"saving" spots in line- your opinion?

Okay so here is what I meant exactly. When we brought our girls in May of 2009. In the middle of our trip the weather changed and it became a very dry heat. It not like up here (we live in CA) where it doesn't heat up until the middle of the day and there is usually a cool breeze. It was a suffocating dry heat. I have two daughters with Asthma. So when I said girls I was thinking of these two. We had just got in line for the Story book canal ride it was longer and out in the walk way. Maddi said she needed her inhaler and was very red in the cheeks. I brought her and Cecily (my other asthma kid) to our stroller which was in the shade. I gave them their inhalers had them drink a bottled water and got them a snack. Then we went back to the line because it was still in the walk way. It was about 10 minutes later. If they had perked up and the ride had gone in to the tiny little walk way then I would have waited for my family to finish.
(I'm pretty sure that this doesn't count for the special pass. GAC?)

What I am trying to get across is that when you see me get back in to line you have no idea if I just got off another ride, brought the girls to the restroom, or went our for a puff of an in haler. It's better to think the best of people because I think for the most part people aren't doing it to be jerks. :hippie:

BUT when a bunch of teenagers are abusing my kindness I will march my *** up to a CM and say something. Don't get me wrong even I have my limits!

Absolutely no problem with this for me, as I have already said I would never block a parent and child anyway but with that line being in the open and I certainly know about ashmatic children I would likely do the same...

Its Cyclenuts attitude I am not so sure about... That it's ok to hold the line for others in your party and that it's even some sort of unofficial policy of Disney....

Originally Posted by cyclenut
As far as "blocking", politely or otherwise, that is your perogative but I sure wouldn't want to spend my time a DL worrying about stuff like that. I've seen how quickly a situation like that can escalate and it just isn't worth it. It will set you back less than 30 seconds (in almost every case) if just a couple people pass you by.

This person just doesn't get it... Its only 30 seconds because the rest of the line doesn't do it!!!!

I don't know about the "Unofficial" Policy of Disney... but the OFFICIAL policy is that All members of a group must enter the line together and That once in line do not leave if at all possible...

I believe this policy should be on the map.... Ask any CM and they will confirm the above policy and the penalities for breeches of this policy: offenders will be asked to leave the line and repeat offenders may be asked to leave the park...
Thats a little insulting dont you think? :confused3 Not everyone who has the opinion that Cyclenut and anyone who thinks line jumping is okey dokey is rude, will necessarily block them or make a big deal (some yes but not all). The thing is that what they're doing isn't fair weather anything is said to them or not and the fact that I believe that it isn't fair doesn't make me a second grade hall monitor.
1) I don't think pushing through a line is OK. That creates a greater disruption than it should, especially since many of the lines are fairly narrow. I have only allowed it for my family on occasion and then only when the line queue was readily accessible without the need to push through.

2) I find it interesting that those who feel my behavior regarding line saving to be rude are treating me so rudely for being open and honest. This board is about sharing tips and other information to help everyone get the most from their DL experience.

3) I don't condone or support groups larger than 2 (maybe 3 if they can all fit in one car) performing any sort of line sharing. For each pair of people you are going to have to wait no more than 30 seconds more. However, the truth of the matter is that you really aren't having to wait longer at all as the party that you happen to think may be only 2 people is really 4. Just because the next 2 join the party later just means that you were not really aware of that situation.

Frankly your unofficial policy doesn't hold water. Theres no such thing as an unofficial policy. Its like saying that all of the employees at the store I work at will not talk to a customer who is on her phone weather they be in line at check out or anywhere else, that doesn't make it the stores unofficial policy it just means thats what tends to happen.
Disney (and most every employer) has all sorts of official policies that they don't enforce to the letter. The common position of enforcement of that official policy is generally referred to as the "unofficial" policy. You can call it whatever you want. There are examples of that policy I referred to being put into practice that are shared in this very thread. One poster even referred to a CM even suggesting a line saving technique. The point is, CMs are instructed on how to deal with a variety of situations pertaining to guests and as you might imagine they do occasionally get questions regarding line saving, line hopping and line cutting. While the official policy that you may get from WDW corporate says that this practice is not condoned, the management team inside the parks have adopted a slightly different approach for how to manage the crowds, one that reduces confrontation. I stated that policy as the "unofficial" policy. It is the difference between the publicly stated policy and the actual practice.

