"saving" spots in line- your opinion?

I agree it can be frustrating if people are getting in line ahead of you after you waited a long time. The consensus here seems to be that it's OK if someone gets out of line for a potty break, or shade, or medical reasons. But, my problem is with the few comments I saw from some about how they will physically block the line if someone is trying to get by them to catch up with their group. I have a problem with this because they don't know why that person was out of the line. They don't know if they left the line (their group might be 100 people ahead of them) or why they might not have been able to be in the line the whole time (maybe there is a long stretch of line in the sun, and they should not be exposed to a lot of sun...or maybe they can't stand for long periods of time for medical reasons).

My point is, you don't kow why...so if someone doesn't know the reason, I think it's "rude and selfish" to block others from catching up with their group when they don't know why.

I appreciate you posting this! This is me...or will be the next time I visit Disneyland. Although the vast majority of posters in this thread DO understand the need to leave and re-join the line due to medical issues (which I greatly appreciate!), this response is only for the posters that block the line NO MATTER WHAT if a person is trying to re-join their spot in line...

I have a hip and spinal disk injury. I could walk around Disneyland for maybe 3 hours or so with no problems. No one would ever know there was anything wrong with my hip or back whatsoever. BUT...if I stand in one spot for more than 15-20 mins, I'm in agony! It's the oddest thing...I can go grocery shopping no problem...but I have to have my husband stand in line for me to pay or else I will be in pain for the rest of the day. So if I had to stand in line for say an hour for a ride, the pain would be unbearable! For a short wait, I can kind of sway back and forth on my feet (kind of like I'm rocking a baby to sleep) but that only works for a short while.

So if someone saw me leave the line, they would see me walk away with no mobility issues whatsoever. When I return, they would see me walking back like nothing is wrong either. And the biggest problem is that if I tried to explain WHY I'm returning to my spot in line, I doubt anyone would believe that there was anything wrong with me because they see me walking normally. What they don't know is the agony I'm in when I have to stand in one spot. So I guess I'm writing this for the people that said they will ALWAYS block someone from re-entering the line...as well as for the people that will be giving me dirty looks for re-joining my family in line the next time I go to Disneyland. Sometimes you may not know WHY a person needed to leave the line for a bit...it may not be apparent to you that some of us do indeed have a medical condition....so please try not to judge and block us or give us dirty looks. It makes us feel terrible and it takes a lot of the magic out of the day. It's hard enough to deal with the pain of an injury...but it's actually WORSE to have people give you dirty looks all day! :sad1:

Again, I know almost everyone understands the need to re-join the line due to medical issues (and I appreciate that!), so this is for the few posters that don't...and for the ones that assume that there is nothing medically wrong with a person if they see them walking completely normally. Thanks!
I appreciate you posting this! This is me...or will be the next time I visit Disneyland. Although the vast majority of posters in this thread DO understand the need to leave and re-join the line due to medical issues (which I greatly appreciate!), this response is only for the posters that block the line NO MATTER WHAT if a person is trying to re-join their spot in line...

I have a hip and spinal disk injury. I could walk around Disneyland for maybe 3 hours or so with no problems. No one would ever know there was anything wrong with my hip or back whatsoever. BUT...if I stand in one spot for more than 15-20 mins, I'm in agony! It's the oddest thing...I can go grocery shopping no problem...but I have to have my husband stand in line for me to pay or else I will be in pain for the rest of the day. So if I had to stand in line for say an hour for a ride, the pain would be unbearable! For a short wait, I can kind of sway back and forth on my feet (kind of like I'm rocking a baby to sleep) but that only works for a short while.

So if someone saw me leave the line, they would see me walk away with no mobility issues whatsoever. When I return, they would see me walking back like nothing is wrong either. And the biggest problem is that if I tried to explain WHY I'm returning to my spot in line, I doubt anyone would believe that there was anything wrong with me because they see me walking normally. What they don't know is the agony I'm in when I have to stand in one spot. So I guess I'm writing this for the people that said they will ALWAYS block someone from re-entering the line...as well as for the people that will be giving me dirty looks for re-joining my family in line the next time I go to Disneyland. Sometimes you may not know WHY a person needed to leave the line for a bit...it may not be apparent to you that some of us do indeed have a medical condition....so please try not to judge and block us or give us dirty looks. It makes us feel terrible and it takes a lot of the magic out of the day. It's hard enough to deal with the pain of an injury...but it's actually WORSE to have people give you dirty looks all day! :sad1:

Again, I know almost everyone understands the need to re-join the line due to medical issues (and I appreciate that!), so this is for the few posters that don't...and for the ones that assume that there is nothing medically wrong with a person if they see them walking completely normally. Thanks!

