What do you wish you could tell someone?

Do you know anyone who isn't an amazing expert at what they do? It's hard to believe that everyone you know is world-reknowned, incredibly independently wealthy, medical miracle workers, Nobel scientists, inventors of famous things, etc. Don't you know any "regular" people? Are all your accquaintances really "The #1 Person in the Country" at their job, the leading sales agent on the east coast, the heiress to Kelloggs cereal, the back-up band lead for Springsteen, etc.? It's tiresome to hear you drop others' amazing achievements/credentials, and honestly a little hard to believe that all the people you know are "superlatives."
To my parents,
You just made the worst mistake you could ever make. Our relationship is now changed forever. I wish things were different. It is not your responsibility to rescue her.
To my sister,
Nothing will ever change. I still hate you.
Thank you Mom and Dad for being the best parents ever, for my childhood and adolescence and young adulthood and adulthood. Thank you for being role models. Thank you for being the grandparents you were to my kids. I hope my kids feel the same about me that I feel about you. Thank you for the Faith you instilled in me and modeled. I miss you every day.Thank you for the love, faith and humor, for everything.
Thank you Mom and Dad for being the best parents ever, for my childhood and adolescence and young adulthood and adulthood. Thank you for being role models. Thank you for being the grandparents you were to my kids. I hope my kids feel the same about me that I feel about you. Thank you for the Faith you instilled in me and modeled. I miss you every day.Thank you for the love, faith and humor, for everything.
:goodvibes Love this^^!
To my parents,
You just made the worst mistake you could ever make. Our relationship is now changed forever. I wish things were different. It is not your responsibility to rescue her.
To my sister,
Nothing will ever change. I still hate you.

This sounds like a lot an I'm sorry you're going through it.
When you have been estranged from multiple different loved ones throughout your life and now I have come up as next on the list of people that you’re estranged from, the problem is you, not me or anyone else.
You are overshadowing the good things you actually have done by continuing to say unnecessary mean things to almost everyone. Learn to keep your mouth shut.
You are overshadowing the good things you actually have done by continuing to say unnecessary mean things to almost everyone. Learn to keep your mouth shut.

Learn to keep your mouth shut... My mistake, but when going through a rough patch, I confided in you. It hurts me to know you shared this information with at least 3 of your friends, people I know slightly. These aren't people I would have shared with, but now they know personal information about my life. I shared with YOU, not virtual strangers, but now when I see them I'll know they have personal but incomplete, currently inaccurate information about me. I wouldn't have shared the details with them to begin with, so don't want to continue to include them in a conversation they should never have been part of... anyhow, my mistake to confide in you in the first place. Please... LEARN TO KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.
(That's a "hug" like, not a "happy" like.)

Thanks. Person that was directed towards is my sister. I SHOULD have known better, but I thought that this was personal enough that she could keep it to herself. Lesson learned... thanks for the hug!
"Every single decision you have made starting in 11th grade has been wrong. All of your problems are of your own design."
My sweet baby girl, you deserve so much better. You deserve better than 6 hours a week. You deserve better than having to show 10 pounds of gratitude for every crumb he gives you. You deserve better than a dad that doesn't want to be bothered buying you a birthday gift because "he pays child support". You deserve better than 2 cheap fast food meals a week. You deserve better than a dad who will text you regularly that he "misses you", when he lives 10 minutes away and could come see you anytime.
Your dad loves you, but he will ALWAYS love himself more. He ALWAYS talks about you being his priority. He NEVER acts like it. I wish this is a lesson you didn't have to learn.
I was reminded again by a very poignant article on bullying in the Chicago Tribune today.

TO the childhood classmate:
I am forever sorry of the unkind words I spoke to you. There is not one reason I could ever recall, for my unkind and unjust behavior. I only can hope that my words did not cross your mind in the years to pass. I deserved to be reminded, as it was ME, who deserved to be haunted but what I said. Again, I will be forever sorry.
BK: your youngest is terrible, which is why none of us want to hang around when they are there. Literally a 10 year old that acts like a spoiled 4 year old. Threatening to discipline a child doesn’t work if you never follow through with it. If you don’t straighten him out soon, middle school will, and in the worst way possible.

JD: you’re an abusive [expletive]. When you die no one will care.

NJ: You are my dearest love, and I don’t know how I ever lived without you! You make my sun rise every morning and the stars shine at night. I’m so lucky we found each other!

GF: you’re not managing your diabetes by going out to Italian restaurants and having pasta. Quite the opposite, in fact. Is it going to take a hospitalization or amputation for you to pull your head out of your butt?

PJ: you’re a control freak and a class 1 drama queen. Some of it is understandable due to the trauma you’ve endured... but it was 40 years ago, get some actual help and get yourself over it. Oh, and firing your doctors when they tell you something you don’t want to hear isn’t “taking control of your health,” it’s sailing into denial. Eating yourself to death isn’t fun or glamorous, and frankly you’re going to kill your spouse that way first.

Ooh, this felt cathartic.
To my DD's father: I so wish you would have listened to me three years ago when I told you I was concerned about your relationship with her. Teenagers have to be shown you love them sometimes. Fight for her attention and time I told you...and you tore into me, accusing me of being selfish and turning her against you. Hello...if that were true why would I care about y'alls relationship? You are a deadbeat dad who makes more than $250,000 a year and puts no time nor other investments into her. She has to be forced to spend a minute of her time with you because YOU showed her she wasn't worth it. I fear this will affect her relationships with others long term and I am so very angry with you. She is an amazing person-witty, funny, brilliant and kind. You don't know her and when you are old and sick and on your deathbed I fear this will one of your biggest regrets. I pity and revile you.

Ooh, this felt cathartic

This sounds like a lot an I'm sorry you're going through it.
Thank you. I was just informed of decisions that were made. I do not agree with the decisions, but it is not my place to say anything. I am very thankful to be a couple of hours away from everything. I have spent the last 10 months reminding myself that, "No I cannot fix things". "No it is not my responsibility" and "Loving from a distance is healthy for me".
Mom, what is/was so wrong with me that you couldn’t love me? That not talking to me for years and years was ok with you. How could you do that to your kid? And now that you are approaching your later years, how can that not bother you? That you will die without us ever speaking or seeing each other again.
Mom, what is/was so wrong with me that you couldn’t love me? That not talking to me for years and years was ok with you. How could you do that to your kid? And now that you are approaching your later years, how can that not bother you? That you will die without us ever speaking or seeing each other again.

I don't know you, it's true, however I do know it's not you, it's her. I'm sorry.


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