Official 2012 Wine and Dine ½ Marathon Thread

I am doing the Princess. I did the first one in 2009. I think I liked the WnD better due to the later start time and going through 3 parks instead of just 1. Have you been over to the Princess thread?
I'm seriously considering the princess too, with a follow up in CA this summer for C to C. Who knew this 1/2 marathon thing could be so addicting! I always hated anything to do with running as exercise before.
I am doing the Princess. I did the first one in 2009. I think I liked the WnD better due to the later start time and going through 3 parks instead of just 1. Have you been over to the Princess thread?

Haven't yet, but am thinking about going over there. I see it's 88% full. I looked at the course yesterday and saw it was only one park with a lot of road. People who have done it, seem to love it. My college roommate signed up and it's making it very tempting now.

I'm seriously considering the princess too, with a follow up in CA this summer for C to C. Who knew this 1/2 marathon thing could be so addicting! I always hated anything to do with running as exercise before.

Ditto! And that Coast to Coast seems cool too! I guess I'm going to go look at the Princess thread now. :)
Honestly, I think the princess is kind of boring. No flames please.:goodvibes It's only one park (plus epcot at the end). The costumes are great. I loved dressing up, but it just wasn't that exciting. I am still debating it for this year, but if I had to choose, I would choose W&D.
I signed up for the Princess most so I can say I have run in all four parks! Worth doing at least once I say!!
I've done princess twice. It is a lot of road, but a lot of characters and entertainment. I am a mental mess with running and get bored easily. Princess does not bore me! :)

Question for wine and dine- did you train at night or day or did it matter for you? I'm a morning runner and really want to do this race next year but worry about it being at the end of a long day. Any suggestions on how you felt?
I am debating whether I will be doing the Princess in the future. The idea of running through MK really appeals to me...but the early morning and a lot of road does not. I really loved having so much park to run through with the W&D, and I really really loved having a late start time (I am a night owl). I won't be signing up for the one in February...unless I happen to win that Run Like a Princess sweepstakes. :rolleyes: But I am considering it for 2014 with maybe the DL half for my C2C. BUT, that would also be the fifth anniversary year for W&D and I wonder if they'd do a special medal for that. I can't do all three that year. Decisions, decisions.

Question for wine and dine- did you train at night or day or did it matter for you? I'm a morning runner and really want to do this race next year but worry about it being at the end of a long day. Any suggestions on how you felt?

I trained primarily in the evening when the sun was still out at about 8pm. Pushed it up to late afternoon once it started getting darker earlier. Never trained in the dark for personal safety reasons. I am not a morning person, so I only did a few morning my DH usually works during the day so I would have to wait until he was home so he could be with the kids while I was out. I wouldn't say all your training needs to be in the evening/night, but I would strongly suggest you get in at least a few runs at that time (or at least a long run). That way you know how your body will handle that energy exertion towards the end of the day, and you know how to fuel yourself throughout the day for that later run.
Plutobaby- what was your finishing time? I finishe in 2:51. Maybe we would be in the same corral next year. I feel so bad I couldn't stay w u this year after the meet but I was scared of dropping back bc of those sweepers.

I was going to do the buffalo turkey trot this weekend actually. I've always wanted to do it because it's a huge deal up there. I think it's the oldest one in the country. But not now with this foot. Maybe next year now that I'm a proven "runner". Lol! :)

Figs - I finished right in front of you (2:48)! Did you provide a proof of time when you registered? I didn't have anything and at the time I didn't really care where I started. Thankfully, I don't even know what the sweepers looked like :cool1: so that's no longer a concern, but if I know there will be less bottlenecking starting in D or E, I'd really consider running it again.::yes::

Just went to Runner's Depot and ordered some new shoes - Saucony Triumph 10. Pricey :eek: but comfy :cloud9:. Hopefully this will help with my blasted knee!!:thumbsup2
I've done princess twice. It is a lot of road, but a lot of characters and entertainment. I am a mental mess with running and get bored easily. Princess does not bore me! :)

Question for wine and dine- did you train at night or day or did it matter for you? I'm a morning runner and really want to do this race next year but worry about it being at the end of a long day. Any suggestions on how you felt?

