Mask mandates being lifted in some places

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Trust me, I know. Which is why we have one person full time dedicated to tracking this down. And which is why I am asking for a link so we can examine who is making that claim. I don't think what is reported in the Media is necessarily incorrect or speculation. But given we have only been dealing with covid-19 for just over a year, our understanding is rapidly changing.
Reminds me a bit of what my parents told me about why they started smoking in the 1930's and 40's. Their Doctors recommended it for their health! It wasn't until the 1950's the links to cancer became common knowledge. Good Lord willing, we will all be around 5 or 10 years from now and I suspect we will have a better understanding of covid-19 then that we do now.

I think "incorrect or speculation" is overstating things a bit, but I also think media has incentives to focus on the negative which ends up amplifying a certain set of voices and views despite the fact that there are others who are just as qualified who would present a very different view. For example, the JHU epidemiologist who takes the view that we're nearing herd immunity has an op-ed in a fully paywalled news outlet; the U of MN epidemiologist who colorfully predicted a "category 5 covid hurricane" on the horizon has been on the Sunday morning talk show circuit and is quoted in every publication from the Washington Post to WebMD. That isn't because he's inherently more credible. It is because he's saying something that drives traffic in a much more compelling way. And to ignore the (awful) reality that the shifting business model for news outlets puts traffic as second only to accuracy is to miss a significant part of the picture when it comes to what we hear, how often we hear it, and who we hear it from.
Yes, Wisconsin is like going to another planet. When I am there, I can't wait to leave.

Oh man so much this. I lived in Manitowoc (not far from Green Bay) for many, many years before moving out of state. My brother is still up there and he's a paramedic... when we were in the thick of this pandemic last spring he said all the hospital workers (nurses, medical assistants, etc.) hosted a bar crawl in town... in a party bus... with the whole staff. He sounds so tired whenever I talk to him. 😂 That whole area has barely worn masks this entire time to begin with.

In CO where I live everyone's double masking now since the whole spicy covid variant is here.
How sad. I don't know of one person that likes to wear a mask all of the time.

No passive-aggressive rant, just facts on the physiological that happens; one thing has nothing to do with the other. There is no direct correlation.
IMO there are people that don't get it which is obvious by behaviors. Wearing a mask not until you are ill is too late; you have already given it to your family and friends and co-workers etc.
Some of these may die or have long term health issues that could have been prevented.

Life for a lot of people is not happening; it appears that you don't quite get the big picture and have empathy for others. Tough way to live life.
IMO, 'normal' life, for the most part is not happening because of the chosen ignorance of others.
This is prevalent by the number of Covid cases and deaths.
You do you.

First off.....I haven't read beyond this post yet this morning but WOW. How condescending can someone be without really knowing a person!!! And yes, I know this is the internet but still.

BlueStarryhat is the one you were quoting. I sure wish I could dig up my thread I started last March when I asked about us all first getting Covid. BlueStarryHat went through her whole ordeal on my thread. Many of us were holding our breath for her especially because Covid was so new at that point. It was so sweet of her to keep us posted and I will always value her thoughts on this ugly virus.

I HATE wearing a mask btw but obviously know WHY I have to.

OK......time to pour my coffee. :surfweb:
Oh man so much this. I lived in Manitowoc (not far from Green Bay) for many, many years before moving out of state. My brother is still up there and he's a paramedic... when we were in the thick of this pandemic last spring he said all the hospital workers (nurses, medical assistants, etc.) hosted a bar crawl in town... in a party bus... with the whole staff. He sounds so tired whenever I talk to him. 😂 That whole area has barely worn masks this entire time to begin with.

In CO where I live everyone's double masking now since the whole spicy covid variant is here.

