Tracey & Neil's UK Fairytale Wedding * A TON OF UPDATES PG 7*

What!? 500 pounds?!?! That's INSANE!!! Putting in a corset back is NOT a 500 pound procedure!!!

Good luck with finding someone! And your FH is very sweet to pay for it for you. :)
Doombuggy0922 - I was shocked at the price too. Its not even putting a corset in as my dress already has that. Its basically cutting the back away and attaching a piece of roushed up organza (pmsl - you can tell i'm not a dressmaker when I make it sound that easy ha ha)

I got a quote of about £250 from another lady, but I have an appointment on the 26th November to see a lady who was recommended by my shop. She used to work as a designer/dressmaker for Harrods in London so she must be good right?:confused3 Hopefully she will understand what i'm after and also let me see some of her previous work. I'm soooooo excited about this change. I wish I were going sooner, but i've left my dress at a friends who is away on holiday, so the 26th was the earliest we could both do

I had a phone call to say my Bridesmaids dresses are in:cool1:

Neil's sister and niece are coming up this week to try their's on, and my sister (cheif bridesmaid) is coming up on the 10th

OH - and i've lost 6 and half pounds since I went on my diet on monday - i'm at the weight I was when I tried my dress on - so i'll stick to this chemical diet until I get a full stone off, then i'll go onto my slimfast. I'd stay on this one but it says you shouldn't do it for more than 7 days, so wont stay on it for more than 14. It doesnt make me feel ill, or faint or even that i'm on a diet, so i'll be happy to stick on it for a little while:thumbsup2

When Neil makes a comment to a friend saying "I think she's lost far too much weight" i'll be happy :woohoo:

Wow, that does sound really pricey for that alteration! Hopefully the other woman you're meeting with will give you a more reasonable price. Even 250 pounds sounds like a bit much to me. But I'm glad you're getting the dress the way you want it!

And congrats on the weight loss :goodvibes
I know its pricey ... but this is the UK .... and NOTHING is cheap over here!

The way I look at it, is that even if it does cost me £500 ($800) it only makes my dress a £1500 , and this is wayyyyyyy less than a Hollywood Dreams dress which was my ultimate dream dress .... and i'm getting a 1 off dress that I won't see anywhere else:thumbsup2 (not that it bothers me when I see other brides in similar dresses)

Out of interest, how much would an alteration like that cost in the US?

I am in need of help with my shoes .....

I want to change my shoes, but cant decide. I want some wacky colour which will probably still be Orange

Ive LOVE these, but you cant dye them

I've seen these which my H2B loves and they would match with the colour scheme, but not sure on a primarily black shoe??

I really love these, love the sparkle

However, I could get these, and love the idea of getting them dyed orange and sticking swarovski crystals all over them


I've tried to find shoes that are already orange, this is the only pair I can find that I like, but they are not satin, I think they are a suede/nubuck material so not sure if thats suitable to stick crystals on???

Opinions very much appreciated:thumbsup2

I'm hoping to finish my post box this weekend and start on the mini clapperboards:thumbsup2

I don't know for certain how much that would cost here but my guess is that it wouldn't be over $200. All of my alterations total were $220, though it was nothing major - she took up the hem a little, took in the sides, and adjusted the chest area a bit.

If you want orange shoes I definitely like the idea of getting something dyable and dying them orange! The white ones you posted with the bow are really cute.
I don't know for certain how much that would cost here but my guess is that it wouldn't be over $200. All of my alterations total were $220, though it was nothing major - she took up the hem a little, took in the sides, and adjusted the chest area a bit.

If you want orange shoes I definitely like the idea of getting something dyable and dying them orange! The white ones you posted with the bow are really cute.

Around my area, it would probally cost 2-300 dollars for that kind of alterations. One dress I looked at would have cost 200 to be altered and it needed the hem, tule removed underneath and taken in MAJORLY in the sides/chest.