In your case, you should go to city hall and request a guest assistance pass (GAC). Showing this pass would enable you to enter through the disabled line entrance, avoiding you having to make your way through a long line of people to catch up with your group.

Good luck,
I appreciate you posting this! This is me...or will be the next time I visit Disneyland. Although the vast majority of posters in this thread DO understand the need to leave and re-join the line due to medical issues (which I greatly appreciate!), this response is only for the posters that block the line NO MATTER WHAT if a person is trying to re-join their spot in line...

I have a hip and spinal disk injury. I could walk around Disneyland for maybe 3 hours or so with no problems. No one would ever know there was anything wrong with my hip or back whatsoever. BUT...if I stand in one spot for more than 15-20 mins, I'm in agony! It's the oddest thing...I can go grocery shopping no problem...but I have to have my husband stand in line for me to pay or else I will be in pain for the rest of the day. So if I had to stand in line for say an hour for a ride, the pain would be unbearable! For a short wait, I can kind of sway back and forth on my feet (kind of like I'm rocking a baby to sleep) but that only works for a short while.

So if someone saw me leave the line, they would see me walk away with no mobility issues whatsoever. When I return, they would see me walking back like nothing is wrong either. And the biggest problem is that if I tried to explain WHY I'm returning to my spot in line, I doubt anyone would believe that there was anything wrong with me because they see me walking normally. What they don't know is the agony I'm in when I have to stand in one spot. So I guess I'm writing this for the people that said they will ALWAYS block someone from re-entering the line...as well as for the people that will be giving me dirty looks for re-joining my family in line the next time I go to Disneyland. Sometimes you may not know WHY a person needed to leave the line for a bit...it may not be apparent to you that some of us do indeed have a medical condition....so please try not to judge and block us or give us dirty looks. It makes us feel terrible and it takes a lot of the magic out of the day. It's hard enough to deal with the pain of an injury...but it's actually WORSE to have people give you dirty looks all day! :sad1:

Again, I know almost everyone understands the need to re-join the line due to medical issues (and I appreciate that!), so this is for the few posters that don't...and for the ones that assume that there is nothing medically wrong with a person if they see them walking completely normally. Thanks!
You know I think I only read ONE response from someone who does that. That is an uncalled action to do to people who have to leave line for "potty breaks" or whatever. I think 99% of people said they had NO problem with someone doing that. Let's stop worrying about that one person and remember most people understand parents, or even one person re-joining their family or friends in line. It is the kids, teenagers, large groups "catching up" to their family/friends etc. that we don't like.
In your case, you should go to city hall and request a guest assistance pass (GAC). Showing this pass would enable you to enter through the disabled line entrance, avoiding you having to make your way through a long line of people to catch up with your group.

Good luck,

Oh wow...thank you so much for that tip! I didn't even know there was such a thing! :flower3: :goodvibes
:idea: Put yourself into this scenario, please:

You are the 20th person in line, waiting to get on...Space Mountain.

The first person in line has 2 people join them. So, now you are two spots back.

The second person in line has 2 people join them. So, now back 2 more spots.

The third person in line has 2 people join them. Back 2 more!

And on and on, all up to the 19th person. So, you are 38 spots farther back then when you got into line.

How upset would you be?

:idea:Try this one:
You are waiting to see Mickey. There are 5 families, consisting of 1 adult and 1 child, ahead of you.

The first family has 3 kids join, so there are now 4 kids. Family 2 has 3 kids join. ETC. Each child wants time with Mickey, get his autograph and take a few photos.

So, instead of your child being #5 to see Mickey, they are now # 17. CM says Mickey only has time to see 16 kids.

Now, how irritated would you be?

Line saving, whether in rides or in character interactions, is rude. It is rude to every single person who is behind you in line, who has waited their turn. I waited my turn, and it's a skill I learned in kindergarten. I'm assuming you learned it as well, and you can use that skill as well as I can.

Same with line-cutting, with the following exceptions: An emergency restroom break or an actual emergency (for example, dizziness, child freaking out). Anything else, get a GAC card or FP it.
You know I think I only read ONE response from someone who does that. That is an uncalled action to do to people who have to leave line for "potty breaks" or whatever. I think 99% of people said they had NO problem with someone doing that. Let's stop worrying about that one person and remember most people understand parents, or even one person re-joining their family or friends in line. It is the kids, teenagers, large groups "catching up" to their family/friends etc. that we don't like.

