Race week--Wk of Jan 1--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training


Go to start my van readying to drop off the rental and it doesn't start. The durn thing DIED while I was gone. Totally unacceptable for that to happen (not happy with Saturn as this is a 2005 van...hellooo--can't last for 2 weeks without a start???? Hubby's car started after 4 weeks of sitting!!!!).

After a stressful afternoon--Saturn Roadside Assistance came and after 10 minutes of jumping, the van started.

We will take it out for a drive this afternoon.

Evidently--I didn't taper it properly before I left. :laughing:
I know my carry-on is good. I think I have enough stuff in there to do 4 full races w/o wearing repeats!!!!

I have no idea what I just put in my suitcase. I may be walking around the parks in running tights or shorts and the shirts that they give us with our race stuff!! Maybe my wish shirt will dry fast and I can wash it every night if I forgot anything!

I know I got enough stuff for the boy. I just put laundry away, and there is NOTHING in his drawers! I may still add his had and gloves in case it is cold when it gets dark. :crazy: :crazy2: :hyper2: :hyper: :jumping2:
plutosmyfav said:
I think that is a perfectly acceptable way of working in "I'm running a marathon", I think it really fits in just about any conversation...

"Sorry I'm late, traffic was awful"
"Oh, I'm going to be facing some pretty thick traffic at MY MARATHON"

"Should I buy the blue or green blazer"
"I'd buy both, I'm bringing doubles of everything for MY MARATHON"

"I just won the lottery!!!"
"Wow, that's exactly how I'm going to feel when I finish MY MARATHON"

"we need to move the 3 o'clock telecon up to 2 today"
"Oh, that's fine I don't leave for MY MARATHON until tomorrow"

:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:
chimera said:
What I was thinking post-race was posting this weekend's thread when I get back on Sun for everyone's race reports. Awhile back, we had discussed converting ourselves to the WISH Walking/Running Club, so I was planning to start posting the threads with that subject line the following week. That way we can still train for 2007 at WDW, but also any other races that any of us do in between!

We had tried a monthly thread last January when this all started, but it got too big too fast, so I was planning to stick to weekly threads.

How does that sound to everyone? :flower:

Absolutely Fantastic!!!!!!
This is probably it for me, folks! We're leaving tomorrow night as soon as I get home from work. I still can't believe I started "training to train" one year ago and now it's almost here :cloud9:

Tonight was my last training run and the theme was "Mind Over Matter". Since the taper started, my runs have been absolutely awful. Just haven't been mentally into it and each one was a stonker. Tonight was perfect! I even overran some of my running intervals because I didn't get so winded and tight. Pace was 13:55 for 2.5 miles.

:wizard: for safe travels to all of you. I look forward to meeting many of you at TE on Friday and the rest at the "butt crack of dawn" on Sat! I'll also be looking for everyone at the "W" tent after the race. :grouphug:
Honeibee, really hoping things work out for you. (WISHing you to be there with us)

Sunny, You are so funny! I love it. I confess, I did my share of blah, blah....I'm doing a marathon this weekend too! Pretty funny for me too that the demo guy doing the follow-up today remembered to WISH me the best for the weekend! I am thinking I haven't left out anyone from my news flash!

Great that we will all continue our training together this year. I look forward to the new threads.

Don't forget to share trip reports and pictures! Want to see those pics. :teeth:

Stress is having a carry on overfull. How big am I allowed? I have 2 of everything including throw away layers. I am wondering if those won't be tossed it seems like it might be kinda cool. Ohh boy need to stuff my last attempt to get that bag just right.
See everyone soon. I have one more day to work.
Hi, everyone! This is my final check-in. I think we have everything charged (let's sse, that's 2 cell phones, 2 ipod shuffles, 1 ipod, 2 garmins. . . ) Did I forget anything? :rotfl: I actually forced myself to get rid of some of the stuff I overpacked for the 1/2. Let's face it -- the reality is that it is going to be extremely cold in the a.m. and we will be done before it gets so warm that I'd need shorts. So, I got rid of the bike shorts and the non-WISH oversized tee shirt, the yoga pants :confused3: and 2 other potential shirts. The fact is -- you guys got me here and I am going to be so proud to wear that neon --- um, I mean LIME-- green WISH shirt! :banana: on race day. I don't need other options! :teeth:

Will get on line real quick tonight to print our boarding passes at midnight then to bed for a few hours until we get up in time to leave by 4 am.

Can't wait to see you all at Trails End. Travel safely everyone! Sending one more quick dose of :wizard: and :goodvibes: and lots of :grouphug:

Much love and gratitude and excitement too!

