What's your major?


Earning My Ears
Jun 26, 2006
Just curious..

What's your major?
What career are you trying to get into?
What made you choose that major?
Major- Psychology
Minor- Cognitive Neuroscience
-Spanish as either another major or minor.

Career goals- Clinical Neuropsychologist, Cognitive Psychologist, Clinical Psychologist, Cognitive Developmental Psychologist, Social Worker, Health Psychologist, Genetic Counselor, Physician (neurologist).

Right now I have a bunch of ideas for careers, and I am working towards all of them. I am mostly leaning to clinical neuropsychology, that way I can diagnose and treat patients as well as research.

Why- I love the field of psychology. I came to college as a biology major on a pre-med track and after taking a psychology course I knew it was for me. My school has an incredible psychology department. I also really love learning about how the brain works from both biological and psychological perspectives. Right now I am doing everything I can (volunteering, researching w/ professors, getting good grades, etc.) to ensure that I can get into a good Ph.D graduate program.

sorry if this is too long. I look forward to reading about everyone else. :)
What's your major? Psychology.
What career are you trying to get into? I have interests in becoming either a Labor & Delivery nurse or a post-partum doula - both of which are not directly related to my major.
What made you choose that major? I became very interested in Psychology during my junior year of high school. I also took a General Psychology course during my senior year of high school as a dual enrollment class and really, really loved it. I love my major, I just don't want to pursue a career in it.
What's your major? Computer Game Design and Programming (Bachelor Of Arts in Design)
What career are you trying to get into? Game development or Movie Industry - I have a large interest in film. I just started a new internet tv show called How In The Hell (http://how.inthehell.com)
What made you choose that major? I had tried Computer Science but it was boring. I got great grades but at the end of the day, I wasnt learning anything that I didn't know already. I figured since I was pretty much self taught in everything computers that I would breeze through college and have a lot of fun. I underestimated how much I like learning and after two semesters of not learning I was fed up with it.
Major- Children's Ministry with a possible minor in Biblical Counseling

Career Goals- Not quite sure, really don't see myself working in a churc, but no out of the question. I love camps and inner city missions. I have a real heart for orphans and children in the foster care system. Although I have been quite intrequiged lately with the idea of being a youth counsler on a Disney cruise line :earboy2:

Why- I love Kids and I can't imagine not working with them and bieng stuck with adults! They are so innocent, unaffraid, trusting people. Whenever I would work with them I would always have mothers telling me I should become a teacher and I hated that. I mean truely I hated school, so how could I make a kid like going everyday?!?!?!
Virii said:
Just curious..

What's your major?
What career are you trying to get into?
What made you choose that major?

Major - Anthropology
Career Desires - Epidemiology & Public Health
Why I chose anthropology? I had an awesome intro. professor who really changed my mind about the world...awesome class experience.
Major - Computer Science
Career Desires - UI Software Engineer
I chose CS because I've just always enjoyed programming, and it seems like a career I would really enjoy
Jan 07'- Psychology

I have about two years done and will be going back to school after 10 years!
What's your major? Mechanical Engineering

What career are you trying to get into? Ultimately, I would love to work Walt Disney Imagineering as either a ride and show engineer or designing audio-animatronics

What made you choose that major? I was originally in civil engineering, but wasn't 100% sure about it after being in it for a year and a half. So I switched over to mechanical and I love it.
What's your major?
I’m doing a double major in Religious Studies and English.

What career are you trying to get into?
I have absolutely no idea what I’ll do once I’m out of university. I’m just hoping that the English will help with something.

What made you choose that major?

I find the courses in Religious Studies really interesting, so I figured that since I’m paying money to learn stuff it might as well be something I’m interested in. I was originally going to minor in English, but I’m taking a class this term that made me want to do more than just a minor. Plus I thought that the two would go well together, and that English would look a bit better than Religious Studies when I’m trying to get a job.
What is my major?

Event Management and Theme Park & Attraction Management

What career am I trying to get into?

I would LOVE to be an Event Coordinator for one of the Disney parks planning/organizing major and seasonal events and attractions.

Why I chose this major?

Well first off I love Disney and I'm a very imaginative,creative, and motivated. I would love to work with other people to create Disney magic through their various events and attractions. I felt this major would help support more in the more technical stuff involving theme park so I can be prepared when I actually start working in that field.
What's your major? My Major is Commercial Recreatio and Tourism

What career are you trying to get into? I actually am trying to become a character performer at Disney, believe it or not. :rotfl:

What made you choose that major? When I first started school, I was thinking about going into cruise ships and being a youth conselor (I still am thinking about that). Well, after doing my first CP, I decided I wanted to work at Disney in entertainment. Now I am a character attendant, going to go seasonal in Jan, and hope to be a performer.
What's your major? Elementary Education and English

What career are you trying to get into? 1st, 2nd, or 3rd grade teacher!

Why did you choose that major? I have always wanted to be a teacher. I love working with kids...I worked as a camp counselor the past 2 summers, have done some coaching, and now teach 1st grade Sunday School. There are times when the kids can get obnoxious, but they're just so much fun, especially the little ones! :teeth:
It's really amazing how diverse everyone is. With everything that everyone can do, we could have some sort of huge event one day :P
What's your major?
Undeclared as of right now, but most likely double majoring in History and Theatre Arts

What career are you trying to get into?
again, not completely sure. Right now, I think I'm learning toward Theatre Historian. :)

What made you choose that major?
I love History and love Theatre, so majoring in both is the obvious choice!
What's your major? French (I would love to minor in Italian but I don't think I have the time to take a bunch of Italian classes)

What career are you trying to get into? French/English translator probably

What made you choose that major? I had fantastic French teachers in high school who really made me love the language.
Major: Communication Sciences and Disorders
Career goal: Speech language pathologist (or in English, Speech therapy)
Why: I want to work with kids. Not wild about the idea of being a teacher. Tossed around the idea of being a pediatrician for a long time, but didn't want that much debt or that many years of science classes. Someone suggested I look into speech therapy. Took the intro class for the major and we had to do observation hours in the speech clinic on campus. As I sat behind the two way mirror I could totally see myself on the other side of it.
My Major: Just changed it to Family Consumer Science with concentration in Consumer Services and minor in child development and family relations

My Carreer Goals: I have no idea I would like to work with children, but I am also into cooking and like to do something in that field also. Right now I would love to work at Disney World.

Why I chose my major: I first was an early childhood education major, but taking me longer to graduate because of the requirements and I am ready to get out.
What's your major?
International Relations concentration in Intnl Economics

What career are you trying to get into?
Journalist or something in the US Dept of State

What made you choose that major?
I chose journalism because I like writing. I'm also majoring in International Relations because global issues are fascinating. <--nerd
What's your major?
Mechanical Engineering

What career are you trying to get into?
Ideally, Imagineering with Disney

What made you choose that major?
I have always been fascinated by amusement/theme parks, their attractions, and the way in which the rides operate. Also, I do not enjoy English, but I love the mathematics and sciences.


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