of the story. I just don't want to believe that it was intentional. How many times have we read about characters inadvertently groping guests? Add me to the camp of people who think that if she is going to take down someone's career and she has photographic evidence then she should provide it.

Did Bob release a statement? I can't find it.
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