Having a GRAND time - The Official GF Chat Thread PART 3

Hey Gals....another great day in 5th grade!!! Tomorrow im bringing in "The Kingdom Keepers" for me to read during DEAR and read aloud...do you all know what that is????? Story about Disney after dark..there is a sequel too..Nothing like bringing a little Dis into the classroom.

Dawn!! Lucy read that in 4th grade and she LOVED IT...she couldn't put it down. Her teacher borrowed it from her when she was done. I just saw it in my basement when I was down there looking for books for Kristin!! I bet the kids will really enjoy The Kingdom Keepers book!!!!

Chan and Kristin...dang it i wish i could have gone! Hope two had a great time...i love diet coke and crap Chan~funny!!!:lmao: :lmao: K~those WS better get it into gear! Hey I like trashy novels too!!!!

OMG...Don't ya worry....I have PLENTY more. I'll bring you a stash next time we get together!!:rotfl: :rotfl: I gave myself a stomach ache with my diet coke & crap......I ate too much crap and caffeine is hard on me....It's a painful addiction. Caffeine and crap.....

Kel...whats the matter??? Hope you are better soon!

SHe had an absessed tooth...and the infection spread to her glands and her throat...and she is miserable...she sounded better but now her nose is totally runny.....poor sick Kel...and I need to call her back!!! I have been crazy busy today..and of coure AGAIN Lucy missed her bus....ugh!!!!!!!:eek:

Vanessa..I have some ideas for hotels for ya...I will get them together and PM ya! :thumbsup2

Wendy....fingers still crossed! :scared:

Wendy...ya...I hope all goes OK!!!! Hang tight! Stay safe.:hug:

OMG...you guys and the egg salad...now i want some:laughing:

LOL!!! It's easy to make...just kinda time consuming.

Im loving all of this rain!!! Kristin thats funny I was thinking the same thing about firing up the fireplace! Great minds think alike!

:headache: :mad:
Sorry Shel on the Birks...my BF here at school wears them too!

LOL!!!! Hopefully with a pedicure.:rotfl:

Later Taters!:upsidedow

Talk to ya later!!! Glad things are good, Teacher Dawn!

OMG..I cannot get anything done. I have been listing on Ebay today and my laundry is staring at me....I think one load is in the dryer.....probably a wrinkled mess.....ugh....and what to do about dinner since I am leaving soon...unless I can talk DH into going alone. He just told me he is going to Cleveland next week (whoohooo) but still....that means I go to Jojo's teacher night alone....maybe I can use that on him. Have to figure out dinner! Maybe i will see ya all later......:wizard:

Ciao for now!!

Mandy:scared1: on the chickenpox.......hopefully not!!!!!

Kel..ouch it hurts thinking about it! hope you are better!

Chan i hear ya bout the curriculum night...ugh! I dont really want to go either...not til next week
You guys must pass germs through the computer. I was getting ready to go to the store and all of a sudden the rumble, grumble tummy and back to the house I went. I am taking two advil and heading to bed. Good night everyone.

Kel~ hope your tooth is better soon. That really sucks!

Dawn~ Thanks for any hotel info. The meet is in early Nov so I was going to try and get something booked in the next few weeks so no rush.

Channing~ Have fun. I think every school but ours has Open House tonight.

Good night!
Thanks for the well wishes everyone! :)

Channing - I am dragging my feet on the EBay - I've got to get my stuff listed!

Dawn- glad teaching is going so well!!

Kelly - hope you feel better!

HCTS - Enjoyed your pics!
herecomesthesun - Enjoying the pics........keep 'em coming :yay:.

Dawn - Keep up the great teaching :teacher:.

Chan - How's the laundry coming??? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Deb :flower3:

Ok I feel like a doof! WE went to the doctors and they are bug bites! Nice way to spend $80! I explained the spots to the nurse and I told her they were not Chick pox b/c of the type of bumps they were but she swore up and down that if they had head like ant bites they were chicpox...... She also said "as a nurse you should know that ANYTIME a child has a rash they should be seen by a doc" Well that got me to feeling guilty and we went. She made me second guess all my training and all that stuff and I had a crummy afternoon. I am such a idiot.

I called DH on the way home and told him and he called me back to say he discovered a few dead tiny flying ants along the base board under DD bed. He then pulled back the blinds and found a hundred dead ants on the window sills. While he was in there and on the girls rug he found a flee on his ankle. Ughh! :eek: It is horrible to think about that since I am such a clean freak and vacuum the whole house at least once a day and more common areas twice.

