OT: i need a hug - edited 21/07/12: we've cancelled :(

Hi Alicia, I know it is sad but I do think you have made a sensible decision. I'm not sure if you would have fully enjoyed your holiday if you were worried about the $$ each time you spent something. This way you can make sure you are in both the right financial and health condition before you go next year.:thumbsup2
Ohhhh, I love Bass too. His got a nice ***.:love: ( Should drop the B in his name for sure. )::yes::

lol. i love his natural accent, and lordy, if there was a chuck bass in my life, i'd pick him every time (carlo knows and is ok with my crush on chuck bass :) ).

i've seen up to the end of season 5.. now just waiting for season 6 to come out :)

i've gotten into leverage and have been watching past seasons of that.

i imagine i'll be watching a lot of tv while working out, doing housework and generally being bored out of my mind over the next several months :)
Oh Alicia, what a tough decision to have to make on top of everything else. I think you very wise to put your health first at this stage. It will be great when you go next year and are 100% well and fit. And just think of all the delicious planning you have ahead of you.

Sounds like Carlo is being a wonderful support and that you guys will be able to spend the next few months getting you better. Life will settle down soon I'm sure.

I think you are showing a very brave and upbeat attitude and turning what could be a sad situation into one based on being positive. That can only be good for you in the long run. You are putting out some seriously good vibes into the universe and it will surely come back to you in triplicate.
It must have been a hard decision, and it's sad for now, but sounds like the best thing..you will have so much less stress over money and getting your health back, and you still have next year's trip to look forward to! Great to hear you can get credits for your flights next year.
Alicia, :hug: Not an easy decision to make but I'm sure it is the right one for you both. You really didn't need the extra stress and worry about whether you could really afford this trip, on top of your health issues.

By next year you will be well and with the credits for your airfare and transfers you're already ahead on that one. :thumbsup2

I've noticed lots of people on the DIS planning and posting about trips to WDW way, way in advance so you will have lots of company on the boards. This way you have the time and leisure to make your 2013 trip an amazing one!

You have such a good attitude about all this, :flower3:

Oh Alicia - sorry to hear you have had to cancel, but it is probably the right decision in the long run. Just think of your dream trip next year - when we are sitting back here in Oz, not going!! (Well, that will be me, anyway!! :rolleyes2)
Just concentrate on being well and fit and then working in your amazing new job! :thumbsup2
Oh Alicia :( how gut wrenching to make that decision. But once you're over the disappointment you still have your trip next year to look forward to and plan for! you made the right decision, you would feel worse going and not having the holiday you dreamt of because you were sick.

Chin up and get better soon!
Hi Alicia, I have been away on holiday for a week so have only just read your news now. I think you have made a wise decision. Concentrate on getting well, and you can then plan for a super awesome trip next year instead. And it's not that far away, that's what I'm telling myself anyway;)
well now you have the time, you can be the official butt kicker for the get fit thread....:firefight

bummer re the trip, but as the wise ones before me have stated.....get better and then have a blast next year:thumbsup2

bet you both did a sigh of relief when you finally decided.....one less stress, and we kid ourselves when we say planning our trips are relaxing and therapeutic..HA I say:rotfl: I need a holiday from the holiday planning::yes::
:hug: Better to cancel now and have peace of mind and purse then stress your way through the next few months.

It also means you have more time to plan extra things for a future trip :genie:
Such a hard decision to make, but just think half of it is already paid for when you decide it's time :thumbsup2
well now you have the time, you can be the official butt kicker for the get fit thread....:firefight

bummer re the trip, but as the wise ones before me have stated.....get better and then have a blast next year:thumbsup2

bet you both did a sigh of relief when you finally decided.....one less stress, and we kid ourselves when we say planning our trips are relaxing and therapeutic..HA I say:rotfl: I need a holiday from the holiday planning::yes::

i intend to put all my planning skills to use in getting fit :) timetables and charts and keeping a log of all my exercise and food etc. lol. i'll just replace one obsession with another one :)

it was a sigh of relief. we talked about it last night, then went to sleep on it, and woke up and had come to a consensus...took hardly any time to make the decision, and while it's dramatic and horrible, it also feels right....

so now i have spent the day looking at timeframes and prices and ideas and so on for the trip next year, just to give myself somewhat of a trip planning fix...

i still have 3 weeks to go at work, so that will also be somewhat stressful/awkward, but then it'll be time to focus on kicking butt, fitness style.

i just bought a jillian michaels workout dvd. watched it through once... god, she's perky. i'm going to hate her, but .. hey, use the tools you have, right?

thanks everyone for your kindness and support.

you guys are awesome :hug::hug::hug:

So many hugs!! :hug: Don't be too upset with your decision, it will all fall into place eventually.

i just bought a jillian michaels workout dvd. watched it through once... god, she's perky. i'm going to hate her, but .. hey, use the tools you have, right?

lol - I hate the perky ones!! :rotfl2: Well, at least when it's a DVD you can swear at them, and tell them to "shut the **** up" you can't do that at the gym :lmao:
well now you have the time, you can be the official butt kicker for the get fit thread....:firefight

bummer re the trip, but as the wise ones before me have stated.....get better and then have a blast next year:thumbsup2

bet you both did a sigh of relief when you finally decided.....one less stress, and we kid ourselves when we say planning our trips are relaxing and therapeutic..HA I say:rotfl: I need a holiday from the holiday planning::yes::

Amen to that Karen. It definitely isn't relaxing to plan these trips but gee it's some laughs with the DIS along the way.
So many hugs!! :hug: Don't be too upset with your decision, it will all fall into place eventually.

lol - I hate the perky ones!! :rotfl2: Well, at least when it's a DVD you can swear at them, and tell them to "shut the **** up" you can't do that at the gym :lmao:

Man, so true...i think I have now come up with 42 ways to kill my gym instructors...especially the one doing Attack!too damn perky...my personal fave is #22......simple but effective..beating her to death with her own drink bottle while yelling lift those knees higher:rotfl2:

ahh, the things that we do to get us thru that hour of hell:rolleyes1
I think you sound more relaxed already :) Everybody else has already said everything that needed to be said I think. :hug:

i just bought a jillian michaels workout dvd. watched it through once... god, she's perky. i'm going to hate her, but .. hey, use the tools you have, right?

Oh, I already hate her! Wait till she starts telling you to not "Phone it in". What the hell does that mean anyway!?!?! :furious:
I think you sound more relaxed already :) Everybody else has already said everything that needed to be said I think. :hug:

Oh, I already hate her! Wait till she starts telling you to not "Phone it in". What the hell does that mean anyway!?!?! :furious:

oh god, what does that mean????? another one on crack:rotfl:
I tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD - made it to about 8 days doing it every day, then life (3 kids, husband, work etc, normal stuff that most people deal with) got in the way adnd I couldn't keep up. So recently I saw an article about Jillian and her partner recently having a new baby and adopting a 2 year old at the same time, and how she didn't have time to exercise anymore - and I thought sucked in, now she knows how the rest of us normal people feel!
I tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD - made it to about 8 days doing it every day, then life (3 kids, husband, work etc, normal stuff that most people deal with) got in the way adnd I couldn't keep up. So recently I saw an article about Jillian and her partner recently having a new baby and adopting a 2 year old at the same time, and how she didn't have time to exercise anymore - and I thought sucked in, now she knows how the rest of us normal people feel!



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