Seriously, how do you all afford these trips?

ESTA introduced a fee late last year. I can't remember whether it was US$10 or US$15 for each application. I only remember that I was mightily ticked off when I went to update my travel details on my 10 month old (freely obtained) ESTA last year that it wouldn't accept my number.

I had to get a new ESTA and pay for it.

If you have an ESTA previously obtained, it should be valid for 2 years? After that time you'll need a new number....and who knows what the fee would have gone to by then.
I haven't dared to add up all that we have/are spending on this trip. I think that seeing that huge figure would make me feel quite sick and very guilty when I look around our house and see all the house renovations we should be doing :scared1: Partial ignorance is bliss in my case :thumbsup2
I haven't dared to add up all that we have/are spending on this trip. I think that seeing that huge figure would make me feel quite sick and very guilty when I look around our house and see all the house renovations we should be doing :scared1: Partial ignorance is bliss in my case :thumbsup2

hehehe, I like the way you think.
Yes, I had to pay $14 each for our ESTA's. $70 for our family :sad2:

Is it ETSA or ESTA:confused3 - whatever, the piece of paper that lets you in the US.
OK, so We have to pay the etsa/esta fee, we have to pay to book our seats, what else will there be. UGH.

Shuttergirl, you're a pro and I'm a newbie. No worries there. I'm also in Brisbane :)

Someone mentioned to me either on this thread or another one yesterday that you need to travel now while the kids are young and this obviously is a priority for you. That's great and I am sure that after this upcoming trip you will feel you have seen enough to last you another few years until you reach "cough cough" 40!!!! hehehe

Well, my oldest is 11 and already doesn't like It's a small world. So we have to go now before he gets sick of everything but the rollercoasters. Plus, I keep thinking horrible thoughts and if dh or I found out some horrible news that we weren't going to make it, the first thing we'd do would be to drop everything and take them to Disneyland, at least this way we're covered. I don't want to wait till I'm dying to have fun with them. (I'm so morbid)
ESTA introduced a fee late last year. I can't remember whether it was US$10 or US$15 for each application. I only remember that I was mightily ticked off when I went to update my travel details on my 10 month old (freely obtained) ESTA last year that it wouldn't accept my number.

I had to get a new ESTA and pay for it.

If you have an ESTA previously obtained, it should be valid for 2 years? After that time you'll need a new number....and who knows what the fee would have gone to by then.

:confused: I was really excited when i saw ours dont expire to 2012 do i have to update for our next trip :confused3 for some reason i thought we only had to enter the details for our first trip and then we could enter the USA as often as we liked for those 2 years for up to 3 months at a time????

To answer my own question i went to the Aus gov website and this it what it says

The United States government advises that each approved ESTA application will be valid for a period of two years, so a visitor may travel to the United States repeatedly within a two-year period without having to apply for another ESTA. Travellers whose ESTA applications are approved, but whose passport will expire in less than two years, will receive an ESTA that is valid until the passport’s expiration date. In the same way that a valid visa does not constitute a determination of admissibility, an approved ESTA is not a guarantee of admissibility to the United States at a port of entry. In all cases, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers make admissibility determinations at US ports of entry or pre-clearance facilities.
We live a very boring lifestyle to fund my Disney addiction. Poor DH, he works so hard and I spend it. He doesn't even like Disney, but tags along all the same.

I make travel a priority, so am a cheapskate in regard to most other things. We never eat out, though would have takeaway once or twice a month. We don't drink or smoke. We don't even drink soft drink. Our house is too small, but we don't want the bigger mortgage associated with moving. Our kids don't miss out on much, but they are still young.

Just to show what a geek I am, I have a spreadsheet where I record all of our income and expenses. I record every cent we spend over a few months. It is really interesting to identify where all the money goes.

shushh, I am with you regarding the coffee. I have paid for 2 coffee's this year.

