Name a book you have read more than once

Are You My Mother?
Guess How Much I Love You
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie

Grimms' Fairy Tales
Nancy Drew
Little Women
The Babysitters Club
Jurassic Park
Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles

Automatic Millionaire
Total Money Makeover
The Two Income Trap
The Southern Vampire/Sookie Stackhouse series
Criminal Justice/Law textbooks in college
The Little House on the Prairie books - Laura Ingalls Wilder - I read them multiple times as a kid.
Are you there God, It's Me Margaret - Judy Blume - teenage years favorite
Don't Let the Pigeon Drive The Bus - Mo Willems - I read this to my kids many, many times.
I'm not much of a "re-reader" but:

Handmaid's Tale
American Gods
A Game of Thrones
The Bible
Little house on the Prairie series
Island of the Blue Dolphins

I'm currently re-reading the Thieve's World series. I LOVED those when I was a teenager.
Game of Thrones series because I am waiting for Martin to get of his #@% and finish the next novel (not holding my breath), Outlander books got a re-read when the series aired, the HP books were all re-read to each of my boys.
Some Harry Potter books
Multiple Jane Austen novels
Multiple Little house books
Ready Player One (Two will get there sooner rather than later)
Star Wars: X Wing Series
What If? Series (Alternative History essays)
Ender's Game/Ender's Shadow
World According to Garp

Once and Future King

Mists of Avalon


I could read these over and over... pick them up, start almost anywhere

Sadly graduate school kinda killed my habit of reading for pleasure... it is getting better... but for so many years I had sooooo many papers to read... i was always behind and felt guilty if I picked up a book to read for fun....
The Time Machine, The Outsiders, Jurassic Park, Pictures of an Exibitionist (Keith Emerson bio).
My wife's list includes Pride and Predjudice, Natures End, Handmaids Tale and several of the Harry Potter books


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