Time for a Disney Do-Over!! It's a GO!

As usual... Behind...

I know I said Happy Birthday to Dan on FB... but Happy Belated Birthday to him here too. Love the cake and the shirt - And I do like the name of his busines. :thumbsup2

Congrats on being paid in full! :woohoo:

Love your day 5 plans... That' sone thing I am going to miss doing this trip - no opening show... Our half day, we don't get there until the afternoon... And our only full MK day, we will already be inside the gates for our CP breakfast... I was hoping BFF would get to see it, but it's not to be on this trip. :(

I hope you had a nice weekend babysitting and visiting the family. :)

:crazy2: Whoa! Busy day and weekend!! How cute that your granddog is coming! :goodvibes I remember when all mine and my hubbys parents had was a graddog from us to love, lol...

Yes, Cody may be the only "grand" I get from this son. They are undecided, but leaning toward no kids. I told them the important thing is that they are in agreement with each other and it's no one else's business. But between you and me….they would make great parents and beautiful children! Just sayin'.:rolleyes1

Hope you have a great weekend and are able to fly through all your preparations today so you are able to relax and enjoy!

Thanks! I did get everything done. Not sure I was able to relax on Friday, but we had a fantastic weekend. I'll update below.

As usual... Behind...

I know I said Happy Birthday to Dan on FB... but Happy Belated Birthday to him here too. Love the cake and the shirt - And I do like the name of his busines. :thumbsup2

Congrats on being paid in full! :woohoo:

Love your day 5 plans... That' sone thing I am going to miss doing this trip - no opening show... Our half day, we don't get there until the afternoon... And our only full MK day, we will already be inside the gates for our CP breakfast... I was hoping BFF would get to see it, but it's not to be on this trip. :(

I hope you had a nice weekend babysitting and visiting the family. :)


I think we're all behind these days. I know I continue to be behind. We do what we can.

I get teary when I watch that show. I'm a sap. I cry while reading cards in Hallmark for Pete's sake!! I just get so emotional at Disney. It touches me in a way I can't explain. Lucky I don't have to explain it to anyone on here!:hug:


Babysitting little Easton was a lot of fun. He's going to have a little brother or sister in January and I think it's going to be quite a blow for him. Reality check! :rotfl:

Our son, Jonathan and his wife Nicole got to our house around 9PM. We just visited for a couple of hours and then hit the sack since we were all tired. On Saturday we went to Amish country. We did a little browsing in some of the stores and then had lunch at a place called The Farmstead. We all got the soup and salad bar. I had zucchini chowder that was out of this world! We had a waitress who joked around with us the whole time and it was a lot of fun. Then we visited a couple of wineries. The first one had a singer/guitar player outside, so we took our glasses of wine and sat outside to listen.

The next winery had sangria, so I had a glass of that. I'm not into wine and usually don't have any at all, but the sangria was yum! Everyone else did the 5 tastings for a dollar and had the snacks that were available. Nothing I could eat, but that's okay. This place had an entire room filled with Downton Abby stuff, which was fun to look at.

Next we headed toward home, but on the way we made a slight detour to a favorite ice cream parlor that has been in the same building since 1909. They have the same home made recipe that has always been used and the same booths since 1928. It's one of our favorite places. They also serve great food. Wish I had some pictures, but I forgot my phone at home and didn't think to ask anyone else!

After a stop at home for a brief nap for everyone except me, then a quick bite to eat, we took off again for a party at a friend's house. We stayed there until 10:30 or so, then came back home and watched a movie--Sabrina. Dan and Nicole slept through most of it, but Jonathan and I watched the whole thing. It was 1:30AM when we all went to bed.

Next morning I made pancakes for everyone and then we decided to go play miniature golf. It was so very hot that we didn't really enjoy it fully. This is a place I used to go to as a kid. And later on dates with the girls' dad. Lots of nostalgia!

Back home then for lunch. The kids left shortly afterward for Toledo and Dan had to work on his laptop. It was a fun-filled weekend for sure!
Okay, back to Disney stuff!

