Vanessa- figmentfan814 ~ Happily Ever Wedding & 10th Anniversary VR Brunch #1 Added 8-10

2nd set of twins!!!?!?!?! Looks like she held your fertility god too much!!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Everything looked so beautiful...The picts that your MOH took of the fireworks were amazing!
What a lovely dp, Vanessa!

Your cape is too cute, and I LOVE your necklace.

I am a sapphire fan as well, and fell in love with your ring the second I saw it. To have a necklace to match, your cup must runneth over!

Thanks for sharing more of your magical trip!
I'd die with another set of twins!!!!!! One is enough thanks!

Vanessa, loved your update! You always do awesome ones! Thanks! :goodvibes

Your DP looks like such yummy fun!! All your pics are great, and your necklace is beautiful!! What a good end to a perfect day!!
Tomorrow is our 6 month anniversary; it's amazing how fast the time has flown by already!

Happy 6 month anniversary. Such a lovely DP. Love your cape too.

Btw- my one bridesmaid had her baby last night. It's so strange to think how much everyone's lives have changed this year already. My matron of honor is due with her second set of twins in November :goodvibes

Congrats to both of them. Hmmmm due in Nov, looks like Disney babies to me. I know this because my DD's birthday is in Nov so I know when they concieved ;)
These illuminations party updates really make me want to have an event an Epcot. My parents have a lot of health issues, so I doubt I'd get married far from home, but someday, I'm going to have some sort of party there. Thanks for sharing your photos and memories!
Vanessa -- Your DP looked like so much fun! Love the pic of the "Moms". Kris' gift to you so was so sweet and thoughtful and I LOVE that he went to the trouble to get it down there and didn't just wait until you got home. What a sweetheart! :love:
Vanessa that necklace is beautiful! It looks perfect with your ring! I am so glad everything turned out perfectly for you!

Great update, looks like you had a great DP. I love the necklace! Sapphire is my favorite stone :)

Can't wait to hear more.
Thanks, ladies, DH really did a great job at picking it out :lovestruc

Vanessa, thank you for not giving up on your TR! I just realized today that it's almost 60 pages long already!!! Wow, it's already been 6 months since you've gotten married??? It's amazing how fast time seems to go. Beautiful necklace and that's so sweet to get your nephew (or cousin?) a birthday cake! Can't wait to see pics of your at home reception!
Val, thanks for continuing to read the TR too. I'm so happy that you ladies have continued to be patient with me. Now that the wedding is over, I will do a lot shorter recaps for the rest of the trip that way I can share some pictures from our honeymoon to Hawaii that we took in April and our at-home reception that was in June.

You always write the best installments, Vanessa!!! :goodvibes I love your fireworks pics too! What a big day you had; I can't believe you were still moving at that time and thinking up more pics to do on the way out! :worship:
We still have a couple of hours left of running at that point, so stay tuned. You can definitely see why we needed to sleep in the next day and to skip the brunch!

2nd set of twins!!!?!?!?! Looks like she held your fertility god too much!!!!:rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Everything looked so beautiful...The picts that your MOH took of the fireworks were amazing!
Plus, she has another little girl in the middle. They'll all be under 3 1/2 when the little ones are born later this year.

My maid of honor did a great job with her shots, I know she had just gotten a new camera, so I'm going to have to see what she ended up getting.

What a lovely dp, Vanessa!

Your cape is too cute, and I LOVE your necklace.

I am a sapphire fan as well, and fell in love with your ring the second I saw it. To have a necklace to match, your cup must runneth over!

Thanks for sharing more of your magical trip!
I only wish that I could have gotten more use out of the cape; it had sparkly material that caught the light just right :upsidedow Although I won't complain about the beautiful weather.

Thank you so much, I absolutely love my ring and necklace. I guess I'll have to continue to add to my sapphire jewelry collection over the years :laughing:

I'd die with another set of twins!!!!!! One is enough thanks!

Vanessa, loved your update! You always do awesome ones! Thanks! :goodvibes
As I mentioned above she has a little girl in-between too. You have to admit though they are a lot of fun :goodvibes

I'm glad you're enjoying the updates, I only wish I could move through them a little faster. I'm just excited to almost be finished with the wedding.


