Week of Oct 2 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

Sunny, I like your T-shirt designs also!

Have a question on Carbo-loading. Read somewhere that you should c-load two nights before race instead of the night before. For those doing Goofy, if you c-load on Thurs. (before then Sat. 1/2,) do you think it'll mess things up for the full on Sunday?

TEK224 said:
Sunny, I like your T-shirt designs also!

Have a question on Carbo-loading. Read somewhere that you should c-load two nights before race instead of the night before. For those doing Goofy, if you c-load on Thurs. (before then Sat. 1/2,) do you think it'll mess things up for the full on Sunday?


We had our nutrition clinic last night and I got a whole bunch of information regarding in season eating (you need LOTS of carbs--oh my!) and then what to do for pre-event, during event, and post event.

I would be more than happy to photocopy and mail or scan and e-mail. Later today when I have more opportunity I will post the key points.

The key is fueling and taking lots of water during the week before the event. And during season to be getting plenty of carbs so that your body learns to store more glycogen and use it more effectively during the long runs.

I will post more information later.
plutosmyfav said:
Can we have 3 colors, 2 or only 1? Any restrictions. Any suggestions?
Sunny - It looks like only 2 colors. The shirts are "safety yellow", which is close to lime green as coolmax has. Awesome designs!
Good morning everyone,

I made it out for my wog last night. The waddleon.com 14wk program will likely be my lifesaver in this quest. Thank you to whoever found it for me!

Also thank you all for the Garmin advice. The amazon.com price looks to be the best so I'm planning on ordering before the end of the month in time to have it before I have to travel to Texas. It'll be a birthday present to myself as none of my family really understands this running kick I'm on.

Question time - What does everyone who runs outside in the fall/winter wear? Where I live it is going to be very cool very quickly. I don't want to be stuck inside on the TM so I need to get some outside wear quickly. Any suggestions?

Sunny - I love the art work you've done for the shirts!

Lisa Loves Pooh - I would be highly interested in the nutrition advise that you were given. I'm on the SBD program so I try to get the so called "right carbs." I was worried about lack of carbs but in the Oct RW there was a nutrition article that used SBD as part of it.

Have a great day everyone!!!
Minnie -We started early March, so we ran in the snow. I got us UnderArmor long johns and we had wind suits on top. That seemed to work fairly well. When I bought my Garmin on Amazon, they gave me an extra $30 off to get their credit card. If tehy still have that offer, it was a nice one. I ended up getting my 201 for about $97. You'll love it!

Most of the "good carbs" out there are high fiber. I worry that SBD does not give you engouh net carbs. Curious to see what Lisa says, though. I was trying to be low carb befor etraining. WIth PowerAde adn Gum, though, that's really off.
I went by the training plan and am taking today as a rest day. I will be back out walking tomorrow while I am on vacation. Lisa, can't wait to hear about the nutrition information you mentioned. I have a Garmin but haven't used it to download my information. I need to do some additional reading. Have a great day everyone.
MelRhoads said:
Christa - I am stressing about the goofy thing. I noticed that you are already doing back to back long runs. I decided (because of all of the adventure races and rides....) that I was going to use the 3day/week program that you told me about in runners world and then add 1/2 the mileage the day before on the 3 longest runs (1 eighteen miler and 2 twenty milers) How hard has it been for you and bree to do the back to back runs? I think by the time I get up to the bigger mileage runs, all of my other races will be done and i can actually focus more on running.

Melissa - The double long runs have not been bad at all. But we have only done one so far. :rotfl2: As good of shape you are in, I do not think you will have trouble. Last year, I ran LRs with Bree on Friday and with DH on Saturday. I did this until both were doing 16 miles and did not have any trouble. Then we were able to run together.

Everyone who is doing Goofy - I know how the debate has gone with rest b/4 a LR. And I remember how I felt after a 20+ mile run. (up to 20 I normally do not get sore. The 22 is bad though. :rolleyes: ) But if you are doing Goofy, you must train your body to go long 2 days in a row. B/4 my double LRs, everyother week, I take a full day b/4 and after the LRs. But the weeks we do our tempo runs of 10 - 12 miles I will be doing something easy the day b/4. We are not training for a marathon or a half marathon. We are training for both and training will be different. (And harder!) :earseek:

About eating b/4 the race- Just dont do anything different from what you are used to. Like eat a bowl of pasta or something like that. :lovestruc I love to eat! Carb loading 2x. :banana:

I agree with Christa--you will need to either bump your rest day to another day--or lose it all together for the Goofy.