Day 7 Epcot crowd level 2

This is our second day at Epcot and I'm planning to get the MNSSHP tickets for this evening. We won't need to spend the entire day here, so I figured we get there at opening and stay through lunch and maybe a little bit past that, depending what time we finish lunch. We like to take advantage of getting a free 5x7 as Disney CC holders and that starts at 1PM. Then back to the resort to get freshened up, maybe take a nap, who knows? I'll be telling Dan we're going to MK. He won't know it's a party night, so he won't know we're going to MNSSHP until we get there. I decided not to wear a costume. I know. Bah on me. But I really want to surprise him and that's the only way I can do it. Also, I know this will be the last MNSSHP for us for quite a few years, so being there is the most important thing for me. It would have just been t-shirts anyway, so no big deal. Don't judge!:rotfl:

ADR - Teppan Edo - 1:30 PM I plan to be at the photo place right at 1 so we can make our ADR time with no trouble. Last time there was no line at all, so I'm hoping it will be the same this time. If not, we can grab it after lunch.


Soarin' 10:15 - 11:15

Spaceship Earth 12:00 - 1:00

Mission Space 1:00 - 2:00

Okay, so I know we can't get our photo and ride MS both at 1PM. See how smart I am?? But I'm figuring we will be able to ride MS earlier in the day since there is usually not much of a standby line for it. I don't think we'll even need the SE or MS FP times, but as you all know, you have to get all three or none at all. We will try to ride TT right at rope drop since we opted for Soarin' for our FP. We did Soarin' on our other Epcot day as well. That one we could ride over and over again, whereas, we really don't like the new TT where you build your car. We've never had it work once in the vehicle, so it just seems like a waste of time to us. Any other thoughts on that? :confused3 I do love the actual ride though.

So, what do you think? We'll probably get over to MK by 5 or 6, so plenty of time for the party. I cannot wait to see the headless horseman and the rest of the parade. I just love MNSSHP!!!!! pirate::yay:
Loved the visit pictures! you all look so happy! Glad you had a great time with the kids!
Congrats on a New BABY!!! :banana::wizard: so precious!!!

I love all your plans.. Party days are our down days as i want to be up late! so we stay at the resort nap enjoy the pools and stuff. :thumbsup2

Keep up the great work on your reports!!

Imma a proud Dis'er...
Never say never on not having kids!! Lol.. my best friend swore up and down that they weren't having kids, to which both her and her husbands parents were bummed, but then lo and behold a few years later they got the baby itch, and their DD is now almost 1!! :thumbsup2 Ya NEVER know when they could change their minds, but it's nice that you support them and don't hound them about it, my friend didn't even tell her MIL they were preggo for the longest time bc they always bugged her about it...

Your visit with the kids looked fun! I went and played mini golf the other day too! I love it, but it was SWELTERING, thats not so fun, lol...

Your Disney plans look great! Teppan Edo is on my list for another visit... and MNSSHP!! YAY!!!
Loved the visit pictures! you all look so happy! Glad you had a great time with the kids!
Congrats on a New BABY!!! :banana::wizard: so precious!!!

I love all your plans.. Party days are our down days as i want to be up late! so we stay at the resort nap enjoy the pools and stuff. :thumbsup2

Keep up the great work on your reports!!

Imma a proud Dis'er...

It's our neighbor who is having a baby, but we've sort of adopted them as our own kids. We just love them to death!

Yeah, we don't usually (as in ever) have any down days. If we had kids, we would no doubt have them though. When we have the grands we make it an easier day, but we just can't stand to be there and not be in the parks.

Thanks for the support. :hug:

Never say never on not having kids!! Lol.. my best friend swore up and down that they weren't having kids, to which both her and her husbands parents were bummed, but then lo and behold a few years later they got the baby itch, and their DD is now almost 1!! :thumbsup2 Ya NEVER know when they could change their minds, but it's nice that you support them and don't hound them about it, my friend didn't even tell her MIL they were preggo for the longest time bc they always bugged her about it...

Your visit with the kids looked fun! I went and played mini golf the other day too! I love it, but it was SWELTERING, thats not so fun, lol...

Your Disney plans look great! Teppan Edo is on my list for another visit... and MNSSHP!! YAY!!!

That is so true! Never say never. But with these two, they always talked about when they have kids this and that. Since their friends have been having them, they seem to be less inclined to have them themselves. We found out while they were here that it is our son who is the most against them.:scared1: Nicole is starting to talk about it. A lot. RutRo. Could be trouble…..

We did have soooo much fun. Here are some pictures from the wine tastings.

