A Jolly Holiday with Masseys: THE TRIP REPORT - WDW Dec2019

As they were walking from the restroom area, young son proceeded to run his hands along the textured wall. Of course both Mom and Dad voiced their frustration and young son was sent back to wash his hands again. At the time I chuckled at a kid being a kid but now an incident like this has so much more meaning and fear.
Yeah... and schools opening in the fall... because all the kids will social distance and cover their coughs, right?
This ended up being a very good idea, Dennis was able to prevent JP escaping on his side while Danielle did the same on her side. This even worked when he tried to escape from under the table, which he did try a few times.
:laughing: Slippery, is he?
This was the last time we carried that extra bag.
Betting that was a relief.
That looks really good.
My drink must have been pretty good cause it looks like most of it is gone.
:laughing: Well... fruity drink. Those go down pretty easily. :)
Does this not look good?
Dinner here was just okay.
<sigh> I hear that too often. Wish they'd up their game, but... I'm sure volume plays a part in that.
Our waitress was just okay and ended up getting a little tiffed with us. I had told her I wanted to pay out of pocked for JP's meal and the tip with gift cards but she charged it back to the room. She was not happy when I asked her to correct it.
I would've been sorely tempted to leave it on the room charge and not tip her anything at all.
I always felt the servers were over stressed and over worked.
An unfortunate reality in a lot of restaurants.
After dinner it was time to use our FP for Living with the Land and all it's holiday glory. I'm now going to over load you with some of the sights. I really think the lights add to the charm of the ride.
Thanks for all those. I've never seen it like that and didn't even know it was a thing until recently.
we debated staying for Epcot Forever
I may never see it if they stick to their 2 years plan.
I also enjoyed using my annual pass discount.
I bet! :laughing:

He sure liked it.

We ate at Coral Reef once, back in 2006 and thought it was just okay. We've never been back since though someday we might just because it is kind of cute in there.

Eating with the fishes just sounds like it would be awesome.

Omg, I LOVED that Holiday Overlay! Just you wait til I share the WHOLE video in my trip report!

Loved it too. Looking forward to your video.

Looks so pretty at night :love:

Yes it does!

Same! That's why I need a dedicated, week-long Christmas trip in 2021 🙏🎄

I want a do over too.

I hear a lot of “just ok” reviews of Coral Reef which is a shame because I feel like it had the potential to be amazing with the aquarium in there.

The fact that you can eat with the fishes just make it seem like it should be great. I think that's why we keep giving it another try.

I love the Christmas overlay on living with the land. So so pretty 😊. I didn’t know they did that but I’m definitely adding it to the list of things I want to do when we get to do a Christmas trip.

I'm so glad I read about it on another report and did not miss it. I know they weren't doing it when we went in 2005.

Denis sounds so like the men in my life- maybe it’s just a boy thing- they also like routines and dislike change :goodvibes

Men:sad2:. Coral Reef was the very first table service we ate at so he keeps wanting to go back.
Yeah... and schools opening in the fall... because all the kids will social distance and cover their coughs, right?

I'm so glad I do not have school age kids right now. Parents have my sympathy.

Slippery, is he?

Very much so.

Betting that was a relief.

Yes it was. One less bag is always a winner.

That looks really good.

It was. I'm glad I got it.

Well... fruity drink. Those go down pretty easily.

The only kind I like.

I hear that too often. Wish they'd up their game, but... I'm sure volume plays a part in that.

Maybe things will improve now.

I would've been sorely tempted to leave it on the room charge and not tip her anything at all.

I wish I had thought about that, but I really have a hard time not tipping anything since both my girls have been waitresses.

An unfortunate reality in a lot of restaurants.

Yes it is.

Thanks for all those. I've never seen it like that and didn't even know it was a thing until recently.

Neither did I. Hopefully they keep doing it.

I may never see it if they stick to their 2 years plan.

I don't think I'll ever see it either. No nigh time entertainment for the foreseeable future. Danielle saw it while on her program and thought it was just okay. I do think they add something extra to it during the holidays.

Can't wait to use it again. I have started a list of what I want to purchase when we go.
I'm so glad I do not have school age kids right now. Parents have my sympathy.
Little Petri dishes.
Was always getting sick in the fall from whatever my kids brought home.
Yes it was. One less bag is always a winner.
The only kind I like.
Me too!
I wish I had thought about that, but I really have a hard time not tipping anything since both my girls have been waitresses.
I tip okay, I think. I’ve worked in that industry and know how hard you work. But on one, maybe two occasions I have not tipped. And it has to be really bad for that to happen. Giving me attitude for their error might do that.
I don't think I'll ever see it either. No nigh time entertainment for the foreseeable future. Danielle saw it while on her program and thought it was just okay. I do think they add something extra to it during the holidays.
Saw a video. Was underwhelmed.
Little Petri dishes.
Was always getting sick in the fall from whatever my kids brought home.

