DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Feeling a bit of a proud dad moment today. My daughter got accepted to her first choice of college last night, and they also offered her a package of 4 scholarships/grants, which is just awesome.

Of course, it still doesn't quite put the cost into the "affordable" range. Or even the "do-able" range. We need to get a little bit more help. But I'm proud of her, regardless.
So, just out of curiosity...
Which one was the "first choice"?

Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
"We laughed... We cried... Could have done without the impromptu Latin Monologue, though..."
Been away for a bit here as DD & SIL hit town this past Thursday and we have been doing an early Christmas thing. Held our annual Christmas party on Saturday and our annual ain't doin much the following Sunday. Did "Christmas Day" yesterday with the kids and SIL family, another big event at our place. We enjoy it but we ain't getting younger and we have been crazy busy but in the end loving every minute of it. Couple more days of the office and then outa here for 12 straight.

All the best to those of you dealing with different challenges and such at this time of the year. Be it be health, family or the job, glad we all have this little place to discuss and get a bit of support when needed. With that, here's my attire greeting guests to our shindig - Merry Christmas, shutters are full!"

Well the overlords have finally made a decision.
For some strange reason, they've decided to let me live.
So I will still be employed for the foreseeable future. Of course they can always change their mind, but for the first time in in a year I actually know what their plan is. I'm supposed to be officially hired on Jan 1st, but now they just have to actually follow through on it. I do need to give credit to the folks that I have been doing work for as they saw my value and went to bat to keep me on.

One great sigh of relief...

There is just one teensy-weensy, but ever so crucial little, tiny detail.
They own me...

Errrr... I mean, they're paying more attention to me, or at least it would appear.
They've suddenly thrown up a pile of restrictions on internet access and our little clubhouse here is one of the sites that I can no longer access during the day. That's going to put a sizable crimp on my Dis time, but beggars can't be choosers in this instance.

Getting allowed in up that way ain't no walk in the park either.
I've looked into it fairly seriously on two occasions, and don't meet the required point qualifications.
That's great news, very happy to hear you have a certain amount of stability going forward! Cheers!
Hey guys, just checking in. I missed quite a bit. I've been busy avoiding axes at work.
I was hoping to do a longer post sometime. I've had a rough couple months on the job front to be honest but it's been a sh!t storm around here so I'll have to keep it brief.
Short story is that my company is not doing well and in an effort to get into the black before year end the axes have come out in force.
I had to lay off three of my staff last Friday and I really haven't been sure about myself for a while.
I finally received an offer letter last Friday to move into a different position. So at least I will be OK for a while longer.
I hope to have more time later to fill you guys in more.
A bit late but sorry to hear that you have had this hanging over your head and had to let folks go is never easy especially this time of the year. Thoughts are with you.
Nice. That's a quality item right there. Can I refill your egg nog for you? Get you something to eat? Drive you out to the middle of nowhere, leave you for dead?
Well played!
Morning chaps from a relatively sunny London. I have my freeloading extended family over tonight, who come round my house once a year, bring a cheap bottle of wine and then help themselves to my top shelf spirits. Never been invited around their houses. I just do it for my mum, but I've put her on notice that this might be the last year I do it, as I've done it in one form or another for 20 years, pretty much as soon as I had a house, it was "Good ol' Dan will pick up the slack"

I can't seem to shake this funk I'm in at the minute.

Have a good weekend all
Hope you are doing better and the funk is over as well as your family visit now a memory of the past. Cheers!
Happy Saturday. Worked this morning and enjoying the free time. We are hosting the outlaws for Christmas this year, so DW was following marching orders, spent the morning shopping, and my home is being turned into hoarded chaos. I'll be hauling tables and chairs home from the church for all the ingrates. And, I had to find/ hire someone to dress as Santa for the one child who still believes so all can take pictures. Then, one of them shows up with "gifts" for the "family". By gifts, it means tons of carp from QVC. By family, it means just those individuals that are liked. So, there's one for me, one for my youngest daughter, three for my older daughter, and five for my wife. Similar #s for the other 40 people coming to Christmas. As a result, there's no room under my tree or anywhere in the house, so I can't have the monorail up around the tree.
Hang in there Norm and remember it makes the wife happy. Try to enjoy what you can of the event and at least you don;t have to drive so look on the bright side. Cheers!
Our only big issue was one parent who looks at things through rose coloured glasses and always has. He tried to cause a scene with the head coach between matches because he son wasn't playing as much as he thought he should be. I feel sorry for the kid, he's a good kid, works hard he just isn't the best player at his position that we had.
One of the areas of being in youth sports that just drove me nuts. I loved the time but there was always "that parent"
I can't 100% say it was the lunch, but... I had a couple veggie samosas earlier and a bun with some homemade jam on it later...
And starting about mid-morning on Saturday until... well... it's still going on to a degree, I got food poisoning. Last night was rough, not gonna lie. I was one sick puppy. Worst of it is over, but... I can't quite figure out how I still have to sit on the pot when I've already gone 15 times (yeah, I counted) and haven't eaten solid food since then.

