DDA Chapter 10

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I'm trying to decide what to make for a pot luck at the campground on Saturday night. The trick is to find something that I know my fussy kids will eat. I think I've decided on Sweet and Sour meatballs. I can do those in a crockpot with little mess :thumbsup2 I also searched for and Orange bread recipe. We had the most wonderful, moist orange bread at Tusker House. I think I may have found a similar recipe as an orange loaf. I guess I'll have to try it to see how it tastes.
I should get to bed soon. Hunter is awake again. He had the nightmare tonight. I wonder what's up with my boys lately :confused3
I tried to sleep and it wasnt happening, so here i am...I didnt do much today. I wasnt feeling 100% and ended up having a fever and i decided to just relax today. Luckily, i just have this meeting tomorrow and thats it.

But im hoping to find out some good news tomorrow ---i dont even know if ill get any news, but im hoping for good news!
Jen good luck today!

Terry I agree with everyone else, the issue of Hals foot being run over needs to be addressed.

Theresa I hope you find your missing bag & get some relief from your mouth pain :wizard:

Deb I had that orange bread at Tusker House & thought it was very good, good luck with the recipe!

:wizard: & :hug: to all!
Where is everyone tonight? It's pretty quiet for this time of night.

It was kind of quiet! We were stuck in the bedroom with cranky girls. :(

I'm actually feeling pretty good. Thanks for asking. I've noticed, though, that it was a lot easier to be pregnant in my 30's than it is in my 40's. I've got aches and pains galore, but it's all worth it!

::yes:: I can't believe you have just a few months left! I'm glad you are still feeling moderately well! :goodvibes

I think that his being run over is an huge issue. I think that they were just lucky that he wasn't hurt. The employees attitude is secondary.

Yes! Althoguh, the attitude definitely needs addressed as well, with importance! I can't ever tolerate poor service from an employee!

I should get to bed soon. Hunter is awake again. He had the nightmare tonight. I wonder what's up with my boys lately :confused3

:hug: I'm sorry you're having such restless nights in your household!

I tried to sleep and it wasnt happening, so here i am...I didnt do much today. I wasnt feeling 100% and ended up having a fever and i decided to just relax today. Luckily, i just have this meeting tomorrow and thats it.

But im hoping to find out some good news tomorrow ---i dont even know if ill get any news, but im hoping for good news!

Good luck today! :wizard:
All right, time to get my butt in gear. Who schedules an appointment for two infants at 8am?! (This crazy mom, prior to realizing that - someday (now) - they would be sleeping still in the morning! :rolleyes: )

I have in my head that I'm going to accomplish the huge task of re-sorting all of their clothes, now that I realize just HOW "off" the sizes run. I'm determined to not miss a single outfit because it was hiding while the girls grew out of it! :rotfl: If I can stay motivated, I won't be on much this afternoon.

Have a wonderful day, DDA! :grouphug:
I need some imput. I got an email regarding the golf cart incident. i am not sure what to make of it.

Mr. and Mrs. H:

I recently became aware of an incident involving one of our Felicita Resort employees. I must apologize for the actions of that employee.

The issue is not whether or not Mr. H's foot was run over or not. The issue is the attitude taken by the employee. Our philosophy at Felicita is to employ nice and bright employees. Obviously, the employee did not observe our nice and bright policy.

For this I am truly apologetic. Thank you for your feedback, I will use this to council the employee.


Ryan L
General Manager

I think my reply to him should be that part of the issue is that she did run over his foot. She came real close to hitting his leg. That has to be addressed as well.

What do ya'll think?

It sounds to me like he is afraid of a lawsuit. They are accepting no blame, so are attempting to deal simply with the attitude of the employee. The issue is that she hit Hal and then was rude. That is what needs to be addressed. Good luck!
I've got 2 things happening and I need some help from you all on one of them.

I, in a fit of stress and impulsiveness, bought a Vera Bradley off Evilbay. The seller sent it (I think) and the USPS says it was delivered yesterday...I have not seen hide nor hair of it. Can I do anything??

The other is the dentist said I might have tooth chips work their way out after the extractions....I've got a particularly painful one trying to break free...and it's making me grumpy!!

I don't have a definitive answer about the delivery, except to say that sometimes they show it delivered when in fact it arrives within 24 hours. I hope that is what has happened. :confused3

Good luck with the tooth fragments. I hope it won't get too painful, Theresa. :hug:
Jen - Good luck today!!

Jennifer - I was hoping that your little ones would have had a better night last night. :( Good luck at the doctor today!
It was an easy conclusion to reach for most of us, I think! ;) Maybe you should plan all your vacations for the rainy season...

No, thanks! I would rather be melting in the sun than be rained on! ;)

Debbie - As sad as it is that you have to switch doctors and gyms, at least there was a good option for each!

This is true!

I definitely think it should be addressed! They need to know that their employee was driving dangerously. It could happen again, and then there could be major lawsuits. They need to either train their employees better, or find another way to transport them.

Stick to your guns and make them address the hitting of Hal's leg!

I love backwards apologies. "WE'RE sorry YOU were standing in a spot where an employee ran over your foot." :headache: I would contact the manager and outline the problem for him again. Did you get a phone number for him?

I've got 2 things happening and I need some help from you all on one of them.

