What is appropriate Disney etiquette? Ms. Emily Post Advocates welcome….

Speaking from the mouth of someone who has worked in retail....

using a nametag to its full advantage can make an employees day, give you special treatment, and make you engage in exciting conversation.

example - waitress comes to your table and takes your order.

"thanks judy!"
"excuse me judy, could i get a side of mayo?"


Your buying a mickey mouse plush

"Hi Tom, hows your day going? The magic kingdom seems to be busy today huh?"

You get the idea. COMMON COURTESY. Golden rule....thats all you have to say.
greenyskp said:
example - waitress comes to your table and takes your order.

"thanks judy!"
"excuse me judy, could i get a side of mayo?"

Reminds me of my mother who was a regular at a certain restaurant in her home town. She introduced me to all the wait staff when she took me there! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
BroganMc said:
If you must use the HC stall, PLEASE PLEASE, be quick about it. Remember it is reserved for those who need it and is not "just another stall". And it wouldn't hurt to offer some little assistance to that person waiting not "in line" but waiting FOR YOU. Holding the stall door, pushing it closed while I lock it, helping me pull that toilet paper out of its hidden dispenser, all these things mean much more to me than an apology.

BroganMc, I agree with all your points about courtesy and consideration, but there is one thing I disagree with: HC stalls are not "reserved" for "those who need it", it is handicap accessible, meaning that it can be used by those who have difficulty using a standard stall. Perhaps they should be reserved, but the truth is that they are not; if they were, you could get a ticket for using them without a permit, just like parking in a handicap space in the parking lot.

I will continue to be as courteous and considerate of otehrs as possible, but as long as the HC stalls are not actuallly restricted I will continue to use them, because even though I am not handicapped, I am an extremely large guy at 6'4" and 270lbs, and I have a lot of trouble fitting into smaller stalls.
You asked for opinions, right? We'll I'm prepared for flames, but I'd like to share mine...

I think that people are a little too concerned with what everyone else is doing. I can understand pet peeves of line jumping, or stroller "weapons" ... anything that directly affects another guest. But I cannot understand the obsession with what other people are wearing, what other people are doing with their refillable mugs etc. Yes, some people dress a little light at the parks. And we may not choose to walk around in similar clothing (or lack thereof) ... or allow our children to walk around like that... But fact is, other people may be comfortable wearing whatever they choose to wear. And as long as it's not against the law (i.e. nudity), I think we all need to be a little bit more understanding of other people and differing tastes, comfort levels, cultures, etc.

(By no means am I preaching, I'll be the first to feel a little awkward when a girl walks around MK in her bikini top, but I'm not going to judge her, or tell her that it is inappropriate, regardless of my personal opinion. She paid just as much money as I did to vacation in WDW and I'm not going to tell her how she should spend her vacation, or what she should wear. And if you want to use the "I don't want my child exposed to it" argument, well it's nothing that my children aren't going to see on the evening news or on the beach, for that matter. Parents raise their children, first and foremost. People walking around WDW are not going to have a lasting effect. Sadly, this is the society that we live in, where the female body is often exploited. And if you want to argue where this is all leading for young girls, and you say down the toilet, I'm right there with you. :sad2: And I would go as far as to argue that the lackadaisical attitude towards dress code is a product of our society overall, as we tend to value the skinny blonde walking down the street wearing almost nothing. Barbie, anyone? How about Jasmine, the beloved princess ... is someone going to tell her she is being inappropriate? Her midriff is showing, after all... .. Have you seen advertisements lately? If this image of the female is what we are using to sell products and boost our economy, what we are using to make movies and TV shows, and what is valued in America, then we cannot blame the fifteen year old girl walking around like that. It is a much bigger and more complex issue. And frankly, we do not get to dictate what is appropriate or inappropriate for other people, no matter how much we want to.... Sorry for the rant. )

Anyway, as for the mugs, I won't even touch on that. I just think that if something is not directly affecting your vacation (i.e., you are not being rammed in the ankles by a stroller, or having to wait an extra ten minutes on line because one person decided to hold the place for his family of sixteen) then we need to be a little more accepting of others. There are many different cultures in this melting pot, and Disney World is going to represent that. We live in a free country for a reason, right? If you want the dress of females to be controlled, try living in Tehran for a while ... you might change your mind ...

