Seriously, how do you all afford these trips?

Ms. Shuttergirl

DIS Veteran
Apr 20, 2009
So many of the regulars in here go on so many trips, the mind boggles as to how everyone affords it :lmao:.

I can understand people saving up for 2 years to take a trip, but many on here are travelling often. C'mon, what's the secret to your success?

Sugar daddy?
Trust fund baby?
Tattslotto win?
Awesome wage?

or something far more boring

Good savers?
My husband & I take 1 trip a year; we alternate between a Carnival Cruise and WDW, this year its WDW. We booked the trip with our auto club travel agent in January, and pay on it little by little. We got the airfare in April when the fare when down a little. This is the only way we can afford to do it.
I don't drink or smoke, my dad did both so I take what that would have cost and put it into a savings account :rotfl2:
Ahhhh yes but I was referring to the Australians who have to travel much further and to whom the cost is much much much greater. Which is a bummer because i'm pretty sure the Aussie Disers would love to only have to pay for domestic flights to get to WDW. Am I right Aussies?
Shuttergirl, I'm not is that group as this trip will have taken two years of savings and sacrifice for us. It will be a once in a lifetime trip I expect. I do envy those on these boards that can go so regularly!
We saved for 10 years for our Europe trip,

Otherwise we save and do a big trip every four years. Not big drinkers or smokers and we get the kids involved. There is always a savings jar on the bench for churro money.

Rather do something great every so often. Wish we could go more often. I save my lotto ticket money so can't even hope to win it.
Actually Shuttergirl, those trip reports are from you - two US trips and Fiji and if I am not mistaken something else in the planning, oh and you are building a new house.
I think you must know the answer.....
I think alot of it has to do with the dramatically changed circumstances. With the airfares much lower, the dollar much higher and our economy much stronger, the last couple of years have really been the best time to travel to the US in a generation, with WDW also helped by factors like a lower airfare premium to get to the east coast, 'free' dining on-site and the massive oversupply of off-site accomodation. Further, domestic holidays have become alot more expensive, particularly for accommodation and meals, despite quality often going backwards.
Personally travel has always been a very high priority and so spending on almost everything else is much lower than average. The total amount of travel has not changed significantly, it is just that the frequency of overseas has gone from once a decade to once every three to five years to once every year or two. Obviously if circumstances change for the worse overseas will drop back in frequency.
Shuttergirl, I'm not is that group as this trip will have taken two years of savings and sacrifice for us. It will be a once in a lifetime trip I expect. I do envy those on these boards that can go so regularly!

Good for you Travel Mum, you will know it was all worth it. I think I just envy the regular visitors when I see down the bottom how many times they have been lucky enough to visit the Happiest Place on Earth

We saved for 10 years for our Europe trip,

Otherwise we save and do a big trip every four years. Not big drinkers or smokers and we get the kids involved. There is always a savings jar on the bench for churro money.

Rather do something great every so often. Wish we could go more often. I save my lotto ticket money so can't even hope to win it.

We did the savings jar for our first trip AWIDY (you really need a shorter name :rotfl:). It was amazing how quickly the jar added up and how much fun we all got out of it.

Actually Shuttergirl, those trip reports are from you - two US trips and Fiji and if I am not mistaken something else in the planning, oh and you are building a new house.
I think you must know the answer.....

Touche Battymum :rotfl2:. I don't count Fiji because it is so cheap to go, much cheaper than travelling in Oz. The first trip was planned and saved for over 2 years. I admit our second unexpected US trip was extravagant and we were very blessed. I put that one down to a very good year in photography :lmao:. 2011 hasn't been quite as prosperous though.

And yes the building of the house, you all totally know I'd rather stay put and travel overseas every year instead. That darn house will suck up all extra money I fear.

And no, there is not another "something" in the planning as yet. Well in my mind there is and I've sent my desires out to the "universe" but practically speaking, it would be pure madness to consider it. But you never know hehe.

The point of my thread wasn't to say that I hadn't been blessed though, it was really just to see how other's manage to do it, in case I could get some great ideas for making it happen for my family quicker somehow :rotfl:.

I think alot of it has to do with the dramatically changed circumstances. With the airfares much lower, the dollar much higher and our economy much stronger, the last couple of years have really been the best time to travel to the US in a generation, with WDW also helped by factors like a lower airfare premium to get to the east coast, 'free' dining on-site and the massive oversupply of off-site accomodation. Further, domestic holidays have become alot more expensive, particularly for accommodation and meals, despite quality often going backwards.
Personally travel has always been a very high priority and so spending on almost everything else is much lower than average. The total amount of travel has not changed significantly, it is just that the frequency of overseas has gone from once a decade to once every three to five years to once every year or two. Obviously if circumstances change for the worse overseas will drop back in frequency.

