DDC XXXIV: The Original Home Of The DISDads!!!

Even with the hair dye, I don't look quite that good...

BTW, should I know who that is?
I'm suspecting it's a still from a film or such.

That's sounds cool. I would like a Louisville made from uru metal...
You can have mine if you want, but it's just made from turned Ash like most of the rest of 'em.

You Can Do It Yes GIF by chelsiekenyon - Find & Share on GIPHY
Maybe you can...
Most of the rest of us don't have that option.

didn't think about that part, but given that most of you guys know the where abouts the others live, I feel fairly comfortable with having given that bit of information. Besides, there's still a lot of houses between where I live and work. However, if ever any of you guys come out this way, I can certainly give you guys some places to visit...and be willing to meet up for a beer or two.
I'll keep that in mind.
We all know the general whereabouts of most of the regulars, but not too many specifics. Cape Cod is a fairly large area so it's just interesting to see what general part of it you call home.

If you're ever traveling along I-77 near the NC/SC boarder, Holler out and I'll offer up a beer or two form one of our local breweries.

I have a honey do list...I have no idea where said list is, but I do have one.
As do we all.
It's that inaccessibility that makes it such a useful tool for those who are the keepers of said list.

At least you get to work from home though.
Four glorious hours of bliss.
Then this morning it was back into the fish bowl.

We can all accelerate retirement to tomorrow, depending on what you want retirement to look like.
If I retire tomorrow, it'll look a lot like foraging through dumpsters for dinner and sleeping under a bridge 'cause there ain't no room in the homeless shelter.
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Morning brethren, hopefully your morning started better than mine, its been 90f here for about a week, so as I took the bins out this morning my bin store look like some kind of fly sex dungeon with maggots everywhere. Not the nicest scene to set you up for the day. Hey ho.
Only a few calls today so might actually get some work done, rather than talking about getting work done with 8 other people who all just ask me to do it anyways. Or I could just goof off and watch MLB or Youtube all day.

Blackhawks are in over their heads with Vegas
I think we've all been over our head in Vegas at some point or other buddy. Good luck on that retirement plan. I have a princely contact in Nigeria who may be able to help you out with an investment opportunity, he keeps emailing me about it.
As long as there's a happy ending to the story.


Well played
No major plans for the time off. There’s the inevitable honey do list so I’ll try to knock a couple things off that.
Enjoy the time off mate. It's nice to be able to knock a few off on vacation.

However, if ever any of you guys come out this way, I can certainly give you guys some places to visit...and be willing to meet up for a beer or two.
Likewise, if your ever in London, just ask anyone for Dan the Disdad. They will totally give me a call and I'll pop down to you. (This is a summation of about 25 conversations with some randoms I've met in parks who say things like "I have a cousin in Norwich. Do you know the Norwich Richardson's?), at which point I smile politely)

Have a great day fellas, just 28 more hours until I can call it, and then your weekend starts. Apart from CCT, he's got that "new job keenness" thing going on, so he'll probably stay on. And the Chief obviously, but he's the Chief so he can do what he likes. And Jeff's on holiday. And Darcy's probably watching hockey re-runs for his "keeping in touch with sport" time (that's a sweet office set up by the way my friend). And Mike's got his Scrooge McDuck Calculator and an actuarial table out. And Mark's on vacation, so is on restricted shovel leaning duties. And Norm is about 8 minutes from retiring. And I'm on here writing nonsense as usual.

It's amazing how we are not in recession right? Hold on. Oh.
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Morning, Gents, from a beautiful Cape Cod! Hope all is well on this Thursday morning. I've had a good week, but I can't wait until it's over. It's been a good week, don't get me wrong, but I'm working on this closing that's happening tomorrow, and the paralegal that's been helping me is on vacation. Thankfully the loan officer at the bank I've been working with knows I'm in training and has been pretty cool about it. Still, be better when the week is over. Well, gents, gotta get this day started, so have fun and we'll chat on the other side.

Learning. Always good.

I like learning, but I hate when I'm thrown into the deep end with no life ring to help me out...like the aforementioned closing that's happening tomorrow. The paralegal who's helping me on it is on vacation, and there's been somethings that needed to be fixed that I had no idea how to do. Thankfully another paralegal stepped in and helped me out.

That all sounds really good. Looks like they'll keep you.

I think I'm safe, though I found out that my position, or rather, the attorney I'm supposed to be working for might change. They have had, or will when tomorrow comes, three people leave that had been there for over 30 years. From what I've been told, they may take this opportunity to change the way things are done, so I think I've started at a good time. In a way, I'm getting in on the ground floor, so to speak.


