What's your major?

I am majoring in Elementary Education and I am obviously not doing it for the money:rotfl:
Major: Computer Science
Washington State University (GO COUGS!)

I'm thinking I want to go into home automation programming... that's where all the lights, entertainment, and other things in a house are connected to a computer so rich people can hit one button on a screen to close their drapes dim the lights and start a movie.... they can have their music follow them around the house, see who's at the door and check security cameras from any room... that kind of stuff
but I'd give anything to be an imagineer at WDW
My undergraduate major was Anthropology.
Why? My parents were ameteur archaeologists and teachers, and they had been taking me to museums since I was 3 years old. I always loved history and studying other cultures so I thought anthro would be the best bet.
What did I want to do? I would have loved being an archaeologist, but there are virtually no jobs and I'd really have to get a Ph.D. to teach it, which would have required about 7 more years of school.

My masters degree is in Higher Education, and I can't wait for graduation. Basically I studies college students and how they develop, and also how to provide services to them while they are in school. My main focus is career advisement and academic advisement.
Just curious..

What's your major? I want to major in Business Management and minor in Hotel Management
What career are you trying to get into? Working for Disney and mybe one day own my own hotel.
What made you choose that major? I chose this major because I love working with people and I have this thing with well if this was mine I would do this so I did this at a hotel and decided I wanted to go into this business. I know dumb but hey thats just me.
I like also how alot of people like different majors and careers. And I wish everone luck in what you all do.
What's your major? It was Wildlife Biology. But now it's nursing, or will be. I am in the process of transferring to a different school!

What career are you trying to get into? Pretty self explanatory, nursing ;) But I hope to get a specialty in peds, neonatology, or labor/delivery.

What made you choose that major? I've always wanted to help people, but have a job that isn't always the same. And when looking into nursing I saw travel nursing, where I could have an assignment anywhere from a couple weeks to a year. I love the freedom that brings, and then I can settle down when I want to with a more stable job.

But mainly, it's because I want to help families, emotionally and otherwise.
What's your major? It was Wildlife Biology. But now it's nursing, or will be. I am in the process of transferring to a different school!

What career are you trying to get into? Pretty self explanatory, nursing ;) But I hope to get a specialty in peds, neonatology, or labor/delivery.

What made you choose that major? I've always wanted to help people, but have a job that isn't always the same. And when looking into nursing I saw travel nursing, where I could have an assignment anywhere from a couple weeks to a year. I love the freedom that brings, and then I can settle down when I want to with a more stable job.

But mainly, it's because I want to help families, emotionally and otherwise.

I volunteered at Children's Hospital of Phladelphia (#1 childrens hospital in the nation :thumbsup2) and I really think nurses are what holds that place together. EVERYONE would be lost without them.
What's your major? I'm a double major in Dance and History with a minor in Political Science.

What career are you trying to get into? My goal is to actually become a professional dancer after college. Surprisingly enough, it is a real job. :rotfl: I plan on teaching dance to children at studios and yoga to adults at a fitness center for real money. Then I want to dance for modern dance companies to build up my name. I want to eventually become the director and choreographer for my own company, among other aspirations. If the dance thing doesn't work out, I'll probably go back to school and recieve my master's and consequently my doctorate in History. Then I want to teach at a university and research US History.

What made you choose that major? I chose Dance, because its my passion. I chose History, because I decided that I needed a backup. :lmao: Also its the only other thing I'm really interested in. Then I added the minor, because I'm only two classes away from recieving it. Also I'm kind of a politics nerd and would love working on campaigns someday.

Wow, that was a lot. The future is fun! :woohoo:
What's your major? Speech Language Hearing Sciences
What career are you trying to get into? Speech Pathologist
What made you choose that major? My sister goes for speech and I find it very interesting...Also love working with children. I worked at a school as an assistant teacher-I realised I lovedd working one on one :hug: & did not enjoy them in groups AT ALL :scared: lol.
What's your major? Public Relations
What career are you trying to get into? Entertainment PR/Promotions
What made you choose that major? Always wanted to do something in entertainment
Whats Your Major? Veterinary Technician

What career are you trying to get into? A zookeeping position at a zoological park, my dream would be at Disney's Animal Kingdom.

What made you choose that career? Ever since the second grade I can remember wanting to work with animals, caring for them, educating people about them, I couldn't imagine doing anything else.
Whats Your Major? Biology. I'm debating between a double major in psychology, or just a minor in psychology.

What career are you trying to get into? I want to start out in carnivore care, and eventually get my masters (and possibly doctorate) and go into animal research, preferably in animal behavior.

What made you choose that career? I always wanted to be a vet when I was younger, but as I got older I realized that a veterinary career wasn't for me. Then I spent a year as a dance major in downtown Chicago and took an animal behavior course. Then I realized that my passion for animals was way way way stronger than my passion for dance, so I decided to pursue it rather than waste my time with a degree that would get me nowhere. (Not saying B.A. or B.F.A is worthless... it just would have been for me.)
Im an animal biology major at UC Davis. I might change to wildlife conservation.
I want a career involving caring for animals and rehabilitating them for the wild. Zoo keeper sounds nice, but it would be sad knowing that the animals couldn't be at their full health while in captivity.
I would love to work at the animal kingdom because it would give me the best of both worlds. I hope to do the CP and then someday apply for an internship there.
Ever since I was little first or second grade, i wanted to be a vet and work with animals. Maybe its because i grew up on a farm:rolleyes1
My major is Computer Information Systems.

I would like to work for Walt Disney someday as part of their IT Department.
I am a sports/entertainment/ and event management major and I hope after my CP I can do the Fairytale wedding internshipprincess:
What's your major? Criminal Justice
What career are you trying to get into? Eventually, I want to do CSI (crime scene investigation).
What made you choose that major? The movie "The General's Daughter" (I joined the Army to be an MP but was injured in training and discharged) and the love of seeing the bad guy get caught!

Major: Criminal Justice and maybe double major in Biology with a concentration in Forensics
Career: FBI...special agent
Why?: all the crime shows on tv had a big impression on me and I think it would be an amazing career and very interesting

Maybe I can do something with security at Disney...I would love to work at Disney...I always wanted to dance at Disney. Maybe some day I will...I've dance about five years...this is the first year I haven't danced and I am starting up again next year.
I'm a Psych major minoring in Sociology.

Right now I'm a research assistant in the substance abuse field. I sort of fell into this field - started off as a Admin. Assistant and was asked to help out in our studies. I really like helping people and learning what makes people tick.

Once apon a time I was an English major and while I still love to read and write, I've found passion for Psychology as well.
I'm majoring in art right now.

I'm going to change my major to journalism though. I really want to be a writer. :goodvibes
What's your major? Nursing

What career are you trying to get into? With a Focus in Trauma

What made you choose that major? I've started off working in the healthcare field doing Nursing Asst. and became interested in other areas of the field.
Major: Liberal Arts
Career Goal: Social Worker for Child Services
Why: Because my mother is one, and each summer I volunteer up there to do office work. But just to see those kids' faces, you would know if you experienced it.


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