I 100% agree with everything you've said here DVC. It astonishes me how expensive it can be to travel in Australia which is why I have essentially banned future domestic travel. I would rather wait another year or so and do something further afield for not all that much more.

The US is attractive because of the accom and meals situation too. I can't get over how cheaply you can stay places and as you say, with WDW offering free dining and huge room discounts, it's very tempting. Now if those damn flights would drop again I'd be happy.
Good for you Travel Mum, you will know it was all worth it. I think I just envy the regular visitors when I see down the bottom how many times they have been lucky enough to visit the Happiest Place on Earth
if you're at all referring to me then that is accumulated over 21 years. :rolleyes1

I 100% agree with everything you've said here DVC. It astonishes me how expensive it can be to travel in Australia which is why I have essentially banned future domestic travel. I would rather wait another year or so and do something further afield for not all that much more.

The US is attractive because of the accom and meals situation too. I can't get over how cheaply you can stay places and as you say, with WDW offering free dining and huge room discounts, it's very tempting. Now if those damn flights would drop again I'd be happy.
I find this upsetting. Totally understandable as accommodation et al in Australia is extortion :mad: But it also makes me sad because we live in such an amazing country.

Thankfully things were cheaper when was little and we have seen most of the main sites on the mainland. The waiting was for the overseas.
So I'm always looking into the places in the USA and Canada and Europe that I haven't visited. But I do wish domestic travel was more affordable. :sad2:
I agree Queenie, it is sad that domestic travel is so expensive. I have seen most of the highlights of this great country, except Uluru, but I hate the heat and dirt so it's not really on my bucket list.

Our kids however haven't seen WA or SA so I guess at some point we will do some quick trips to check these places out.

And I wasn't singling you out for having lots of trips, good for you that you have been so fortunate to travel. I am completely jealous :).

It was more a "general" question and conversation.

Although, we could point fingers at Shushh and PIO :rotfl2::rotfl2:.

They are my travelling :worship: heroes.
This is only our second trip it just happens to be within a 12 month period we wanted to go for years but things always came up last year we just decided it was now or never and booked and trusted that we would be able to do it. During our savings time which is only 6 months from time of booking to leaving we cut out going out for tea and takeaway which we cook at home.
The kids keep us on track:lmao:
Last SAT night we wanted schnitzel pre USA we would of gone out for it costing $100 minimum i went and brought all that i needed cost me $15 and then DS14 said Mum i will cook tonight for $5US so you can have a break done i still saved and had a night of:rotfl:

Last year DH said if we could clothe the kids in the states every time we went over the airfares would justify themselves so we have only spent $300 on clothes and shoe since we came home all sport related and this time we have told the kids they have to get 2 years worth of clothes as we wont be going back till March 2013 :sad2: well that would be unless there was a super deal on airfares next year:rotfl:

:eek:Last year when we cam home we had to spend 15 nights in Perth due to ds having surgery and the cost was bit more than 24 nights in the USA with no breakfast:sad1:
Our kids are very well traveled in Australia and they only need to go to Tassie which we plan on doing at Christmas time and Darwin/Uluru but they would honestly rather save and go overseas they would rather go to NZ or Fiji at Christmas time and the reality is it would probably be cheaper.

:rolleyes1I must also say that it really frustrates me that $3000 of our $9000 is to get us from the west coast to the east it seems so expensive when you put in perspective where the rest of the airfare takes us.

I forgot to add one really big thing we gave up for USA trips is going to the movies we now wait for it to come out on Foxtel or buy the Dvd their is such a short time between movies and dvd these days!
This is our third trip, each being 18 months apart. We only have one child. We both work, one car, Sydney mortgage. We live carefully and so we can have holidays. We don't have childcare costs as MIL and FIL drop DD to and pick up from school most days.

I don't think we would be going in Sept this year other than the Qantas SYD DFW specials combined with a good deal at DW. It's a short trip, leave on the Friday, 8 nights. Disney only. About $4k in total including air, accom, tickets, and deluxe dining (we used $1000 worth of points on the flights.) Other than mandatory :rotfl: factory shopping which I'll get DH work shirts, shoes for DD, etc I don't think we'll spend more than $1500 on the ground, most of which will be shared with SIL - tips, a couple of cab fares, etc. SIL and DN are coming with us this trip, they are paying their own way.

If we had more than one child we wouldn't of had these trips close together.