I love the black shoes with the flower! So different :)
Around my area, it would probally cost 2-300 dollars for that kind of alterations. One dress I looked at would have cost 200 to be altered and it needed the hem, tule removed underneath and taken in MAJORLY in the sides/chest.

You're probably right, that's probably what the cost would be for that type of alteration, I don't know because I never asked about it! I only know what my alterations cost. Long Island is super expensive with everything so I can't imagine that it would actually be less where I had mine done than most other places in the country. ;) But I can't really imagine it being $800 :scared1: That just seems so high!!

I am sooooooooooooo pleased with them, they really are stunning.

I forgot my camera tho:mad:, so all I have is those off my rubbish iphone.

I was unsure whether to have the coloured laces (1 pink & 1 orange) or the black laces, but everyone (including H2B) really likes the colour.

Its such a shame I forgot my camera because the colour is such a beautiful bright pink - I will try to remember it when I got with my sister

I also got the flower girls wands completely finished at the weekend.

Unfortunately I was busy all day yesterday to start on some invitation mockups as I was baking for a charity cake sale today at work.

I WILL do some next weekend.

We achieved quite a few things this weekend .... well, it doesn't seem it when written down on paper, but if you knew my Neil like I do, you would agree that getting 2 (nearly 3) choices made in 1 day is classed as "a lot"

Firstly we found a ring ....YAY .... but it was out of our price range ... BOO .... However, we have since found out there is a shop in the next county that can get this ring direct from the supplier, so it works out at half the price. Here it is ..... He loves that its yellow gold, but toned down with a bit of white gold, plus he gets some subtle diamonds ... we both loved it

Then the shirt .... he showed me one he loved, but unfortunately it was button cuff so we had to blow that one out. We then popped into the Ted Baker store and found a really lovely shirt, good material & dress cuffs (able to take cufflinks). It looked really good on Neil so he got it. I presume I will have to wash it, but i'll do a hand gentle wash first.


And then ... the most miraculous thing happened ... Neil saw a pair of dress shoes he liked!!!!!!!!!!! He has NEVER expressed a like for dress shoes, he was originally going for something like a pair of kickers, but he tried these on and really liked them, so we got them.

So, a really good day to be honest. Although we didn't get the ring, at least Neil has found something he really likes and we know where to go for it. So as soon as that is on order, all we have to do it book the honeymoon ,,,, and then of course pay for it all.

Oh, whilst I was out I found a pair of Benjamin Adams Scarlet shoes to try on. OMG, they were sooooo comfy - so i'm going to get those and get them dyed Orange. Neil liked them too, and definitely likes the idea of having bright shoes

I also picked up my ring on saturday - I LOVE IT. I thought there may have been a little chance I wouldn't because when I saw in half made I wasn't keen, but Neil and I love it. Together they look really good. I didn't manage to get a picture over the weekend, but i'll get Neil to take one at some point this week to show you.

I also got a little mock-up of the invites done yesterday (very roughly s please excuse the written wording - my printer run out of ink so I couldn't print anything!). Although this is white, i'm going to do it in black and a few other little changes. I may change the glitter frame to the same pattern paper I used on the save the dates, or black glitter??? I don't know how i'm going to do the inside just yet. I was going to put the RSVP, MAP & Menu loose inside, but this morning I was going through my wedding folder and found an idea of using ribbons to hold the extra pieces in. This will work perfectly with the invite because the front motif will cover the ribbon and hold it tight from the outside - so i'm going to give it a go. I'm thinking for the invite wording inside I will do a simple wording with border???
One things for sure, I LOVE the big bow so that is staying ..... My mum loves bows, so when she opens it, she's going to love it.


I'm going to ask in a separate post - but Did anyone reading this make their own envelopes? How easy are they? What gram paper did you use?

I also got my post box done - although i'm going to do the bow with longer ribbons, and something else. I'm not sure but I feel like there is something missing????

