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Yes they are. Well length of stay is $27 a day and just a one day is $31 I believe. We loved them though when we rented one in Nov it was so easy and nice to have both kids in one spot. If we rented length of stay it will be $108. So that is why we are thinking of just sucking it up and bringing ours and renting one the last couple of days if we need it. At least we would save a little $$$$. We hated though having to deal with it on the bus that is why we will probably drive. Also it is nice to have the stroller for the walk to the car and to the room at night instead of trying to carry 2 kids that long. They get heavy....

see, these are the tips that will be useful to me in a few years :goodvibes
first things first though - lets just get the wedding done with before i start pricing the buggies at WDW :lmao:
Okay, I am off to fix the kids an early supper and take them to church. Then more yard work tonight!

Have a great night everyone!
bye shelly! :cutie:

i'm probably gonna go too!!! work's almost over

:drive: :moped: :car: :boat: DOESN'T MATTER HOW - JUST GET ME OUTTA HERE - thanks for getting me through it mayers :snooty:

only 3 1/2 days left!!! :banana:

i'll check in later! princess:
Yes they are. Well length of stay is $27 a day and just a one day is $31 I believe. We loved them though when we rented one in Nov it was so easy and nice to have both kids in one spot. If we rented length of stay it will be $108. So that is why we are thinking of just sucking it up and bringing ours and renting one the last couple of days if we need it. At least we would save a little $$$$. We hated though having to deal with it on the bus that is why we will probably drive. Also it is nice to have the stroller for the walk to the car and to the room at night instead of trying to carry 2 kids that long. They get heavy....

last year i bought my own stroller and loved it.... i can't even think about going there without it.....

BOO!!! that's crappy - well i know that they're in all the malls around here - i was just hoping for some outlet prices :thumbsup2

i'm going to start shopping tomorrow and then again on friday...

friday is bob's bachelor party :eek: so i have to keep myself occupied or i'll drive myself crazy wondering what's going on :rolleyes:

oh oh.... RF is gonna go CRAZY on Fri.....
ok guys talk to you later... time for me to get out of here......
there r life vests @ pop

there was 1 left in the bin around 2 pm.

waiting 4 p&pp parade

p&Pp is awesome
'kay, guys...I just came on here after work, and read the whooooooolllle sordid thread! :scared1: :eek: I laughed until tears were literally running down my cheeks. I was trying to explain it to my husband, and when I got to the part about Jo and her sippy cup he said, "They sell those things in France?" :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

i was supposed to pack last night..... :rolleyes1
.........but i watched hockey instead :guilty:

:rotfl: oh well tonights another night

Another hockey fan! Whoo hoo! :yay: Who are your fave teams? We love the Wings (DH is from Detroit) and the Sharks (they are from San Jose, the closest thing we have to a hometown team around here).
we are big PENS fans in this house!!! :woohoo:

although we didn't play for the last few days... i was watching the flyers/caps game to find out who we would play in the next round of the playoffs.... flyers won... :mad: so that means we play the rangers next :sad2: ... i'm bummed - i was looking forward to playing the caps... i thought it would make for a pretty awesome series....

both of your teams are stil in the running right??? :yay:
although - if we make it to the finals and have to play each other... we may not be able to be friends... :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :lmao:

Yay! :woohoo: for our new home :)

RF - In answer to your question on the previous thread, I was familiar with the CP from friends who did it previously, and I knew it was coming to my school so I talked to the head of my dept about it before hand, knowing that it was my goal to work for Disney. I went to the presentation and interviewed and here I am :).

Ok, I have to admit I have been a total lurker, but you guys are really entertaining. I have enjoyed the trip report and I am so ready for our trip. Except for the fact... I need to go shopping now.... The kids have out grown their shoes and I have nothing to wear. I also need to get some stuff to entertain the kids in the car for the trip. I need to start a list. When we went to Disney in Nov by this many days out I was all organized and this time... I am so procrastinating.

Shelly - When is your anniversary? My 11 yr is on the 12th (May of course).