DH is a bug specialist, aren't all men? :rotfl: HE said since we have had so much rain ants come inside sometimes and since our house is older the windows are not hermetically sealed. The fleas? Well our girls room has wood floors and I have this really shaggy pink rug. I shampooed it over the weekend and left it out in the back yard laying over a few patio chairs. DH thinks it got a few fleas in it from the neighbor hood cats. UGHHH! :scared1: So out the rug went to be treated and we have already sprayed inside and out around the windows. The worst part is DD has about a hundred fleas and ant bites! She looks horrible and I feel like the worst mother!

Thanks for all your well wishes.The good part is I can go be with my dad and help him recover.

Wendy~ I am so glad Hanna is weakened! :wizard: Lets hope it is just wind and rain! I am a mess thinking about Ike! Last report the cone was over FLA! :eek: DH has already said we need to do hurricane prep Sat instead of going to WDW. :rolleyes: I know he is right but we were looking to going back for the first time since May.

Kristin ~ Enjoy your smut books! You know that is a real combo, watching the conservatives RNC and reading smut! LOL! JK ;)
herecomesthesun - Enjoying the pics........keep 'em coming :yay:.

Dawn - Keep up the great teaching :teacher:.

Chan - How's the laundry coming??? :rotfl: :rotfl:

Deb :flower3:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Deb, I am so busted!!!:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

I totally forgot!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

I was Ebaying.....then emailing.....then on the phone......DH went to the school and said I didn't have to!!! YAY!! But you know what that means.:rotfl: :rotfl: I do need to get that wrinkled mess out of the dryer about now.:rotfl:

Did you get yours all done?!:worship: :worship:

I heard some GF news!! They took down the cute second floor railing/banister and replaced it with a taller ugly plain one. Still no word on the new lobby floor. And....The Suite Life of Zack & Cody were staying at the GF a bit ago! :)

I LOVE THE PICS!!!! Can I ask what camera you used?!? They are soooooo wonderful and clear and I love how you took the windows etc!! Post MORE!! I cannot believe the MK is already decorated for Halloween. That is almost kinda tacky.:rotfl:

I just was so busy...and the time is flying tonight so I ran and picked up McDs for dinner. Add that to my junk food for the day. Yep. The peanut butter bar is done and gone. It was good. Tomorrow is a new day.;)

OK...going to the laundry room now.

Talk to ya all later!

Channing :)
HCTS....I love your pics...I also like Chan want to know what type of camera you used..and whats your trick? Your picts are crisp and clear! Thanks for sharing! :goodvibes

Mandy....uhoh vacuum time (remember Hammertime? or is my age showing) At least its not chicken pox...did ur kids get the shot? My DS just got a booster going into 9th grade..he had one when he was about 2. I think the shot had just come out.

Night! Working for the weekend...OMG i am really shot....WTH with all these 80's oldies??????? :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
:rotfl: :rotfl: LOL .....Chan....I TOTALLY hear you.....today was one day I didn't forget laundry :rotfl: :rotfl:. Usually I put a load in and forget it until about 5 hours later.......then I'm REALLY behind :lmao:. But I have to say I did get it all done today :faint:. BUT.......now I have ironing to do tomorrow along with CLEANING :scared1: :eek:. I should have done some cleaning today while it rained all day :umbrella: (which, BTW, it is STILL raining :rolleyes1). So.....I may not be on here chatting too much tomorrow :rotfl: :rotfl:....yeah right....like that's gonna happen :rotfl2: :rotfl2:!!!!

Mandy ~ Sorry about the bug bites, but glad no chicken pox ;). Now you can be with your dad :hug:.

Ok gals....time for me to call it a night....tomorrow is another day to chat :rolleyes1. Have a good night all :).

Deb :upsidedow
Hello ladies! Just thought I'd jump in for a moment - saw the series of posts about musical theatre/Wicked/Jersey Boys and the like. With some vocal training (a LONG time ago, that voice is LONG gone!) and a teensy bit of amateur musical theatre experience, my vote is definitely in favour of pretty much any musical around. I live in Toronto and I'm kicking myself for missing Wisked when it toured through here a year (or2?) ago. We're still trying to plan a trip with my sister and mother to Chicago and the change to see Wicked was one of the reasons I was pushing Chicago. OK, I know Chicago has oodles of other fantastic things to do, but Wicked and the Art Institute are top of my list!

Last night, I went to see Jersey Boys, which is here for a couple of months. It was GREAT! There's just nothing like seeing such great talent live! I wasn't sure how many songs I would actually know (I was born in 1961, so I think their stuff was probably playing away when I was a little kid), but WOW, there's a lot! I recommend it!