Oh wow...that's not a very kind response! :sad1: I actually did state twice in my reply that I was referring to only those who DO block lines and give dirty looks NO MATTER WHAT. It shouldn't matter if my response was towards one single person or 20. Perhaps that one poster is reading this thread (or someone else who shares her opinion) and I wanted to offer my side of the story as well. I did and do acknowledge that the vast majority of people do NOT do that and how much I really do appreciate that. I fully and completely understand that that the main issue of this thread is how people do not like people "cutting in" (having never held a spot in line)...and I completely agree with everyone in that regard. But since someone metioned medical issues, I thought I would share my own person experiences as well since I don't look like I have an injury at first glance.
You know I think I only read ONE response from someone who does that. That is an uncalled action to do to people who have to leave line for "potty breaks" or whatever. I think 99% of people said they had NO problem with someone doing that. Let's stop worrying about that one person and remember most people understand parents, or even one person re-joining their family or friends in line. It is the kids, teenagers, large groups "catching up" to their family/friends etc. that we don't like.

Being a teenager who posts on here quite frequently I have to say I am a bit offended by the catorgoizing of "kids, teenagers". Although I understand there is a large amount of teens or kids who cut lines for unknown, or wrong reasons there is plenty of teens (like myself) who DO NOT cut the lines. I often sit out of the line because I have two bad knees. (Knee cap doesnt fit inside causing my muscles to pull) I do get a GAP pass but those lines are sometimes horrible too. Therefor I sit off to the side until its a short enough line for me to be able to stand in. So just like the previous Poster who has spine injuries and has to sit out, obviously there is more than one of us. Although I have seen plent of line cutting......
Maybe people need to think twice of WHY those guest are walking up through the line. :confused:
Being a teenage who posts on here quite frequently I have to say I am a bit offended by the catorgoizing of "kids, teenagers". Although I understand there is a large amount of teens or kids who cut lines for unknown, or wrong reasons there is plenty of teens (like myself) who DO NOT cut the lines. I often sit out of the line because I have two bad knees. (Knee cap doesnt fit inside causing my muscles to pull) I do get a GAP pass but those lines are sometimes horrible too. Therefor I sit off to the side until its a short enough line for me to be able to stand in. So just like the previous Poster who has spine injuries and has to sit out, obviously there is more than one of us. Although I have seen plent of line cutting......
Maybe people need to think twice of WHY those guest are walking up through the line. :confused:

I think you are right... Certainly I wouldn't categorise it as I saw a broad mix... I have to say that seemingly able bodied people who may push through the line to catch up to someone who is saving a spot is still wrong... It's why they have GACs, I have to say you have to be commended for not wanting one of these and trying to do DL without one, but if you need one its a better option and less obtrusive option than pushing through lines...

The simple fact is that pushing through the line for any reason is against DL policy however nearly everyone here accepts potty or diaper breaks are an exception... On that basis why doesn't DL have a system to deal with this, a shortcut to the front of the line that the returning parent and child can enter on to rejoin their party... It doesn't even need to be the front of the line, just near to it with waiting areas on either side of the rope so people can rejoin without the need to push through the line.

Someone else mentioned Toy Story has one of these and it does... However its a long way from where the CMs are so can't be policed , the place where you can rejoin should be clearly marked and within view of the CMs... Signs could include the rules of using this point to enter the line... In that case those who don't want to use GAC and have trouble with the line could use this point to enter the line...

Some rules might be:
1. Only persons who have entered the line at the start may reenter at this point (medical reasons excepted)
2. Maximum of two persons may join a group at this point
3. The group in the line must wait at this point if their missing members have not returned in time.
Oh wow...thank you so much for that tip! I didn't even know there was such a thing! :flower3: :goodvibes

Get yourself over to the DISabilities board, pronto. :) There is loads of information there that will be helpful including a big sticky with info on the ins and outs of the GAC.
This happened to me NUMEROUS times during my trip last January by Brazilian groups. I dont care if they are Brazilian, American, Chinese or Hungarian, it is just plain WRONG.

DS, now 5, has gone at least once a year since he was 18 mos. We do bathroom checks BEFORE we get on a ride, and if he suddenly has to go, guess what?? WE EXIT THE RIDE, USE THE JOHN, AND GET BACK IN LINE! Thems the breaks, kids.