As of now the kids here are doing distance learning. I think school starts next week. I think the private schools are doing something different.
The kids will be bringing home something new this year.

I tip okay, I think. I’ve worked in that industry and know how hard you work. But on one, maybe two occasions I have not tipped. And it has to be really bad for that to happen. Giving me attitude for their error might do that.

So, what happened?

Saw a video. Was underwhelmed.

Then we aren't missing much.
So, what happened?
We went for breakfast (all 4 of us) at Pancake House. We waited a short while and then were sat. Our waitress showed up not long after and took our drink orders. A while later she came back with the drinks (juices and the like). We were ready to order, but she left before we could. We waited a while, sipping on our drinks. Eventually she came back and we placed our orders. Before I could ask for drink refills (tbh, I thought she'd ask about that herself), she left. I commented to the family that we'd be finished our drinks before the food arrived, as we were almost done already. A two top got sat behind us while we waited. And waited. And waited. The two top got their drinks, their order in and their food and we sat with empty glasses. The table next to us got sat with 6 people. She took their drink orders and brought them their drinks and took their orders. We kept waiting. We were starting to say to each other that we were thirsty and having something to drink would be nice. The 6 top got their food and I failed to get the waitress's attention. So we sat and waited. The waitress came back and asked the 6 top if they wanted refills. Still couldn't get her attention. Finally, our food arrived and I asked the runner to let our server know we all needed drinks. She never came back. Not to ask how the food was nor to bring drinks. After we finished eating, we waited a while for the waitress to come by with our bill. Eventually, I said "Let's go" to the family and we headed out of the dining room. When you do so, you can either turn left, to the cashier to pay your bill, or right, to the exit. I turned right. DW said "Where are you going?" I told her I was leaving. She told me I should go pay. I turned around and walked over to the cashier. She was busy with another guest, so I waited until she was done. Once she was, I pointedly looked at my watch and said "You have exactly 5 minutes to get my bill, or I'm leaving." She did and I paid and we left. If there'd been a way to deduct a tip, I would've.

I get that things happen. Food gets burned or a plate gets dropped. But I really can't see an excuse for that poor service, especially considering the service that those around us received.
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K-8 are going back on schedule. First week of September.

So, this kids will be back in the classroom? At least your numbers are better than ours.

I get that things happen. Food gets burned or a plate gets dropped. But I really can't see an excuse for that poor service, especially considering the service that those around us received.

I cringed as I read about your experience. We have had service like this before and not tipped either. Dennis would have had the red-a**. I think he might have walked out too. I'm glad it wasn't at Disney.
Maybe it's a Southern express. I means you're extremely MAD, think flaming.
It sure ain't a Northern one! :laughing:

So do you say "he has the red-a**" (noun) or "he's red-a**) verb?

"Bob had his car stolen, he has the red-a**."
"Bob's red-a**. His car was stolen!"
Or something else?
So I guess I have some news too, and was hoping you guys could help me out.

Jimmy has been working since May (in Michigan), and I'm still not working. My old job called me to come back but I can't start until we are in a phased opening that allows us to train in the office again. Just so much unknown. Jimmy still comes home once a month, but this past trip (this last weekend) he asked if we could all meet in Disney instead. Next thing you know we're booked. So Jimmy and I are taking (and surprising) the kids with a trip over Labor Day weekend. We're staying at Pop. I got our ME booked today, since we're on separate flights. I'm flying out of Baton Rouge instead of driving to New Orleans. It'll be easier on me and the kids. Tiny airport less places to lose them or risk smacking both of them in front of too many people for being obnoxious. They both go back to school next week. They're both in Catholic schools. I may miss having them home (NOT)!

The plan is to load them up, uniforms on, backpacks packed the morning we go. We will call dad like always on the way to school and he will have a surprise for them... he's getting on a plane! They'll think he's coming home. Then I'll either park at the school parking lot or bring them for breakfast if they're good and give them two small packages that'll be in the trunk. It'll have their magic bands, pillow and blanket for the plane ride, their "will trade brother/sister for fastpass" shirt i got them, and G is getting a stitch loungfly and JP will get a new playset to be excited about. That kid could play with toys for hours and hours and hours.

