Optimistic October, 2022 W.I.S.H. Thread

Nothing seems to go as planned here lately. I tested again today for covid and it was positive. Pulled both kids out of school. DD is positive as well. I figured this one. I didn't test her yesterday because I was negative. DH and DS are negative and no symptoms. I had a pretty rough night with a fever and I think I started to get one again tonight. The sore though is horrible. DD is on the up tick already but seems to still be tired and took several naps today but other then some very mild congestion she is fine. Over all I am ok. Feels like a really bad cold.

We couldn't find a moving company to help in such short notice so DH and DS will still go tomorrow to move DH's grandmother. She has to move tomorrow because utilities are set to shut off. They are going to wear masks and just load and unload and leave. No hanging around and helping like we originally planned.

This will be just sitting on the couch and resting. Which in all honesty is much over due for me. DH and I will celebrate our anniversary another weekend.
Nothing seems to go as planned here lately. I tested again today for covid and it was positive. Pulled both kids out of school. DD is positive as well. I figured this one. I didn't test her yesterday because I was negative. DH and DS are negative and no symptoms. I had a pretty rough night with a fever and I think I started to get one again tonight. The sore though is horrible. DD is on the up tick already but seems to still be tired and took several naps today but other then some very mild congestion she is fine. Over all I am ok. Feels like a really bad cold.

We couldn't find a moving company to help in such short notice so DH and DS will still go tomorrow to move DH's grandmother. She has to move tomorrow because utilities are set to shut off. They are going to wear masks and just load and unload and leave. No hanging around and helping like we originally planned.

This will be just sitting on the couch and resting. Which in all honesty is much over due for me. DH and I will celebrate our anniversary another weekend.
Well that stinks. I’m sorry.

I have stopped using the rapid tests. Both times we all had Covid, the rapid was negative and the PCR positive.

Feel better soon.
I was supposed to get my booster and flu shot today but they ran out of vaccines. I rescheduled for next Friday. I am off on Monday, and I wanted to get boosted today so I would have 3 days to deal with side effects. Oh well.

Still dealing with the headaches. Ugh.
SOCIAL SATURDAY - Autumn Trivia:

1. The full moon closest to autumn equinox is called_____.
Blue Moon, Harvest Moon, or Reap Moon

2. Which of these birds do not migrate south in autumn?
Northern Cardinal, Robin, or Hummingbirds

3. In fall, leaves lose ______ due to colder temperatures and less sunlight.
Carbon dioxide, mesophyll, or chlorophyll

4. What is another name for the Northern Lights?

Aurora Canedensis, Aurora Borealis, or Aurora Australis

5. Oktoberfest takes place in which German city?

Munich, Hamburg, or Berlin

6. What is autumn coziness called in Denmark?

Lykee, Fika, or Hygge

7. How many apples does it take to make 1 gallon of apple cider?

35-40, 65-70, or 85-90

8. When does the autumnal equinox occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

September 21 or 22, September 22 or 23, or September 22

Believe it or not, many of these questions are from my fall science unit in kindergarten. Have fun! Answers will be provided tomorrow.
Have had a nice Saturday. Did a bit of yardwork, called my parents, watched the Mariners win!!! The scale was back in the old decade today, but I had anticipated that since when I was feeling crummy all I did was eat! I'm better now so anticipate I'll be on track next time!

Bought our WDW park tickets!!!!! Super excited. Have linked them to our account, but that's about it. Park hours aren't posted yet so it makes it hard to decide when to go where. DH has given me his top three candlelight procession dinner package restaurants. Once we decide which day we're going to Epcot I'll book that.
PollyannaMom, thanks for playing!

Here’s the answers:
SOCIAL SATURDAY - Autumn Trivia:

1. The full moon closest to autumn equinox is called_____.
Harvest Moon

2. Which of these birds do not migrate south in autumn?
Northern Cardinal

3. In fall, leaves lose ______ due to colder temperatures and less sunlight.

4. What is another name for the Northern Lights?
Aurora Borealis

5. Oktoberfest takes place in which German city?

6. What is autumn coziness called in Denmark?

7. How many apples does it take to make 1 gallon of apple cider?

8. When does the autumnal equinox occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

September 22 or 23
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Good Morning and Happy Sunday!!

I was getting ready to do trivia yesterday during a break between soccer tournament games and…disaster struck.

DD was in a clump of kids trying to get the ball and her foot folded in half-immediate pain, could not walk or put pressure on it…by the time she got to the side lines it was purple and swelling rapidly right in front of us.

Off to urgent care we went! 4 hours later she was diagnosed with a sprain in her lower ankle bones, which are separated on the X-ray but are supposed to be laying together. For starters she is in a boot, crutches and as much rest/elevation as possible for 2 weeks. Then she goes back for X-rays on the 21st and we will go from there.

She had a teammate break his collarbone a few minutes before her injury, so it was a eventful game to say the least.

We are to be running the wine and dine 5K the first week of November. I am so glad she does not know about it because she would be more hysterical than what she already is about missing work and plans today and next weekend. I did a bit of research and it seems I can push her in a wheelchair for the 5K, which is my plan for now. I will also push her in a wheelchair in the parks.