Part of what has made Disney so magical over the years, is how the happiness that you feel when you are there translates into better behavior, or it should.

I remember, years ago, when I was a child and went with my family, there would be families exiting the park, on their last day, and they would hand the incoming families their unused tickets, for them to use on their vacation - magic!

My son once broke free from my grasp as we exited from the rear of a Disney Bus, freaking me out. Well, the little bugger walked himself up to the front of the bus to thank the busdriver!

I agree with a previous poster, waiting our turn is a skill that we learn in kindergarten. We teach by example. Do you want your child to learn to be rude and cut in line at Disney?? I dont.

Disney, for us, is an earned trip. My son earns the trip by paying attention in school, trying his best, and by using good manners. The same manners that he is expected to use while on vacation.
This happened to me NUMEROUS times during my trip last January by Brazilian groups. I dont care if they are Brazilian, American, Chinese or Hungarian, it is just plain WRONG.

DS, now 5, has gone at least once a year since he was 18 mos. We do bathroom checks BEFORE we get on a ride, and if he suddenly has to go, guess what?? WE EXIT THE RIDE, USE THE JOHN, AND GET BACK IN LINE! Thems the breaks, kids.

Part of what has made Disney so magical over the years, is how the happiness that you feel when you are there translates into better behavior, or it should.

I remember, years ago, when I was a child and went with my family, there would be families exiting the park, on their last day, and they would hand the incoming families their unused tickets, for them to use on their vacation - magic!

My son once broke free from my grasp as we exited from the rear of a Disney Bus, freaking me out. Well, the little bugger walked himself up to the front of the bus to thank the busdriver!

I agree with a previous poster, waiting our turn is a skill that we learn in kindergarten. We teach by example. Do you want your child to learn to be rude and cut in line at Disney?? I dont.

Disney, for us, is an earned trip. My son earns the trip by paying attention in school, trying his best, and by using good manners. The same manners that he is expected to use while on vacation.

Being a teenager who posts on here quite frequently I have to say I am a bit offended by the catorgoizing of "kids, teenagers". Although I understand there is a large amount of teens or kids who cut lines for unknown, or wrong reasons there is plenty of teens (like myself) who DO NOT cut the lines.
Those who break the rules will always ruin it for those who don't. And those watching the rule-breakers will inevitably associate people resembling the rule-breakers with being rule-breakers themselves. Have you never heard a man make jokes about women drivers? It's the same basic concept.

Welcome to Life. It's unfair. Get used to it. :3dglasses
Someone else mentioned Toy Story has one of these and it does... However its a long way from where the CMs are so can't be policed , the place where you can rejoin should be clearly marked and within view of the CMs... Signs could include the rules of using this point to enter the line... In that case those who don't want to use GAC and have trouble with the line could use this point to enter the line...

Some rules might be:
1. Only persons who have entered the line at the start may reenter at this point (medical reasons excepted)
2. Maximum of two persons may join a group at this point
3. The group in the line must wait at this point if their missing members have not returned in time.

That is a great idea and something that I would support and, if posted as you suggest, would follow.
Being a teenager who posts on here quite frequently I have to say I am a bit offended by the catorgoizing of "kids, teenagers". Although I understand there is a large amount of teens or kids who cut lines for unknown, or wrong reasons there is plenty of teens (like myself) who DO NOT cut the lines. I often sit out of the line because I have two bad knees. (Knee cap doesnt fit inside causing my muscles to pull) I do get a GAP pass but those lines are sometimes horrible too. Therefor I sit off to the side until its a short enough line for me to be able to stand in. So just like the previous Poster who has spine injuries and has to sit out, obviously there is more than one of us. Although I have seen plent of line cutting......
Maybe people need to think twice of WHY those guest are walking up through the line. :confused:

I had teenagers and have been with teenagers plenty of times and they never cut in line. They would die of embarrasment if anyone in their group did. That being said, most of the line cutters (75%minimum) are teenagers. Doesn't mean I think all teenagers do it, just that the majority of linecutters are teenagers. I also don't even give a second glance to one or even two teens pushing their way back up to the front. I usually assume they are returning to their group. It's the 4, 5, 6 or more who push their way to the front that I notice and say something to.
Although I've seen the teenagers cut, I disagreee and think it's more the non-American's who "cut"..... Regardless, I'm sure it's not those of us on this board, as it seems the majority of us feel it's wrong. I loved the analogy of "if one person brought so may, and the next person brought so many..." how much longer said line could be!!!!!! I said it before, alert a CM and the "cutters" will be taken care of....
:idea: Put yourself into this scenario, please:

You are the 20th person in line, waiting to get on...Space Mountain.