I’m in Manitowoc! Mask compliance in stores and such is pretty decent, but bars and restaurants have been crazy packed lately. Our cases are really, really down from their peak though, so I think people are taking that as free reign to go live it up.
I remember that party bus event you’re talking about. It was our first big super spreader event.
Almost 1/3 of our states have either lifted their mask mandates or never had one. It's likely this trend will continue. If it wasn't for the new strains we would be seeing masking dropped sooner especially for those fully vaccinated.
I read something too from the CDC about wearing 2masks. I have a hard enough time breathing through one. Let alone 2. If 2 are better then one then why not wear 3 cause that would be better then 2. And on and in. The day we can go mask free. (Which will be around the 12th if never) I’m having a huge bon fire and burning them
I read something too from the CDC about wearing 2masks. I have a hard enough time breathing through one. Let alone 2. If 2 are better then one then why not wear 3 cause that would be better then 2. And on and in. The day we can go mask free. (Which will be around the 12th if never) I’m having a huge bon fire and burning them

The CDC only recommends the use of 2 masks as a way to either get a better fit (gets rid of gaps on the side of paper surgical masks) or to get 2 layers of protection if your mask is a thin 1-layer mask.
Same here. I am actually really liking the KN95s. Very good fit, breathable enough. Wish I had bought them sooner!
We've used nothing but KN95's for close to a year. I find them less uncomfortable than the cheaper medical masks, and Amazon delivers them in less than 24 hours where we live. We keep at least a 5-pack extra supply.
Same here. I am actually really liking the KN95s. Very good fit, breathable enough. Wish I had bought them sooner!

Don't kick yourself for that - they were really hard to come by at first, and medical staff needed them most, anyway!

We keep a few of those around now that they're available, but I'm pretty comfortable in my hand-made ones as well (plus they make me feel all creative. :laughing: )

I'm definitely looking forward to a time when masks aren't needed, and I hope that's fairly soon. - I miss seeing people's smiles! But I don't want to see the mandates pulled too soon, resulting in another spike.

I'm also kind of hoping they stay "acceptable in certain situations" - like if you have a bad cold, but have to go to the store to get food or medicine, you might wear one just out of politeness, so you don't spread your cold. And I might even think about it for flying. (My BIL, for instance, always catches something on planes - even long before the pandemic.) - I wouldn't want to see it remain required forever, but it would be nice if nobody thought it was strange for a person to wear one voluntarily.
I haven't done the two mask idea yet, still liking to wear only one, and where I am it's not required for two masks, and required in all business/stores for one, and strongly recommended in public for one as well, but many people in public haven't been wearing the masks. When I was out on my walk this week, I saw a dozen people maskless and in some cases even walked past me maskless (I was able to socially distance from a group who apologized to me for not wearing their masks).

I'm not on double masking yet, things would have to get really bad for me to get there, but I do like having at least one and will be wearing at least one for a long while (at least 2-3 more years, yes it will take that long at least if not longer before I would feel comfortable about being in a public setting with no mask on).

For type of masks I prefer, after sampling the different types, I prefer the surgical/certain kinds of cloth masks personally.
Thanks for the support and having my back...especially you, Kitty. Your Covid thread gave me a place to share when I was scared.

I have something related to masks and glasses fogging up: Fog Gone. It's made by Optix 55, and it's saved my sanity. I wear my glasses all the time, and this really does keep them from fogging and misting up. I just spray both sides of my lenses, rub it in a little bit with my fingers and let it dry while I'm getting ready. Once it's dry all you do is wipe them gently with a tissue to remove streaks, and you're good to go! My glasses have not fogged up since.

I prefer a double layer cloth mask with a filter pocket, myself. I like the kind with a pointy nose area. I just bought an ear saver to see how it works so I can take it to Disney in December with all of my masks.
For those that feel like they can't breathe/are terribly uncomfortable in masks, they should be evaluated by a physician. This is not normal, but some people do have mask-related anxiety which can cause these feelings. It's important to sort out what is wrong - whether the issue is physical or mental. The anxiety can be overcome by a number of breathing and visualization exercises. If the problem is physical, such a lung problem, this probably would make you a candidate for severe Covid disease and possibly long-term effects, so it is more important that you find a mask that actually works for you or somehow otherwise reduce your risk as much as possible.
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