March it WAS, May it IS!

Your bunny cake is way too cute! I'm VERY impressed that you did it with your left arm only. Most folks couldn't do that with both arms. Just sayin'...

I love the Mickey Mail...those tags are too cute. We are booking a free dining package for September and I can't wait to get a new set of those silly right??? Anywho, I hope your shoulder is feeling better today and that it gets better everyday leading to your trip!

Take care of yourself!! :hug:
Your bunny cake is way too cute! I'm VERY impressed that you did it with your left arm only. Most folks couldn't do that with both arms. Just sayin'...

I love the Mickey Mail...those tags are too cute. We are booking a free dining package for September and I can't wait to get a new set of those silly right??? Anywho, I hope your shoulder is feeling better today and that it gets better everyday leading to your trip!

Take care of yourself!! :hug:

Thank you Leanne :goodvibes. You are too sweet!

We will only be taking one trip this year :sad:. With Dale's promotion and me not know when I will be going back to work, we decided that we would have to make due with just the one trip. I am getting excited for our trip though since it is getting closer :cool1:.

The shoulder is coming along I guess. My physical therapist said today that 3 months is the least amount of time I can hope for to get basic use of my arm. He said it is really individualized so it isn't a promise that I will be on that track :sad:.

I'm trying to be patient and do what I'm told, but I swear it is really hard with 3 guys at home that act totally helpless when it comes to doing most anything :crazy2:.

Hey girl! I just sent you a message via facebook. With the Dis acting up the way it is, I'm not getting my email notifications so I'm using the old school way.....looking at my subscribed threads link via User CP. It stinks!
:cool1::banana::yay::woohoo: 18 DAYS :cool1::banana::yay::woohoo: Can everybody tell that I am excited? :rolleyes1

I haven't been on much because I haven't had a lot to post about our trip. I am starting my second week of PT and it is really starting to cause A LOT of pain. I can't imagine how bad it will be when I actually start the full on therapy. My therapist gave me a pulley to use at home so I think that may help some. He did tell me today that I have got to learn to not use the muscles in that arm when using the pulley. He said it isn't as bad using them on the upswing as it is when I bring my arm back down :sad2:.

For the trip I have pretty much bought all of the little things .


I plan on filling up the little travel bottles with shampoo and such. We aren't crazy about the soap and shampoo at the resorts. It doesn't seem to have much of a scent and I always feel like it leaves a film on me.

Tyler is excited about going which makes me more excited. He hasn't been in 3 years so that makes it more exciting!!

On a different note--Amanda and Matt have decided that they are wanting to buy a house. Some of my readers will remember that last year Amanda was going to buy, but they kept changing the payments on her so she decided against it. The house they were looking at an older build(10 years old) that has been totally renovated. It is a two story 2400 sq foot 3 bedroom/3 bath. It has granite counter tops and a new stainless dishwasher, stove and built in microwave. The kitchen and dining room has new tile floors and the rest of the house has new carpet. The bathrooms are really nice with the new bowl type sinks. Very nice right? WELL, upon home inspection the inspector found some issues, some minor, some not so much.

There are two windows upstairs that will not stay up when opened, two of the bathroom outlets do not work, there is an A/C vent cover missing in one of the bedrooms, the insulation in the attic needs to be beefed up some as it is thin in areas, the A/C is older and would need an A/C tech come out and make sure it isn't about to go kerpluck, there also is no gutters along the roof edge. That all seems not too big a deal, BUT..........he found some rotten wood outside behind the A/C unit. He said it had been filled in with putty and painted over. He told Amanda and Matt that it could mean more rot once those boards are removed that just isn't visible until the boards are cut out.

Oh, I almost forgot the FIRST sign that things were not quite right. The house was listed at $118,700, so they offered $112,000 fully expecting a counter offer, but boy was it a surprise. The seller came back with a counter offer of $121,000 :scared:. Excuse me? I have never heard of the seller countering back with a price MORE than the asking price :rolleyes1. Amanda and Matt countered back with the asking price of $118,700 on the condition that the house pass inspection, the seller repair any issues, and the seller pay part of the closing. The seller countered back saying she would go with that offer IF the real estate agents would take a lower commission. That wasn't a problem with Amanda and Matt as their agent is Matt's mom. I found out that the agent on the house is the seller's mother :scared1:. I told Amanda that this woman must really want to hold on to that house.

Sooooooooo......Amanda and Matt put a condition in the contract saying they wanted all the things found by the inspector repaired. WELLLLLLLLL, the seller came back and said she would fix everything EXCEPT----the windows, the insulation and the rotten wood :mad: :headache:. I told Amanda she was only wanting to fix the stuff that was cheap. The inspector told them that the rotten wood and repair would be a least $1000 if, and ONLY if, there was no other issues when they got to doing the work. I told Amanda that if it were me I would pull my offer and just start looking for a new build. That is exactly what they did.

