Altered Paint Can Swap - Progress Thread Deadline 10/31


I am sorry if anything I said was offensive.. It was n't my intention. I know full well it was my fault I should have mailed them when I completed them. I know I for one appreciate all the work you have already done for this swap.
These seemed like a fun idea to try to create, but I wondered where on earth you live that you could hold them all. I figured you must live in a really BIG house, or have one of those bonus rooms over the garage to store them all in. That they are in a room you use must really stink for your family. My DH would ban me from hostessing if I did that and he's pretty easy going.
I am really sorry I didn't lable my cans better to make sorting easier for you. I totally wasn't thinking about that and was just glad to get them done and out of the house.
Hope the swapping out goes smoothly for you and that the cleaning fairies stop by to help you afterwards. (and then please capture them and send them to my house) Enjoy your entertaining afterwards.
I have a huge house but these boxes still take up a huge amount of space even in a huge house. If I get them out of the way, I'd have to move them to an out-of-the-way space and then move them all back. I will be most happy when they are all gone! :cheer2:
I have a huge house but these boxes still take up a huge amount of space even in a huge house. If I get them out of the way, I'd have to move them to an out-of-the-way space and then move them all back. I will be most happy when they are all gone! :cheer2:
Well, i have to say that i am a little upset. Nothing personal against anyone, but I overnighted my cans on Oct. 30th, to have the deadline met.. She said she wouldn't accept late entries & they would be sent back.. and i felt bad, so i sent them.. And i paid over $30 to send them!!! and believe me, i don't have the extra money to throw around either! I am just really really upset, because with her being in PA, I could have EASILY priority mailed them on the same day as PF, and only paid about $6, (that is what i was quoted from the PO), instead i paid $32!!! And that money could have been used to go to WDW with me in a couple weeks..
I don't mean to jump on anyone, i am just highly upset, that a strict deadline was given, and then extended to at least one person. It's not fair for those of us who paid and shipped.
Just as sharon is done hostessing, i am definately taking a break from swapping for a while.. (except for my 2 CJ's & SS swap- i really enjoy them!!)
For the most part, i have had fun, and met really great talented people.. But, I can't afford to try to do the right thing, and then waste tons of money in the process..
Caitsmama :grouphug: I totally see where you are coming from. I know I am going to have overnight my good-vs-evil swap as I am no where near being able to finish it in time to first class or even priority it. I don't envy any of the hostess when it comes to deciding what to do about deadlines and when or if to extend them. There will be hurt feelings plenty to go around. I hope to still see you in some future swaps.
havencruiser said:
I took Thursday off from work and will be sure to swap them out as planned. The boxes are taking up my family room and I need to use the room for an event here on Monday night and will be away for the week-end. I think this swap took all the "hostessing" out of me! No more hostessing on this board for me.
It doesn't seem fair to me to make the folks who paid extra to get their stuff to me on time see that the deadline is extended for "late" folks and the folks who didn't get their stuff on time are upset because the deadline wasn't extended. I thought I was pretty clear all along but that didn't seem to work either. :confused3 :confused3

The cans that have come so far are wonderful and I am sure you will all enjoy them. I think I will just be a swap PARTICIPANT from now on!

Hey now, I was never upset with YOU regarding the deadline and I thought I made that pretty clear that it was entirely my fault and I understood if you didn't want me to send them in. I am sorry Caitsmama that you are so upset, I see 100% where you are coming from as well. It wouldn't have mattered if I had overnighted them on Monday anyways, as I didn't get to go to the Post Office until 3 minutes before they closed and they said it being that late, even if I Expressed them, they would have arrived at the EARLIEST on Wednesday. I was more than willing to bow out of this swap, I felt sooo entirely bad that I let my real life get in the way of my online commitments. Really, I do apologize and I hate to leave a bad taste in anyones mouth. All I can do is say I am sorry again and then hope to be forgiven. If not, well I tried and I am not going to lose any sleep over this. I seriously have enough drama in my life that takes away from my sleep right now, LOL. Again, sorry guys!! I cannot be any MORE sorry than I am.
Well, it looks like I won't be that late after all. My package left Springfield, PA today, 11/01. I know it's still late, but it sure beats getting there Thursday or Friday!!

Delivery Confirmation:
0304 1560 0007 6002 6033
Thanks for the info! They should be there by the time I get home. :thumbsup2 I am staying home tomorrow to package all of these up and get them back out to you folks.

I will be cross-swapping to make sure you don't get several of your own back. Aside from one no-reply-until-today asking for more time (NOT!!!!) and me finding out that somebody volunteered to angel (unbeknownst to me) on Sunday for a mailing deadline that was last Wednesday, I think I have everybody accounted for. I will distribute the cans within groups first and then based on the Wish Lists of folks who sent them to me.

And then....I can reclaim my house! :Pinkbounc
Whew! I am done swapping out the paint cans. The the boxes are lined up the entire length of my family room into my living room! I will now try to pack them up to fit them into the boxes you sent me. Then I will do the labels and take 5 at a time to the post office tomorrow morning, afternoon, Saturday and Sunday.
I swapped them within groups first, then tried to fulfill the need to cover for those folks who sent in one for each person in the group even though each group had one or more persons who didn't end up sending in cans, and then I cross-swapped according to wish lists if I needed to do so.

Take some pictures! Thanks so much for hosting this one. It inspired me to make more cans for other occasions! What a lot of work! :thumbsup2
It's my favorite time of the swap. Time to stalk the mailman!!!
Thanks for letting me know!
Here is some Paint Can Swap Trivia:
Q. How long does it take at the Post Office to weigh, put on correct postage, put return postage inside box, tape, and address a paint can swap load?
A. Two hours...luckily, it was an automated Postal self-serve center and i wasn't at the window the whole two hours.

Q. How many boxes does it take to fill an Automated Postal Center drop bin?
A. As many boxes as I dropped in. The first one went "kerplunk" as it dropped to the bottom but the last few didn't have any distance to travel at all since the boxes has landed on top of each other the entire height of the bin.
havencruiser said:
Thanks for letting me know!
Here is some Paint Can Swap Trivia:
Q. How long does it take at the Post Office to weigh, put on correct postage, put return postage inside box, tape, and address a paint can swap load?
A. Two hours...luckily, it was an automated Postal self-serve center and i wasn't at the window the whole two hours.

Q. How many boxes does it take to fill an Automated Postal Center drop bin?
A. As many boxes as I dropped in. The first one went "kerplunk" as it dropped to the bottom but the last few didn't have any distance to travel at all since the boxes has landed on top of each other the entire height of the bin.

:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Bless your heart! you need a vacation!!
havencruiser said:
Thanks for letting me know!
Here is some Paint Can Swap Trivia:
Q. How long does it take at the Post Office to weigh, put on correct postage, put return postage inside box, tape, and address a paint can swap load?
A. Two hours...luckily, it was an automated Postal self-serve center and i wasn't at the window the whole two hours.

Q. How many boxes does it take to fill an Automated Postal Center drop bin?
A. As many boxes as I dropped in. The first one went "kerplunk" as it dropped to the bottom but the last few didn't have any distance to travel at all since the boxes has landed on top of each other the entire height of the bin.
I know your pain!!
At least now they are out of your house and back home to their owners!!! :)
I'm sure those postal workers are loving you!! :grouphug:


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