CLOSED Sketch Swap Progress

I'll take the last spot in Group 11 Holidays--Easter sketch #4SB made into a 2 pg. layout "Hippity, Hoppity, Happy Easter"
Annie - I will do Zoo in 17a to close that one out. I think it will be sketch 4sb converted to a 2-page. Thanks! Also, I will join MDD in Group D, sketch 5SB.
Need to get off this computer- I am avoiding unpacking and cleaning!

Don't forget to add hiclarke to Disney Color group : )
:goodvibes I was going to do hi-c, but it kept making me thirsty. :rotfl2:

I have removed the groups that had no players. Updated the posting to make the open spots easier to find.
:goodvibes I was going to do hi-c, but it kept making me thirsty. :rotfl2:

I have removed the groups that had no players. Updated the posting to make the open spots easier to find.

That is so the first thought I had too...
Remember I can be an angel.. Got a lot on my plate right now... Stressing myself with the Senior Year List of MUST be done!!!

Sending you an email...
Not looking forward to doing that when our time comes. I dread empty nest syndrome.

Will keep an eye out for the email.

Will keep you as an angel too.
I just want to get things done early.. I'm going to be dealing with a sense of empty nest during the school day as they are all in MS or HS so volunteering is darn near impossible or non-exsistent now.. :(

Just let me know what you need.. Wish I could come play now..
Thanks for watching out for me Michelle.

Yes, my initials are amusing in several different ways! We never personalize my daughter's stuff with her initials which are TIC - didn't think about that when we named her!:rotfl2:
Ann, Can I switch my sketch # please for the fall page in Group 10? I'd like to do 46SD and make it into a 2 pg. layout. Sorry to bother you with the piddly changes. Started pulling paper today and I got a new idea and this sketch works better. I only need to shop for 3 groups--yay! I love being able to use all this paper I hoard.
You can change your sketches anytime during the swap. No permission is necessary. :)
Do we have any other players? I may go ahead and close this sooner to give you all your final numbers.
I an debating about a couple groups, will let you know later this evening. I have never done a sketch swap before so I am a little nervous about signing up.

Everyone here will give any and all help you need. :)

I tried to pick sketches that had examples so you could see how they are used as guidelines.

Feel free to post examples for feedback along the way. The swappers here are great with giving good advice.
Okay you twisted my arm, may I have:

Group 3 DHS sketch 58sd mirrored to make 2 pages
Group 4 disney colors, sketch 12sc

Now off to the orthodontist, maybe I will be lucky and he will say Julia's braces can come off. I have been going to this office once a month for the past 6 years and I would love to be done with it!! He just keeps saying we can't rush a great smile.

I an debating about a couple groups, will let you know later this evening. I have never done a sketch swap before so I am a little nervous about signing up.


Cassey, I've never done these before either! I picked one of the easiest (to me) sketch to start out with!
Closing time....

I'll drop Grp F as I am the only one.

I'll take the last spot in Grp 13 boys

I'll take a spot in Grp D - disney colors

For 47SD Everyday -- it is just the two of us right now - -I'll leave it up to you whther you want to keep or drop it.


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