jacs, good luck with the photography business. Do you have a blog or a website? I have had a few people ask me if I take clients, but there is no way I am ready for that. PM me if you like.
Check out the date that I joined the Dis, that is how long I have been saving for this trip :lmao:. To be fair I have had two major setbacks that put the balance near zero. I had to buy a new car as mine completely gave up the ghost, the repairs were so expensive it made sense just to buy a new one. Major dental work was the other setback. Neither DBF or I have very good paying jobs, we just save what we can. Like others on the thread, we don't eat out much, I don't buy coffee, no soft drinks. I don't spend much at all, everything just goes towards this holiday. This will likely be our once in a lifetime trip, unless circumstances change. Next thing we want to do is save some money for a house, and then a mortgage will tie us down for a while :headache:.
I am one who didn't go to Disneyland until our children were self-supporting and we could afford to do a few things for ourselves and Disneyland was one day of a five week trip to the U.S. just before the turn of the century.
When our son and daughter travelled as young adults, riding the teacups at Disneyland was one of the "must do" items on their lists.
There was no way we could have taken them when they were young, we were a one income family on an ordinary wage and travelling overseas was not even a conversation topic.
We have had another trip, this time with our daughter and grandchildren.
We had a great time and hope to go again while the young ones are still happy to be seen with us.
thank you to everyone for clarifying that change to ESTA and how it works. Considerig I got a free one 1 year ago I think I'll not touch it for this trip.
As you say jacs1234 $10 here, $20 there - being nibbled to death by fees and charges!
thanks chaps
:confused: I was really excited when i saw ours dont expire to 2012 do i have to update for our next trip :confused3 for some reason i thought we only had to enter the details for our first trip and then we could enter the USA as often as we liked for those 2 years for up to 3 months at a time????

To answer my own question i went to the Aus gov website and this it what it says

The United States government advises that each approved ESTA application will be valid for a period of two years, so a visitor may travel to the United States repeatedly within a two-year period without having to apply for another ESTA. Travellers whose ESTA applications are approved, but whose passport will expire in less than two years, will receive an ESTA that is valid until the passport’s expiration date. In the same way that a valid visa does not constitute a determination of admissibility, an approved ESTA is not a guarantee of admissibility to the United States at a port of entry. In all cases, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers make admissibility determinations at US ports of entry or pre-clearance facilities.

thank you to everyone for clarifying that change to ESTA and how it works. Considerig I got a free one 1 year ago I think I'll not touch it for this trip.As you say jacs1234 $10 here, $20 there - being nibbled to death by fees and charges!
thanks chaps

I highly recommend that you go into the ESTA website and update the ESTA for each person in your travelling party with the new travel details.

For one of DH's trips last year, I told him to update his ESTA....but he didn't do it. When he got to the US immigration, there was a little problem because he hadn't updated his details. Thankfully, the immigration officer was feeling generous that morning and he told DH to use his smart phone, log in and update it ASAP. After DH did that, the immigration officer processed his entry. Needless to say, I don't have to remind DH to update his ESTA anymore.
One other thing...and you may already be aware of it, but I thought I'd mention it just in case. In addition to the ESTA, I had to complete the APIS...Advance Passenger Information System. The airline collects this information for travel to and from the US. It is apparently used to screen people against the US Watch List.
I bought my ticket from our travel agent friends and she sent me a link to complete it.
You dont have to justify it - you work hard, enjoy! :wizard:

Thank you battymum :hug:

Shushh, as you say, your family is reaping the rewards of your family's sacrifices and hard work. I applaud you!!!

My husband works long hours, as do I but at least I work from home.

I love that you make travel your priority and your children are receiving the most awesome education from that. In my opinion, you have the balance just right.

The coffee thing made me laugh because I always think when I am at the shops and think a nice latte would hit the spot, hmmmm imagine what I could do with that money on a holiday :lmao:. That really resonates with me.

I apologise if my comments made you feel like you needed to justify yourself. I have obviously worded everything wrong because I was just really wondering how everyone does it, everyone has different ways of saving the money for trips and I am looking for ways to increase my saving. That was the only point of my thread. You know i love you (and PIO) and didn't mean to make anyone feel bad. I know both your family and PIO make many sacrifices to take your trips and I consider you my very good disney friends.

I, and my family could definitely be more frugal but like yourselves, after many years of struggle struggle struggle, things are much more prosperous for our family at the moment. It may not be forever :confused3, hence me wanting to fit in as many trips as possible :rotfl:.

I am keen to set in play some more "frugal" activities to excite the family about a possible trip and to get everyone saving. I think it truly does help you bond as a family when you have a common love and goal for travel.

No need for apologies! I knew that there was nothing mean-spirited about your post, and that it was intended as a discussion to aid in making more Disney travel eventuate. I suppose I did sound like I was trying to justify myself. Its not always easy to try and convey exactly what you want to convey online! I know that so many have to work so hard and make many sacrifices to make their Disney dream come true.