Australia is expensive to travel around. We went to the Gold Coast at Christmas time. Stayed in an apartment, about a week after the floods. We had specials on the airfares - my MIL and DN came with us as well. Air, accom, car hire, petrol alone was about $2500. We had food, 3 Park Superpass each ($500 total), hire of ECV for MIL and other bits and pieces. Probably spent around $4500k in total. Really expensive for what you get.
In the pre-children days I was off overseas every year. Now that I have three children and therefore next to no disposable income, we are saving the pennies to take the three munchkins in 2015.

I agree with what you are all saying though; traveling in Oz is very expensive - especially with five people, so you can't fit into a normal hotel room.
This is only our second trip it just happens to be within a 12 month period we wanted to go for years but things always came up last year we just decided it was now or never and booked and trusted that we would be able to do it. During our savings time which is only 6 months from time of booking to leaving we cut out going out for tea and takeaway which we cook at home.
The kids keep us on track:lmao:
Last SAT night we wanted schnitzel pre USA we would of gone out for it costing $100 minimum i went and brought all that i needed cost me $15 and then DS14 said Mum i will cook tonight for $5US so you can have a break done i still saved and had a night of:rotfl:

Last year DH said if we could clothe the kids in the states every time we went over the airfares would justify themselves so we have only spent $300 on clothes and shoe since we came home all sport related and this time we have told the kids they have to get 2 years worth of clothes as we wont be going back till March 2013 :sad2: well that would be unless there was a super deal on airfares next year:rotfl:

:eek:Last year when we cam home we had to spend 15 nights in Perth due to ds having surgery and the cost was bit more than 24 nights in the USA with no breakfast:sad1:
Our kids are very well traveled in Australia and they only need to go to Tassie which we plan on doing at Christmas time and Darwin/Uluru but they would honestly rather save and go overseas they would rather go to NZ or Fiji at Christmas time and the reality is it would probably be cheaper.

:rolleyes1I must also say that it really frustrates me that $3000 of our $9000 is to get us from the west coast to the east it seems so expensive when you put in perspective where the rest of the airfare takes us.

I forgot to add one really big thing we gave up for USA trips is going to the movies we now wait for it to come out on Foxtel or buy the Dvd their is such a short time between movies and dvd these days!

My DH and I agree that if you go with a list of things you need for the kids, and yourselves for the next year or so then it can definitely offset some of the expense. I love that your daughter offered to cook and I think it adds an extra element of fun to the saving if the kids get involved and know what they are saving for. A great family bonding thing I think.

I think buying the the DVD instead of going to the movies is a great idea too.

This is why I started this thread really, to hear how each person saves up differently and to get some ideas for myself. Thanks.

This is our third trip, each being 18 months apart. We only have one child. We both work, one car, Sydney mortgage. We live carefully and so we can have holidays. We don't have childcare costs as MIL and FIL drop DD to and pick up from school most days.

I don't think we would be going in Sept this year other than the Qantas SYD DFW specials combined with a good deal at DW. It's a short trip, leave on the Friday, 8 nights. Disney only. About $4k in total including air, accom, tickets, and deluxe dining (we used $1000 worth of points on the flights.) Other than mandatory :rotfl: factory shopping which I'll get DH work shirts, shoes for DD, etc I don't think we'll spend more than $1500 on the ground, most of which will be shared with SIL - tips, a couple of cab fares, etc. SIL and DN are coming with us this trip, they are paying their own way.

If we had more than one child we wouldn't of had these trips close together.

Australia is expensive to travel around. We went to the Gold Coast at Christmas time. Stayed in an apartment, about a week after the floods. We had specials on the airfares - my MIL and DN came with us as well. Air, accom, car hire, petrol alone was about $2500. We had food, 3 Park Superpass each ($500 total), hire of ECV for MIL and other bits and pieces. Probably spent around $4500k in total. Really expensive for what you get.

It must be a great help to be able to share the tipping, cabs etc. It's amazing how that adds up across a whole trip.

That amount for your QLD trip does not surprise me. We actually went over Christmas 3 years ago and it cost us 6k all up. Crazy. Then last Jan we went to Sydney for 4 days and it came to nearly 2.5k. Now that is one crazy expensive place to eat and stay. It was after that trip that I vowed not to travel domestically and would try to save for a bit longer and do an O/S trip.
In the pre-children days I was off overseas every year. Now that I have three children and therefore next to no disposable income, we are saving the pennies to take the three munchkins in 2015.

I agree with what you are all saying though; traveling in Oz is very expensive - especially with five people, so you can't fit into a normal hotel room.

Good luck with the saving. It's always good to have something exciting to look forward to and I'm sure the time will go quickly.
Good luck with the saving. It's always good to have something exciting to look forward to and I'm sure the time will go quickly.

Thanks Shuttergirl :) We're actually halfway through our saving/waiting time. We started a term deposit just before I got pregnant with my first son and have been adding to it every six months since. He's four now and the time has flown. I imagine the next four years will go just as fast!