We haven't been to Teppan Edo in a few years, but always enjoy it. It's a little quieter, I think due to the acoustics? Anyway, it's such a fun way to meet other people. We have always sat with the most interesting people! We're looking forward to it. I think you'll like it too when you get a chance to try it.::yes::

Now, for some late breaking news: We are making an offer on a condo tonight! Yep, not to live in, but to flip. This woman paid for her condo in full when she bought it (I think 7 years ago), but has mis-managed her money to the point she is about to lose it for back taxes and association fees. She has some private problems and the house is an absolute mess! But it's all cosmetic, so even though it will be a lot of work, it won't take as long as our last one that had us tearing down walls and gutting the kitchen and bath. I'm not sure when Dan will find time to work on it, but I will be able to do it every day and I can do a lot of it. Won't lie, I'm NOT looking forward to touching the carpeting everywhere to tear it out, but that's what gloves and masks are for, right? All in all, I'm soooo excited to have another project to do. I'm so much more productive in the rest of my life when I have projects. And we're helping this lady out by making it so she can have some walking money instead of just losing her home, which feels great. She is excited about that! She is the sister of a good friend and co-worker of Dan's. He's very grateful to us for bailing her out, but we see it as a win win. And when we sell, we'll price it under market value so someone who may not be able to afford it otherwise could get it. That's our hope anyway.


Again :offtopic:

I won't be on the DIS much this coming week if at all. We are meeting our daughter half way to Virginia and bringing 3 of the 4 grandkids home with us for a week. I am soooo excited!! It will be exhausting, but so much fun. I have two friends who want to do stuff with us, so I can take them places and have a little help. (think bathroom breaks) Dan will still be working his 12 -14 hour days, so he won't see them very much. We will have Selah (7), Miles (almost 5), and Moriah (almost 3).

Next time I'm here, I'll update our plans for our last day at Disney.:sad::sad: We don't catch ME until 1:30, so we'll have half a day to have some last minute fun. Staying away from DTD thought. Bummer!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and week. IIII'LLLLL Be Baaaaack!::yes::
We have 3 granddogs too. One step-grandson who is 19, so I missed all the baby years. No other grand prospects....:sad1:. at least not yet.

Just got home from my week away with my quilting buddies - we always have such a good time. Its amazing how close you can get to people you only see once in a while, but these ladies have become such good friends over the years. :grouphug:

I'll post an update on my week on my thread though, so as not to hijack yours.

I loved the old tt ride - don't like the car design part of it at all though. I still like the ride part and I hope to do it this trip, but I didn't get a fast pass for it. Soarin' is still my favorite.

Your new project sounds like a lot of work, but something that I would enjoy doing too.

Have a great week with the grandkids
Busy busy busy!! But how fun to spend time with the grandbabies! What a blessing to the parents too! :thumbsup2

Teppan Edo sounds good, weve eaten at similar places at home, but I bet Disney's version is way better. Def on the list for another time for us.

Whoa, big news on the condo!! I love watching flipping shows but dont think I could ever do that myself!! :eek:

Can't wait for you to come back with an update!! popcorn::
We have 3 granddogs too. One step-grandson who is 19, so I missed all the baby years. No other grand prospects....:sad1:. at least not yet.

I can just see you spoiling the grandbabies like crazy and sewing for them. They are the best! Gotta love the granddogs too, though!

Just got home from my week away with my quilting buddies - we always have such a good time. Its amazing how close you can get to people you only see once in a while, but these ladies have become such good friends over the years. :grouphug:

I'll post an update on my week on my thread though, so as not to hijack yours.

I'm glad you had fun and safe travels. I don't mind a hijack a bit, but I jump one to your thread to hear all about it.

I loved the old tt ride - don't like the car design part of it at all though. I still like the ride part and I hope to do it this trip, but I didn't get a fast pass for it. Soarin' is still my favorite. [/QUOTE]

Yep, that's just how I feel. I do hope I get to ride it each day we're in Epcot, but Soarin' gets my FP priority for sure.

Your new project sounds like a lot of work, but something that I would enjoy doing too.

Dan and I work really well together on things like that. It's just so great to see something ugly become beautiful and know that it was your blood, sweat and tears that made it happen. Plus as a bonus, I fall into bed every night and sleep like the dead. I don't even hear Dan's snoring!!:thumbsup2 We're not THAT far away, you could always come and help!:rolleyes1

Have a great week with the grandkids.