I love your invitations, they look great! Also, congrats on getting some stuff done and finding shoes, the ring, etc. It's always a good feeling when you actually buy some of the stuff that you need.

Unfortunately I don't have any experience making my own envelopes. I'm sure there are some people on here who have done it though!
I am super excited .... I couldn't wait any longer for the huge alteration appointment, so I phoned up and she's available tomorrow morning. So i'm Booked in!!! I really hope she can do it for a more realistic price than what i've already been quoted

I feel bad i'm not telling my mum or sister, but hey, it will be a nice surprise for them the morning of the wedding he he
Just caught up on everything.

Your BMs dresses look great and I really like the different coloured laces.

Your invites are lovely, very elegant.

You've done a really really good job with your post box, it's superb.

Looking forward to hearing more xx
WOW - i've really been slacking on the updates!!!!!!!! I apologise, i've changed jobs since my last entry and i've been sooooooo busy with that and booking up the honeymoon that i've really had no time!!

So .... the Honeymoon ...

We have decided to go to Las Vegas for 5 nights, fly to Niagara Falls for a couple, then go on the train to Toronto for a few, and then.... the best part of all .......... drive up to Montreal for the Canadian Grand Prix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Im sooooooooooooo fricking excited its unreal. So far i've booked the flight to Vegas, and back from Montreal. Also booked the internal flight, and the Montreal hotel. The next booking is going to be the Niagara Falls Hotel, something with a falls view room. Then decide on the Toronto part, but I was on a tourist website today and without sounding ignorant, it doesnt look like there is much to do there that were interested in, so were now wondering about just staying a day and then driving somewhere else for a day, and driving onto somewhere else the next.

I got extremely excited and happy tonight, my shoes came. They are soooooo great, I love them. I will put pictures up when I get a chance. They were totally over what I would ever spend on a pair of shoes, but I can definitely wear them to a few special occassions next year after the wedding so I will get plenty of use of them. Plus, they were originally £175 (after postage and colouring) but i found a discount code in a magazine and I got £25 off.

We are going to the Porsche 911 release event tomorrow night so probably wont get much of a chance until the weekend???

Oh, and i've started my invitations. They are no where near completed so its not worth putting a picture up, but i'm pleased with how they are coming along :)

I have my sister trying her dress on this week. She says it wont fit, but she will make sure it does by the day. I cant believe its under 4 months away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Time is going soooo quickly
Oh, i've just realisd I didnt mention the dress appt.

The lady was really nice, she said she was mor ethan happy to make the dress alteration, but before we do, she wanted to make a few other suggestions. She showed me a few things, put a bigger underskirt on, and fiddled around a little and to be honest she actually made the back look better.

So, shes going to make me an underskirt extension to attach to my underskirt to give more padding under the train, and do some other little bits, then she said she will show me and if I still didnt like it she wont charge me for anything other than the alteration I originally wanted. But I have a feeling i'm going to love it, we shall see :)
Sounds like some good plans! I haven't been to any of the places that you're going to on the honeymoon, but I imagine they will be tons of fun!
I can’t believe how quickly time flies by nowdays!! It seems like I haven’t updated this for ages ……. That’s because I haven’t ….. Opps!

Anyway, when I left off the dress thing was still not sorted, the invites still had to be made and sent out, the food still had to be decided and the planning meeting was still to happen.

Since then, I/we have:
1. Picked up my sisters dress
2. Picked the flower girls dresses
3. made and sent out the day invitations
4. had the planning meeting
5. decided on our meal & the running of the day
6. booked a little more for the honeymoon
7. Had my hair & makeup trial

The dress looked lovely, it was too big for her (even though she was completely convinced she was too big for it!). So she has to go and get it altered – she has booked the appt down her way as she cant make it up our way too many times. That’s fine with me though, its only altering the dress.
Guess … I forgot my camera (actually, I couldn’t find it and ran out of time before I had to go to meet her – so I got no photos, but the orange lace looks brilliant!)