All I am saying is that I think we need to pause sometimes and understand that, in fact, what is good for the goose, may not be so good for the gander. To each, his own... just my opinion. Have a magical day. :wizard: :wizard:
I have to say that although I have never used the stroller as a weapon, I have clipped my share of ankles. Especially at closing time when everyone is rushing to get to the bus depot. I know everybody is in a hurry, but I have to navigate a stroller and when someone jets infront of the stroller looking for a quick short cut, they are bound to get hit. So, please remember that little person in the stroller is a person too, so respect him as if he was walking. :wave2:
Sorry, I need to add to the mucous thoughts....

Please don't blow your nose onto the ground. Please don't dispose of the excess mucous in your mouth by depositing it on the ground or into the water.

On another note, and I may be flamed, if you are in a full service hotel ie one with indoor corridors, is it too much to ask for you to wear flipflops at least while standing in the elevator or walking down the hallway? I am amazed at how many people I see dripping in wet bathing suits and nothing else onto the hotel's carpets or in the elevator next to me. No towel, no coverup, no shoes, nothing.

While the pool area at CR was being refurbished, the washrooms for the pool guests were in the main lobby off the front desk. I can't tell you how many times I walked through puddles of water in the washroom. And don't get me started on the lack of hygiene - using a public washroom in bare feet just scares me....

OK, I'm done.
On the washroom issue - if you sprinkle when you tinkle. . be a sweetie wipe the seatie :) I've even taught my kids this - even though they have been taught not to sit down - its just courteous to the next person.
In hot weather I like to really compliment the characters... giving them kudos like "You must be so hot! Thank you VERY VERY much!" has clearly been appreciated.
My pet peeve is the people who enter the park, walk to the middle of main street and then stop as they pull out their map and gather their group of 10 people around to read it. Making a game plan is fine but don't do it right in the middle of the path so that no one can get by you. Just move over to the side or plan before you get there!
It takes such a big effort to get down to WDW from MN it just kills me when chatting people have to ruin the rides for us. Not just Minnesotans, others too. Like others have mentioned people chatting on the phone during a ride. HELLO! We don't care that you are so special with your cell phone and so important that you need to talk to your mother or whoever! Three rides were ruined for me on my last trip because of this. The Land ride at Epcot, the El Tempo Rio at Mexico and Pirates at MK! I've never wanted to become a pirate so bad in my life-ARRRR off with your heads mateys!! Scar-ve-neer!!!! ;) > pirate: :hyper2: :duck:
On the washroom issue - if you sprinkle when you tinkle. . be a sweetie wipe the seatie I've even taught my kids this - even though they have been taught not to sit down - its just courteous to the next person.

:rotfl2: I was going to post the EXACT same thing! This appeared on signs at work a few years ago, and did absolutely nothing to solve the problem.

A few months later detailed instructions in about 5 languages appeared.... didn't have much impact either. :rolleyes2
Bluenoser said:
On the washroom issue - if you sprinkle when you tinkle. . be a sweetie wipe the seatie :) I've even taught my kids this - even though they have been taught not to sit down - its just courteous to the next person.

Oh my, I forgot about this one. Isn't that the most disgusting thing a person can do. I too teach mine to not sit on the seat (I usually go in with her to "hold her up") but it just bothers me to walk in a restroom and someone didn't take a tissue to their opps!!! And sometimes even on the floor!!! Come on people - especially women I know your aim can not be seen until your finished but my goodness if you make a mistake (which is understandable) PLEASE CLEAN IT UP!!!!!!
Alright, I heard this again today, and it disgusts me. I find this at WDW, in airports almost every week, and today at Nordstroms:

Women using the washroom and talking on a cel phone!!!! Tinkle and all!!!! Come on, the person on the other end can figure out where you are.... are you really that important that a call can't wait two minutes????
Yeah, guys do it too Bavaria. I hate it, especially when I'm on the other end of the phone; I think it's rude to be talking to me while you're in the bathroom.