So far so good. We've been doing a lot of laughing! Miles brought a bottle of 7-up that we keep as a momento of the college where the girls went and he asked "Is this a tasty adult beverage?" Cracked me up! That's what Jennifer and Bob call it when they are having a glass of wine to indicate that there will be no child tasting going on. Gotta love it!

Busy busy busy!! But how fun to spend time with the grandbabies! What a blessing to the parents too! :thumbsup2

Yes, it's a win win for everyone, but especially for us. We just love them to pieces!! Dan won't get to spend as much time with them since he's working until 7 or 7:30 every night, but they are all over him when he gets here and there's just nothing like it!

Teppan Edo sounds good, weve eaten at similar places at home, but I bet Disney's version is way better. Def on the list for another time for us.

Yes, I think it's way better. A lot of people think it's just like any other place like it, but for me, they are more skilled and just more overall friendly.

Whoa, big news on the condo!! I love watching flipping shows but dont think I could ever do that myself!! :eek:

Can't wait for you to come back with an update!! popcorn::

HaHa! We watch the shows too. And it IS a lot of work. We always plan the work to the smallest detail, then work the plan. Dan is skilled at just about everything, so he does that sort of thing and I do demo, clean-up, paining and design the spaces. He did teach me how to change out light fixtures and install baseboards. We have a blast!


You and Tess both have three "grandkids" here in Chicago!!! :thumbsup2


And cuties they are! Can't wait to meet them!!:group hug:


Okay, so I thought I wouldn't get online for a week, but the munchkins are either napping or having quiet time, so instead of doing things I need to do, I'm here!:wave2:

I just wanted to update you that the homeowner did accept our offer and even cried because it was so much more than she had expected. Brought tears to my eyes to see her so happy. We have to get everything squared away with a title agency, but for the record, we've bought ourselves a 3 bedroom 2 bath condo that needs some TLC. I'll keep you posted.


I might as well cover our last day at Disney. I hate to get to that one, but it has to be done!:sad:

8th and final day:

We always spend at least part of our last day at MK. It is a long standing tradition for us. I want to try to get to HS also. Our plan is to do park opening at MK and then get on over to HS. We usually go to DTD on our last day, but with the construction and bus stop mess and all, we probably won't chance it. We like to get the holiday sandwich at EOS to take with us and eat at the airport. Sigh. Tragedy.:sad2:

Anyway, here are our FP selections:

Buzz Lightyears Space Ranger Spin - 9:10 - 10:10

Seven Dwarfs Mine Train 10:40 - 11:40

Big Thunder Mountain Railroad 11:40 - 12:40

I doubt we'll need any of these fastpasses, (except for 7DMT of course), but since you have to get three at a time, I did it. We'll probably have left for HS before the BTMR one even comes up.

We will catch the ME at 2PM. I really don't like sitting there waiting for ME and watching people arriving to begin their trip. Somebody call the Whaaambulance!:rolleyes1 That's when I pull on my big girl panties and concentrate on how blessed I was to have had such a wonderful time at my favorite place. Never claimed to be real mature...:crazy2:

Our flight leaves at 4:55 and we get to Columbus at 7:05PM. Then it's about a 2 hour drive home. Another great Disney adventure to add to the memory books.

One of the things I'm looking forward to the most is meeting Tess and Charlie and Mo and company! That is going to be soooo much fun!! I'm going crazy just thinking about it. :joker:

I hope everyone has a great week and make it a great one!:grouphug:
Yay! Congrats on the condo! And how awesome that the seller was blessed by the sale as well. :goodvibes

Last day :( I dont even want to think about it... whaaaaa!!!! :sad1:

But your plans sound wonderful. And meeting Tess and Mo, man am I jealous! ;)

I agree with your thought on waiting for the ME and seeing the happy people pulling up to START their trip! Bummer!!! :rotfl2: I guess I am not too mature either.
Congrats on the Condo!!!!! :yay: :dance3:

That's great news!!! Nope i don't like reading about last day plans either.

I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!!!!! :banana: :woohoo:
Oh, how I would love to flip houses! I am a real estate junkie - love looking at houses, watching HGTV, walking through model homes. In addition to not having the money to invest in a flip, my poor DH is the least handy person. We'd have to call my dad in to do most of the work :)

How awesome to have the grandkids for a week! And, how awesome for Jennifer and her DH to just have one at home with them for he week. It's a great blessing all around.