Those training without doing a half-long run and a full-long run back to back are setting up for disappointment and possibly not getting their goofy medal. I know some who are not doing a LD back to back in training and I am very concerned for their success.
Gosh, you guys are doing awesome!! I've been reading sporadically but haven't been too good abt posting. We just got back from MNSSHP this past weekend--soo much fun! It got me very excited to return in January for the marathon!!!

I've been sticking with my Hal Higdon plan--this weekend I'll do 6 miles. But it will start accelerating quickly. DH and I are running 5 tonight.

Thanks for all the info on the gels and such--I need to really think seriously abt my plan for nutrition during the race. FYI, they did hand out gels during mile 9 last year. I still have mine--didn't open it since I had never used them before (didn't want to end up doubled over ont he side of the road!). I'm wondering if its still okay to use??

Hang in there guys!
Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't checked in-- I've been out and about. I have a 44 minute session today (run 3/walk 1) that I am actually looking forward to. :goodvibes I need to do something physical-- going bonkers here.

Minnie- Keep up the good work!! Sounds like you are really doing it and really enjoying it! Wonderful!!

Keener- I'm fine :) Really :) Someone else was a real bonehead and did themselves a serious mischief at our Saturday event. I can't say more than that since I'm on my work connection. Very evenful, though. Made the Sunday evening news here and everything.

Carrie- Yes, it was supposed to be a fun trip. :guilty: I just didn't want toleave work at 2am and drive the 10 hours to Ottawa. I'll have to figure out another weekend to go up.

I hear you about these long distances. After I ran my 9-miler on Friday I looked at the course map and realize I had just run from the start line, all through Epcot and made it to the Polynesian. When I think about it that way, I'm pretty impressed with myself!

Re: Carboloading- In Marathoning for Mortals, John Bingham talks about how huge carboloading is somewhat unnecessary if you are eating properly anyway. There is only so much gylcogen that your muscles can hold (a function of you fitness level, training and genetics) so anything over that amount is just sort of "extra." That said, I'm still eating Italian the night before the race. :teeth:

OK, back to work-- Happy training everyone!
Solotraveler :earsboy:
I love seeing these little improvements in my performance each week!! Who would think that would ever happen to me. Today was xt & I did the bike at the gym. Last week I did 6 miles in 30 min (and it was tough) today I did 6.55 miles in 30 min and it was much easier even!!! :banana:

It's getting exciting with each passing week!!!!!!!
One of these days, curiousity is really going to kill this cat.

I think this is what ruined solo's planned trip..
Fun at a *** football game Saturday night turned into disaster for one fan who authorities say got a little out of hand.

The *** County Sheriff's Department says Saturday night after the **** football game, a 40 year old woman from *** stole a golf cart, drove onto *** Drive and was hit by a car.

A university spokeswoman says the cart was being used to shuttle people around during the sporting event.

That is something that happens regularly.

She says apparently the cart was left unattended for a time, and that's when authorities say 40 year old Karen Escoe took the cart, drove it off campus and pulled into traffic.

A 19 year old driver from **** hit Escoe, sending her to the hospital with serious injuries including a broken pelvis and leg, as well as internal injuries.

The sheriff's department says Escoe was under the influence of alcohol and they're awaiting lab results to see to what extent.

A university spokeswoman says they are also investigating to see why the cart was left unattended, but it's too early to tell if any policies will change because of the incident.

OK, some drunk stole a golf cart and drove it onto a very street. Another article said that she was on teh shoulder, but then swerved in front of the car. I guess teh city slicker didn't think the cars around here do as much damage. :sad2:
Hey everybody!!

Just got back from lunch...pizza and wings! Does pizza count as carbs, and do wings count as a good source of protein? UGH, I feel :sick: I only ate one piece of pizza and 5 wings but that really can't be good for me can it? ANNDDD I ate a side salad, so that was my veggies and fiber right? :rotfl:
I told myself that I was going to be VERY good the next few weeks so I can eat whatever I want on our vacation to "The World" the end of this month. Umm yeah...I haven't been very good the last week or so, I need to get on track. Does anyone else have a hard time watching what you're eating when you know you're burning tons of calories with all this running???? I mean I'm eating because I'm actually hungry. But I guess I need to make more of an effort to eat healthier, and not eat pizza, wings, and fries (my weakness). If you guys aren't at the starving point yet, just wait until you really start packing on the miles, you'll be starving for days afterwards.