Also if you really dont feel guilty about what most here seem to consider selfish and rude behavior and you dont care what others think about it perhaps you should stop posting? by continuing to add your two cents your fueling the fire which is not going to end the hostility toward you. I do agree with you that the hostility is unnecessary please dont read my opinion as hostile Im simply stating how I feel about this particular issue. I have not want to be insulting that detracts from my point.
There really shouldn't be any hostility. I understand that my responses are simply continuing the thread and to some that is not advisable. However if we could all put aside the hostility and try to address this issue rationally then we could probably help shed some light on this practice for those who don't visit the parks often. If you look back through the thread you'll find that "most" people seem to feel that if it is just a couple of guests joining the rest of their family who is already in line and those people don't have to push past you to get to that spot in line, it's OK.

I don't find your particular posts offensive, but some of the posts on this thread are actually quite surprising.
The fact continues to be that everyone here seems to be ok with potty breaks and emergencies but the bottom line is still we dont think you or your children should get to have more fun for your buck then mine. No amount of arguments unofficial policies official policies etc are going to change that.
I understand your views and the views of others, I just don't happen to agree with your characterization of them.
It is different if you see someone in line get out of it and then come back or if it is a long line and they catch up at the beginning of the line due to an unexpected potty break before line kind of deal. That said, there were plenty of times that we took my daughter to the bathroom anytime we saw a 20+ minute line due to her small bladder and then got in line as a family :). It is not cool to be in line for 30 minutes with my own kids to have someone show up with theirs right before the ride starts.

Why? What do you care? If they had been in line from the beginning, you'd still have just as long to wait than you would if they "cut" in near the end.

I've never practiced this type of line saving because I've never had the need to, but I don't see a problem with it. If people are just plain getting into line ahead of you and didn't have anyone in their group holding their place, then that is a problem. But if part of their group was in line, and some had to step out of line (for whatever reason...it's none of my business) or if they couldn't wait in line (again, none of my business why), then how does it impact you (unless their getting back into line was done rudely)?
EVERYONE agrees if someone has to STEP OUT of line for a potty break or whatever, that is just fine. It is when ADD to the line that there is a problem. I don't like it or agree with it and you will NEVER change my mind. Most people in this thread do not agree that it is O.K. for 2 people to join you in line at the end. They agree that if you have been in line and have to leave for a potty break that is O.K. Cyclenut you just don't seem to get it. I'm done. He ain't changing his mind, I ain't changing mine.
1) I don't think pushing through a line is OK. That creates a greater disruption than it should, especially since many of the lines are fairly narrow. I have only allowed it for my family on occasion and then only when the line queue was readily accessible without the need to push through.

2) I find it interesting that those who feel my behavior regarding line saving to be rude are treating me so rudely for being open and honest. This board is about sharing tips and other information to help everyone get the most from their DL experience.

3) I don't condone or support groups larger than 2 (maybe 3 if they can all fit in one car) performing any sort of line sharing. For each pair of people you are going to have to wait no more than 30 seconds more. However, the truth of the matter is that you really aren't having to wait longer at all as the party that you happen to think may be only 2 people is really 4. Just because the next 2 join the party later just means that you were not really aware of that situation.

Disney (and most every employer) has all sorts of official policies that they don't enforce to the letter. The common position of enforcement of that official policy is generally referred to as the "unofficial" policy. You can call it whatever you want. There are examples of that policy I referred to being put into practice that are shared in this very thread. One poster even referred to a CM even suggesting a line saving technique. The point is, CMs are instructed on how to deal with a variety of situations pertaining to guests and as you might imagine they do occasionally get questions regarding line saving, line hopping and line cutting. While the official policy that you may get from WDW corporate says that this practice is not condoned, the management team inside the parks have adopted a slightly different approach for how to manage the crowds, one that reduces confrontation. I stated that policy as the "unofficial" policy. It is the difference between the publicly stated policy and the actual practice.

There really shouldn't be any hostility. I understand that my responses are simply continuing the thread and to some that is not advisable. However if we could all put aside the hostility and try to address this issue rationally then we could probably help shed some light on this practice for those who don't visit the parks often. If you look back through the thread you'll find that "most" people seem to feel that if it is just a couple of guests joining the rest of their family who is already in line and those people don't have to push past you to get to that spot in line, it's OK.

I don't find your particular posts offensive, but some of the posts on this thread are actually quite surprising.