I'm up during the week at 6 and run after work around 5:30-6ish. I had no problems with the time. I just made sure to relax the whole day of, stay off my feet and eat right (grilled chicken salad and NE clam chowder around 1pm, part of a whole wheat turkey sub around 5:30, protein bar around 9pm and 10 honey stingers throughout the race starting around mile 4 (2-3 at a time). No stomach issues or anything other than the usual bad knee stuff. :thumbsup2 I did find it strange though, and some other runners told me the same thing, but the next day, my WHOLE body ached - arms, back, etc. Maybe it was tension, but by Monday that was over. :cool1: I think adrenaline got me through the first 4-5 miles anyway :hyper:.
PlutoBaby said:
Figs - I finished right in front of you (2:48)! Did you provide a proof of time when you registered? I didn't have anything and at the time I didn't really care where I started. Thankfully, I don't even know what the sweepers looked like :cool1: so that's no longer a concern, but if I know there will be less bottlenecking starting in D or E, I'd really consider running it again.::yes::

Just went to Runner's Depot and ordered some new shoes - Saucony Triumph 10. Pricey :eek: but comfy :cloud9:. Hopefully this will help with my blasted knee!!:thumbsup2

I did not have any proof of time to submit and I think I just got kinda lucky to be in E vs F because of when I registered (early June). Now we have proof of time I bet (hope) we'd be in at least D from what some people I talked to who had finished under 3 like us. I will say that I felt it was a bit of a bottleneck when starting out for maybe 3 or 4 minutes but then I cut over to the grass and was out of the "pack" at least by the first water stop I think. If I remember correctly. I think that grass saved my knees too. There were a few more congested parts but nothing too major that would keep me from doing it again.

If u started 5 min after me in your corral and ended up 3 min ahead of me in chip time, we almost crossed the finish line together. Lol! Cool! I can't believe I didnt see you after, of course all I was thinking about was how the heck do I get back into Epcot and find my DH!
I didn't have proof of time either and started in D. I wonder if I'd be moved backwards with a finish time of 3 hrs 56 seconds!
I did not have any proof of time to submit and I think I just got kinda lucky to be in E vs F because of when I registered (early June). Now we have proof of time I bet (hope) we'd be in at least D from what some people I talked to who had finished under 3 like us. I will say that I felt it was a bit of a bottleneck when starting out for maybe 3 or 4 minutes but then I cut over to the grass and was out of the "pack" at least by the first water stop I think. If I remember correctly. I think that grass saved my knees too. There were a few more congested parts but nothing too major that would keep me from doing it again.

If u started 5 min after me in your corral and ended up 3 min ahead of me in chip time, we almost crossed the finish line together. Lol! Cool! I can't believe I didnt see you after, of course all I was thinking about was how the heck do I get back into Epcot and find my DH!

Right?! As soon as I got through the finish pictures, I called and stayed on the phone with him until I FINALLY got through everybody :crowded: and found him just inside the turnstile.:love: He gave me a huge hug puckerup: and that's when I lost it :sad:. Talk about feeling like a total idiot! :blush:
Hi everyone!

I'm back from our cruise. Being w/o Internet is killer after a race bc I missed all the after talk. :)

I had a great time at this race. I LOVED running thru 3 parks and all the CMs cheering us on. My only other Disney race has been Tink and there just isn't enough real estate to give you good park run thrus. Also, I thought the CMs at W&D seemed a little greater in number and maybe a bit more enthused than Tink, but not much of a difference. The big difference for me was the road portion. Tink killed W&D in this portion. In Anaheim there were TONS of bands and cheering people and crowds on the roads. Like every 1/2 mile. I was disappointed to see so little activity on the roads of the W&D. However I think it might just be the way you're not in the city like in Anaheim. I thought the bottle necking that everyone is talking about was not that big of a problem except on the boardwalk. I thought Tink was way worse. However, Tink I was in the last corral (E) and W&D I was in (B). That might have something to do with it.

It was so great to see the WISHers at the start. I was so worried about being alone at the race, but it wasn't a big deal since I was able to sit with you all!

I ended up with a huge blister that I expected, but still really bothered me. I think my shoes are at their limit and the toe box is too loose, bc I get a blister on my right big toe after every long run. And it seems that area is more susceptible to it now? I finished in 2:26, which was better than my Tink time (2:39) but missed my goal. I knew when my blister flared up and I had to stop for the potty in AK that I wasn't going to hit 2:15.