Your DP looks like such yummy fun!! All your pics are great, and your necklace is beautiful!! What a good end to a perfect day!!
Thanks! :)

Happy 6 month anniversary. Such a lovely DP. Love your cape too.

Congrats to both of them. Hmmmm due in Nov, looks like Disney babies to me. I know this because my DD's birthday is in Nov so I know when they concieved ;)
They originally put her due in the middle of December, but they ended up moving it up. Her husband joked at our at-home reception that they brought home a little gift ;) It was a vacation that just included the two of them since their 3 little ones stayed at home.

These illuminations party updates really make me want to have an event an Epcot. My parents have a lot of health issues, so I doubt I'd get married far from home, but someday, I'm going to have some sort of party there. Thanks for sharing your photos and memories!
I hope you get to have an Illuminations party some day. There's always hope for a vow renewal or celebration of another special occasion like a birthday :goodvibes I know it is a hard decision to make when you have family members that can't necessarily make the trip.

Vanessa -- Your DP looked like so much fun! Love the pic of the "Moms". Kris' gift to you so was so sweet and thoughtful and I LOVE that he went to the trouble to get it down there and didn't just wait until you got home. What a sweetheart! :love:
Thank you, Cam, it was so sweet to see how much effort he went to in getting my gift there. He was so worried about it because he originally thought it was in the lost luggage, but when that arrived and it still wasn't there he rushed into action to get it sent down to him. It's funny because in all the excitement he forgot to give me his card that he had for me. I ended up getting it a couple of days later :)
Morning Vanessa, I just booked my MK shoot and I am sure I saw photos of your (including the book they gave you) somewhere but i can't seem to find it now. Was it in your journal or was it in a separate post? I would love it if you would direct me there.

Morning Vanessa, I just booked my MK shoot and I am sure I saw photos of your (including the book they gave you) somewhere but i can't seem to find it now. Was it in your journal or was it in a separate post? I would love it if you would direct me there.



That's so exciting that you booked your shoot :cool1:

Here are the shots of the pile of pictures we got and the two books. We got two books because we did the two-park shoot.





Sorry the one shot is so small, I had it resized in PhotoBucket for something :confused:
They came out great. Did you get the 4 x 6 or did you upgrade to the 8 x 12? I think we are going to stick with the 4 x 6. The person also mentioned something about a proof book with contact sheets spiral bound with a nice cover. Did you receive this also and if so what is it like?

I am so excited that we were able to book this. Although I could only get the 5:00am shoot. Maybe we should just stay up all night. At least this way we will not have to extend the time for DF's tux.

When we took my parents back to POR we went into their room for a few minutes to open some presents that didn’t make it into our car with us. On the way over Kris called my matron of honor’s husband to get their room number. They were staying at the SunSpree Resort off Hotel Plaza Boulevard and we needed to get the license signed since they were flying out early the next morning. The best man (who skipped the DP) had also moved over there.) Thankfully we were able to catch him since he had kind of disappeared.

Some of my family that live in Florida had bought us some household items including a silicon baking set and a nice set of sheets for our new King bed.

:tinker: Then my dad handed us a big bag from Disney that had some really cool things in it.

He had bought us a platter that showed the castle and that was in the colors of the YOMD. He also got us two large pin sets- one was of the Castle and the other of Spaceship Earth (to commemorate our photos in the MK and our wedding at Epcot). We also got another commemorative set of Disney pins. These were some fun gifts that I absolutely loved! (Our regular gift was a washer and dryer set that they had bought for our house :laundy:)



After grabbing a few more items that we had left in their room we headed over to SunSpree. At this point, it was already around 11:30 pm, it had definitely been a long day. We pulled up in front of the hotel and left our car there, we figured who would give us a hassle when we were both in our wedding attire. We walked in the lobby and people were still yelling congratulations to us! The lobby in this hotel was very nice, but as we headed up the elevator the view got a little worse. I wasn’t too impressed by what I saw in the hallways leading to the rooms. We went to my matron of honor’s room first; they were in one of the outside towers and it was kind of scary walking to their room. They were all in bed already. One of the bridesmaids had bunked with her that night too.

Here she is signing the license. I still can’t believe that we had forgotten to get it signed up until that point in the evening! We said our goodbyes and let them get back to sleep since they had an early flight out the next day.