I understand your views and the views of others, I just don't happen to agree with your characterization of them.

Not once in my post did I state that you condoned line pushing as you put it. As I stated in another post and continue to think it was rude for you to let your two teenage children who are perfectly capable of waiting in two lines cut in front of others so that they could do something more fun then waiting in line. No amount of continued posting will change mine or anyone elses opinion. Second as I stated before Toy story Mania is a 4 seater two in the front and two in the back. When just the two of you were in line the two people behind you would be able to join your car by allowing your children to cut you push the line back half a car load causes others to wait for the next car. Regardless of the amount of time 30 seconds or a minute it doesn't matter your causing them to wait longer and if everyone who felt there time in the park was limited did this the lines would be chaotic which is the point EVERYONE has been trying to make to you. The bottom line is you and your children's park time no matter how brief is not more important then mine it is on equal terms and we should be treated equally in all cases if my party and I have to wait so do you and your party.

At this point Ive lost alot of respect for you, you claim to not care about what others think and yet you tear them down equally as much as anyone here has torn you done. You continue to press the issue of your fake unofficial policy as if were not smart enough to do our own research. There would be no point in the company having an official policy if it was undermined by unofficial ones. There is no one any where teaching any cast member to let anyone cut. They may be told that people who have children who need to use the restroom etc may rejoin there party but not cut the line entirely.

Most people are not trying to imply that anyone here is a bad person at least that I can see everyone is trying to tell you that its unfair to cut us in line so that you or your children can do something more fun then waiting in line. Taking a child potty, administering medicine, having a bathroom emergency, or changing a diaper are all things less fun or on even ground with waiting in line. Riding another ride, shopping, or enjoying food are all things more fun then waiting in line. That is what we find unacceptable.

Furthermore Ive begun to think your a troll, and based on your response to this I may discontinue this argument.
Not once in my post did I state that you condoned line pushing as you put it. As I stated in another post and continue to think it was rude for you to let your two teenage children who are perfectly capable of waiting in two lines cut in front of others so that they could do something more fun then waiting in line. No amount of continued posting will change mine or anyone elses opinion.
I am not trying to change your opinion of me or anyone else for that matter. I am merely trying to illustrate that there are varied opions on this topic and while you believe your opinion to be right, I am asking that you at least acknowledge that those who disagree with you may also be right. Please leave room for that possibility.

Second as I stated before Toy story Mania is a 4 seater two in the front and two in the back. When just the two of you were in line the two people behind you would be able to join your car by allowing your children to cut you push the line back half a car load causes others to wait for the next car. Regardless of the amount of time 30 seconds or a minute it doesn't matter your causing them to wait longer and if everyone who felt there time in the park was limited did this the lines would be chaotic which is the point EVERYONE has been trying to make to you.
Not EVERYONE disagrees with me. The point I was trying to make, albeit maybe not well, is that just because you didn't see those people in the party doesn't mean they didn't exist. They just weren't there at that time. The party size was 4 and it was always 4. When the second group of 2 arrived, the party was complete. The point about the less than 30 seconds was only to illustrate how little disruption was actually caused and yet the response from some people was pretty strong ... as though they just lost out on the golden ticket. I'm merely suggesting that we put the whole thing into perspective a bit.
The bottom line is you and your children's park time no matter how brief is not more important then mine it is on equal terms and we should be treated equally in all cases if my party and I have to wait so do you and your party.
I don't think it is. If you want to do the same thing I did, go right ahead. I wouldn't mind one bit.
At this point Ive lost alot of respect for you, you claim to not care about what others think and yet you tear them down equally as much as anyone here has torn you done. You continue to press the issue of your fake unofficial policy as if were not smart enough to do our own research.
I am truly sorry you feel that way. I have not made any attempt to pass off some sort of fake research. My family and I are Disney fans and we know many CMs personally. It isn't difficult at all for me to ask a question like this to get an answer. My point in sharing this CM practice was to help answer questions that many posters had about how CMs might react if they were notified. Several even commented that CMs seemed to "do nothing" when approached. There is a reason for that and I've stated that reason.
There would be no point in the company having an official policy if it was undermined by unofficial ones. There is no one any where teaching any cast member to let anyone cut. They may be told that people who have children who need to use the restroom etc may rejoin there party but not cut the line entirely.
It is your opinion that what I allowed for my two teens was "cutting the line". I don't see it that way. They merely joined their party who was already in line. We see this nearly everywhere we go, even at the local restaurant where there is a party of two in front of you that is "suddenly" joined by others or at the school play where you may save seats in the auditorium for your significant other who is stuck in traffic (or catching the end of "the game" before joining you). There is a BIG difference between "cutting" (where you just jump in front of people univited by anyone) and saving someone a space.
Most people are not trying to imply that anyone here is a bad person at least that I can see everyone is trying to tell you that its unfair to cut us in line so that you or your children can do something more fun then waiting in line. Taking a child potty, administering medicine, having a bathroom emergency, or changing a diaper are all things less fun or on even ground with waiting in line. Riding another ride, shopping, or enjoying food are all things more fun then waiting in line. That is what we find unacceptable.
I understand and I respectfully disagree ... and I'm not alone either ... I just happen to be the one sharing.
Furthermore Ive begun to think your a troll, and based on your response to this I may discontinue this argument.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I am not a troll, although I am a new member. I happened on this thread after I joined. I read through two pages of posts before I shared my thoughts. I am honest and forthright about them.
I also see a difference between "line cutting" (where people just insert themselves into the line where no one was saving their place) and "line saving" (where other people in their party was already in line).

