New Info on VMK Newsletter Page - Pay for play rooms are no longer allowed in VMK.

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I disagree. I use turnstyles so that people cannot enter my ride, except from the main ride room. Many others use them for similar reasons.

Nobody has to pay to ride my ride, but they cannot enter from just any point. They have to go to my main ride room.

totally different turnstile.

What I just can't understand is.... Does any of this make sense to the people in charge of VMK? I mean we all see them constantly refering to the Values, and how it says NOTHING in the values about these things, YET THEY are acting like it does say them.

Do 'they' think it all makes sense? So 'they' think VMK is a safe place? Do 'they' think they are running a great game? Do 'they' think they are fair and just?

Are 'they' that clueless?

Right now I am going to have to vote YESthey are!:banana:

Sorry, someone already bought that. Built this theme park thingy on it...

now how did I know you were going to say that? :lmao:
I disagree. I use turnstyles so that people cannot enter my ride, except from the main ride room. Many others use them for similar reasons.

Nobody has to pay to ride my ride, but they cannot enter from just any point. They have to go to my main ride room.

Cat was talking about the Epcot turnstiles, not the regular turnstiles.

At least they put that new rule about pay to play rooms in the quest today.
:mad: I just read about a new rule that has made me extremely mad. Apparently you can't be in a room where the owner isn't there? Well, I personally have a problem with this.

As many of you know, I have a quest called Narnia Adventure Quest. I actually had you go through about 12 or 13 of the different rooms I made only for this quest. I spent about 500,000ish credits and an inferno (yes, inferno) for this quest. Now they are not only saying it's not allowed, but I could get banned for opening it? This is completely not right, as I also have the same problems with my rides.

Now it comes down to this- What do I do? :sad2:

What bothers me is that staff doesn't ban people that are being REALLY bad, dictionary dancing to say horrible things, but they ban/warn people for the DUMBEST reasons...So much for following the VMK values. I must have reported this girl 5 times, and gotten the same response every time when she was just getting more explicit!
(This might be the wrong thread, but all the talk of VMK not enforcing the values got me angry...)
This is so nonsensical that I don't think it's even worth getting in a stew about. If VMK really was serious about enforcing it, they would need to remove all of the teleporters from the game.

Someone obviously was not really thinking when they wrote that.
I have re-read the values 8 times today and it doesn't say that we can't be in a room if the owner is not in there...
It is number two under the VMK Top FAQs, which is the 4th section down in the left column of the home page.
Sure, there are some players who don't watch the log-in scree, but alot more probably do (especially newbies). And any extra exposure is good. Can't hurt to have more players who know what the rules are in VMK right? What do you do while VMK is loading?
Anything but watch it. Watching TV, taking out the trash, checking out DIS, and all sorts of other stuff.
I asked Host Phinny today this question. Does this mean we can not join our rides to other players since it is against the values. She said she was making a report on it to get more info on this issue. She also said the dark rides should be ok. I guess because you can not jump off the ride.

Thanks Phinny for trying to get more info for us.:thumbsup2
It is number two under the VMK Top FAQs, which is the 4th section down in the left column of the home page.
The point is that it's not in the Values, though they claim it is against the Values. The top 5 FAQ is not part of the Values, it just seems to be information. If they're going to claim something is against the Values, they should probably make sure it's actually in the Values. Perhaps they should do what they keep telling us to do: READ THE VALUES!!! Then they might actually see that most of what they say is against the values isn't even hinted at in the values.
The point is that it's not in the Values, though they claim it is against the Values. The top 5 FAQ is not part of the Values, it just seems to be information. If they're going to claim something is against the Values, they should probably make sure it's actually in the Values. Perhaps they should do what they keep telling us to do: READ THE VALUES!!! Then they might actually see that most of what they say is against the values isn't even hinted at in the values.
Right; there's no mention of this in the "Values" section. I myself had trouble finding exactly where it was posted, which is why I mentioned the location.

