Coming from NY. This is horrible

Where the topic has come up since June there's usually rebuttal comments questioning if the tri state really has been decreasing like the numbers show. Even here there's been comments in disbelief that seemed to be genuine.
To some extent is understandable for people living elsewhere unable to witness themselves but seriously, how long could a 20m pop metro area possibly fake declines undetected.
That’s crazy to me! I don’t like the arrogance of some people over the numbers, but I absolutely believe they are true numbers.
It's hard not to wonder if some intention behind this ongoing decision was to fuel citizens into questioning whether NY/NJ/CT really brought numbers down and kept them flat, and help feed a perception the tri-state is somehow responsible for our nation's predicament. Confuse, divide, distract?

I'd like to give the benefit of the doubt. Maybe it's due to traffic volume or some other outlook. Who knows but the silence is awkward.

Ha! One can say the numbers are fudged and part of a conspiracy. But, it doesn't correlate with our state's reopenings. COVID spreads so easily here, due to the density of the population. NOW that we know COVID is airborne, is it any wonder people living and breathing on top of each other in NYC, in elevators, in stairwells, in subways & buses, crammed into tiny stores, spread it so easily to each other?

The Gov. & Mayor have been extremely cautious about reopening. They would NEVER do anything to risk us becoming the epicenter once again. It's not like we can be SURE we can control it quickly if it gets out of hand again.

I'm wondering if making people quarantine for 14 days in a state that has a higher infection rate than the states they are coming from, is to help bring in money to FL hotels & restaurants? Or that the FL Gov. is trying to prove a point to the federal government?

Also, a PP mentioned, the NY Gov. announced today that he's sending 280 doses of Remdesivir to Florida to help care for COVID patients. I actually wondered WHY the Gov. would be so nice as to do that after the FL Gov. re-enacted the quarantine on NY. :confused3 Turns out, that amount will last only one day, as FL now has so many patients. :(

. . . But, the way the NY Gov worded his announcement to FL, he is proving WE don't need those doses: :rolleyes1
(Bolding mine)

"When New York was climbing the COVID mountain with no end in sight and resources were scarce, we were incredibly moved by the generosity of states around the country that stepped up to provide supplies and medical personnel in our time of need," Governor Cuomo said. "Thanks to the hard work and sacrifice of the people of New York - and the assistance of those states - we bent the curve. With continued discipline of wearing masks and social distancing, along with a phased, data-driven reopening, New York's numbers have remained low and steady. I said at the time that we would return the favor if and when other states needed help. Today, on behalf of all New Yorkers, we will deploy Remdesivir to help Florida care for patients as it waits for further supply from the federal government. We will stand by our fellow Americans every step of the way as our nation fights COVID-19 together."​

Back at ya! Governor DeSantis. :p

Although, it is a bit tit-for-tat. :rolleyes2 And I wish we aren't giving our supplies of drugs we may still need someday. Give the ventilators. We need the Remdesivir. :(
I live in Florida and DeSantis does NOT represent me. If I got to make the rules, we would not be in the situation right now. In my area, I would estimate the mask usage at 50/50 and that's an all time high. Clearly people are not doing what they should on their own, so unfortunately we need to have it mandated.

I don't think anyone should be traveling between any states right now. Everyone needs to give a little and stay put. I think it's outrageous that all the businesses here are open, including theme parks.

If I didn't live here, I would stay as far away as I could get. Right now, I would be willing to give up some freedoms, temporarily, and would be totally cool with people asked to stay within their own counties, other than work. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

As far as the states blaming each other, that's just blatant stupidity. Lots of people have done the right thing from the beginning, and lots haven't. All of the governors in question here are behaving like preschoolers rather than leaders. They need to be less worried about taking pokes at each other, and more worried about protecting the people of their states at any cost. Yes, I said ANY cost.
I live in Florida and DeSantis does NOT represent me. If I got to make the rules, we would not be in the situation right now. In my area, I would estimate the mask usage at 50/50 and that's an all time high. Clearly people are not doing what they should on their own, so unfortunately we need to have it mandated.

I don't think anyone should be traveling between any states right now. Everyone needs to give a little and stay put. I think it's outrageous that all the businesses here are open, including theme parks.

If I didn't live here, I would stay as far away as I could get. Right now, I would be willing to give up some freedoms, temporarily, and would be totally cool with people asked to stay within their own counties, other than work. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

As far as the states blaming each other, that's just blatant stupidity. Lots of people have done the right thing from the beginning, and lots haven't. All of the governors in question here are behaving like preschoolers rather than leaders. They need to be less worried about taking pokes at each other, and more worried about protecting the people of their states at any cost. Yes, I said ANY cost.
Can I ask what county you are in, if that’s not too intrusive? I’m really hoping in Broward and Dade counties, where it’s really bad, people are using masks more. That’s where my family is. I know my relatives are using masks, but I’m curious what others are seeing
Can I ask what county you are in, if that’s not too intrusive? I’m really hoping in Broward and Dade counties, where it’s really bad, people are using masks more. That’s where my family is. I know my relatives are using masks, but I’m curious what others are seeing

No, I am in Suwannee County. We have been less hard hit until recently. I have not traveled down south since this whole thing started. I HOPE they are more mask compliant there.