I, in a fit of stress and impulsiveness, bought a Vera Bradley off Evilbay. The seller sent it (I think) and the USPS says it was delivered yesterday...I have not seen hide nor hair of it. Can I do anything??

The other is the dentist said I might have tooth chips work their way out after the extractions....I've got a particularly painful one trying to break free...and it's making me grumpy!!

Oh, my!
Well, see if the bag shows up today. Did you ask the girls if they saw a box? Or maybe the mailman left it on a neighbor's porch? We have parcel lockers for USPS delieveries. UPS and FedEx just leave stuff on the porch. If you are checking "delivery confirmation" that doesn't mean the item made it to your house. I have read tons of threads about it. It just confirms that it arrived at your post office or got on the truck or something. Hopefully the bag will arrive today!
Good luck with the tooth! That sounds painful! :hug:

Back to work today!!

Things are still a mess because the guy didn't put any sealant around the edges of the kitchen sink. If any water splashes up on the counter it will leak into the cabinet. :rolleyes: I called as soon as I realized it wasn't sealed, and they said he would come back up and seal it. But he didn't. We went to get shoes for DS last night and I saw the maintenance guy outside. He said he would get to it today. OK, fine. Maybe one of these days I will get everything put back where it belongs in the kitchen. Then I can tackle the rest of the suitcases. :rolleyes1
I need some imput. I got an email regarding the golf cart incident. i am not sure what to make of it.

Mr. and Mrs. H:

I recently became aware of an incident involving one of our Felicita Resort employees. I must apologize for the actions of that employee.

The issue is not whether or not Mr. H's foot was run over or not. The issue is the attitude taken by the employee. Our philosophy at Felicita is to employ nice and bright employees. Obviously, the employee did not observe our nice and bright policy.

For this I am truly apologetic. Thank you for your feedback, I will use this to council the employee.


Ryan L
General Manager

I think my reply to him should be that part of the issue is that she did run over his foot. She came real close to hitting his leg. That has to be addressed as well.

What do ya'll think?
Issue one is that she ran over his foot. An employee is driving dangerously and could have been transporting people as well. (What if she had hit a tree? You gonna cut the tree down because it was in her way?)
Issue two was her response. A mangager wouldn't have to repremand his employee if she didn't run over his foot! (hense the not so nice and bright policy.)

I would call too - email's don't necessarly generate a quick response and they can come off standoffish sometimes. I say call and ask for the manager you talked to, if he's not available say you'll wait or as for someone above him because his email certainly didn't generate the correct managerial response.
Jen - good luck with the interview!

Deb - I hope you don't run into any problems with the pest guy today.

Theresa - no idea on the package. Maybe call the post office and see if it needed a signature - maybe the sticker saying "must be signed" fell off the door.

Jennifer - let us know how the doctor's for the girls go!

Have a great day everyone!
It was kind of quiet! We were stuck in the bedroom with cranky girls. :(

:hug: I'm sorry you're having such restless nights in your household

I guess it must be in the air. My Mother says she hasn't been sleeping well lately and I know that I haven't myself; even when the boys are sleeping well :confused3

All right, time to get my butt in gear. Who schedules an appointment for two infants at 8am?! (This crazy mom, prior to realizing that - someday (now) - they would be sleeping still in the morning! :rolleyes: )

I have in my head that I'm going to accomplish the huge task of re-sorting all of their clothes, now that I realize just HOW "off" the sizes run. I'm determined to not miss a single outfit because it was hiding while the girls grew out of it! :rotfl: If I can stay motivated, I won't be on much this afternoon.

Have a wonderful day, DDA! :grouphug:

Good luck. I just took a couple of days and had the boys try on all the clothes in their closets. Since sizes vary so widely I cannot just look at a tag to determine if it will fit :headache: Thankfully a lot still fit so I won't be going broke refilling their closets. I'm sure I can count on my mother for that with birthdays and Holidays right around the corner :thumbsup2

No, thanks! I would rather be melting in the sun than be rained on! ;)

Back to work today!!

Things are still a mess because the guy didn't put any sealant around the edges of the kitchen sink. If any water splashes up on the counter it will leak into the cabinet. :rolleyes: I called as soon as I realized it wasn't sealed, and they said he would come back up and seal it. But he didn't. We went to get shoes for DS last night and I saw the maintenance guy outside. He said he would get to it today. OK, fine. Maybe one of these days I will get everything put back where it belongs in the kitchen. Then I can tackle the rest of the suitcases. :rolleyes1

But how do the counters look? Did you get new cupboards too? Having new household items is always exciting :cool1:

Good Luck with your interview Jen
Deb - The counters do look nice. They are "faux" granite. Which means they are plastic with granite print. :rotfl2:
You might recall that they put in wood laminate flooring last year, which looks really nice. Our cabinets look HORRIBLE. I talked to our manager when they did the floors and told her the cabinets are awful. She offered to give me some of the oil they rub on them when they do make-ready for move ins. That wasn't going to help, so I didn't bother. The maintenance guy told me to call the office and talk to them about cabinets, but I don't think they will replace the cabinets in our apartment unless they are going to replace them property-wide. I can live with the ugly cabinets since I don't go in the kitchen that often. ;)
Princess was very excited to see us this morning! She had a good time with her grandparents and she is doing great on the potty, so hopefully we will get back into our routine without too much drama.
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