I just want to say that I am a run/walker. As you can see my time doesn't show me as a "walker" but I take a 1-2 min walk break every mile or so. It is sometimes almost impossible to get to the right side depending on how you're shuffled in a pack. I always try, but also do to want to cut off people. Then I have to move back in the pack to run again which forces me to move left again. I'm just saying, just because you see someone walking, doesn't mean they're a "walker" in the B corral. Also, it's possible that they couldn't get around people to the right side when they needed to.

I didn't have any problems with the night race, but I think that's bc I came from the west coast Friday night. I also typically stay up late. I didn't do any training runs at night. However, I'm not one that ever has experienced tummy troubles so my diet didn't work into my planning.

I was so happy to be able to do this race and earn my coast to coast! I skipped the after party bc we had to leave early on Sun to catch our cruise, but the lines I ran thru had me a bit scared. :). I've never been to WDW as an adult (once as a kid), and I look forward to visiting the parks for a visit with my family sometime in the future.

We stayed at the All Star Movies and I was very happy with the service we received for the price. We used the DME from Orlando, free transportation for all our races (DH-5k, DDs-1 mi, me-1/2), and great kids activities poolside on fri & sat night. The rooms were motel ish, but completely fine for our needs. I was worried about being at the Movies since it was the last stop for the AllStars, but I actually never had any problems catching buses. I thought the transportation was extremely well organized.

Overall I had a great time and think the race was very well organized. I took pictures while running and will post on this thread soon!
Hi everyone!

I'm back from our cruise. Being w/o Internet is killer after a race bc I missed all the after talk. :)

I had a great time at this race. I LOVED running thru 3 parks and all the CMs cheering us on. My only other Disney race has been Tink and there just isn't enough real estate to give you good park run thrus. Also, I thought the CMs at W&D seemed a little greater in number and maybe a bit more enthused than Tink, but not much of a difference. The big difference for me was the road portion. Tink killed W&D in this portion. In Anaheim there were TONS of bands and cheering people and crowds on the roads. Like every 1/2 mile. I was disappointed to see so little activity on the roads of the W&D. However I think it might just be the way you're not in the city like in Anaheim. I thought the bottle necking that everyone is talking about was not that big of a problem except on the boardwalk. I thought Tink was way worse. However, Tink I was in the last corral (E) and W&D I was in (B). That might have something to do with it.

It was so great to see the WISHers at the start. I was so worried about being alone at the race, but it wasn't a big deal since I was able to sit with you all!

I ended up with a huge blister that I expected, but still really bothered me. I think my shoes are at their limit and the toe box is too loose, bc I get a blister on my right big toe after every long run. And it seems that area is more susceptible to it now? I finished in 2:26, which was better than my Tink time (2:39) but missed my goal. I knew when my blister flared up and I had to stop for the potty in AK that I wasn't going to hit 2:15.

I just want to say that I am a run/walker. As you can see my time doesn't show me as a "walker" but I take a 1-2 min walk break every mile or so. It is sometimes almost impossible to get to the right side depending on how you're shuffled in a pack. I always try, but also do to want to cut off people. Then I have to move back in the pack to run again which forces me to move left again. I'm just saying, just because you see someone walking, doesn't mean they're a "walker" in the B corral. Also, it's possible that they couldn't get around people to the right side when they needed to.

I didn't have any problems with the night race, but I think that's bc I came from the west coast Friday night. I also typically stay up late. I didn't do any training runs at night. However, I'm not one that ever has experienced tummy troubles so my diet didn't work into my planning.

I was so happy to be able to do this race and earn my coast to coast! I skipped the after party bc we had to leave early on Sun to catch our cruise, but the lines I ran thru had me a bit scared. :). I've never been to WDW as an adult (once as a kid), and I look forward to visiting the parks for a visit with my family sometime in the future.

We stayed at the All Star Movies and I was very happy with the service we received for the price. We used the DME from Orlando, free transportation for all our races (DH-5k, DDs-1 mi, me-1/2), and great kids activities poolside on fri & sat night. The rooms were motel ish, but completely fine for our needs. I was worried about being at the Movies since it was the last stop for the AllStars, but I actually never had any problems catching buses. I thought the transportation was extremely well organized.