I'm surpirsed line saving is so looked down upon, when the exact same thing is so widely accepted at Disneyland when it comes to one person saving space for a group before shows like Fasntasmic or parades. Why doesn't that create the same complaints about "how the rest of their party should have to wait hours for the show just like everyone else, instead of being off riding rides, or getting a bite to eat"?

To the person who said they block the isle and do not let people go past them in a line (without at all knowing the reason they are joining or re-joining their group someone further in the line)...do you act the same way when you are a couple rows back at Fantasmic, and then just before the show starts a few people get in front of you to join the one person in their party who saved their spot in the front row?
I am not trying to change your opinion of me or anyone else for that matter. I am merely trying to illustrate that there are varied opions on this topic and while you believe your opinion to be right, I am asking that you at least acknowledge that those who disagree with you may also be right. Please leave room for that possibility.

Not EVERYONE disagrees with me. The point I was trying to make, albeit maybe not well, is that just because you didn't see those people in the party doesn't mean they didn't exist. They just weren't there at that time. The party size was 4 and it was always 4. When the second group of 2 arrived, the party was complete. The point about the less than 30 seconds was only to illustrate how little disruption was actually caused and yet the response from some people was pretty strong ... as though they just lost out on the golden ticket. I'm merely suggesting that we put the whole thing into perspective a bit.

I don't think it is. If you want to do the same thing I did, go right ahead. I wouldn't mind one bit.

I am truly sorry you feel that way. I have not made any attempt to pass off some sort of fake research. My family and I are Disney fans and we know many CMs personally. It isn't difficult at all for me to ask a question like this to get an answer. My point in sharing this CM practice was to help answer questions that many posters had about how CMs might react if they were notified. Several even commented that CMs seemed to "do nothing" when approached. There is a reason for that and I've stated that reason.

It is your opinion that what I allowed for my two teens was "cutting the line". I don't see it that way. They merely joined their party who was already in line. We see this nearly everywhere we go, even at the local restaurant where there is a party of two in front of you that is "suddenly" joined by others or at the school play where you may save seats in the auditorium for your significant other who is stuck in traffic (or catching the end of "the game" before joining you). There is a BIG difference between "cutting" (where you just jump in front of people univited by anyone) and saving someone a space.

I understand and I respectfully disagree ... and I'm not alone either ... I just happen to be the one sharing.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I am not a troll, although I am a new member. I happened on this thread after I joined. I read through two pages of posts before I shared my thoughts. I am honest and forthright about them.

You say I should be open minded to the option that cutting in line is a perfectly reasonable option for those who have children who prefer having fun to standing in line. Which no Im not I wont be open minded to your opinion because I dont think that cutting or what ever you'd like to call it is ever an option. If i was going to be open minded to your opinion then shouldnt you be open to the ideas of those of us on this side of the fence who are offended and bothered when this sort of thing takes place? Thats hypocritical.

People from my side have told you a hundred different ways why what your saying is wrong and you come back at us with the same answers none of which hold any water IMHO. So I'm discontinuing arguing with you because clearly we've reached an impasse, I'm not going to condone what your doing and your not going to see why others feel your being rude to them. So further discussion is a moot point.
I also see a difference between "line cutting" (where people just insert themselves into the line where no one was saving their place) and "line saving" (where other people in their party was already in line).