You sure don't let the fact that your kids are all spread out around the country slow you down on seeing them at all. I think that is so great. Sometimes when a family is all spread out like you guys are, they really don't get together enough. You all really seem to make it work. You definitely did/are doing something right as parents and grandparents!

I have serious ME envy! We'll never get to experience it, it would take longer to drive to our airport, fly to Orlando, and ride ME than it takes just to drive straight to Disney. Any time DH and I talk about moving somewhere, I always through out using ME when we go to Disney as a perk! They got me at checking your bags at your home airport and not seeing them again until they show up at your room. :lmao:

Enjoy your time with the grands!
Wow Lois, I am such a bad dis friend........and as it turns out a bad fb friend too since I didn't even notice that we are in the same group!!!:sad:

In my defense though, I have hardly even checked in on mom's ptr........ :rotfl2:

It's coming up so quick!!!!! I have so much going on I am starting to stress a little! it will all work out though, or not, but in 45 days I will be in Disney!!!!!!

I'm glad that y'all were able to help someone out while getting a great deal yourself!!! I hope the projects all go well ;)

Hope you have had a great week with the grands!
Yay! Congrats on the condo! And how awesome that the seller was blessed by the sale as well.

Last day :( I dont even want to think about it... whaaaaa!!!!

But your plans sound wonderful. And meeting Tess and Mo, man am I jealous!

I agree with your thought on waiting for the ME and seeing the happy people pulling up to START their trip! Bummer!!! :rotfl2: I guess I am not too mature either.

Thanks! I'll have an update on the condo below. Yes, I almost didn't post our last day plans, it bums me out so much. But at least I know we'll be back in april with Miles, so that helps for sure!

Congrats on the Condo!!!!! :yay: :dance3:

That's great news!!! Nope i don't like reading about last day plans either.

I CAN'T WAIT TO MEET YOU!!!!! :banana:


I'm looking forward to meeting you and Dan too!

As Terri would say: Squeeeeee!!!!!:cool1:

Oh, how I would love to flip houses! I am a real estate junkie - love looking at houses, watching HGTV, walking through model homes. In addition to not having the money to invest in a flip, my poor DH is the least handy person. We'd have to call my dad in to do most of the work

Trust me, when we were your age, we didn't have the money to invest in them either! With four kids, we had to plan our back to school shopping very carefully! It didn't help that all the kids birthdays were in the second half of the year with Christmas closely following! Sheesh! I don't miss those days at all!

As far as the flip, it definitely helps that Dan knows so much about everything involved. I sometimes just marvel at him!

How awesome to have the grandkids for a week! And, how awesome for Jennifer and her DH to just have one at home with them for he week. It's a great blessing all around.

You sure don't let the fact that your kids are all spread out around the country slow you down on seeing them at all. I think that is so great. Sometimes when a family is all spread out like you guys are, they really don't get together enough. You all really seem to make it work. You definitely did/are doing something right as parents and grandparents!

Awww, that's sweet. Yes, we do try to visit often. I grew up not knowing my maternal grandparents very well because we lived in Ohio and they lived in Alabama. We saw them every couple of years and enjoyed it, but we didn't really get to know them all that well.

I have serious ME envy! We'll never get to experience it, it would take longer to drive to our airport, fly to Orlando, and ride ME than it takes just to drive straight to Disney. Any time DH and I talk about moving somewhere, I always through out using ME when we go to Disney as a perk! They got me at checking your bags at your home airport and not seeing them again until they show up at your room.

Enjoy your time with the grands!

ME envy….:rotfl: For some reason that just cracked me up! It is a nice perk of the trip. In fact, that is our official start to our trip when we board that bus. I get giddy on the long walk to the ME area, knowing we'll soon be "back home". And the not having to fool with your bags is definitely a huge plus!

Wow Lois, I am such a bad dis friend........and as it turns out a bad fb friend too since I didn't even notice that we are in the same group!!!

In my defense though, I have hardly even checked in on mom's ptr........ :rotfl2:

It's coming up so quick!!!!! I have so much going on I am starting to stress a little! it will all work out though, or not, but in 45 days I will be in Disney!!!!!!

I'm glad that y'all were able to help someone out while getting a great deal yourself!!! I hope the projects all go well ;)

Hope you have had a great week with the grands!

Oh Raina, don't worry about that! I know you're very busy between working extra and having little ones. I'm glad you're here!