P.S. Where is Honeibee?!?!?!! I am still hoping she'll be able to join us! Call me!
I'm sure I will see a lot of you in person on Fri to wish you well on your races, but for those of you I will not get to see there, or who I may not get a chance to talk to at the dinner - GOOD LUCK ON YOUR RACES!!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:

You have all trained so well. I'm sure you will all do great! Have a fantastic time and enjoy the experience! I can't wait to see your medals and hear your race experience stories! :Pinkbounc :bounce: :Pinkbounc

Honeibee, are you coming? Don't those airlines know how important this is? :confused3
Well, just about time to hit the road. Our suitcases are packed, and we've gone over our packing list and to-do list twice. I think we can finally breathe now. :) One last day of work and then the in-laws will be here tomorrow night for our EARLY flight on Friday morning. I probably won't get another chance to post before this weekend, so let me say THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU to everyone here for all the support and encouragement. I couldn't even begin to say in one post how much you all have meant to us over this past year. It's hard to believe how far everyone has come this year. You should all be so proud of yourselves (I know we are :) ).

Safe travels to everyone and we'll see you all at Trail's End and the starting lines.

Run strong and run proud.

Wow, I think this is going to be my last post too! I will pick the kids up from school around 2:00 today for out 5:00 flight.

I packed my carryon with my running gear, that is one big bag, mostly stuffed with my throw-away garments to survive the 34 degree temperature for 2 hours. I still may go out to purchase a goodwill blanket to wrap around myself or sit on. Is the staging area on grass or a parking lot? I don't know why I have the image of an infield of a track??

I also ran my last 30 minute run yesterday (before my easy one in Orlando, make sure everyone packs running clothes for that one too!) and it was another stonker. I really hope it all comes together Sunday morning.

Safe travels to whomever is left here. We will see you at TE's.

Wow, I can't believe you guys are leaving for the World!!! I'm jealous! We're driving over early Saturday to make it to the kids races and we'll stay till Monday. I will miss you at Trails End :guilty:

I have one last "real" run today--5 miles and then just a 2 mile quickie tomorrow. Gosh, I feel like I am going to throw up whenever I think about the race--just the anticipation/anxiousness/nerves etc. I know I'll finish--I just want to get started!

Have a safe trip everyone. Though I won't be at dinner tomorrow, I hope to spot your lime green shirts during the race!!!

Good bye everyone :wave: See you at TE real soon!

I'm at work, will leave at 11:20, pick up DS at school and then straight to the air port. One last check with Mom to make sure DM and DD will be there when DD gets home from school. I'm so sad she's not coming, but it was her choice.

Lily, my carryons are so packed I'm worrying they might spring a zipper! I sure hope they will fit in the overhead. No time to change anything now!

Toodles all--I printed the Trails End list so we won't wonder "who are we missing?". :)

Off to the world momentarily (or hour-tarily ;)).
Checking in for the last time. I can't believe the marathon is here. Wow. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I could do this. Thank you all so much for your support, advice, and above all friendship. I know I could have never done it without you all. I can't wait to meet you tomorrow! And to see everyone run or walk the half and the full--I'll be your biggest cheerleader during the full. Safe travels and :wizard: :wizard: for an incredible race. I love you all!

Krista princess:
plutosmyfav said:
I'm at work, will leave at 11:20, pick up DS at school and then straight to the air port. One last check with Mom to make sure DM and DD will be there when DD gets home from school. I'm so sad she's not coming, but it was her choice.

Wow, that's my EXACT plan too! I see you live in MA. Wonder if we're on the same flight! :teeth:
Cleaning up loose ends this at work today and then driving the kids to my parents this evening. Off to the airport at the break of dawn tomorrow.
I had my last 2 mile easy run very early this morning and then gave my treadmill a farewell kiss. It has served me well in preparation for the race.
Looking forward to meeting many of you at Trail's End tomorrow. To those who cannot attend the dinner, I wish you all the best during the races this weekend. May it be the experience you had hoped for. From personal experience I can say it truly is a magical event.
I will have my WISH shirt on for the full on Sunday. My race number is 4157. Please introduce yourself if you happen to see me. Thank you oh so much for your support, encouragement and wisdom. I feel very blessed to be sharing part of this journey with you all.
Goofy of bust!!! :banana:

(and if it gets too cold down there at the start, just think, no matter what, it's colder where I am!!! :-))
ANd here I am... DOn't leave work 'til tomorrow at 4. :( Not that I'm feeling sorry for myself ro snythign... ;)

OK, so the random stranger from teh post office now knows about my marathon. Really, it fit right in!

MelR - I know a massage thereapist and she's given me advice, but she's the owbner's daughter and that would make an actual massage really weird for me.

Lisa - Gonna' have to have a talk with you about proper vehicle taper techniques. :rotfl:

So, is it just me here? That's ok, y'all know I can entertain myself. ;) Gonna' be a long 2 days.
See everyone soon! We are leaving for the airport in a few minutes. The boy just came in to wake us up. He said "today is the day we go on an airplane to disney world!" He is very excited. He even dressed himself in a bright yellow t-shirt and some red arkansas razorback shorts (EEEEKK) I talked him into jeans.

See you all tomorrow. I'm SO EXCITED TO MEET YOU ALL
Just a last sprinkle of :wizard: and a bunch of :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: for safe travels and a wonderful experience to all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please report back and tell us all how it went!


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