OT: i need a hug - edited 21/07/12: we've cancelled :(

I tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD - made it to about 8 days doing it every day, then life (3 kids, husband, work etc, normal stuff that most people deal with) got in the way adnd I couldn't keep up. So recently I saw an article about Jillian and her partner recently having a new baby and adopting a 2 year old at the same time, and how she didn't have time to exercise anymore - and I thought sucked in, now she knows how the rest of us normal people feel!

:rotfl: @ sucked in :thumbsup2
I tried the Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred DVD - made it to about 8 days doing it every day, then life (3 kids, husband, work etc, normal stuff that most people deal with) got in the way adnd I couldn't keep up. So recently I saw an article about Jillian and her partner recently having a new baby and adopting a 2 year old at the same time, and how she didn't have time to exercise anymore - and I thought sucked in, now she knows how the rest of us normal people feel!

:cool1: makes me feel a bit better and not like I'm looking for excuses!
Sorry to hear you've had to cancel the trip :( what a horrible position to be put in by your employer too, that totally sucks!
at least you have am amazing holiday to plan for next year though and great you could transfer most deposits etc to that so you aren't out of pocket and not as much to save for next year :)
thanks for your support...

i am happy that we were able to recover almost all of our expenses. only thing we were out for was the AP voucher we purchased online, which is non-transferable, non-refundable, and had to be used by the end of this year... so that was only $380 out of $$$$ that we lost, so in that respect, i am happy :)

i hope we can save most of the money, and don't have to dip into it too much over the coming months in order to get through without 2 incomes :( otherwise, i will be forced to go back into the workforce while still sick just to keep the $$ coming in :(
Hi Alicia.:wave2:

I hope both you and Carlo are feeling somewhat better about things now that the dust has settled somewhat. I really felt for you when I read you had cancelled as I know exactly how that feels and the roller coaster of emotions you go through.
I am happy to tell you though, that the time does go faster than you think! I actually now have learnt to appreciate the extra time I had between cancelling last year and now going this year. I got better health wise, I got better at planning and I also got to save up some extra spending money ( and you can never have too much of that, right?!:rotfl:)
So, I hope you start to feel better soon and just imagine how fit you will be the next trip!!!::yes::

i had friday & monday off due to this stupid illness. was still sick last night, but managed to choke down most of an apple for dinner.

when i was at my dr's on monday, i told him i'd lost my job due to this illness, and he had some choice words for my employers. none of which he included on my medical certificate, thank goodness.

got back to work today and they mentioned that i could finish up earlier than originally stated, especially if i was still going to be sick & needing time off.

they were prepared to have me finish up today, but i stated i could commit to at least finishing out the week. so i finish up on friday. then i guess i get to move forward with spring cleaning every nook & cranny & cupboard in my house for the next few weeks, dieting & exercising like a maniac :drive:

in one way, i am really glad that we cancelled the trip. the extra $$ (when the refunds are finally processed), will come back into our accounts and will benefit us more by by being in our accounts than by paying for an experience that we can duplicate next year, or the year after.

the only part of the experience that we can't get back is that we wanted to be standing on a mayan pyramid in december 2012. and now we can't do that. but that's a small, insignificant experience compared to financial security.

gosh, it's hard being a grown up sometimes.

so... i'm going to be sad this week. and then positive moving forward, even if it kills me. :clown:

Has the dr given any indication on where to go from here - it really must be awful - is there a support group you could join - we love having you here, but it can be depressing if you are not planning a trip.

I am sure you have come to realise that it is unwise to take a lavish overseas holiday while being in such an uncertain place in your life. But maybe you can plan something less expensive - say Cairns or the Whitsundays.

Has the dr given any indication on where to go from here - it really must be awful - is there a support group you could join - we love having you here, but it can be depressing if you are not planning a trip.

I am sure you have come to realise that it is unwise to take a lavish overseas holiday while being in such an uncertain place in your life. But maybe you can plan something less expensive - say Cairns or the Whitsundays.

hi battymum,

the doctor has given no indication, it will resolve itself in the fullness of time. i have some small dietary advice that he has given me so i will be following that.

i promise i will refrain from whinging about being sick :) i will be sticking mostly to the getting fit thread and then when it gets closer to the time, start planning our wdw trip for next year.

we might take a small trip later in the year down to the gold coast, or just a long weekend away for something fun to do :)

I think there is something there for all of us:rolleyes1
Alicia, that was an awful decision that you had to make. Its never nice having to cancel a trip that you've obviously had your heart set on no matter the reason. I'm hoping that now the decision has been made, and you've had time for it to sink in, that you're feeling a lot better about it. Like you say, you now have less to save for your trip the following year, and less financial stress for everyday living.

You still sound so terribly unwell :worried: Lots of hugs your way for a quick recovery. Take care of yourself.

And I hear your frustration on the Australian cruise prices. They're either not good value or on ships that I don't want to be on...
We've booked onto cellebrity solstice (awesome boat) for next oct 2013....13 days Fiji, new cal etc .....and happy with the pricing, fairly equivalent to RCCL in the USA.
and minus the airfare to florida etc etc, so saving a bundle::yes::
And our USA TA booked the whole thing:thumbsup2
My friend has booked the christmas cruise on RCCL to fiji from sydney, great price as well for the 11 days...so deals are out there:firefight
so just shop around,and if you have any questions just ask:surfweb:
Have been missing from the boards for a few weeks-just wanted to add my empathy with all you have had to go through especially as you both have been so excited with the trip planning. I agree with what others have posted though-this may be a turning point. You need time to rest and get well and by the sound of it you might still have been getting bad episodes while you were travelling so delaying the trip til the one planned next year may be the best thing you could have done. Your employers obviously are not the caring type and even if they may be doing it tough financially themselves, handled your situation incredibly badly- I am sure you can find a better place to work elsewhere where you will be truly valued - and most importantly, you have a fantastic partner who loves you so very much. Allow yourself time to get well (I am concerned you still keeping getting so sick) and I am sure a better job is just around the corner (any opps for working from home for a bit during your recuperation in the next 6 months so you can rest or just work when you are able?) Keep positive that a much better future is just around the corner...and enjoy more time for planning an even better trip.


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