Official JUNE 2009 Thread!!!

We enjoyed DisneyQuest just to have a break and to see what it was like but it is a video gamer's dream especially for boys. We spent 2 1/2 hrs there. Enough. My one rule was that we only do the games/virtual reality games which are unique and not the ones we see at local arcades. If your son doesn't know about it skip it unless you do have the water park & more option.

We saw 2 adult red heads burnt as lobsters at MK. They probably were so sick. One of them could not walk. Sunscreen, Sunscreen

I'm bringing three bottles of sunscreen so we'll be good! We are getting the water park option and I have a feeling that my son will not want to leave DQ once inside! Boy is our weather here stinky! Not much sun for swimming either! My son has a baseball game tonight..playoffs. I sure hope they get the game in tonight!
We leave on Sat morning- that's less than 2 days I just need some pixie dust that the weather will be ok!
We leave on Sat morning- that's less than 2 days I just need some pixie dust that the weather will be ok!

The weather has to be better in FL as opposed to our PA weather. It was only in the 60's here yesterday and raining every single day. I'll take that afternoon shower over this nasty summer we are having. I didn't even get our summer pool pass yet.
6 more days!

Speaking of the weather and staying hydrated....make sure you're drinking a lot of water on the days leading up to your trip. This will start hydrating your body and gearing it up for all that time in the heat. As everyone has said, make sure you drink water in the parks too! Just thought I'd pass along a very important tip!
A word of warning to all those still to go, take some BUG SPRAY. I didn't and I didn't notice bugs during the day, but they were horrible at night, especially while waiting for fireworks and evening parades or even wandering around DTD.

Bring plenty of bottled water with you or plan to buy lots while you are there to stay hydrated! We just got back on 6/14 and I have never seen so many people that had passed out from the heat before! We went into the First Aid center at Magic Kingdom to get a bandaid and there were about 5 people recovering from the heat in there. Then a few days later in Epcot the EMT crew carried a lady away that had passed out in Norway (Luckily my hubby caught her fall as she was about to fall on him). On Sunday before we left 2 people passed out in one of the Star Wars character line at Hollywood studios. One of the CM's told us that it is not usually this hot this early in June. PLEASE DRINK LOTS OF WATER!!!!

I drink a lot of water anyway (I only drink soda) but my kids don't. I'm really going to have to be on top of them to drink. We are on the QSDP, so I know for breakfast, you get two beverages, but we'll also have the refillable mugs. Everyone is getting two bottles of water whether they like it or not. That should keep us somewhat stocked, in addition to the free ice water I plan on getting at CS locations.

The weather has been so cloudy and cool here in PA that the heat will be a shock to our systems I'm certain.
We leave tomorrow to! Right now Im at the -what did I forget to pack- phase. I know there is something...
A word of warning to all those still to go, take some BUG SPRAY. I didn't and I didn't notice bugs during the day, but they were horrible at night, especially while waiting for fireworks and evening parades or even wandering around DTD.

Called this morning and arranged for cake... We're going to be eating dinner at Narcoosee's Sunday my cake is the mini castle cake. Thursday, my DD's bday, we'll be at CRT for dinner (her request), and she's getting a chocolate slipper.

Going around and trying to get almost last minute things done today so HOPEFULLY all I have to do tomorrow is load the car! Yay!

On the bug spray front, has anyone tried those new Off clip on things?
We're leaving tomorrow! :cool1:

Okay, I'm going to say the same thing again except the count down is shorter. We leave tomorrow morning to stay overnight near the airport then we fly out Saturday morning!!!:cool1: :thumbsup2 :goodvibes :rotfl: Now I'm getting clothes ready.:laundy: Have fun everyone.

We leave in the morning for Florida. My BIL has a boat and we are going to go out on Saturday and enjoy the St. John's and fish. We leave his place early on Sunday morning headed for POR! I cannot believe we are almost on vacation. It is so needed!
Yesterday was DH's birthday. We will celebrate Father's Day and our 18th anniversary while in WDW!
My kids are soooo excited.

Off to pack!

:cheer2: Have a safe and wonderful trip everyone! :cheer2:

My son's team won their game last night! Tonight's game is at 8pm! I'm so excited for him and I sure hope the weather holds up for the rest of the week. The championship will be on Sat if all goes well! Then we leave for Disney on Sunday.

:cheer2: GL to your son and his team! :goodvibes
A word of warning to all those still to go, take some BUG SPRAY. I didn't and I didn't notice bugs during the day, but they were horrible at night, especially while waiting for fireworks and evening parades or even wandering around DTD.


Good to know...packing the bug lotion right after I get off here!!
A word of warning to all those still to go, take some BUG SPRAY. I didn't and I didn't notice bugs during the day, but they were horrible at night, especially while waiting for fireworks and evening parades or even wandering around DTD.


Thank you. We have booked the Breathless Illuminations cruise. I don't want my grandsons carried off by mosquitos. :scared1:
Have a fun and safe trip everyone!
My son's team won last night again! It is supposed to rain here today and tomorrow...pretty bad storms too. I hope we get our games in before we leave for Disney World! I'll still take Disney over the games though but it will be dissapointing not to be there. We got my son a new bat (much lighter) and he is now cracking them out into the outfield! I'm so very proud of him!

Thanks for the bug spray tip! I saw somewhere that they make a bracelet or something you can wear to keep bugs off. I'm stopping at Walmart today to look for that.

Edited....did anyone look at the heat for the week!

98 on Sat and Sunday!
A word of warning to all those still to go, take some BUG SPRAY. I didn't and I didn't notice bugs during the day, but they were horrible at night, especially while waiting for fireworks and evening parades or even wandering around DTD.


Thanks for the tip. I was wondering about that.
Okay for the last time: We are leaving in an hour to go stay over night near the airport and fly out tomorrow morning!!!! :cool1::banana::woohoo: :dance3: :cheer2::upsidedow Thanks everyone and have a great vacation.


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