I'm surpirsed line saving is so looked down upon, when the exact same thing is so widely accepted at Disneyland when it comes to one person saving space for a group before shows like Fasntasmic or parades. Why doesn't that create the same complaints about "how the rest of their party should have to wait hours for the show just like everyone else, instead of being off riding rides, or getting a bite to eat"?

To the person who said they block the isle and do not let people go past them in a line (without at all knowing the reason they are joining or re-joining their group someone further in the line)...do you act the same way when you are a couple rows back at Fantasmic, and then just before the show starts a few people get in front of you to join the one person in their party who saved their spot in the front row?

I understand your point I can see how little difference might be seen there but IMHO I think that if I came to find a seat for fantasmik and I sat with ten people who had blankets and sweaters etc all around them I would assume more people were going to be sitting there I woldnt assume it was only one person like I would in line. I would then make my seating decision based on that and when more people joined it wouldnt stop the show from starting at the designated time. When the show begins and someone pushes there tall self up front and then squeezes between me and another party thats not ok because now they are infringing on my right to see having waited and that person not. I am also not opposed to people sending there small children to sit with our slightly in front of my party providing that any children in my party can still see and the children are behaved. I personally have only done this when its just me and my boyfriend because he hates souvenir shopping. He gets a churro sits and waits for fantasmik I finish up shopping and join him of course theres only two of us and we usually wait 3 or 4 hours for fantasmik and I'm usually gone only a half hour in the beginning of it.
I'm surpirsed line saving is so looked down upon, when the exact same thing is so widely accepted at Disneyland when it comes to one person saving space for a group before shows like Fasntasmic or parades. Why doesn't that create the same complaints about "how the rest of their party should have to wait hours for the show just like everyone else, instead of being off riding rides, or getting a bite to eat"?

To the person who said they block the isle and do not let people go past them in a line (without at all knowing the reason they are joining or re-joining their group someone further in the line)...do you act the same way when you are a couple rows back at Fantasmic, and then just before the show starts a few people get in front of you to join the one person in their party who saved their spot in the front row?

Don't be surprised it is looked down upon, if we all did it the lines would be chaos with people coming through the line all the time. It is also against Disney's official policy which I have seen enforced by CM's... It is rude and selfish.... For some reason you feel your groups's time is more important than everyone else...

As for people saving spots for a show, it is NOT against Disney official policy, it does not delay the start of the show for me and by nature (ie blanket on the ground) does not misrepresent the amount of people being saved for. So I am perfectly fine with it. It is neither rude or selfish...
As for people saving spots for a show, it is NOT against Disney official policy, it does not delay the start of the show for me and by nature (ie blanket on the ground) does not misrepresent the amount of people being saved for. So I am perfectly fine with it. It is neither rude or selfish...

Exactly. A blanket spread out tells people that that chunk of space is likely to be filled and they can decide if they want to stand behind it or not. I assume any marked space like that is going to be full of people taller than me (most of the world over the age of 11) and plan accordingly.
I think it would be ok for an elderly person or someone with a medical condition that can not stand for too long.
I've been reading this post and actually tried it yesterday at the fair and felt completely guilty. I secured a spot in a long line while my grandson and daughter rode another ride. It didn't happen again. I get the bathroom break because I have developed a condidtion where it can come on suddenly so if you see an adult, don't assume they didn't have to have a bathroom break.

Saving a space in line while others in your group are eating or riding another line is selfish and cutting, no matter how you want to put it whether they are small or teenagers. Emergency potty breaks and babies in the shade, perfectly fine.

The comparison to a restaraunt? You put the number of people in either through a reservation or at the podium so huge difference there. I can't remember the last time I entered a 50 minute ride line and gave my request for a party of 6.

My DIL who isn't a Disney fan and thought they were only going to have to go to DL once every 10 years :cool1: lost a very good friend a year ago. They went to DL with my son and grandson. My DIL wanted my son or her friend to go stand in Dumbo line while her and my GS went on another ride. Son and friend told her no. I guess it happened a few more times and heard the final straw was her pushing in front of others during Fantasmic so she could get a good view. My DIL often feels entitled. Some of the posters "pro on cutting" remind me of DIL. If you aren't in a potty break, taking a baby into the shade or removing a cranky child for a bit, you are cutting in line. I learned this in first grade.
You say I should be open minded to the option that cutting in line is a perfectly reasonable option for those who have children who prefer having fun to standing in line. Which no Im not I wont be open minded to your opinion because I dont think that cutting or what ever you'd like to call it is ever an option. If i was going to be open minded to your opinion then shouldnt you be open to the ideas of those of us on this side of the fence who are offended and bothered when this sort of thing takes place? Thats hypocritical.