Morning all. Tennis last night and tonight as well, although I'm hoping for a rainout. Our Socialist Governor extended mask orders and delayed face to face in schools until after fall Break, which begs the question, if masks work, then why the continued shutdown. Colleges remain in session though (for now). Ugh.

I've always wanted to ask someone that if masks worked, why do we still smell someone's fart if it's coming through their underwear and pants? I have no problem wearing a mask, but that's a question I've always wanted an answer to.

50 states have different rules. Some have "stand your ground" laws and others have "proportionate response" laws. Then you have to consider the subjectivity of the police, prosecutor, and now Karen in social media. What if the trespasser is stealing, vandalizing, or threatening on your property? Can you use lethal force? How "far" does a woman have to be sexually assaulted before being allowed to use lethal force? Sometimes, we are too concerned with the rights of the criminal over the rights of the victim.

This! To quote Quiil from The Mandalorian, "I have spoken."

Whale watching sounds fun, other than looking at myself in the mirror. :sad2: We will plan it one day.

:laughing: I'm right there with ya on that one. At this point I think I'm about the size of a baby whale.

We live in a rather safe area here as well. I've met up with some of this group and some from FB at WDW, Huber Farms, Indianapolis, Louisville, Nashville, and even a Walmart parking lot. That last one sounds suspicious. Philip in Nashville came by my house when he drove up to take a test for the USPS. I guess the origins of these boards had some type of anonymity, but I try to treat people the same way I would in person. Maybe it's a southern hospitality thing, but I'd invite most to my home to share a meal.

The southern hospitality is legend.

Who hasn't peed on the deck yet? Your boss or the dog? :lmao:

I hope my boss doesn't just decide to whip it out and pee on the deck...that would be, well, not cool.

I'll keep that in mind.
We all know the general whereabouts of most of the regulars, but not too many specifics. Cape Cod is a fairly large area so it's just interesting to see what general part of it you call home.

If you're ever traveling along I-77 near the NC/SC boarder, Holler out and I'll offer up a beer or two form one of our local breweries.

Over my short time on this board, I've learned that everyone here has, at least, a general understanding of where everyone lives, so I felt comfortable in letting everyone know that little tid bit about me.

And if I'm ever down your way, I'll certainly give ya a shout.

As do we all.
It's that inaccessibility that makes it such a useful tool for those who are the keepers of said list.

My wife actually wrote it down and put it on the fridge once. Yeah, that didn't last long. Have no idea where that list went.
Morning brethren, hopefully your morning started better than mine, its been 90f here for about a week, so as I took the bins out this morning my bin store look like some kind of fly sex dungeon with maggots everywhere. Not the nicest scene to set you up for the day. Hey ho.
Only a few calls today so might actually get some work done, rather than talking about getting work done with 8 other people who all just ask me to do it anyways. Or I could just goof off and watch MLB or Youtube all day.

Yeah, now that I have that mental image in my head, THANK YOU. :rotfl2:

Likewise, if your ever in London, just ask anyone for Dan the Disdad. They will totally give me a call and I'll pop down to you. (This is a summation of about 25 conversations with some randoms I've met in parks who say things like "I have a cousin in Norwich. Do you know the Norwich Richardson's?), at which point I smile politely)

Absolutely. I'd love to meet up with ya if ever I'm in London town. I pulled that, "Oh, you're from New York City? Do you know my uncle Allen...." The look on his face was priceless. The funnest part was I knew he knew my uncle Allen, and when I told him he laughed really hard. He said he gets that all the time. hahaha
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Morning All.

Beautiful morning but is going to heat up again to those same levels as Dan's London. We just following the Queen. Today was a scheduled run day but soccer last night put that on hold. 90 minutes at center back and it felt like we were laying under water. It was so humid things on the bench looked like they were left out in the rain.

Hope you all have a great Thursday. Time for another TBT.

2013 in Florida


Only a few calls today so might actually get some work done, rather than talking about getting work done with 8 other people who all just ask me to do it anyways. Or I could just goof off and watch MLB or Youtube all day.

