International travel restrictions

Westjet also has anything booked between now and May 31st for travel between now and March 31st, flexible change or cancel.

I suspect it's because people aren't booking yet this gives the ability to book (and for westjet to get money) even through March break next year, and still have peace of mind in being able to cancel or change. It certainly makes me more inclined to book for my December trip with them, I will travel again, if not in December then as soon as possible after, but was reluctant to book for fear of losing it all.

Airport travelling to/fromAdvisoryFor travel on or betweenDate postedAdditional information
WestJet flight destinationsCoronavirus - existing flights, booked before March 3, 2020March 3, 2020 - January 31, 2021April 18, 2020Flexible change/cancel info
Change or cancel online at least 2 hours prior to departure
WestJet Vacations destinationsCoronavirus - new vacation packages, booked March 3 - May 31, 2020March 3, 2020 - March 12, 2021April 13, 2020Exempt dates: December 19, 2020 - January 7, 2021
Flexible change/cancel info
WestJet flight destinationsCoronavirus - new flights, booked March 3 - May 31, 2020March 3, 2020 - March 12, 2021April 8, 2020Flexible change/cancel info
Change or cancel online at least 24 hours prior to departure
WestJet Vacations destinationsCoronavirus - existing vacation package, booked before March 3, 2020March 3, 2020 - June 30, 2020April 8, 2020Flexible change/cancel info
Getting the flight credit is only a good thing if you can use that credit before it expires. With the way things are in the world a credit good for a year may not be usable.

Hold onto your cash for the time being. I love Disney and my holidays in Florida but I have no intention of stepping foot south of the border until after we see what happens in the fall. If it remains status quo I've decided I'm not crossing the St. Lawrence river until 2025 (I live in Ontario). I'm so disgusted with what's going on in certain parts of the world right now.
I am fine with that. We are doing a good job keeping our numbers low. Let's not rush to end this and have to go back to where we are now.
Just remember, our "numbers" are based on the fact that you have to be either a healthcare worker or dying to get the darn test. You don't just get tested because you can't breathe and go to the hospital. I don't even know what criteria they use, but they sure aren't testing unless they really have to. So take those numbers with a grain of salt. Our deaths might be lower, but I wouldn't put money on our spread of the disease being as low as it seems.
Just remember, our "numbers" are based on the fact that you have to be either a healthcare worker or dying to get the darn test. You don't just get tested because you can't breathe and go to the hospital. I don't even know what criteria they use, but they sure aren't testing unless they really have to. So take those numbers with a grain of salt. Our deaths might be lower, but I wouldn't put money on our spread of the disease being as low as it seems.
I agree the cases maybe higher but that's also why they aren't in a hurry to lift restrictions. They are now opening testing to anyone now in my area.
Just remember, our "numbers" are based on the fact that you have to be either a healthcare worker or dying to get the darn test. You don't just get tested because you can't breathe and go to the hospital. I don't even know what criteria they use, but they sure aren't testing unless they really have to. So take those numbers with a grain of salt. Our deaths might be lower, but I wouldn't put money on our spread of the disease being as low as it seems.
that is changing, the clinic in our city is testing 900 employees from one location and they're all asymptomatic at the moment. I'm not sure what the organization is but the source is 100% reliable, it's from one the doctor who is working in the clinic. Let's hope this is a trend we'll soon see everywhere
NS has just shy of 1,000,000 people and we have just over 21,000 negative tests and 675 positive and 188 resolved, plus 7 deaths.

They are only pumping out 800-1000 tests per day. We are going to be on lockdown for forever at this rate.
Getting the flight credit is only a good thing if you can use that credit before it expires. With the way things are in the world a credit good for a year may not be usable.

Hold onto your cash for the time being. I love Disney and my holidays in Florida but I have no intention of stepping foot south of the border until after we see what happens in the fall. If it remains status quo I've decided I'm not crossing the St. Lawrence river until 2025 (I live in Ontario). I'm so disgusted with what's going on in certain parts of the world right now.
It's actually good for 24 months. I'm fine taking the credit, I know we will be flying with them again soon enough, but I understand why other people just want their darn money back, too. If I had the choice is rather have money than the flight credit too but here we are.
It's actually good for 24 months. I'm fine taking the credit, I know we will be flying with them again soon enough, but I understand why other people just want their darn money back, too. If I had the choice is rather have money than the flight credit too but here we are.
I would take the money cause I am in no hurry to get down there. Especially if the measures Disney is rumored to do are put in place. They become a Cedar Point with not as thrilling rides.
I would take the money cause I am in no hurry to get down there. Especially if the measures Disney is rumored to do are put in place. They become a Cedar Point with not as thrilling rides.
No I agree, I'd take the money too! But that isn't what is being offered to me right now. I have two flights booked, August and Oct. I'd take the cash in a second for sure! But all I can get is a credit at this point for 24 months. Interestingly enough if you want to pay a $21 fee they will extend your travel bank credits for another 2 years so really you have 4 years to use them. But yes, I'd rather have the cash, too ;)
Alberta is now testing anyone with any symptom. Calgary/South Zone numbers really went up in the last week, but there is a known outbreak with many being connected to a meat packing plant. Edmonton has stayed pretty steady with low numbers each day. Hope it stays that way. I'm so ready for this to be over ... I'm supposed to be at Walt Disney World right now :(
Alberta is now testing anyone with any symptom. Calgary/South Zone numbers really went up in the last week, but there is a known outbreak with many being connected to a meat packing plant. Edmonton has stayed pretty steady with low numbers each day. Hope it stays that way. I'm so ready for this to be over ... I'm supposed to be at Walt Disney World right now :(
Me too I was supposed to be going to my favorite park, Cedar Point, in a couple of weeks for season pass preview.
did you actually read this story?? I'm extremely frustrated with myself that I even looked at it!!! It's not a reliable story based on the name they have plastered to the virus. I even doubt the story has any validity.