People from my side have told you a hundred different ways why what your saying is wrong and you come back at us with the same answers none of which hold any water IMHO. So I'm discontinuing arguing with you because clearly we've reached an impasse, I'm not going to condone what your doing and your not going to see why others feel your being rude to them. So further discussion is a moot point.

I completely agree with Teki!!!!
Why? What do you care? If they had been in line from the beginning, you'd still have just as long to wait than you would if they "cut" in near the end.

I've never practiced this type of line saving because I've never had the need to, but I don't see a problem with it. If people are just plain getting into line ahead of you and didn't have anyone in their group holding their place, then that is a problem. But if part of their group was in line, and some had to step out of line (for whatever reason...it's none of my business) or if they couldn't wait in line (again, none of my business why), then how does it impact you (unless their getting back into line was done rudely)?

I said awhile ago that I was done commenting on this thread. I just wanted to acknowledge that I saw you quote me and ask me a specific question. I do not want to seem rude by not answering, but everything I had to say or would have said on the subject has been said by myself or others in the thread (sometimes, multiple times). Have a great evening!
I understand your point I can see how little difference might be seen there but IMHO I think that if I came to find a seat for fantasmik and I sat with ten people who had blankets and sweaters etc all around them I would assume more people were going to be sitting there I woldnt assume it was only one person like I would in line. I would then make my seating decision based on that and when more people joined it wouldnt stop the show from starting at the designated time.

True, but I was also referring to one of the main arguements being made here that this is just plain "wrong" or "unfair" because they had to wait the entire time while others only waited part of the time. See previous arguements such as "you think your group's time is more important than mine?".
For some reason you feel your groups's time is more important than everyone else...

My group? I said earlier that I don't do this kind of thing. I've always been to Disneyland with friends or family who I want to spend time with while were waiting in line, so I don't hold places in line (or have others in my group hold the place for me) while others are off doing more fun things.

if we all did it the lines would be chaos with people coming through the line all the time. It is also against Disney's official policy which I have seen enforced by CM's...

Respectfully, can we keep the argument in the real world and not use the "what if everyone was doing it" argument? Otherwise, I could say "what if everyone was laying out blankets 3 hours before Fantasmic"...it would be chaos, you wouldn't be able to walk/

Even if it was an official DL policy that people could save places in line, 99% of people wouldn't be doing it because, same as me, they go to DL with people they want to spend time with...they don't go to hold each other's place in one line while others go ride a different line.

And I don't buy the argument that if 4 or 5 more people had been in the line at the time you decided to get in that line, that it would have changed your decision to get in that line in the first place.

I agree it can be frustrating if people are getting in line ahead of you after you waited a long time. The consensus here seems to be that it's OK if someone gets out of line for a potty break, or shade, or medical reasons. But, my problem is with the few comments I saw from some about how they will physically block the line if someone is trying to get by them to catch up with their group. I have a problem with this because they don't know why that person was out of the line. They don't know if they left the line (their group might be 100 people ahead of them) or why they might not have been able to be in the line the whole time (maybe there is a long stretch of line in the sun, and they should not be exposed to a lot of sun...or maybe they can't stand for long periods of time for medical reasons).

My point is, you don't kow why...so if someone doesn't know the reason, I think it's "rude and selfish" to block others from catching up with their group when they don't know why. I don't know what the official DL policy says about when it's OK to get back in line with your group, and under what circumstances it's not OK...but I'm fine if you want to find a CM and let them know about the "line saving" that just took place, and let the CM decide whether the reason for it was acceptable or not.
True, but I was also referring to one of the main arguements being made here that this is just plain "wrong" or "unfair" because they had to wait the entire time while others only waited part of the time. See previous arguements such as "you think your group's time is more important than mine?".

Thats why I can totally see why it bothers someone I don't agree with that perspective but I can see how place saving for a show can be on the same level as saving a place in line for some of us.


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