I had to pick up some prescriptions in town today - drive through. On my way home, I stopped at our Dollar General, out there in the boonies. It's the only store I go in anymore, and may not even do that soon. The only people wearing masks were me and two other women, who were together. Even the cashiers and stock people had no masks. There were about 6 or 7 other customers with no masks.

We live about ten miles from the nearest town, in the middle of the woods, literally. We have been staying home since March 7th. We always wear masks if we have to go out anywhere. I feel like we are among the very few around here that take it seriously.

While I was in the Dollar General today, there was a group of three people, in their 30's or so, acting like trash in there. Dry humping each other on the ice cream cooler, discussing how they were at the pool hall playing poker last night, and going back tonight. Conversation laced with profanities. Just kind of an example of what we're dealing with in this neck of the woods.
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Yeah, I wouldn’t argue NY was without flaw. There was plenty of hesitation to go around in the US. But on a scale, NY jumped in pretty quick. And Cuomo I felt was pretty straight with us about how serious this was and how much personal sacrifice we were going to have to show in order to help our neighbor. I think that’s a big part of it: the messaging. Most of the NYers I know see it as their duty to roll up their sleeves and do this hard thing. Obviously, not ALL NYers. But that’s the general mood here.

ETA and I’m no particular lover of Cuomo.
I agree about the messaging. I probably watched 75% of Charlie Baker’s briefings here in MA in March and April. His tone was somber and serious as he implored people to do their part by staying home over and over again. He got emotional talking about not being able to visit with his own 91 year old Dad. He was always upfront about the numbers and never tried to sugarcoat anything.

I watched the Orange County Mayor’s briefing from Orlando earlier this week and I was flabbergasted by the difference in messaging. Mayor Demings and Mayor Dyer were serious but kept trying to spin the numbers in the most positive way possible even as Florida is in the middle of regularly adding 8-10,000 new cases a day. The medical director confessed that he had been called out in Home Depot over the weekend for not wearing a mask himself.When asked if there was any concern with Disney reopening in the midst of this surge in cases they essentially shrugged and said they were comfortable with the plans Disney submitted. It’s no wonder that so many people in Florida are still out and about as if nothing is happening if the messaging from officials is so casual.
I don’t live in FL or NY, but this thread did get me thinking.

1. FL already had a NY/NJ/ CT quarantine in place
2. NY has already proven they will find at least some individuals who arrive in NY via FL
3. FL cases increasing
4. NY/NJ/CT cases decreasing

It is very expedient to keep visitors from the Tri-State away from FL. The last thing FL needs right now is an outbreak in NYC area traced to FL tourism. It is just a theory, but self-interest provides amazing incentive.
Go to California and enjoy Disneyland when they finally open. I wouldn't go near Florida right now or even later. But then I wouldn't go near Texas if I had a choice either.
Please don't! Southern California has been hit hard and continues to be. At least for now, our Governor has halted openings and has rolled back some in many counties. But I want to see us get this back under control.
Can I ask what county you are in, if that’s not too intrusive? I’m really hoping in Broward and Dade counties, where it’s really bad, people are using masks more. That’s where my family is. I know my relatives are using masks, but I’m curious what others are seeing

I live in Broward County. DH works in Miami-Dade. I don't go out, but he says everyone is wearing masks. There is a Covid patrol that's monitoring businesses checking for compliance. As we've seen here, at least one member thinks the Miami-Dade mayor is going too far & making things up based on his obvious political bias, so who knows what will happen in the future.
Go to California and enjoy Disneyland when they finally open. I wouldn't go near Florida right now or even later. But then I wouldn't go near Texas if I had a choice either.

I am totally doing this. We have Paradise Pier Hotel reservations for Labor Day weekend.
Please don't! Southern California has been hit hard and continues to be. At least for now, our Governor has halted openings and has rolled back some in many counties. But I want to see us get this back under control.
As strict as California has been by comparison, I figured that Disneyland wouldn't open until things seemed to be under control. I'm not as certain about WDW.
This might be a good indication that travel is a BAD idea right now. Stay home! Forget your Disney fix!

Yup. Or stay in your state or region. Since Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona are all still open or mostly within your own bubble. There are plenty of places to vacation within those states if your governors are still allowing that, and it seems that most are. Indoor dining is open to varying degrees. Bars are open in some of those states. Theme parks are opening as we know. Masks are optional in some of those states and even where the masks are mandatory, many citizens are defiantly (and ignorantly) refusing to wear them.

We flattened the curve here and are still not fully open. We followed the rules and continue to do so.

I wish all of those states with surging cases would ban all incoming travel from and outgoing travel to the states in the Northeast that have flattened the curve. Ban us from coming down there. Ban your citizens from coming here. That would be fine by me.
I think you should thank your lucky stars that people from your area can't travel to FL right now. I wish FL would impose this quarantine on MA. Our numbers were just as bad; we were third in the country for # of cases (behind NY and NJ) for months. Pretty sure the only reason they didn't was purely political. We have worked so hard to get our numbers down here and I fear that they will go up if people start traveling and/or letting down their guard.
We have thousands of dollars in canceled airfare credit from spring trips that couldn't happen. We had been hoping to get down to FL this summer to see my dad (in Bradenton) and DS24 (Orlando area). DS has the virus and my dad is staying home as much as possible. My dad says people in his area are terrible about wearing masks and he's had it with the ridiculous hoax theories. I worry about him due to his age and past heart issue. Both have stressed that it is absolutely not safe to travel to FL right now.


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