Hope your weekend was better. A lot better.
Sorry to hear but seems like you're doing better now
Having a rough day today. I've never told you guys this, but I have Bipolar Disorder. That's why I used to live down in Atlanta and now live up in Pittsburgh. My wife moved out to be with her family (with DS) and we got divorced while I was having trouble this year, and before we knew what was going on. She though I had just turned into a monster.

Now I am in therapy and on Meds, and doing slightly better. We live together again, but now I've gone from 6 years of being on my own in apartments to living in my mother in laws house. Despite that every week still brings a new struggle. I feel so worthless. It's nice being here and having people to talk to throughout the workday, I think I'd lose it from the lack of socialization if I didn't have the internet. So thanks everyone.
Hang in there and always know you can come to our little clubhouse to get away from things for a minute or two.
Feeling a bit of a proud dad moment today. My daughter got accepted to her first choice of college last night, and they also offered her a package of 4 scholarships/grants, which is just awesome.

Of course, it still doesn't quite put the cost into the "affordable" range. Or even the "do-able" range. We need to get a little bit more help. But I'm proud of her, regardless.
Congrats and best of luck with the financial aspects of college. Should not be as hard as it is to get an education
So, just out of curiosity...
Which one was the "first choice"?

That would be Drexel University in Philadelphia. It's insanely expensive, of course. She was also accepted into the University of Delaware, but their program isn't as strong.

Congrats and best of luck with the financial aspects of college. Should not be as hard as it is to get an education

Thanks! And agreed. Hopefully some of the other schools will make competitive offers so we have some leverage.
Made it to Tuesday. DW hit the garage door last night. Thankfully, only a small dent. It's the garage door's fault for not going up fast enough. :sad2:

Man pretty quiet around here. Everyone must be working hard.

I'm still here. That doesn't make it better.

I would trade cold for sun any day of the week

I need the sun and the heat.

Feeling a bit of a proud dad moment today. My daughter got accepted to her first choice of college last night, and they also offered her a package of 4 scholarships/grants, which is just awesome.

Of course, it still doesn't quite put the cost into the "affordable" range. Or even the "do-able" range. We need to get a little bit more help. But I'm proud of her, regardless.

Congrats to her. I told my youngest to attend whatever college offers her the best deal. She should get something for grades and tennis.

All the best to those of you dealing with different challenges and such at this time of the year. Be it be health, family or the job, glad we all have this little place to discuss and get a bit of support when needed. With that, here's my attire greeting guests to our shindig - Merry Christmas, shutters are full!"

View attachment 459172

Great outfit. All you need is the RV.
Hang in there and always know you can come to our little clubhouse to get away from things for a minute or two.
I plan on it! Thanks everybody. Having some sense of community does wonders.

One of the hardest parts of all this is we had to cancel a cruise we had planned for late november. That still bites. But to make up for it, we are doing DW and staying at the Grand in August.... gonna try and live off that excitement to get through winter!
That would be Drexel University in Philadelphia. It's insanely expensive, of course. She was also accepted into the University of Delaware, but their program isn't as strong.
I almost went to Drexel, but I was banking on a JROTC scholarship which didn't go through. Go Dragons!
I need the sun and the heat.
THIS. This is why I want to move to Florida and get it done with. However, I'll take the sun and no heat over being warmer with no sun
ABSOLUTELY. I don't mind the cold at all, but the weather around here can be cloudy for weeks at a time
We get an average of 316 sunny days per year. People around here freak out if it's cloudy for more than 3 days in a row.
My daughter got accepted to her first choice of college last night, and they also offered her a package of 4 scholarships/grants, which is just awesome.
Hey! That's great news! Congrats to her!!
Of course, it still doesn't quite put the cost into the "affordable" range. Or even the "do-able" range. We need to get a little bit more help. But I'm proud of her, regardless.
Move to Canada.