The VMK values appear to be subject to interpretation by whoever is writing an article for the home page. There have been many statements made to expound on VMK policies, but most players will never be aware of them. If it were not for forum records and player word-of-mouth, the information gap would be even worse than it is, since VMK provides no archive of past articles.
6/15 – Everyone LOVES a prize – the promise of rare items and other VMK goodies are a wonderful thought, but remember when you enter a trade, a "Cute or Boot" or Pay to Play room you might be scammed.

Pay to Play rooms in particular – where you pay to play a game and it's up to the room owner to award the prize – are extremely questionable. That's why starting immediately VMK will no longer allow these rooms in VMK.

Scamming is equal to theft and a violation of the VMK Values. If you scam someone in VMK, this will lead to your account being automatically and permanently banned. Having your parents Contact Us to get your account re-activated won't work, because if you can't play by the rules and follow the VMK Values, we don't want you in the game.

Remember, don't let yourself get scammed. As the old saying goes, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Don't "loan" your stuff and if a room owner refuses to show you their "Cute or Boot" prize or rare item, or you feel they don't really have the prize, leave the room. There are lots of other games to play and things to do in VMK!

Room owners don't have to be in their room, but if a room owner is not in their room you should leave the room and return when they are present. This way you avoid any trouble (like being scammed) and it's against VMK Values to be in a room when the owner's not present.

There is a room that many of us have been through in the last couple weeks that breaks 2 of these so called new rules.

In the first room the owner is usually there and then you pass through several other of her rooms until you reach the final room. When you get to the last room you need to pay the owner and decide what teleporter to take for a "possible prize"

What room is this you ask? Humunga Kowabunga
and who is the owner?
Drum roll please
Host Phinny

This just goes to show what kind of in house communication they have with each other. Fin if you are reading this, sorry. It is not meant towards you but at the lack of thought put into these new rules. I still do like your game.
But in case you happen to get banned :rotfl2:
Having your parents Contact Us to get your account re-activated won't work,
I asked Host Phinny today this question. Does this mean we can not join our rides to other players since it is against the values. She said she was making a report on it to get more info on this issue. She also said the dark rides should be ok. I guess because you can not jump off the ride.

Thanks Phinny for trying to get more info for us.:thumbsup2

Why do they care? It's not like we can steal anything from someone's room. I like it when people get off the river and spent time in my rooms, that is why I created them. However I can't sit in them 24 hours a day.

Shouldn't it be our choice if we won't people in our rooms or not, after all the trouble they went to create the rooms that will let in anyone, friends, or no body. VMK is getting out of hand.
The "Top 5 FAQs" section of the homepage has been changed; item number 2 is no longer about being in a room when the owner is not present.

Here is the text that has replaced it:
2. Can you tell me about the VMK Staff? Who are they? Despite their appearance, VMK staff members are NOT kids but actually adults trained specifically to handle VMK. VMK Staff may look like you in the game (with cool Mickey ears) but they're actually more like school teachers - in fact, many of the VMK Staff are teachers, or have been teachers, which is why they choose to be VMK Staff: because they like to teach and help kids.

With that said, VMK Staff should be treated like you would treat a school teacher: with respect. Because although the VMK Staff is there to help and keep you safe, they also must step in when you're not playing safely or following the VMK Values or game guidelines.

Also keep in mind the VMK Staff are very, very busy working to keep you safe and make sure VMK runs smoothly - so while it's ok to say hello, ask for a picture or some cool magic, don't be rude to them, misbehave or report false information. If you do, you could get banned and in VMK bans are like being sent to the principal's office - and nobody wants that.

