Something About Nothing ... #12

oh my goodness Robo, that looks lovely. I'd like to be there.

Weather for me over the weekend was wet, cold and snowy! But not nice snow, more like wet, damp, grey snow. Well its melted this morning.

Speaking of movies who has seen the new IT? It came out in the UK on Bluray 15th Jan but we only just got round to purchasing it on Sunday.

I love it so much. I think it really did reflect the feelings I got from reading the book. :) I'd love an IT house with the updated Pennywise.

Back at work today... book. Happy Monday

Hi all! I've been blah all weekend.. back at work today and still feeling wiped out. Just tired for no reason. I got plenty of sleep. I don't think I have a cold or the flu.. and I'm not depressed, so it isn't that seasonal depression things (Sids? Sads? something like that)

I've read some of what I missed... of course the discussion of Jason Issacs caught my attention. I always thought he was handsome as Lucius Malfoy, but then I saw pictures of him without the long white hair.. Damn! He's really handsome! I haven't seen him in anything else tho.

For all affected by the shut down, I hope this ends fast and you can get back to work!

Work is ramping up for me, so I won't be on as much as before. I'll pop in to say hello to all you wonderful people as much as I can! :)

Yep, thanks Mac. Holding breath they finally do the annual, well, until the end of September. Then all over again. Breathing that Feb 8, that annual appropriation happens.

Hey Chuckers, hope you get some pep in your step soon. I think the gray days does effect ya. I did not get a good night's sleep, so yawning and tired too.

Rachel, I think the new IT is already on DVD for us. I know my little one saw it with her friends when it was at the movie theater, but I am not a horror fan, so have not seen all of it. Clowns are not my favorite, either.

Time for more tea.

more caffeine! LOL


Yes, homie Lynne is not a horror fan but she did join us on a private rip hhn tour in October

She did great and did not wet her pants at all

She had fun spending the time with the homies as we chat a lot with each other during the tour

It’s fun to bond with each other
So nice to be able to have a real chat and not type it all out

MonyK what a lovely picture!!
Thanks for sharing

How are the chicks today?
Snow gone so they can scratch in their pen yard now?

Hi Chuckers!
Not long until your roomies will be taking their trip and it will be just you and the kitties at your place for the week

Mac, yes, it’s so true......meeting friends in real life from on here is so much nicer than typing everything.......we’ve been so lucky with everyone we have met from here........

Didn’t quite get the hype about IT.......clowns don’t bother me so maybe that’s why.......updated one not impressed with.........older one was boring. Although love Tim Curry in anything.........

Although temps have gone up here.........I am so cold!! Wind chill is still there a little........we drove 15 minutes inland to my physio appointment and snow was still laying.......that village has its own little micro climate I’m sure........

But, 50 days till our overnight at airport before flying off to Orlando!! Can’t wait..........:sunny:

Guys coming tomorrow to remove sitting room furniture for less thing to do........

Might have an early night tonight........almost 10pm tv in bed for a while.........

It is blowing a hoolie outside today.........and slightly warmer than last few weeks. Our village is so quiet today though......went to the post office and there was no one around.......eerily quiet........then went to go in our local butchers shop and everyone seemed to be in there.......

Bacon Brie and cranberry grilled panini`s for lunch........dinner not sure about yet........

Have a great Tuesday..........:D
Tacos for dinner Schumi? I would think not. Lush lunch sandwich noted. Sigh, probably neither for me.

Up at 4:30, and it's a noisy downpour. I was hoping it stopped by the time I was ready to commute. Yay! It was. Lots of puddles already. And the temperature: 48 at that hour. Almost too warm. Muggy and foggy too. Gone by this afternoon, with only a chance of high winds from thunderstorms mostly more south of here. Then that line of wet goes out to sea, and once again the cold air will arrive. 60 today, 37 tomorrow. Not complaining. We've been above average temps most of the month. For me, the coldest month is the next one, February.

With that, I need tea. May be iced before I drink it, but tea none the less.


Good Afternoon Schumi and BagO and Good Morning, Mac, Tink, Robo, Chuckers, Charade, MonyK, and Buckeev. And Good Morning and Afternoon to all the other homies.

Yep, never a Taco day for us......I can eat Nachos, long as it has chicken or pulled pork in.......but not really a Mexican food fan......

We have 52f today.....and still breezy!! Yep, February can be nasty, very nasty...........not looking forward to it.......hope your day is a good one Lynne......

Furniture has been removed.....they also took the old flooring from both rooms and a few other things we wanted rid of.......ideal!!!

Hi Chuckers!
Not long until your roomies will be taking their trip and it will be just you and the kitties at your place for the week

Funny you should mention that... When I took off sick on Thursday, I thought I would have the place to myself.. nope.. She was off work... When I took Friday off, I thought alone again... Nope, she was off.. that was 4 days this week she was off work. On Saturday, I thought FOR SURE I would have the place to myself... Nope.. she had a schedule change and would be working Sunday. I woke up Sunday and said to myself that I HAVE to be alone today... I walk downstairs and she's asleep on the couch.. which means she's sick. (She sleeps on the couch when she's not feeling well). Sure enough, he's off AND she's home sick. I was SO thankful that I had to go into my part time job in the afternoon.

At least I had the place to myself for a few hours after work last night. She worked late and, since she drives him everywhere, he was stuck at his store until she picked him up. I am so glad he didn't ask me to go back down and pick him up. When I get home for the night, I am home for the night.

@Lynne G It could be a case of the blahs. I really haven't seen much sun in a while. My Orlando trip was mostly overcast - 5 out of 7 days were full gray days, 1 day of sun with clouds and 1 day of some sun with rain. I don't exactly know when we're getting sun here in Mass.. I think sometime this week it's supposed to make an appearance.
It was in the 60’s yesterday and again today

My neighbor just mowed his grass
Welcome to Georgia mac :laughing: we might have 70s one week and snow the next :crazy:

Spending my day off doing laundry :laundy: what fun.

Chuck, hang in'll get a break soon :hug:

Ah, our grass is not green, and no need to mow until almost May if not later. Beautiful sun and almost hot now. Close to 60 before the Northern wind says, drop that temperature to below 40. But for now, those dark clouds are moving fast, and in between, loving the brightness and warmth.
oh my goodness. i thought i was going to be blown off my bike today in that wind!


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We are the same Rachel.......the wind is unbelievable! Woke us up several times throughout the night.......looking out to Sea this morning is quite the sight!

We won’t be getting our lawns mowed till at least March....late March usually.......

Thinking of heading out to the movies now.......either the new Jumanji or the final Insidious movie......I just don’t like the cinema, but DH does.......too many annoying people, although this time of day is usually quiet......think I’d prefer to stay in and watch something on our own movie thingy........

Anyway, have a great Wednesday...........:D
Those Northern winds have blown our way. Quite a brisk morning for me too BagO and Schumi. Had to zip up that coat a little tighter. Still a heavy, black and gray cloud cover, so no sight of the sun on the horizon, just a little lighter color of paler gray.

Yep, it is Wednesday, and the camel reminder is here. Hump Day homies! The middle of the work week for some.

Hey Keisha, hope all is well and mom doing better.

Mac, cats need their breakfast. Good Morning.

Charade, Robo and Tink, hope the coffee is hot.

Hope you enjoy the movie Schumi. Have not seen either movie. I agree, sometimes other movie goers make enjoying the movie hard. I am deciding if I want to see the new Jumanji movie or not. Always either to see movies at home.

Seems it was a bad hair day ride for BagO. Hope your day gets less windy.

Time for tea. Hot tea.

Later homies.


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