It's like what we found when my husband and I were at a dinner at a conference in March...in Phoenix, a wonderful antidote to our Canadian winter. At a huge (>1000 people) dinner at this conference each year, there is entertainment, and it's always a surprise. We've seen Chicago, Ray Romano, Glenn Frey (singing all those Eagles songs, it was FABULOUS!). This year is was Lionel Ritchie, and at first I thought, OK, "All Night Long", right, but what else? Well, it turns out that he's got a HUGE list of hits that I'd completely forgotten about - and a few good lines about Nicole! Anyway, everyone was up and dancing!


Welcome!! I really want to see Jersey boys so Im glad you think its good. Now all I have to do is convince dh :rolleyes1

Mandy...try not to be so hard on yourself (I know I'd feel the same way). We had ants in our house this summer and I was FREAKING out. Our house is only 4 years old and we've NEVER had an ant problem before. We figured out it had to do with us putting in a fence and disturbing the ground...dh sprayed around the foundation and I've kept that area super clean and we've had no problems since. But I'm also a neat freak so it would bug me to no end to know I had fleas, ants, bugs, etc. I'm sorry for your dd...I'm sure you feel worse about than she does. Good luck debugging and I hope your dd is on the mend quickly.

Channing...doesn't listing on ebay take forever? Ugh...I use auctiva and even then it takes me a few hours. I listed like 19 items I think last night and it took me a LONG time and I did the pictures and such during the day yesterday. It's nice when you are making the money but the time it takes is such a pain in the butt!
Thanks everyone for your kind words about the pics! :goodvibes I had photobucket issues and hope to re-post them all tomorrow! :confused3 I swear it must be my dinosaur PC. DH must buy me a laptop sooner rather than later! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

My camera is made by SONY and has 7.2 megapixels. I LOVE IT!! WDW offers so many beautiful things to capture!

Thanks again,

HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE :banana: :banana: :banana:!!!! I'm so glad it's the weekend :). Hope you all had a good week ;). I have a few minutes so thought I'd pop in and say :wave: before I have to take DS to school and then get back home to clean :faint:. But I'll be checking in as the day goes on :surfweb:. The weather is still yucky here today......not raining anymore but cloudy and overcast :rolleyes1. I hope it clears up because we have hs football tonight :yay:. I can take it being chilly, but it's definitely not fun when it's raining....and we've been to our share of nasty weather games :rotfl: :rotfl:!!!!

Well.....time to get DS moving so we can leave shortly. I'll catch you all a little later :upsidedow.

Deb :)
Morning, all!

Vanessa.....I am sorry you're feeling sick.:guilty: I hope you're better today! :flower3: These back to school bugs have been wicked this year.

Ugh....I got nowhere with my laundry yesterday. I did vacuum though. Kinda...like 1/2 my house. Oh well....Today is another crazy day. School meetings...errands...soccer scrimmage...no time to really get into anything here. I will get the laundry thru but not put away!

I was awake at 4:30 am this morning. :sad2: :headache: I am tossing and turning and having a lot of qualms about taking this October trip. I kind of don't care but on the other hand I really do! I feel like I was kind of just there. BUt then I talked to my GF CM friend and that really makes me want to go....I hear the band in teh background, want to visit with her, see the sights...the Halloween party....meet a couple Dissers and an Ebay friend I have been an email friend with for over a year! I don't want to disappoint anybody, but hen again I think I am the one that really wants to go. I feel guilty about DH not going...even though he doesn't act like he minds...I DO. I feel like maybe taking DD out of 7th grade might not be the right choice...she'll miss 5 days. She is in honors classes and has anywhere from 2 to 5 hrs homework each night and tha tdoesn't include her French Horn practice....ugh:sad2: I can cancel easily. THat's not a biggie...I am just not feeling right about it at this time. Maybe I will feel differently next week. That's part of my issue.:rotfl:

Oh well........

Time to walk!

Talk to ya all later!! Hope to see more pics.