So we're really pumped about that. I've tried to find out all the info I can on how to prepare. I made us reservations at Tony's for dinner and TREX. We are skipping epcot. With so much closed and how hot it is, we're just doing the other 3 parks. Jimmy wants to do haircuts at the barber shop. They're temporarily closed, but I'll keep checking in on that. We just want to kind of wing it and do whatever we want. But I do kind of want a heads up on what to expect if there are threads you can link for me to peruse through.
So I guess I have some news too, and was hoping you guys could help me out.
That sounds like so much fun!! :goodvibes

Don’t really have much to offer except... I know a few people who’ve been recently. And have had a great time with low crowds.
But I do kind of want a heads up on what to expect if there are threads you can link for me to peruse through.

My sister and I went for the opening and it was HOT! I live in Houston so am used to heat and humidity, but with all the concrete and the masks, our sweat was sweating! 😂

The temperature checks and security was really smooth. They don’t go through your bag much any more. They just had us take any metal water bottles or bigger metal items out of our bag.

We sanitized our hands pretty much any time we saw a hand sanitizer station, which were plentiful!

The parks were gloriously empty! The longest waits we had were for Pirates (30 mins, would have been a walk on but they cleaned the boats while we were in line) and Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (posted 60, actual 35). We did all four parks and got to do things multiple times. We didn’t feel like the shorter park hours made us miss anything. The Touring Plans Lines app was much more accurate than the MDE.

I did miss being able to park hop. We’re usually a rope drop one park, nap mid day, dinner to close in another park.

The character cavalcades were cute. You always kind of had a bit of warning because the background music would suddenly change.

Disney Springs was the only place that was “crowded”. A couple of times we detoured to avoid some of the choke points with too many people for our comfort level.

That said we honestly felt safer at Disney than we do going to Target and the grocery store here because people were all wearing masks properly and actively hand sanitizing.

We rented a car rather than relying on bus transport because we wanted to minimize our time in enclosed spaces with other people. We did take the monorail from the Poly to MK but drove everywhere else.

Feel free to PM me if you have questions!
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Great surprise for the kids. I follow Jen and Joe on the go! and read @Jenny Sanders (she's the Jen of Jen and Joe) trip reports here on the dis. They've been recently so may be worth reading about their trip for ideas :goodvibes
We rented a car rather than relying on bus transport because we wanted to minimize our time in enclosed spaces with other people. We did take the monorail from the Poly to MK but drove everywhere else.

I wonder if the car rental companies are getting extra business because of this and people wanting to avoid busses etc...who knows.
My sister and I went for the opening and it was HOT! I live in Houston so am used to heat and humidity, but with all the concrete and the masks, our sweat was sweating! 😂

The temperature checks and security was really smooth. They don’t go through your bag much any more. They just had us take any metal water bottles or bigger metal items out of our bag.

We sanitized our hands pretty much any time we saw a hand sanitizer station, which were plentiful!

The parks were gloriously empty! The longest waits we had were for Pirates (30 mins, would have been a walk on but they cleaned the boats while we were in line) and Mickey & Minnie’s Runaway Railway (posted 60, actual 35). We did all four parks and got to do things multiple times. We didn’t feel like the shorter park hours made us miss anything. The Touring Plans Lines app was much more accurate than the MDE.

I did miss being able to park hop. We’re usually a rope drop one park, nap mid day, dinner to close in another park.

The character cavalcades were cute. You always kind of had a bit of warning because the background music would suddenly change.

Disney Springs was the only place that was “crowded”. A couple of times we detoured to avoid some of the choke points with too many people for our comfort level.

That said we honestly felt safer at Disney than we do going to Target and the grocery store here because people were all wearing masks properly and actively hand sanitizing.

We rented a car rather than relying on bus transport because we wanted to minimize our time in enclosed spaces with other people. We did take the monorail from the Poly to MK but drove everywhere else.

Feel free to PM me if you have questions!
Thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!
Don’t really have much to offer except... I know a few people who’ve been recently. And have had a great time with low crowds.

I'm beginning to think you would go if you could just to experience the low crowds?

Great surprise for the kids. I follow Jen and Joe on the go! and read @Jenny Sanders (she's the Jen of Jen and Joe) trip reports here on the dis. They've been recently so may be worth reading about their trip for ideas :goodvibes

I'm following this report too! @mFont23 you should read and watch the videos too.

I wonder if the car rental companies are getting extra business because of this and people wanting to avoid busses etc...who knows.

I would think so.


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