BTW, we couldn't quite wait so long between Disney trips so we took the two oldest boys to Tokyo Disneyland last year :D Set our savings back a bit, but we NEEDED a Disney fix!
Hi, we have had 2 trips in May2009 & May2011. The next trip ( Calfornia plus neighbouring states) will probably be Sep2013. And then over to WDW in 2015. This depends on both of us keeping our full time jobs.

The children are currently aged 6 & 9, and I want us to have as many holidays as possible together while they are still children.

We have a 1 week beach holiday here in NZ every summer. And every winter between the overseas trips we try and have a week long ski holiday down in Wanaka.

We are fortunate that we work for an Airline so have access to staff travel ( though travelling standby adds a whole new dimension to overseas travel!).

We don't eat out or go to the movies, we live in a very modest house, and don't spend lots on it. We still have a mortgage. But I believe that childhood is such a short time, and I want us to have those special memories from family holidays together.
I've caught the Disney/travel bug...

My family went to California early 2011 after my siblings and myself had bugged our parents to go to Disneyland. I hadn't been overseas since I was about 4 years old (I was 18 on the latest trip) and that was to America.

We were lucky I guess that my parents could afford the trip without drastic savings needed, though it was said that it would be a 'once in a lifetime trip' and not to expect annual trips to CA. We used to travel to Queensland probably once every 18 months (from Victoria) and do the theme parks there, but nothing can top Disneyland now that we've gone. A few health related incidents to people we knew also made my parents realise they won't be able to take their children on holidays forever.

Travel around Australia can be expensive but, like any travel, you just need to look for good bargains. Domestic air flights are becoming cheaper, but you need to pay for more 'add ons' which used to be included.

I was a tight-*** whilst at Disney. I would turn down opportunities to purchase souvenirs, shared meals with my sister or whatever. I felt bad because I knew how much everything was costing my parents. Now though, I am planning on returning in early 2012 - not sure if that'll actually happen as my savings account is looking VERY sad right now with little income but hopefully that'll change. Disney is something I want to share with my boyfriend but being a student this may have to wait a few more years.
Hi, we have had 2 trips in May2009 & May2011. The next trip ( Calfornia plus neighbouring states) will probably be Sep2013. And then over to WDW in 2015. This depends on both of us keeping our full time jobs.

The children are currently aged 6 & 9, and I want us to have as many holidays as possible together while they are still children.

We have a 1 week beach holiday here in NZ every summer. And every winter between the overseas trips we try and have a week long ski holiday down in Wanaka.

We are fortunate that we work for an Airline so have access to staff travel ( though travelling standby adds a whole new dimension to overseas travel!).

We don't eat out or go to the movies, we live in a very modest house, and don't spend lots on it. We still have a mortgage. But I believe that childhood is such a short time, and I want us to have those special memories from family holidays together.

You are so right CarolineNZ. My daughter turns 13 on Friday and my son is just 9 and it makes me sad that we weren't able to go to Disney when they were much younger. It just simply was not in the budget. I guess I feel a little like once we build this new house, trips may no longer be in the budget then either. I'm sure they will but much further apart. This is what makes me itch to go again soon :lmao:.

Thank you so much for helping me clarify one of the reasons that I would like to go again. I'm not sure whether I realised that that was a driving force until I read your reply.

I've caught the Disney/travel bug...

My family went to California early 2011 after my siblings and myself had bugged our parents to go to Disneyland. I hadn't been overseas since I was about 4 years old (I was 18 on the latest trip) and that was to America.

We were lucky I guess that my parents could afford the trip without drastic savings needed, though it was said that it would be a 'once in a lifetime trip' and not to expect annual trips to CA. We used to travel to Queensland probably once every 18 months (from Victoria) and do the theme parks there, but nothing can top Disneyland now that we've gone. A few health related incidents to people we knew also made my parents realise they won't be able to take their children on holidays forever.

Travel around Australia can be expensive but, like any travel, you just need to look for good bargains. Domestic air flights are becoming cheaper, but you need to pay for more 'add ons' which used to be included.

I was a tight-*** whilst at Disney. I would turn down opportunities to purchase souvenirs, shared meals with my sister or whatever. I felt bad because I knew how much everything was costing my parents. Now though, I am planning on returning in early 2012 - not sure if that'll actually happen as my savings account is looking VERY sad right now with little income but hopefully that'll change. Disney is something I want to share with my boyfriend but being a student this may have to wait a few more years.

How wonderful that you were thoughtful enough to know how much the trip was costing your parents and for being so frugal. Hopefully your bank account will take a huge unexpected leap and you will get there real soon.


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