Morning ~ I am so glad it is Friday! :cool1:

Dawn~ Are those Kingdom Keeper books good for a 6 yo? DS loves to be read to and I have read him Narnia and a few other chapter books. It sounds like a fun book to read! You bringing DIS to work reminds me of when I use to sub for a friend who's DH worked for Disney and she gave her kids real Disney dollars for reading, good test scores, ect..... Every so often she had a store that they could buy Disney stuff from, she gets WDW stuff like way discounted from a sale WDW has for employees and she racks up! She also takes her whole class to WDW and the most improved student wins ticket for the whole family. You bet those parents are involved! The coolest thing is the year I was subbing so much for her the kids who were really good student and had a easier time helped out the ones that were struggling, they were almost rooting them on and wanting to help them do their best so they could win the tickets. The kids love it and her kids had the best scores on FCAT test! Her class room is so cool, she has a reading area with beanbag chairs, love seat, and a few arm chairs! Sorry to babble on, she is just so awsome and I love to tell people about her! :)

Chan~ When you get done with your laundry you can come down here and do mine! :rotfl: Ughh! I swear I want two washers and dryers! I do two loads a day and I swear the mountain in the laundry room never goes down. I have tried to convince DH to use his bath towel once but he is stubborn. My kids just get so dirty and sweaty outside that we have to change clothes and then at night when we do bike rides we all get sweaty again. Add bath towels and other stuff and it never ends! :laundy: :laundy: :laundy: I feel like it is ground hog day when i step into my laundry room! :rotfl: The good thing is I feel like a robot and go on auto pilot with my routine, I don't even measure the detergent anymore, I have it on a shelf over my washer and I just push the button and know when i have enough! :thumbsup2
Morning, all!

Ugh....I got nowhere with my laundry yesterday. I did vacuum though. Kinda...like 1/2 my house. Oh well....Today is another crazy day. School meetings...errands...soccer scrimmage...no time to really get into anything here. I will get the laundry thru but not put away!

I was awake at 4:30 am this morning. :sad2: :headache: I am tossing and turning and having a lot of qualms about taking this October trip. I kind of don't care but on the other hand I really do! I feel like I was kind of just there. BUt then I talked to my GF CM friend and that really makes me want to go....I hear the band in teh background, want to visit with her, see the sights...the Halloween party....meet a couple Dissers and an Ebay friend I have been an email friend with for over a year! I don't want to disappoint anybody, but hen again I think I am the one that really wants to go. I feel guilty about DH not going...even though he doesn't act like he minds...I DO. I feel like maybe taking DD out of 7th grade might not be the right choice...she'll miss 5 days. She is in honors classes and has anywhere from 2 to 5 hrs homework each night and tha tdoesn't include her French Horn practice....ugh:sad2: I can cancel easily. THat's not a biggie...I am just not feeling right about it at this time. Maybe I will feel differently next week. That's part of my issue.:rotfl:

Oh well........

Time to walk!

Talk to ya all later!! Hope to see more pics.


I've had days like you're having today.....no time to do much of anything :sad2:. Just keep thinking it's FRIDAY AND IT'S THE WEEKEND :cool1: :cool1:!!!!

And I'm sorry you're having second thoughts about your trip :hug:. There's times I get all excited from the time I book until about 2-3 weeks before we are to leave and then I start freaking out thinking we shouldn't go :scared1:. I don't know if it's just anxiety or what......but I just start worrying about everything and anything and keep getting all worked up about it :eek:. But I'm always excited when I'm on my way to the airport knowing I'll be in Disney soon :goodvibes. But I must say....I've never gone without DH or my kids.....so I really can't help there :sad1:. As far as your DD missing school.....not sure if it will help....but the last 2 years we went in September and my 2 DSs missed 6 days both years and they did fine. They weren't in honors classes, but the first year one was 6th grade the other 7th....then last year it was 7th and 8th. I know all kids are different, but I'm sure she's a great student and she'll do fine ;). I wouldn't make any decisions yet.....play it by ear and see how you feel in the coming weeks :flower3:. Just have a great weekend and try not to think about it too much and see if your feelings change :confused3. I'm sure you'll have a fabulous time once you're there :wizard:.

Well....better get back to more cleaning....I'm almost done :yay:.

Deb :)
Channing, what a struggle. Since my kids are still young, I have no idea about the homework aspect of things. Would there be time for her to do it during any parts of the trip? Are you more worried about her getting behind on a subject? That is awesome she is in Honors classes by the way! Good-Luck coming to a decision you are happy with. Hugs!
smartguy - never been there during Christmas but would love to go, maybe a few days after Thanksgiving.

I was asking about you earlier on this thread, never saw you on our chatty GF thread before, other then starting the new thread have been around before? I miss alot around here, I don't get to come on as often as I would like, so there is a good chance I've missed you. BTW Welcome!!!

Hi Wishes! I was on the other one now and then, but was really able to get into it when I created part 3. Look forward to chatting with you.


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