The first person in line has 2 people join them. So, now you are two spots back.

The second person in line has 2 people join them. So, now back 2 more spots.

The third person in line has 2 people join them. Back 2 more!

And on and on, all up to the 19th person. So, you are 38 spots farther back then when you got into line.

How upset would you be?

So, were all those people rejoining the line because they had taken a child to the restroom? Because if they were, then even that "acceptable" reason would be unacceptable given your "what if everyone was doing it" scenario.

Otherwise, if your scenario did happen, I'd be wondering what was so immensly popular somewhere else in the park that caused everyone to not want to spend time in line together with the people they came to DL with.
In your case, you should go to city hall and request a guest assistance pass (GAC). Showing this pass would enable you to enter through the disabled line entrance, avoiding you having to make your way through a long line of people to catch up with your group.

Good luck,

I have a similar problem where I cannot stand in one place for long, I can never get a great view for fireworks and such because the castmembers expect you to stand for long periods prior. I also would not be able to go on any ride that I do not have a fast pass for. I do get an assistance card every time i visit the parks but I am told every time that they do not have any stamps for not being able to stand for long periods. Last time I was there was March 2011 so if you know of anything to avoid the line due to this please share. :) I also have an "invisible" illness.
I'm usually okay about savings spots for family members of young children, elderly or even one or two adults. When I have a problem is when obviously people are abusing the situation.
I have a similar problem where I cannot stand in one place for long, I can never get a great view for fireworks and such because the castmembers expect you to stand for long periods prior. I also would not be able to go on any ride that I do not have a fast pass for. I do get an assistance card every time i visit the parks but I am told every time that they do not have any stamps for not being able to stand for long periods. Last time I was there was March 2011 so if you know of anything to avoid the line due to this please share. :) I also have an "invisible" illness.

If you want to enjoy the fireworks with a decent view, you could do a couple of things:
  • Have the rest of the group save the fireworks spot. We did this while we were there. My dad, my girls and I saved a spot while DSIS and her BF went and grabbed snacks. Nobody had a problem with it since they were obviously rejoining the group and there were more waiting than gone.
  • Rent a wheelchair just for the fireworks. If you can't stand that long, then this is a good option, - just make sure you stake out a spot early.
A situation happened to me on the Jungle cruise this last trip to DL and it made me think of this thread. It was night time close to closing Id say an hour or so away. we were in line for Jungle cruise there were very few of us in line we waited two boat loads before boarding. A couple about 6 groups a head of us were doing something on a phone so they didnt move when the line did. They didn't move for quite a bit of time for some reason people closer didnt say anything and I wasnt about to shout from where we were. Well the dude behind us did but the couple didnt notice. Then the man said to his son "fine if they arent going to move lets go" then he said to my boyfriend and I "excuse us". My Dbf said "no your not going to cut" the man said "but there not moving" Dbf said " they will in a minute relax were all going to get on is your family up there or something" the man responded "no but there not moving or anything." at this point they started moving and we all moved forward towards the loading dock. This is the point in line where it splits off into two but the Cm's had placed a trash can in one line so that all the guests were in the same line. The man saw that there was two spaces. "lets go this way he said to his son and he picked the boy up and put him over the railing then he himself hopped the railing and proceeded to the front of the line where he was taken aside by a cm. Dbf called the CM over complained that that man had just cut everyone here in line and everyone around us agreed with him. The Cm told us "well he claims his family is there" we just shook our heads and let it go. Later the cm came over and told us that she knew he cut because she didn't understand how or why he got in the second line but she knew we would all be getting on the same boat so it would be fine and we were infact all on the same boat. Now we really didnt make to big a stink about it after the Cm assured us he was "with his family" we just shook our heads and let the matter drop. We didnt have a huge argument or shout, but we were annoyed and everyone around us was also annoyed. There was no medical or potty break involved he was just impatient. This is the kind of line cutting I have a problem with. And the really dumb thing about it is he would have been on the same boat with us no matter what he could have stayed in line and avoided annoying everyone around him. And really if he was going to lie about some random group being his family he should have lied from the beginning we would have let him by. (we assume he was lieing because he originally said no there not up there to us, but the group did not deny him so who knows)


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