Took cycle class last night, and today is my full rest day before double long run days. I actually felt pretty good for the first set of double long runs we did a couple weeks ago, and I'm excited to see how I'll feel when we start adding 8, 10 and 12 miles the day before our "long" LR days. (did that make sense?) Yes I'm morbid, but I am excited to see how I'll do this year since I'm doing something different from the last two years. Ya'll send us some :wizard: to make it through both runs unscathed!

Must get back to work now!

Bree - I have been eating like a horse (a race horse, I hope). :p I tend to start on teh healthy side, but when I run out of food, I go vending machine. Not good!
Bree--When are you going to be in WDW? Stephen and I will be there Oct. 22-30 (in just 17 days!!!! :hourglass ), maybe we can meet up if you're there then. Is it weird that Stephen and I were getting excited the other night when we were picking out our running routes?? :confused3 :teeth:

Krista princess:
solo -Forgot to mention, dh informs me of where we are on the WDW route as we do our long runs. It seemed like forever to run far enough to get out of Epcot!
Is anyone interested in renting a bedroom for Friday and Saturday nights?

Here is the deal. Our kids aren’t coming with us and we have a 2 bedroom villa at Beach Club Villas. We would be willing to rent the second bedroom out to someone those two nights, and if you are running the marathon, you wouldn't have to "move out" until after the event, so you could go back to the villa and do laundry, do a recovery meal, etc..

For those of you who don’t know, the villas have a full-size washer & dryer (great for washing post-event sweaty clothes) and a full-size kitchen. Beach Club Villas is also an easy walk to and from EPCOT (through the International Gateway during operating hours) and has an amazing pool complex -- Stormalong Bay.

If you are interested, send me a PM.

ETA: I believe the 2nd BR in all the units has 2 full or queen sized beds.
gatorphipps said:
Melissa - The double long runs have not been bad at all. But we have only done one so far. :rotfl2: As good of shape you are in, I do not think you will have trouble. Last year, I ran LRs with Bree on Friday and with DH on Saturday. I did this until both were doing 16 miles and did not have any trouble. Then we were able to run together.

Everyone who is doing Goofy - I know how the debate has gone with rest b/4 a LR. And I remember how I felt after a 20+ mile run. (up to 20 I normally do not get sore. The 22 is bad though. :rolleyes: ) But if you are doing Goofy, you must train your body to go long 2 days in a row. B/4 my double LRs, everyother week, I take a full day b/4 and after the LRs. But the weeks we do our tempo runs of 10 - 12 miles I will be doing something easy the day b/4. We are not training for a marathon or a half marathon. We are training for both and training will be different. (And harder!) :earseek:

About eating b/4 the race- Just dont do anything different from what you are used to. Like eat a bowl of pasta or something like that. :lovestruc I love to eat! Carb loading 2x. :banana:

All I can say is OH MY! :earseek:
I love hearing about your training suggestions.

Lisa, I too am interested in your nutrition information.
Rumor is that John Bingham and Jenny Hadfield will be at the Disney marathon!

I did W3/R2 tonight...15:10 pace. Monday was a stonker. I may need an intervention from y'all...I bought another pair of shoes to try...Mizuno Wave Creations. Tried them on the TM on Monday and my legs hurt the rest of the night. I think I need to stop trying new shoes...I'm just afraid I might miss out on the 'perfect' pair for me. Or maybe I just have a shoe fetish? :teeth:
I did 8.6 miles tonight and it was totally BLAH. I intended to do 10 but I tried laps around a pond (2.2 miles) and found I just couldn't make myself go another round!

Here's my Applefest finish. I'm ready to joing the "looks like a dork while running" club!!!! :rotfl:

Applefest Finish

Middle of the Pack

Mel(Chimera) I did the same thing searching for the perfect shoe until I stumbled upon Asics Cumulus, now I never think twice! I hope you find your perfect shoe :cloud9:

Is it too late to suggest that white might be a better color than yellow for the shirts? Just my 2cents!

I plan to work some more on logo ideas-- today got away from me.



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