She is now looking at some floor plans in new neighborhoods. I, and Matt's mom, told them that it would be much better because the house would have a warranty and they could pick out what they wanted to go in the house!!!

Boy this was an extra long post or what?........:lmao:

On another note, I am a Hunger Games addict now. Amanda, Tyler, Amanda's friend Tracey, and I, went and saw the movie 2 weeks ago and in the mean time I have read all 3 books and have now started reading them again :rolleyes:......:lmao:.

Yikes!!! What a pain in the patootie with the house stuff! UG!!! Glad she pulled her offer, that did sound iffy.

Can't wait until ya'll come, I got it on my calendar for Saturday, and the lunch date, so no worries there!! :) Just been busy with Easter, and company, and everything else going on, so I'm not on much either!!
Yikes!!! What a pain in the patootie with the house stuff! UG!!! Glad she pulled her offer, that did sound iffy.

Can't wait until ya'll come, I got it on my calendar for Saturday, and the lunch date, so no worries there!! :) Just been busy with Easter, and company, and everything else going on, so I'm not on much either!!

Yes it is! I am so glad they didn't go with the old build though. Dale and I had a nightmare experience with a house we bought. We had it inspected and it passed, but within 7 months it started draining our savings and our good credit. We had to put a new A/C unit in after 7 months. It took every dime we had in savings($3500) and then the plumbing and electrical started going :furious:. It ended up costing us every dime we had to get rid of that house :mad: :sad2:.

Thanks to that we have never bought again and likely never will.

They are in a good position to pick the lot they want, the plan and all the fixtures.

It sounds like Amanda and Matt made a good decision not to buy the house. With rotting wood, you never know what you might get into once you start tearing out the boards. We have had a very slow leak in our air conditioner lines and have to have it recharged once a year. The guy who does it said that the government is making companies phase out the older heat and air systems which means we will end up having to replace our's in the next couple of years. Thanks government!:mad:
It sounds like Amanda and Matt made a good decision not to buy the house. With rotting wood, you never know what you might get into once you start tearing out the boards. We have had a very slow leak in our air conditioner lines and have to have it recharged once a year. The guy who does it said that the government is making companies phase out the older heat and air systems which means we will end up having to replace our's in the next couple of years. Thanks government!:mad:

Dale said the same thing about the A/C. He said a mechanic said you can't buy the freon for the older units any longer. They were having an A/C repaired in one of their older work vans. I guess once they run out they can't buy any more.
17 days---Those are the teenager days! You're getting so close!

I love getting all those little things like toothpaste and soap bought. AND, yes, I buy the same little air freshener! ;)
17 days---Those are the teenager days! You're getting so close!

I love getting all those little things like toothpaste and soap bought. AND, yes, I buy the same little air freshener! ;)

I haven't been on in a few days so now I am down to :cool1:14:cool1:.

I haven't been on because the Dis has been driving me crazy :crazy2:. I have to sign back on every 5 minutes or so.

I love getting the little things too. I am debating if I will need more stuff or not :worried:.
I haven't been on in a few days so now I am down to :cool1:14:cool1:.

I haven't been on because the Dis has been driving me crazy :crazy2:. I have to sign back on every 5 minutes or so.

I love getting the little things too. I am debating if I will need more stuff or not :worried:.

Oh my goodness, it is literally right around the corner! So excited for you, after everything you've been thru, you deserve this holiday more now than ever!
Two weeks! Two weeks! Twooooooooooo weeeeeeeks! :cool1:

I know!!!!! I can't believe it :hyper:. 13 days from today we will be in Orlando :cool1::banana:.

checking my ticker. I'm sure I didn't do it right!

You just copied the wrong code. You have to copy the url code and paste it to your signature line.

Oh my goodness, it is literally right around the corner! So excited for you, after everything you've been thru, you deserve this holiday more now than ever!

I am so excited :hyper: :cool1::woohoo:. I am hoping my pain will be a little better by the time we leave, but after talking with the therapist Friday, it probably won't be :worried:. That is OK though, I will still be at Disney :hyper:.
I'm excited!!! One week from today, and we'll be with Dana at MK!!! :) I really can't wait to see you girl!! You get one big hug....but not to squishy, don't wanna hurt your shoulder!! :) Love ya!
:woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: Looks like you've hit the single digits!

:cool1: :banana: :yay: :dance3: 5 DAYS :cool1: :banana: :yay: :dance3:

I'm excited!!! One week from today, and we'll be with Dana at MK!!! :) I really can't wait to see you girl!! You get one big hug....but not to squishy, don't wanna hurt your shoulder!! :) Love ya!

I am SOOOOO glad that we are down to just a few days :yay: :dance3:. I will be totally worn out by Thursday evening because I am doing my PT Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday!! I also have to finish all the laundry and packing. Dale and I will have to do our snack shopping Thursday and try to get to bed early :hyper: :bitelip:.


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