Then again, I think it's rude to talk on a cell phone and run me off the road, or to be talking on a cell phone at MAX VOLUME in the supermarket checkout while I'm trying to pay my tab, and rude to talk on a cell phone at MAX VOLUME in a restaurant or fast food joint. But that's just me.
This will be DH and my very first trip to WDW and I have read alot of great and helpful things here. THANKS GUYS~
But I just wanted to comment and and say/ask. My DH and I will be on our Honeymoon and we are not the kinda of people that go totally OVER board with the kissing and such, but come on ya'll we WILL be on our HOneymoon would you take offense is we gave eash other a small "Peck" every now and then???? and on the issue of profanity. I totally agree it SHOULD NOT BE DONE IN FRONT OF CHILDREAN OF ANY AGE!!!!!! I could care less if you do it in front of your childrean or not. We currently do'nt have any kids, and I have to admit that DH cusses like a sailor but if you will pay close attention, he TRIES to watch it around childrean~~Thanks to me~~~~and if it dose slip then if youll pay close attention you can see or hear me "get on" if you will to him and remind him that there are childrean around.
Also Dh is a smoker and he is VERY respectful to non-smokers since I am one my self!!! If his smoke is wondering around, since we cannot control the wind nor where WDW has chosen to put the smoking areas, please feel free to say something to him directly he will TRY and make an effort. We will not bite your head off and do anything nasty, We promise.

On the issue of tipping housekeeping, I start saving change before we go and make a quick trip to the bank and cash it in for the green stuff and pre-stuff my envelpoes, I also like to play games with them I do riddles in there envelope, I run down to my local Thrift Store and buy a big bag of stuffed animals, I got Disney chareacters for .79 this time to give them one everyday with maybe like a dollar or so, you dont have to spend alot of money to make a persons day, They are human they like suprises to. I went with my Local American Red Cross chapter to Tenneessee for class and had a great time with my housekeeper, I wrote her riddles and gave her surprises if she got them right and she would leave me things in my room like a stuffed animal or such, and she would even come in when she cleaned my room and bring me a new pail of ice so I didnt have to go all the way around to get it, since we were getting in so late!!!!!!

~~~~~So this is so long ya'll Typical southerner I had alot to say lol~~~~~
DisneyKidForever, I doubt that anybody would have a problem with you and hubby kissing once in a while, holding hands, ad all that jazz. It only gets on people's nerves when that behavior is taken to an extreme. I've seen hands go places they should not in a public venue! But you and your hubby ought to be just fine - uh, wait, you're a Sotherner so let me say it with the proper accent - "jes' fahn!"

Congrats on your wedding! You couldn't have picked a better, more Magical, more memorable place for your honeymoon than WDW.

Don't forget to pick up the bride and groom Mickey and Minnie ears as soon as you arrive! CMs make a big deal over honeymooners. I'm pretty sure I saw those ears in the airport DIsney store last time I was there.
DisneyKidFoever said:
My DH and I will be on our Honeymoon and we are not the kinda of people that go totally OVER board with the kissing and such, but come on ya'll we WILL be on our HOneymoon would you take offense is we gave eash other a small "Peck" every now and then????

No one will have a problem with it, besides, Disney is sooo romantic to me. My brother proposed to his wife while they watched the Fireworks show in Epcot. The whole family was there in tears (we'd didn't think he'd ever find anyone). Its something about Disney that brings out the love in people so kissing is not an issue, but as others have mentioned be mindful that children around - (so keep that tongue in your mouth) :sad2: - sorry so bold but that's - the line! :love2:
disneyjunkie said:
Don't send part of your party to hold prime seats for Fantasmic (or any other high demand show), while the rest of the group enjoys time in the park. I was so many people get to Fantasmic early only to get crappy seats because the good seats were being held.

I think people that are willing to get there early and endure the wait, should get the good seats. Those that don't want to wait should get what's left.

Have you ever tried to have a toddler sit in his seat for an hour just to wait for a show to start? And how about fastpass? Isn't that the same idea? I'm all for having one member of the party hold seats AS LONG AS THEY ARE FULL AT LEAST 15 MINUTES BEFORE THE SHOW STARTS. If the aren't full at that point they should be filled by anyone who needs them.
eeyore0062 said:
9) Please put proper swim diapers on little ones before allowing them into pools, hottubs or water parks. And don't let them run around naked.

If I ever noticed a child without swim diapers that needed them I would IMMEDIATLEY go to a lifeguard a report it. Swim diapers are not convience items they are for the public health!
Don't get a disability assitant fastpass then leave the disabled person behind while your whole group jumps to the head of every line! I saw this happening a lot the last time I was at MK.


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