You are very kind to call us frugal. I think Jade's term is more accurate...I am in essence a cheapskate with most other things!
We saved and scrimped for our trip in 2010 - we had plans to go back in October this year but DD required braces which put our plans back about 6 months. We had such a 'no-spend' mentality, that when we arrived in NY, DD who was 12 at the time did not want us to buy her drinks while we were out. We had to explain to her that this was the reason we had saved, so we had money to spend while overseas - she was so strict about her spending money that it took her to our third last day in Disney to actually spend any money.

We have also decided that travel is a priority - we budget everything, we have USA dinner nights (i.e dinner = under $5) and use as much 'frugal' entertainment as possible (Disney movie nights).

We travelled to Melbourne to see the Disney exhibit in January. Australia is a beautiful country and we have a lot more to see - we will factor this into plans for future trips. I think there are some great deals to travel in Australia - you just need to be ready to get them.
I am lucky to be married to a gorgeous Englishman whose parents live in London, so we always seem to have some kind of savings happening for a future trip back to see the in-laws. We went to visit in 2009 and stopped in DL and NYC on the way and it was then that DH caught the Disney bug! :goodvibes

So when the in-laws said that they were coming here for Christmas this year, we were able to put what we had already saved towards a family holiday that we will never forget. 5 nights in NYC, 12 nights in WDW, 5 nights Bahamas, 3 nights Las Vegas - I still can't believe it!

I work like a maniac in my own shop and DH works from home, and sometimes it feels like I get home, we kiss hello and he is off to his computer room where he works until 2am, add in soccer, rep cricket, athletics, dancing, swimming and netball and you start to realise why we need 4 weeks together in the one hotel room!!

This holiday is something that we have planned for 9 months now, and I have worked hard to find great deals like free dining in WDW, one night free in NYC, one night free and free breakfast in the Bahamas (I'm still working on Vegas!), and the great exchange rate makes things a few people have said on here - we shouldn't apologise for a bit of success and for dreaming big. Being lucky enough to see our kids faces as they walk down Main Street is better than 100 dinners out for us - besides - my DH is a killer BBQ-er (we don't need to leave the backyard)!!!

It's lovely to read all of the stories on this thread, and it's so exciting to have a wonderful holiday to look forward to - and then after it all - to look back on. :cloud9:
We're planning our first trip Jan 2012. I'm working two jobs after being a SAHM for 13 years. I studied full time for two years so I don't have to work minimum wage. We also own our house and car.
We went to WDW last year on the supposed once in a lifetime trip. We spent my 'if we have child number 4' nest egg as I had finally decided to stop at our current three. We had such a fabulous time that I was confident enough to book a Disney cruise in the Med followed by time in Italy and a trip home via WDW. I reworked my budget to pay $400 per week on the visa and I just paid off my trip in $2000 increments on the visa. It worked very well although I think the US travel agent is now sick of getting an email from me every month asking him to charge another 2k.
I am seriously loving hearing how everyone saved up for their "once in a lifetime" trips and then found ways to continue to have more trips :rotfl:. It really is a bug that you catch isn't it.
It's a very expensive bug. When we took just 2 of our kids in 2008, I was thinking Disneyland would be one of those things that you only needed to do once. How wrong I was.
I am also enjoying reading how everyone saved up for their Disney trips. It just really depends on how bad you want to go and what you will sacrifice (ie take-a-ways, movies etc) so that you can go. For me I was desperate to go back after our "once in a life time" trip in 2009. After 10 days in DL we still didn't see everything (DS was just 5 so getting around was a bit slow going). Plus... since we have been there are all these new rides and things to see such as the World of Colour and Carsland will be opening in 2012. We loved the trip but planning for another one on DH wage is out of the question. So... since I really really want to go and see WDW this time.... I went out and got a job (not easy to do at my age and lack of jobs available). I start my new job next week and I don't care that it's minimum wage... It's money that I wouldn't have had in the first place and it is going into an account that I can't get to.... As I said... I love Disney! My disney obsession is driving some of my friends nuts... but at least I can talk about the trip and planning on this forum and everyone here (I hope :)) is understanding.....

So as Jacs1234 said... "I was thinking Disneyland would be one of those things that you only needed to do once. How wrong I was." I totally agree..
Disney is fantastic... No matter what your age...:flower3:


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