My cousin is in the forces. It's legit. Extended until June 30th.
I can see the US side of the border being open to Canadians, Trump is in favour of opening their doors sooner rather than later. But I can also see the Canadian Government mandating immediate quarantine upon returning, at least until a vaccine is found, or they make more headway here in rapid testing. I can't see blood tests, (consider the biologically hazardous nightmare that would be) but Trump was saying the US has developed a rapid test system that gives results in 15 minutes using a simple cheek swab. I can see that being mandatory before boarding an airplane in the future, which is totally fine with me. I am super anxious to book a trip, flights in September and October are SO cheap right now. But I don't think we will be planning anything until at least a year or more out.. too many unknowns right now. Makes me sad :( I miss Disney so bad.

I agree with all of this. I think we'll be allowed to go over, probably at the end of the 30 days, but I think we'll have to quarentine after. And I expect that to last until a vaccine comes out.

As for missing Disney... y'know, it's funny, I had pretty much made up my mind we were done with Disney and wouldn't go back. Initially we were planning a trip next June, but when we really sat down and looked at the cost, I just said it's not worth it. And now... all I can think about is Disney and wanting to go back, LOL. Suddenly, this makes you look at cost in a new light, lol.

I'm in no hurry to go down there anytime soon. The way they have handled this scares me. In the coming weeks there will many more cases cause they are rushing to get back to normal.

The beach. Need we say more???

Just remember, our "numbers" are based on the fact that you have to be either a healthcare worker or dying to get the darn test. You don't just get tested because you can't breathe and go to the hospital. I don't even know what criteria they use, but they sure aren't testing unless they really have to. So take those numbers with a grain of salt. Our deaths might be lower, but I wouldn't put money on our spread of the disease being as low as it seems.

It depends where you are. New Brunswick is testing anybody that has ANY symptoms - runny nose and headache? You can get tested. They're also starting to roll out testing for asymptomatic people as well.
I agree with all of this. I think we'll be allowed to go over, probably at the end of the 30 days, but I think we'll have to quarentine after. And I expect that to last until a vaccine comes out.

As for missing Disney... y'know, it's funny, I had pretty much made up my mind we were done with Disney and wouldn't go back. Initially we were planning a trip next June, but when we really sat down and looked at the cost, I just said it's not worth it. And now... all I can think about is Disney and wanting to go back, LOL. Suddenly, this makes you look at cost in a new light, lol.

The beach. Need we say more???

It depends where you are. New Brunswick is testing anybody that has ANY symptoms - runny nose and headache? You can get tested. They're also starting to roll out testing for asymptomatic people as well.
Its not just the beach thing. Its the whole rushing to get back to normal.
My cousin is in the forces. It's legit. Extended until June 30th.
ok I'll ask you then, do you agree with this part of the article I'm upset about?
CPP apparently refers to calling the virus Chinese Communist Party Virus and I find that extremely offensive and troubling if it's in fact connected to the Pentagon. That's why I was questioning the article.

if your cousin agrees with the fact that the Travel ban has been extended I'm happy about that! It's the article itself that irked me!!!
It's actually good for 24 months. I'm fine taking the credit, I know we will be flying with them again soon enough, but I understand why other people just want their darn money back, too. If I had the choice is rather have money than the flight credit too but here we are.
My response was to those trying to decide if they would take the plunge and book a flight now at a good price knowing that there was an offer of a flight credit if they couldn't go. I would wait and not book anything until things were a little more settled and you wouldn't have to rely on a flight credit for plans that may change.
My cousin is in the forces. It's legit. Extended until June 30th.

The Epoch Times source that was linked to is the problem.. the extension was easy to look up on google to verify it from legit sources.. i’m in agreement with donald-my hero, calling covid 19 the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus is just an attempt to assign blame.. like someone else has done at briefings lately.


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