You guys have been planning your trip for soooo long, I can't believe it is finally so close!!!:cheer2: You are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to read all about it when you get back. With all your outfits and all your plans, you are going to totally rock Disney!

I had dental work this morning that took a little over an hour and now the numbness is wearing off and my jaw hurts. Plus, I bit down on my tongue and it hurts there too. My dentist said it was pretty badly bitten. Yeah, leave it to me! Fortunately, I have a massage at 2:00 today, so she can sooth out those rough places. I tend to get tense when I'm having novacane.:scared:

We had a really fun time with the grandkids! They are each so different in personality and yet so alike in many ways.

This is Moriah helping Grandpa pick strawberries. She'll be 3 September 18th. She's a little bitty thing! (you can also see just a bit of Cody in the background as Selah is walking him on his leash)

Here they are at Dairy Queen:

Gotta love those ring pops!

I let them pick out a toy at Walmart then we went to Wendy's, their favorite!

We couldn't go many places since it didn't work out with my friends, but they enjoyed the toys I have that always seem new to them and just rolling down our hill, playing with bubbles and sidewalk chalk and reading books outside on a blanket. We spent as much time outside as possible. The time was over before I knew it. Dan was even able to get home around 6 each evening, which is really good for him.

Now we are dog-sitting our son's dog, Cody. He's a Bichon Frise and just adorable.

He doesn't like it when I'm in my sewing room downstairs. He comes down and whines until i come up to be with him. :laughing: Jonathan and Nicole will be back on Saturday to get him. They're with friends in Hilton Head.


Update on the condo: We've submitted the paperwork to the title company and they are trying to expedite it to be completed by Friday of this week. The person we're buying it from is leaving Saturday for Cincinnati where she will live with her daughter. I don't know if it will be done by then, but if it is, we'll be jumping in with both feet right away.

Meanwhile, we've been busy spending money! We ordered custom cabinets and granite for the kitchen and bought new vanities for the two bathrooms and tile for the flooring of the kitchen, dining and laundry rooms. Lots of other stuff too, but lots more to get. Oh, and we bought all new appliances too. We can't wait to get started! (although one of my first tasks will be to rip up the nasty carpet everywhere...:faint: which I'm not looking forward to.) But it's so neat to see it all come together and become beautiful!!


Our trip is only 29 days away!!!!!:yay::cool1: I cannot believe it is that close!! I still have a couple of shirts I want to make for Dan and I, so I better get a move on before we start working on the condo! We should be getting our magic bands any day now and I just can't wait! :hourglass

I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week!:grouphug:
Thanks! I'll have an update on the condo below. Yes, I almost didn't post our last day plans, it bums me out so much. But at least I know we'll be back in april with Miles, so that helps for sure!


As Terri would say: Squeeeeee!!!!!:cool1:

Trust me, when we were your age, we didn't have the money to invest in them either! With four kids, we had to plan our back to school shopping very carefully! It didn't help that all the kids birthdays were in the second half of the year with Christmas closely following! Sheesh! I don't miss those days at all!

As far as the flip, it definitely helps that Dan knows so much about everything involved. I sometimes just marvel at him!

Awww, that's sweet. Yes, we do try to visit often. I grew up not knowing my maternal grandparents very well because we lived in Ohio and they lived in Alabama. We saw them every couple of years and enjoyed it, but we didn't really get to know them all that well.

My maternal grandparents lived with us (we lived with them when I was born and then my parents bought a house when I was 3 and the grands came with us!) and my paternal grandmother would come and spend weekends with us. She was a nanny and got weekends off. I have wonderful memories of my 3 grandparents and I wish we still had multigenerational families living together. My grandfather passed away before any of the grandchildren were born, so we never knew him.

Unfortunately, my own mother passed away when I was quite young, so my kids didn't know her either.

ME envy….:rotfl: For some reason that just cracked me up! It is a nice perk of the trip. In fact, that is our official start to our trip when we board that bus. I get giddy on the long walk to the ME area, knowing we'll soon be "back home". And the not having to fool with your bags is definitely a huge plus!

Oh Raina, don't worry about that! I know you're very busy between working extra and having little ones. I'm glad you're here!

You guys have been planning your trip for soooo long, I can't believe it is finally so close!!!:cheer2: You are going to have so much fun! I can't wait to read all about it when you get back. With all your outfits and all your plans, you are going to totally rock Disney!