I think you know the answer to that.
Likewise, if your ever in London, just ask anyone for Dan the Disdad. They will totally give me a call and I'll pop down to you. (This is a summation of about 25 conversations with some randoms I've met in parks who say things like "I have a cousin in Norwich. Do you know the Norwich Richardson's?), at which point I smile politely)

LOL, you couldn't guess the number of times I've talked to someone in the US that has said "You're from Canada. Do you know John from Toronto?"
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Happy Thursday. Cut the grass yesterday right before the rain hit. It was wet and thick, scraping out the bottom several times to make it thru. Tennis was cancelled. The community college is now all online, so I'm not sure how the lab credit will work. 152nd Groundhog Day.

Are we doing TBT again? I've got one.

Disney 2005.


Chat I was on was full of Canadians and as my Canadaize is rusty, I had a hard time understanding them...

Too many Uuuuuuus?

If I retire tomorrow, it'll look a lot like foraging through dumpsters for dinner and sleeping under a bridge 'cause there ain't no room in the homeless shelter.

Well, I didn't say it would be the dream retirement, just a retirement.

Have a great day fellas, just 28 more hours until I can call it, and then your weekend starts. Apart from CCT, he's got that "new job keenness" thing going on, so he'll probably stay on. And the Chief obviously, but he's the Chief so he can do what he likes. And Jeff's on holiday. And Darcy's probably watching hockey re-runs for his "keeping in touch with sport" time (that's a sweet office set up by the way my friend). And Mike's got his Scrooge McDuck Calculator and an actuarial table out. And Mark's on vacation, so is on restricted shovel leaning duties. And Norm is about 8 minutes from retiring. And I'm on here writing nonsense as usual.

8 more days. The Richardsons in Norwich knew that already.

I've always wanted to ask someone that if masks worked, why do we still smell someone's fart if it's coming through their underwear and pants? I have no problem wearing a mask, but that's a question I've always wanted an answer to.

I read an article yesterday that said wearing neck gaiters and bandannas were worse than wearing no mask at all. Good thing all I have is neck gaiters and bandannas.

We have a new executive order that restaurants have to close at 10 PM because COVID is only active late at night. Science said so.
Top O Mornin Dads and happy Friday Eve! DS returns to college starting next week so we are heading there Saturday with him to complete the transition to his studio apartment. We usually stay a night over the weekend there in Chattanooga as move-in weekend since DD started college has always been DW birthday. Under the circumstances we decided to do a down an back same day. He has made a couple of trips to his new place off campus so won't be as much to help him with plus I keep saying he's 23 let him do it but DW still wants to play mom. Stay safe and looking forward to the weekend.
Morning brethren, hopefully your morning started better than mine, its been 90f here for about a week, so as I took the bins out this morning my bin store look like some kind of fly sex dungeon with maggots everywhere. Not the nicest scene to set you up for the day. Hey ho.
Only a few calls today so might actually get some work done, rather than talking about getting work done with 8 other people who all just ask me to do it anyways. Or I could just goof off and watch MLB or Youtube all day.

Have a great day fellas, just 28 more hours until I can call it, and then your weekend starts. Apart from CCT, he's got that "new job keenness" thing going on, so he'll probably stay on. And the Chief obviously, but he's the Chief so he can do what he likes. And Jeff's on holiday. And Darcy's probably watching hockey re-runs for his "keeping in touch with sport" time (that's a sweet office set up by the way my friend). And Mike's got his Scrooge McDuck Calculator and an actuarial table out. And Mark's on vacation, so is on restricted shovel leaning duties. And Norm is about 8 minutes from retiring. And I'm on here writing nonsense as usual.
DD has friend who just moved to London (husband is military) and they were dying with the heat and no AC. Just got temporary AC unit yesterday. I have been in Europe during record highs on business and the lack of AC and Ice we yanks are used to was brutal.

Looking forward to your nonsense of tomorrow to close out the post WDW trip week
Morning All.

Beautiful morning but is going to heat up again to those same levels as Dan's London. We just following the Queen. Today was a scheduled run day but soccer last night put that on hold. 90 minutes at center back and it felt like we were laying under water. It was so humid things on the bench looked like they were left out in the rain.

Hope you all have a great Thursday. Time for another TBT.

2013 in Florida

View attachment 518053
Great pic, they grow up too tang fast don;t they
Top O Mornin Dads and happy Friday Eve! DS returns to college starting next week so we are heading there Saturday with him to complete the transition to his studio apartment. We usually stay a night over the weekend there in Chattanooga as move-in weekend since DD started college has always been DW birthday. Under the circumstances we decided to do a down an back same day. He has made a couple of trips to his new place off campus so won't be as much to help him with plus I keep saying he's 23 let him do it but DW still wants to play mom. Stay safe and looking forward to the weekend.
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