Everything will work out and it will be fine. Her healing is #1 for me right now as I am not quite ready for another long her medical recovery.
Have had a nice Saturday. Did a bit of yardwork, called my parents, watched the Mariners win!!! The scale was back in the old decade today, but I had anticipated that since when I was feeling crummy all I did was eat! I'm better now so anticipate I'll be on track next time!

Bought our WDW park tickets!!!!! Super excited. Have linked them to our account, but that's about it. Park hours aren't posted yet so it makes it hard to decide when to go where. DH has given me his top three candlelight procession dinner package restaurants. Once we decide which day we're going to Epcot I'll book that.
I didn't think to turn on the Mariner's game until the 5th inning, but the part I saw was to good part!
The workshop yesterday was everything I had hoped it would be. Afterwards I slid in to the rest of the day in a totally different way and am hoping to be able to maintain the same today.

I have a hair cut later this morning but other than that the day is open. It did occur to me yesterday that I need to start getting things together for the crafting retreat next week, so might start on that, and will go get a proper protein rich lunch somewhere.
The last 3-4 days are a giant blur! But last night as the kids were doing ok DH and I decided to still go to the theater and boy did we need it. Saw MEAN GIRLS and it was pretty good. A fun, silly night out. Then we grabbed "hot weiners" after the show. Google "what is an RI hot weiner" if you would like to know what this is. Google this exactly to avoid adult content LOL. They are one of my dad's fave fast foods so it felt fitting. Got a coffee cabinet (coffee frappe) on Friday for this same reason.
This morning before picking the kids up from my in-laws I did an in bed ab workout which felt good...I have not excersized or really taken a decent walk in ages! Hoping that helps to alleviate the back pain I've been having.
Today we met up with one of my cousins and her kids for apple picking. Tried out a new orchard and it was great. There was a good sized area with tables and stuff where the kids were able to blow off some steam. Was glad we were able to see them. I am an only child and grew up close to my cousins and it just so happens that 3 of the ones that actually live in the area are traveling for work this week so they won't be around for the wake/funeral. Will make things a little harder....after the kids go to sleep DH and I are working on the memory boards.
DH does not get Monday as a holiday from work but he took it off as a PTO day. He was going to go in since he will be out Wednesday and Thursday but I kind of guilted him with the fact that no one grows old and says "I wish I didn't take all my allotted vacation time." It's true! Unfortunately he has a wake to go to tomorrow night for the father of a colleague...but we may take the kids out for a bit after. Will have some odds and ends to attend to during the day.
Going to grab some spring roll wrappers during the week to make some apple pie springrolls next weekend. I am not an apple pie fan generally but those sound too good not to try!
That's one of my favorite quotes!

My motivation this week is also better weather. (Last week was just so dreary - rainy/windy/cloudy...) The leaves are starting to get some good color here and there, and I love this time of year!

My challenge is to forget I have so many Halloween treats around already. 🤣
That's one of my favorite quotes!

My motivation this week is also better weather. (Last week was just so dreary - rainy/windy/cloudy...) The leaves are starting to get some good color here and there, and I love this time of year!

My challenge is to forget I have so many Halloween treats around already. 🤣
We stopped giving out candy in 2020, and we haven’t started back up. I’m sure that our previous trick or treaters are not happy as we gave out the good stuff and decorated to the nines. Now it’s just mums, a sunflower wreath and pumpkins on the front steps which will carry us right through Thanksgiving. Not giving out candy means healthier eating in October and less struggling to lose weight. I will dress up for school, but that’s it. Being a Monday night, I won’t be making any signature cocktails or loading up on sweets. We may watch “Hocus Pocus” and call it a day.

My motivation is to make actual progress this week versus gaining or maintaining. That pattern needs to be broken for good.
Motivation this week... to figure out root cause for my headaches and coughing. I'm so tired of both. Next week is the crafting retreat and I'll be around people all day every day. I got a single bedroom, but we are in shared houses and I don't want to drive my housemates batty and I don't want to spend the week worrying about it. I have acupuncture today, so I'll talk to her about it again.

I'm on the fence about putting out candy this year. Last year I don't know that any of it got picked up (the past two years the pumpkin bowl has been at the foot of the stairs for no-contact trick-or-treating), so of course I ate it... even tho I usually get stuff I don't like.

edited to add: BINGO! Did a Google search on chronic wet cough and one of the first things that came up was acid reflux, which I had totally forgotten about. I have a small tear in my esophagus, which is a family trait, and am prone to heart burn and reflux... I'm already avoiding most of the foods considered bad, but will be even more diligent and will start taking Nexium on a regular basis again.
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My motivation is to make it through the week without punching anyone in the face, I will keep you all updated on my progress.
People have been bringing over food which is very nice. Fortunately about half of it is stuff I don't eat so that's a win as far as weight gain goes. I have technically only gained about a pound in the last year but dang have I lost a lot of muscle tone...
As far as Halloween the last few years I have been getting individual bags of chips or cookies. I am not a big chip eater and either option can go with the kids for lunches so they don't stay here temping me. It's worked out well so far and we will likely continue that trend this year.


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