Last one to post........... Part 19

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ckckc2000 said:
so how long do you think it's going to take you on the Taxes

this is the 1st year we've ever had to pay(federal only) but the amount we're getting back from state will cover that and leave us with a little for our pockets :thumbsup2

I'm in the home stretch for finishing but I've gotten sleepy so I'll finish them tomorrow. Don't know yet what, if any, we'll get back. We usually get some back on federal and have to pay some on state. DH works off duty work and is paid cash and gets a 1099 and this year he made a lot more than the last couple of years. So I doubt we'll get much back if we do get a refund.
tubaman said:
G'Night everyone. I'm tired.
Oh My! I didn't think anyone was still up, except maybe Kim.

:wave2: goodnight Jake...nice to see you are alright...take care and I am so sorry for about your Grandmother and doggie :grouphug:
Lyn5 said:
not in my that you reminded me I don't hear my washer and dryer....time to switch loads :crazy:


I didn't even try to count how many loads I did today! I've even got a load of whites soaking in bleach overnight tonight.
You are so brave to do your own taxes....I am scared to do them myself :blush:
Hi Lyn!!! :wave2:

and ever since I noticed we aren't getting much of a return I've yet to finish our taxes with turbotax-we just have to re-confirm a few items then I'm done :rolleyes:
Lyn5 said:
You are so brave to do your own taxes....I am scared to do them myself :blush:

Ours are pretty simple. I've always done them.

Maybe someday we'll make lots and lots of money and have lots and lots of investments and then I'll need an accountant! :lmao:

At one point in college my major was accounting. I love number crunching!
Lyn5 said:
You are so brave to do your own taxes....I am scared to do them myself :blush:
We use to do them with H+R Block,but the turbotax it's nearly the same computer program and it's super easy to do-now next year when we move????

I might have to get an accountant to look them over-but I figure aas long as we purchase another home and put a big down payment on it we should be OK-but we'll see
Well, it is time for me to head to bed. I am really tired.

Goodnight Kim! :wave2:

Goodnight Lyn! :wave2:

Hope to see you tomorrow.
eeyoresmountainpals said:
I didn't even try to count how many loads I did today! I've even got a load of whites soaking in bleach overnight tonight.
I can't imagine how much you must do with 3 boys! plus a DH :scared: :faint: my DH has so many pants/jeans to wash...and I do so much with the kids...but they still wear little clothes and little undies :sad2:
I need to do more wash-but we have a holding tank and it's a wee bit expensive to empty

with our next house I want a septic tank!!! Then I can do wash all the time,right now it's just what is needed-no more :rolleyes:
eeyoresmountainpals said:
Ours are pretty simple. I've always done them.

Maybe someday we'll make lots and lots of money and have lots and lots of investments and then I'll need an accountant! :lmao:

At one point in college my major was accounting. I love number crunching!
I like numbers too :blush: not crunching, but calculating :teeth:
eeyoresmountainpals said:
Well, it is time for me to head to bed. I am really tired.

Goodnight Kim! :wave2:

Goodnight Lyn! :wave2:

Hope to see you tomorrow.

Kim, it may be worth it when you sell your house to talk to want to make sure you don't pay any taxes when you probable qualify for the 2 year thing...
ckckc2000 said:
I need to do more wash-but we have a holding tank and it's a wee bit expensive to empty

with our next house I want a septic tank!!! Then I can do wash all the time,right now it's just what is needed-no more :rolleyes:
We have a septic... and I haven't had any problems...around here there are a lot of them outside of the main towns.
Lyn5 said:

Kim, it may be worth it when you sell your house to talk to want to make sure you don't pay any taxes when you probable qualify for the 2 year thing...
exactly-there's all sorts of rules/laws for when you move-I think the last time we moved we did a capital gains thinging and didn't have to pay any taxes-so I know we'll be going to a accountant at least for next year ::yes::
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