VMK Staff are adults trained to help you and keep the community safe - so please treat them with respect. In fact, treat EVERYONE in VMK with respect; it's more fun to play that way.
Thanks for the update, Alice. I was hoping before was just a big mistake because I had a hard time believing that could possibly make logical sense to anyone as being against the Values. Just plain bizarre. :sad2:

I find that interesting that many of the Staff are or were teachers. I'm getting my Master's degree in School Counseling, so I work with teachers off and on (for now, less because I'm in my student school counselor phase and am in a school plus my classes-- only 1 more year to go though before I graduate, yay!). Teaching is not an easy job and not one I would ever want; I have to give guidance lessons to classes (in elementary school it basically involves teaching the kids some moral lesson in a creative way), and that is more than enough teaching time for me. :scared1:
Thanks for the update, Alice. I was hoping before was just a big mistake because I had a hard time believing that could possibly make logical sense to anyone as being against the Values. Just plain bizarre. :sad2:
Yes, that was my reaction as well. I figured whoever wrote it must not have checked their sources or thought through the implications.
I find that interesting that many of the Staff are or were teachers.
I found that interesting as well. I'm rather awed at the thought of teachers taking time to work as VMK staff, on top of everything else they do.
I'm getting my Master's degree in School Counseling, so I work with teachers off and on (for now, less because I'm in my student school counselor phase and am in a school plus my classes-- only 1 more year to go though before I graduate, yay!). Teaching is not an easy job and not one I would ever want; I have to give guidance lessons to classes (in elementary school it basically involves teaching the kids some moral lesson in a creative way), and that is more than enough teaching time for me. :scared1:
Wow, sounds interesting! Good luck with your degree.
I'm confused.. ( Which is normal ) Yesterday I was watching a cute or boot game just as it ended. The ppl waiting to get in and play were saying some really terrible things about the owner that she was a cheat and wasn't going to give the prize oh and the famous the winner is the owners friend... Well after the game was over the owner move the velvet rope and allowed ppl in the room. As ppl were entering she said there was not going to be another game and she said this several times before leaving. I waited a bit longer to see what was going to happen and don't you know another girl, not the owner, started a cute or boot in that very room! :sad2: I did say many times that this girl was not the owner and how everybody was so afraid to be ripped off or scammed but yet they will stay and play with a non owner... They more or less boo-ed me:eek: !! Well, I did report this to VMK while I was in the room and told VMK that there was a non owner conducting a game of cute or boot. I did get a reply and you know what they said?? It is not against VMK rules for ppl to be in a room without the owner of the room there. And they suggested that I leave :lmao: ... Am I just having another one of my blond days:laughing: or am I just plain dumbo:scared: ??
I think that whole "VMK Staff are teachers" thing is a load of bunk. More VMK propaganda - certain staff sure as shooting does not act like a teacher - teachers have patience, and most staff has zero patience
I think that whole "VMK Staff are teachers" thing is a load of bunk. More VMK propaganda - certain staff sure as shooting does not act like a teacher - teachers have patience, and most staff has zero patience

I don't know about that. I had quite a few teachers in school that had no patience what so ever. In fact, I had one teacher who actually threw a chair in the room when she got so upset one day. She had to take a couple days off, but she was allowed to come back and continue teaching.
VMK House Rules
Whether this is your first time online or you're a seasoned visitor, we've spelled out our house rules for you here. Generally speaking, these rules simply require respect and good manners. Use common sense and you'll feel right at home.

The law states that we should not kill people, yet it happens. Maybe you accidentally backed up the car on your child .. should you be put in jail the rest of your life. Military go to war and they kill people, and don't go to jail for doing so. Sadly, even people who deliberately kill someone might not end up in jail, because of some technicality, or they suffer from a rage disorder, or they're not sane. (of course your not sane if you can take another's life)
The law, they say is there to protect us, which as a whole, it generally does.

But sometimes in protecting other peoples rights, the innocent suffer. Imagine the angst of the family of the victim that is murdered, whether the murderer is charged or is set free. There are also people who are charged and put in jail, who are innocent.

What I am trying to do, is give some perspective on how VMK staff must feel, they have a small land they are trying to govern. They try to make rules to keep people safe and still be fair. It is a complicated thing when people just won't follow the Golden Rule - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you! :angel:

I think when VMK says "It's against VMK Values" that they are not always talking about specific set out rules, they just want everyone to play nice and have a fun time.

[This is my own personal opinion ... please respect it] :goodvibes
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