I wasn’t looking for them this soon. I was just going to go and get the whole outfit from a department store with their mum closer to the day, but my sister came across some really nice dresses on the web and I thought they were perfect for our wedding. So I ordered them, and was even more delighted when they arrived. The picture does them no justice. They have sparkly bits all over them and the skirt is much bigger than its shows in the pictures.
I have to go over there next weekend for the girls to try them on (I bought 3 sizes and hope at least 2 of them fit) because they are just a perfect match to everyone else’s attire.

The beautiful black bow on the back

....continued in the next post ......

Well, these caused me a little stress!!!

But, after lots of weekends & whole evenings of cutting, sticking, printing and tying they were finished. They were a little late, but at least I sent out save the dates, and I was so happy with them, then once people received them, I got lots of compliments on them.


The RSVP that was attached together with an apology note that said children weren’t welcome and our reason, a map and directions and accommodation card for those who are staying at the venue by the black and white ribbon (seen in the picture above)

it was wrapped in vellium

Inside it had the menu choice all printed on vellium

Then, being totally honest I designed, printed and put together an evening invitation all within 5-10 minutes!! I was so fed up with how long the whole day invites had taken, I wasn’t going to spend ages on the evening ones too! But I really like them, so I suppose the saying “less is more” is right ha ha

The inside is also printed on vellium


This all went well. We arrived at the venue about 2 hours before the open day opened to the public, so we invited the best man and his family to come have a look around after our meeting.

We chose the passion fruit fizz thing as a welcome drink. However, when we went into the open day and had one they were totally different… Neil wasn’t happy!! But, we grabbed the opportunity to speak to the bar manager when we saw him and worked it out. It turns out we tried it with a little bit of granadine in whereas the stuff we were at that time drinking had none. So we just have to get our house manager to put that in their notes and they will be fine.

So, our meal …. Normally in English weddings, guests only get to choose their appetiser, but we are allowing them to choose between two options for each course.
STARTER: Fish Cakes or Melon
APPETISER: Beef or Chicken roast dinner
DESSERT: Chocolate Brownie & Vanilla Ice Cream or Bread & Butter Pudding

The 3 kids who are attending will have
Melon to start, Chicken goujons & chips (or fries as you call them) for appetiser & Trio of ice creams for dessert.

The Evening buffet will consist of
Marinated strips of bread chicken
Foccacia Bread topped with Parma ham, tomato & basil
Foccacia Bread topped with roasted veg & feta
Asian spiced salmon brochettes with chilli dip
Potato wedges tossed in olive oil and garlic with sour cream & chive dip
Smoked salmon and king prawn platter with mayo dip
Goats cheese & red onion tart
Buffalo mozzarella, tomato and basil salad
Greek salad with feta & black olives (I LOVE THIS SALAD!!!)
Peking duck wraps with hoisin sauce, cucumber and spring onion
Garlic bread, marinated olives & bloody mary tomatoes
sausage rolls (neil is a man f simple taste, so he swapped the mustard sausages to these)

Just after Christmas I received an email with voucher codes for some Vegas hotels. So we have booked 5 nights at the Bellagio!!! I couldn’t believe how cheap I got it for, and as much as I thought it would be cool to stay at ceasars palace, the rooms aren’t as impressive as they are in the Bellagio, so we are staying there WOOO HOOOO

Unfortunately I have no pictures AGAIN!!!!

There isn’t a lot to say about this really, pictures would have told you everything, except the fact that I loved it.

I said I wanted smokey eyes, she did one eye and because I’m not used to wearing a lot of make-up around my eyes I thought it looked way too much, but strangely when I covered the eye which had no make-up, it looked lovely. So we’re going to go with that on the day, and if its too much we can gently wipe off some.

Its not completed, but when I last went to see her, she was about to start it. Im not having it reconstructed as yet because she once again played around with it and I liked it.

So watch this space


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