Kris got a hold of his best man and we headed to his room which was in the main tower. There were a lot of teenagers staying in this resort too; I’m thinking they were school groups. He had been asleep for several hours, so I told him I would make sure that I didn’t put his face in the picture.

We chatted for a few minutes and then it was time for us to head out too. As we were walking downstairs I told Kris that I was starving! We were worried that we wouldn’t be able to get any room service at that time of night, so guess where we went.... McDonald’s drive-thru :rotfl: We just drove across to the Crossings. It was funny because there was two young girls working at the window and they were leaning out asking us if we had just gotten married, etc. (I wanted to laugh because I was in a wedding dress, so I thought that would give it away.) We munched on our late night snack as we headed back to the Grand Floridian for the night.

It was just after midnight when we got to the room and since we had started our day at 5 a.m. that morning we crashed! :faint: On a side note, Kris had arranged for a dessert tray to be sent up to our room that night. Since we got in so late we weren’t able to get it. I thought it was so sweet :lovestruc that he had thought about doing it though because it was just another thing that made our day all the more special. They offered to bring it the next night, but since we had a refrigerator full of leftover cake we decided against having it delivered.

It was finally the end of our perfect day, I couldn’t believe that after all the planning and hard work and with everything that we had gone through that year it had finally happened. We were both so happy with how things turned it, the wedding was amazing! :bride: :groom:

Even though I was slightly disappointed, I knew that we still had 5 days left at Disney and our MK shoot was in two days! pixiedust:
Vanessa-- Thank you for another installment. I am so hooked that I get a little edgy when we go for days without hearing more about your amazing day. LOL! I can't believe how perfect you still looked when you were opening presents. I would have been a slumped, exhausted mess by then! ;) You are so gorgeous! So happy that you were able to deal with the marriage license issue pretty uneventfully. :thumbsup2
Looking forward to your next post of the honeymoon installments! :love:
Great installment as always, Vanessa.

I LOL about the girls in the drive-thru. "No, I just wore this for fun" :rolleyes:

Can't wait to read more!
Vanessa-- Thank you for another installment. I am so hooked that I get a little edgy when we go for days without hearing more about your amazing day. LOL! I can't believe how perfect you still looked when you were opening presents. I would have been a slumped, exhausted mess by then! ;) You are so gorgeous! So happy that you were able to deal with the marriage license issue pretty uneventfully. :thumbsup2
Looking forward to your next post of the honeymoon installments! :love:
First, I have to say that I'm so jealous that you'll be at the World this weekend :goodvibes We were definitely pretty exhausted at this point, I had been in that dress way too long and it was pretty heavy to haul around :rotfl: Thank you so much for continuing to folow the report. I'm hoping now that all the wedding festivities are done it should go a lot quicker.

Great installment as always, Vanessa.

I LOL about the girls in the drive-thru. "No, I just wore this for fun" :rolleyes:

Can't wait to read more!
It was pretty funny and I tried not to be sarcastic, but that was really funny for them to ask :goodvibes

:rotfl: Gotta love the McDonalds drive thru on your wedding night!
I know it was pretty funny, I told Kris this would be a good story for the future about how we had dinner at McDonalds after our wedding ;)
You must have gotten some kind of third or fourth wind by the time you were opening gifts because you looked wide awake and beautiful still! How did you do that, Vanessa???
That's hilarious that you went through the McDonald's drive through in your gown! Fun update.
It was funny because when I mentioned it to my mom several months later she started cracking up she couldn't believe that we had made a fastfood run that night :lmao:

You must have gotten some kind of third or fourth wind by the time you were opening gifts because you looked wide awake and beautiful still! How did you do that, Vanessa???
I definitely think you're right it was probably the 3rd or 4th one at that point. Maybe my body was finally adjusting to the lack of sleep. I think it had been over a week since I had more than 4-5 hours of sleep per night ;) We had been so busy doing things leading up to the wedding it wasn't that I couldn't sleep, I just didn't have time to do it!

I had bought some Tylenol sleep to take on the trip to help me relax and I never had enough available time to take them since you're supposed to be able to dedicate 8 hours to sleep after taking them :rotfl: We did sleep in pretty late the next morning, so that definitely made up for the lack of sleep.
The girls at McDonald's :lmao: Glad you had a wonderful day, can't wait to hear more and about the MK shoot.


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