Overall I had a great time and think the race was very well organized. I took pictures while running and will post on this thread soon!

Welcome back!! Hope your drive on Sunday to Miami wasn't too scary :scared:... I know we made it home in record time for a change :thumbsup2. Did you run the whole thing with that monster medal from your CA race wrapped around your belt? I would've had a big fat bruise from that big mama!:rotfl2:
Congrats, everyone! Thanks for posting your thoughts and reports...I've really enjoyed reading all of them!

Here's my race report.

Oh my gosh...those pictures are heartbreaking. :( You poor thing. Great job toughing it out.

Loved your report! How fun that you got to run the race on your birthday. I LOVE your pictures with Mickey and Minnie. :lovestruc The volunteer story was funny and horrifying at the same time...:eek: And that picture of The Land totally empty is really trippy! Congrats on finishing your first half. :)

...My only concern is I wish people who walk would stay on one side and allow runners to run on the other. Nothing agianst people who walk I admire you for getting up and taking part in this great event!!!

Unfortunately I think this is a common problem in Disney races. :( They always put "etiquette" suggestions in the race instructions and it seems like no one pays any attention to them!

Run a 10K during the year to get a good time, and then submit this to Disney. I had never run a half before, and had no official times to provide when I first registered.

I ran a 10K over the summer, and then submitted that time to RunDisney. I ended up in Corral C. My wife was in the same position and ended up in Corral B.

Great suggestion...I second that! :thumbsup2

I went in with a broken toe, barely ate anything all day before the race (how stupid was that?) and decided I wanted to get pics of stuff - so my time was nowhere near what I wanted it to be. No biggie, I still had a blast.

Anyone see this sign along the way? My coworkers came out to cheer me on, and I was dying laughing at everything they had (a loud horn, glitter, etc):

Wow, a broken toe?! You poor thing! I hope it heals soon. That sign is HILARIOUS.

Sounds like a good race!

Do you like the nov run better than end if sept?

I'm thinking about next year. You guys are inspiring me!

How many corrals did they have?

Honestly, I wouldn't compare this to the ToT 10-miler just yet (unless you're talking about weather/crowds only). It seems to take runDisney a year or two to work the kinks out of these races, and I know there were some complaints about the 10-miler...just as there were about the first W&D a few years ago.

Well... I'm sitting at the urgent care place waiting to get my foot checked out. Five days later and no change. I'm really really really hoping its nothing that won't go away with just a few more days rest! I want to get back to being active. And I really don't want anything to taint what was a really great race experience for me. My guess is it's just sore from the way the road slanted but just in case.... I'm getting it checked out.

I've got to be in heels for my bff's wedding next weekend! :) our dresses are already hemmed!

Oh noooo. I'm glad there's no break! Hope you feel better soon.

I strained the tendon that holds my hamstrings to my pelvis at mile 5, walked the last eight miles and wound up in the med tent at the finish line for about an hour.

However I did finish and got my C2C medal. Now its time to rest and heal and get ready to do it again in 8 weeks for the WDW Half.


OUCH. Hope you're feeling better...congrats on getting that C2C medal.

Great report. That SUCKS about your Garmin having a glitch. I would have been mad. :worried: You mentioned that there aren't as many characters/spectators on this course and that is definitely something I have heard a lot when comparing the day and night races at Disney. Too bad that you just missed a new PR, but 5th in your age group is amazing! Congrats to you and Kris. :)

my runkeeper app said 13.5 in the end.

Did you weave around people a lot? I bet this happens a lot to people at Disney races. For the 2011 Princess Half my Garmin said 13.19...for the 2012 Marathon it said 26.88. :faint:

Loved your report. Adorable costume! I can totally relate to how you talked yourself through the second half of the race...I have definitely done that before. Great picture of you crossing the finish line! It's definitely an emotional experience...congratulations to you!

So who all is doing the Princess? I'm tempted. Is it really that much better than W&D?

I've done the Princess, but not the W&D. From what I understand it seems like there are more spectators and characters along the Princess/WDW Half Marathon courses vs. the ToT 10-miler/W&D courses. And of course you run through the Magic Kingdom. But as a PP said, a lot of that course is back roads. Disney does a great job with entertainment throughout, though. Give it a try!