I had dental work this morning that took a little over an hour and now the numbness is wearing off and my jaw hurts. Plus, I bit down on my tongue and it hurts there too. My dentist said it was pretty badly bitten. Yeah, leave it to me! Fortunately, I have a massage at 2:00 today, so she can sooth out those rough places. I tend to get tense when I'm having novacane.:scared:

We had a really fun time with the grandkids! They are each so different in personality and yet so alike in many ways.

This is Moriah helping Grandpa pick strawberries. She'll be 3 September 18th. She's a little bitty thing! (you can also see just a bit of Cody in the background as Selah is walking him on his leash)

Here they are at Dairy Queen:

Gotta love those ring pops!

I let them pick out a toy at Walmart then we went to Wendy's, their favorite!

We couldn't go many places since it didn't work out with my friends, but they enjoyed the toys I have that always seem new to them and just rolling down our hill, playing with bubbles and sidewalk chalk and reading books outside on a blanket. We spent as much time outside as possible. The time was over before I knew it. Dan was even able to get home around 6 each evening, which is really good for him.

Now we are dog-sitting our son's dog, Cody. He's a Bichon Frise and just adorable.

He doesn't like it when I'm in my sewing room downstairs. He comes down and whines until i come up to be with him. :laughing: Jonathan and Nicole will be back on Saturday to get him. They're with friends in Hilton Head.


Update on the condo: We've submitted the paperwork to the title company and they are trying to expedite it to be completed by Friday of this week. The person we're buying it from is leaving Saturday for Cincinnati where she will live with her daughter. I don't know if it will be done by then, but if it is, we'll be jumping in with both feet right away.

Meanwhile, we've been busy spending money! We ordered custom cabinets and granite for the kitchen and bought new vanities for the two bathrooms and tile for the flooring of the kitchen, dining and laundry rooms. Lots of other stuff too, but lots more to get. Oh, and we bought all new appliances too. We can't wait to get started! (although one of my first tasks will be to rip up the nasty carpet everywhere...:faint: which I'm not looking forward to.) But it's so neat to see it all come together and become beautiful!!


Our trip is only 29 days away!!!!!:yay::cool1: I cannot believe it is that close!! I still have a couple of shirts I want to make for Dan and I, so I better get a move on before we start working on the condo! We should be getting our magic bands any day now and I just can't wait! :hourglass

I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week!:grouphug:

Our trip is close and I need to get a few more things finished, get Mo's stuff in the mail and pack - Charlie keeps telling me not to procrastinate and get stressed out, but its hard when I have to work all day and then come home and work in the sewing room. Especially when I KNOW I bought cow print fabric last year thinking we might be Woody & Jessie this year and now I can't find it.....Of course, if you saw my sewing room, you'd understand - probably faint, but you'd understand.

Once I get home from vacation, the room is getting cleaned out. I had 3 people donate fabric and craft stuff to me and I just can't say no when it comes to crafty stuff, so my room is stuffed past the gills.:(:offtopic:
Looks like a fun time with the grand kids!! Love the photos!

Yay on the condo stuff moving right along and getting to order all that fun stuff!!

29 days?!?!!!??? SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!! So close! I can't believe it! Were at 45 and time is just whizzing by! I simply cannot wait for D, Tess, Mo and YOU to all get goin on your trips so I can see photos!!!! I'm so excited!!!
Hope the condo comes through for Friday! Looking forward to seeing your progress pictures! Will you guys do all the installation yourself?

Looks like a great visit with the grands! I grew up far away from both sets of my grandparents, with my dad being in the Navy. I was so blessed to have the opportunity to live with my maternal grandparents when I was in 8th grade and my paternal grandparents when I was in college. It was amazing to get to spend that time with them. My girls are so blessed that they spend a ton of time with my parents, and although my MIL is a little hit or miss, they get to spend time with her regularly as well.

Your trip is coming up so fast! If I keep up at this rate, I'll add another trip to come meet you! :faint:

Will you be doing any magic band decorating when they come in?

Have a great day!
awwwwwwwwww lovie time with the grand kids!!! everyone is soo sweet!!!

yay on progress and the condo! spending lots of Mulah. :rotfl:

TESS!!! i hope your NOT stressing about anything for us.. as you KNOW i am not expecting anything but your company!!!

24 days....


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