Sulley - where are you staying? My old home was Building 30 at Vista Way. I worked at Peco's Bill Cafe in Frontierland. Of course that was ages ago (93)
Alot has changed since then. I know you are having a good time. It is a great expeience.

Thanks for letting me join in...

Hi FLMom :wave2: Welcome to the Mayers!
I'm at Chatham....

there r life vests @ pop

there was 1 left in the bin around 2 pm.

waiting 4 p&pp parade

p&Pp is awesome

I LOVE P&PP! Did you happen to see Capt. Hook and Smee :)? The fireworks for it are amazing.

So, in other Sulley-news....I've been really really brave the past couple days. First riding M:S Orange, and today riding RnR for the first time! I actually like it better than BTMRR since it doesn't have the drops. We went to DHS with the sole purpose of riding it and then going out to dinner. One of my roommates had been trying to convince her DBF to go on it, and he's usually my partner in crime for sitting out rides, but he agreed and basically said that if he was going, I had to too. And everyone else swore that if I could ride Orange, that it would be no big deal. I rode with six of my roomies and honorary roomies. So I had a few moments of freaking out right before the launch :scared1:, but the rest wasn't too bad. And I was rewarded with a stiff drink when we got dinner :)
Good Lord-
The excitement has begun with me. :banana:

Look out- today might be better than yesterday.....














:banana: 19 Days!






Yay Sulley!!

You are so very brave!!!!!!:goodvibes

How arethe crowds this weeek????
How long are the waits???

Just wondering.

Good morning!! :goodvibes Another day closer!! :cool1: 16 DAYS!!!

YAY Sulley rode RNRC!!! :woohoo: Isn't it the best ride ever?????!!!!!! Well at least that's what DS9 and I think!!!!! :yay: :yay:

What's everyone up to today? Looks like another beautiful sunny day here! Soccer practice tonight.
morning everyone!!! :dance3:

i have a half day today & i also volunteered to help with all the kids thet came to work with their parents today... :eek: :rotfl:
sooooo, i am only going to be at my desk for maybe an hour - then go and take the kids to all of their destinations... pnc set up a bunch of different presentations and activities for them to do until lunchtime :teacher: ....

i guess so their parents can still get a little work done in the morning...

anyways- when i ship them off at 12 - then i am done for the day and i go to get my hair done!!! :woohoo:

i'm not going all out this time and getting it all chopped - colored and trimmed and we are going to do another trial run for the wedding to make sure it't still what i want to do... :wizard: oh and my eyebrows - - - :scared1: they need it BAD :lmao:

so , that's my day!!! i'll be in to check in with you guys after like 2 probably... i WILL pack stuff today - - - scouts honor ;) :goodvibes
yeah i'm also curious about the crowds and the weather - i'm paranoid about rain - i still need to go and get ponchos - i saw some at walgreens and they wanted almost $8 for them :scared1: WHAT - that's crazy talk!!! i need to find a dollar store nearby...
We got a little thunder and rain yesterday around 3:00, but not for very long.

I actually cooked on the grill the last 2 nights!! Burgers one night and chicken the other. I love nice weather!! :goodvibes

I wouldn't worry about the weather at WDW too much RF. Last year the forecast said thunderstorms for everyday we were there. I was paranoid! :eek: Well, it sprinkled on that Monday for about 20 minutes, then rained lightly for maybe 30 minutes on that Thursday, and it rained hard for about an hour that Friday night. That was it!! NO thunderstorms at all. The weather was great!! I think it is just so dang humid that they say it could storm everyday! :rotfl:
Thanks shelly - that makes me feel better - - - my mom and dad went to wdw with my brother and sister about 3 years ago and they said the same thing - that i rained every day but, only for like 20 minutes... so it didn't matter :goodvibes

i bought 2 more tank tops last night and a pair of ... shorts :eek: ... haha i found it all at wal mart! :confused: i was shocked - but the stuff that they had out was cute and cheap and comfy - so i was in!! i have to stop buying tanks though - i need just regular t shirts now... i think i may go after i get my haif done today...

ok! i guess i gotta go get the kids now!

:snooty: check in later... :snooty:
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