Really liked your report, congrats on finishing the race!! :thumbsup2
Congrats, everyone! Thanks for posting your thoughts and reports...I've really enjoyed reading all of them!

Loved your report! How fun that you got to run the race on your birthday. I LOVE your pictures with Mickey and Minnie. :lovestruc The volunteer story was funny and horrifying at the same time...:eek: And that picture of The Land totally empty is really trippy! Congrats on finishing your first half. :)

Did you weave around people a lot? I bet this happens a lot to people at Disney races. For the 2011 Princess Half my Garmin said 13.19...for the 2012 Marathon it said 26.88. :faint:

Thank you for reading it and for the comments! I'm still trying to come up with ideas of what to tell people when they ask me when I'm due (I'm not pregnant) as it happens occasionally. I'm looking into surgery to fix the problem that makes me look pregnant!

I don't think I weaved too much, but it did include 2 walks off the course to use the bathroom!
Mary - I enjoyed your race report! Congrats on your first half!

Hi Pluto - yes - my foot is ok! No fracture or anything! They said it MIGHT be tendonitis, but should feel better soon. Rest, Ice, wrap it, meds, no running for another week or so. But I can do other stuff in the meantime so I'm happy. And no cast or boot issues for the wedding next weekend! :thumbsup2


Oh, and my Garmin definitely had me over 13.1. It was more like 13.6 or 13.7 for me, and I know some of it is my "fault" for having to weave around people even though I really tried to run as smart as i could since I had a pretty good idea of when the course was going to turn right or left, etc.
I think I have the same foot thing! Just an angry tendon, but it's annoying. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who ran "too far". I also was trying to be mindful of anticipating turns and taking the shortest path, but I ended up at 13.45 - not terrible.

Figs - I finished right in front of you (2:48)! Did you provide a proof of time when you registered? I didn't have anything and at the time I didn't really care where I started. Thankfully, I don't even know what the sweepers looked like :cool1: so that's no longer a concern, but if I know there will be less bottlenecking starting in D or E, I'd really consider running it again.::yes::
With 2:48, you will likely be in C (unless all the early corrals are faster next year). That was my proof and I was in C.

I didn't have proof of time either and started in D. I wonder if I'd be moved backwards with a finish time of 3 hrs 56 seconds!
I think you'll still be in D next year, maybe even C - don't worry about it! :)

I just want to say that I am a run/walker. As you can see my time doesn't show me as a "walker" but I take a 1-2 min walk break every mile or so. It is sometimes almost impossible to get to the right side depending on how you're shuffled in a pack. I always try, but also do to want to cut off people. Then I have to move back in the pack to run again which forces me to move left again. I'm just saying, just because you see someone walking, doesn't mean they're a "walker" in the B corral. Also, it's possible that they couldn't get around people to the right side when they needed to.
Thanks for mentioning this! I was in B last year as a run/walker and I actually had another runner yell at me for walking. :sad: With all the turns and congestion, it isn't always possible to stay in the right lane. However, I felt quite comfortable in C this year. My walk is as fast as a number of the runners, and my run is faster. I think the key is being mindful of others. I make sure there is no one directly behind me when I transition to walking. I make sure there is plenty of space if I'm going to pass someone.
Mary - I enjoyed your race report! Congrats on your first half!

I think I have the same foot thing! Just an angry tendon, but it's annoying. I'm glad I wasn't the only one who ran "too far". I also was trying to be mindful of anticipating turns and taking the shortest path, but I ended up at 13.45 - not terrible.

With 2:48, you will likely be in C (unless all the early corrals are faster next year). That was my proof and I was in C.

I think you'll still be in D next year, maybe even C - don't worry about it! :)

Thanks for mentioning this! I was in B last year as a run/walker and I actually had another runner yell at me for walking. :sad: With all the turns and congestion, it isn't always possible to stay in the right lane. However, I felt quite comfortable in C this year. My walk is as fast as a number of the runners, and my run is faster. I think the key is being mindful of others. I make sure there is no one directly behind me when I transition to walking. I make sure there is plenty of space if I'm going to pass someone.

I'm starting to think none of us got through this in the same shape as we started it! :crutches: But the more I keep talking with you guys, the more I'm leaning towards doing this again next year...:confused3


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