Too soon?
Other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Actually... how was that play? What play was it? Does anyone even remember the angst that the players felt at being interrupted???

here's my attire greeting guests to our shindig - Merry Christmas, shutters are full!"

That's great!
Sorry to hear but seems like you're doing better now
Seems to be behind me now... er… I'm better, I mean.
we are doing DW and staying at the Grand in August....
Morning all.

Another cool one and it looks like it will stay that way through Christmas. Too cold to snow as they say so we are probably having a green Christmas.

Office Christmas potluck today, looking forward to some tasty treats/

We get an average of 316 sunny days per year. People around here freak out if it's cloudy for more than 3 days in a row.

Crazy Peggers!
Top O the Mornin Dads! Physical inventory wrap up today at second of two distribution centers and then basically a day and a half left til some much needed time off. It's been a long stressful year at work compared to most. Looking forward to tomorrow night to see the final installment of the Skywalker saga with DS, we both grew up on these movies. Have a good one gents.
It's the garage door's fault for not going up fast enough. :sad2:
:rolleyes1 You know you're gonna loose that argument :car:
Made it to Tuesday. DW hit the garage door last night. Thankfully, only a small dent. It's the garage door's fault for not going up fast enough. :sad2:

She needs to work harder if she wants a new car.

Congrats to her. I told my youngest to attend whatever college offers her the best deal. She should get something for grades and tennis.

Thanks! I think ultimately our philosophy will be to send her to the best school we can afford. I just wish I could afford one.

I almost went to Drexel, but I was banking on a JROTC scholarship which didn't go through. Go Dragons!

It's certainly a better mascot than the Fightin' Blue Hen.

Hey! That's great news! Congrats to her!!


Move to Canada.

Too soon?

It's too cold up there.

Actually... how was that play? What play was it? Does anyone even remember the angst that the players felt at being interrupted???


It must not have been very good, since nobody remembers the name.
Made it to Wednesday. I can see the finish line for the week.

<cricket> <cricket> <cricket>

Phone? Candy? I give up.

I'm just going to be "politically incorrect"...don't care ..

Merry Christmas!

::yes:: Merry Christmas.

You know you're gonna loose that argument

I never had a chance. All the cars are paid off. I'm hoping that once I retire next year, that I can ditch the car and ride a bicycle to work. Have fun at Star Wars.

Thanks! I think ultimately our philosophy will be to send her to the best school we can afford. I just wish I could afford one.

Sadly, this college for all thing is just overrated. I have one kid who can handle it and one who can't. But, I get the stink eye whenever I recommend anything other than college.
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DW hit the garage door last night. Thankfully, only a small dent. It's the garage door's fault for not going up fast enough. :sad2:
Silly Door...
Clearly it was just asking for it.

But to make up for it, we are doing DW and staying at the Grand in August.... gonna try and live off that excitement to get through winter!
As consolation prizes go, I'd take that one.
Should help with the winter blues a mite.

We're planning to go back in late April and take the young'en and his buddy.
But we ain't stayin' the The Grand, that's a certainty.

Move to Canada.

Too soon?
Too late.
For me at least.
I've done incurred the debts and besides...

Y'all have already rejected my outright twice.
Don't believe my value has increased much since.

Actually... how was that play? What play was it?
Our American Cousin.
One of the more famous truing comedies at the time.

Booth timed it to coincide with one of the more prominent laugh lines.

Does anyone even remember the angst that the players felt at being interrupted???
The show must go on....

I'm just going to be "politically incorrect"...don't care ..

Merry Christmas!

And a Merry Christmas to you too, sir.

It's certainly a better mascot than the Fightin' Blue Hen.
Well. if the mascot could be a deciding factor, then she really need to check out U Cal - Santa Cruz.

It must not have been very good, since nobody remembers the name.
I do...
But I'm not normal, so...
It's too cold up there.
So... too soon. Come in summer.
Too late.
For me at least.
I've done incurred the debts and besides...

Y'all have already rejected my outright twice.
Don't believe my value has increased much since.
Hmm... not sure how serious you're being here. Did you try to emigrate?
Our American Cousin.
One of the more famous truing comedies at the time.

Booth timed it to coincide with one of the more prominent laugh lines.
Who got the last laugh?


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