Celebrities you dislike/hate

The first two that immediately come to mind are Tom Cruise and Matthew McConaughey. Tom for many reasons. Matthew may be a lovely person, but he just turns my stomach.
Miley Cyrus
Matt Lauer
Megyn Kelly

And I don't know if I really don't like him or just don't understand the hype.......Johnny Depp.
Anyone who is Famous For Being Famous (Kardashians, etc.).

Anyone whose fame comes from a D-list reality show (the RHOC people, the Roloffs, the Duggars, etc.).

Anyone who is a political evangelist to the point of being grating (on both sides). That includes Sean Penn, Bill O'Reilly, and everyone in between.

People who have no talent but think they have all the talent (Jay-Z, Kanye West).

People who perform country music (all of them).
I totally agree with everything on this list, except the last line. Is it that you don't like listening to country music or it's too prevalent where you live? I know that I got sick of it because my dad played it all the time while I was growing up. Back then, it was called country & western, lol. Nowadays, I can appreciate some of the music but I can't listen to it all the time.
I can't think of any actors I can't stand to watch on the screen. Even Tom Cruise, who i think is a total loon and I have no use for him, I typically enjoy his movies.
All reality stars + a particular UK morning news presenter + Gwyneth Paltrow + Russell Brand + Jamie Oliver ............. better stop there I could go on!
I totally agree with everything on this list, except the last line. Is it that you don't like listening to country music or it's too prevalent where you live?


Kidding aside, I simply cannot stand country music. For one thing, it all sounds the same, and in many ways it's indistinguishable from pop. For another thing, the lyrics are all about god and soldiers and small towns and trucks and beer - there's only so much of that I can stomach.

My grocery store has country music playing on the intercom, and while I was in line Toby Chesney or whoever-the-hell was going on about the "country family." He mentioned plumbers and farmers and factory workers who are all a part of the "country family," and I'm like "What, plumbers and farmers and factory workers can't like jazz or classical or whatever? Executives, doctors, lawyers, and writers aren't allowed to like country music?"

That's my biggest beef with country music: it's so self-congratulatory. It treats itself and its fans as "true" music for the pure of heart, flag-waving, Bible-thumping people of traditional values. It's tiresome.

There is some good country music out there, it just doesn't get much airplay on the radio.
I have come to detest the whole celebrity "culture," including professional athletes. I admire those with talent (which is certainly not all of them), but I generally don't give a flip about what they do in their spare time or what they think on any particular subject. However, apparently many, many people do, and that both baffles and saddens me. Put me in the "Shut up and sing" group, although it has gotten to the point where I consume very little of what they have to offer. I don't buy music, I watch very little TV or movies, I've given up on most professional sports, and I avoid tabloid-style journalism. It is all just ridiculous to me. End of rant...
Tom Cruise (although I'll forever love Top Gun)
Reba Mcentire
Miley Cyrus
Any Kardashians/Jenners
Jennifer Lopez
Sarah Jessica Parker
Matthew McConnaughey

There's definitely more but these were the first to come to mind.
Nicolas Cage. I think he's a horrible actor and can't understand the love for him.


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