Discounts at Disney Restaurants??

WDWO, Suuuuure, call me on a technecality! LOL

I thought the post before that was inquiring about the Kingdom lunches or sitdown restaurants (I'll have to go back again and check); anyway YOU are right, I was too general with that post.

YEAH!!!!!!!! Seriously, I hope you have peace of mind now. I can just see you on 20/20 saying "some lady on this unofficial Disney website told me JUST BUY THE TICKETS, so I did"; I felt pressured............ LOL ROFL!:)
Ok I have a question. One of the places that sounds like a good deal with the quick and casual tickets is Beaches and Cream. I have never eaten here but it was my understanding that there is a take out "counter" service area and also an area where you can have a table. Are both areas considered counter service?
LisaRex, thanks sooo much for listing all the restaurants and redemption information from the back of the certificates. This is VERY helpful because the lady I talked to at Connections was friendly and really was trying to be helpful but couldn't answer all my questions.
Now, if someone would be so kind and list all the restaurants that are on the Lunch Certificates (as well as any redemption rules) I'll be all set!

BTW, I was trying to figure the cost-effectivness of the certificates. I did the math to see what the break-even point is by figuring how much a meal would have to be before tax and tip before the certificate is a better value. For example, if your breakfast is $14.00 and you add 6% tax and then 15% tip, your total is $17.07. The cost of the certificate is $17, so if your breakfast is $14 or more than it is more cost effective to use a certificate.
Here's the break-even point for each:
Breakfast: $14.00
Lunch: $23.80
Counter Service: If it's a place you would not tip: $9.90, and if it's a place you would tip: $8.60
Hope I did my math right!
I am very calm! I'll just have Barbara Walters contact you when we're standing outside the gates starving! Thanks for the push! LOL :cool: :jester:
Thanks you so much LisaRex, I, too, like Pantherpaw would appreciate it if someone would list the sitdown restaurants included in the lunch program (not the counter service -got that thanx to Lisa)

Does anyone have this info?

Thanks in advance,
Cheryl :bounce:
Pixie - just had to tease you a bit about your post! lol


I ordered 6 quick and casual vouchers and they came overnight. COOL. Nice to have these paid for in advance.

I do plan on ordering at least one meal's worth of the sit down lunch I will post the places it's accepted when I get them.

Has anyone used the certificates there? I have never been there but planning to this trip. Do the cert. work at both the ice cream counter and the sit-down area? Meals with entree,side,drink,dessert there seem to average $15 depending on dessert, could be over $20. Just making sure they will work before we go.
It is listed on the back of the vouchers.

I thought the "counter" was just for ice cream.

I'm pretty sure Beaches and Cream is considered counter service rather than full service.

It's for a full meal so I don't see why not.

I'm planning on using mine there.

How long did it take for you to get tour membership ID #? I signed up for the program this morning. We leave in 7 weeks. Is this enough time to get the membership package, order and receive GCs? :confused:
They will e-mail your i.d. the same day. I ordered my g.c.'s and 4 day park hopper plus tix on Saturday and received them on Tuesday.
Bumping this up to get an answer to the question...

Which restauraunts are included in the sit down lunch portion of plan? Will someone be so kind as to list the here for us. The customer service people arent being much help althogh they are trying...

I'm not sure. The sit down lunch ones seem a little pricey so I am only ordering one or maybe two sets of those. We have lunch planned at MARRAKESH and they will work out cheaper there.

I would try and be persisitant with Connections customer service.

Can I just say that the other certificates really do seem to cover just about everything in the parks or resorts.
Not including the Swan & Dolphin as they are not disney owned or the hotels that are near DD (you know the ones on propery but not "disney")

Downtown Disney Restuarants are also not on the others.

So if it's in Epcot, AK, MK, MGM or any disney resort, I'd think you'd be OK.

When I order mine I will post a list. However, I will not be doing so for a week or two.

Anyone know when the 30 day trial begins-when they e-mail you the # or when they mail out the info package?
From the day you sign up.

I was not e-mailed a #. I got it when I signed up. On the "thank you" page.

All the info in the book is on the site anyway.

I was wondering if anyone has any ways to save other than using the Connections system. I'm a litttle leary about that
so I'd rather not. Anyone know which restaurants offer discounts for Amex, Disney Club, etc?

Just wondering why you are leary.

The certificates are Disney issued. Not connections issued.

If you are worried abou them being legit, I wouldn't.

Pixie dust gal is in WDW right now.....I'm sure she will fill us in when she gets back.

As far as I know I have found no other dining "discounts".



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