Wk of Dec 4--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

plutosmyfav said:
OK, here's another link.

This time, I put "Scream Team" on the back of the shirt in case anyone actually would like to order a shirt for friends/family.

WISH Scream Team T

Sunny! I LOVE that shirt! I need to tell Bree about it. Her DH is our Scream Team!
Okay, trying to figure out why I can't size that picture up. Here are the ones I posted a while ago for my before and "in progress" shots. The first was pre-WISH and the second was late March of this year. Guess I need a more current "in progress" shot.

ETA: now I can't figure out how to make them smaller. Some teacher I am, right? :confused3
Sunny -- I LOVE the shirt! Maybe I could get Howard to wear it when he is finished an hour+ ahead of me? :rotfl:
You look great Cam! Can't wait to see a more recent "in progress" shot!
Cam - Love the pics. You are AWESOME!

I just love seeing pics of everyone I have "met" on this board. It is SO exciting to see where we were when we 1st started, where we are now, and where we are going to be Jan 7th and 8th!
:cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: for us!
All right. I am having serious computer issues with my 3 week old laptop. Didn't even realize an earlier post didn't post. Trying this again.

Carrie -- I am so glad you posted the words again to one of my favorite songs. That is in my 1/2 marathon mix and says all sorts of important things.

Sunny -- having just done 8 miles on the TM at 4 mph on Saturday, I am impressed that you did 6.2 with an INCLINE! for 8.2. :worship:

Christa -- Your pix are great! You have the BEST smile! Your little one is a cutie! Geez, I cannot believe mine used to be that small. Now I worry about her driving in the snow! :rolleyes: BTW, are you old enough to have one that age? I hope I don't offend anyone, but it looks like you must have started your family when you were 12 or something! ;)

I've started a 1/2 marathon inspirational saying document and I am going to start cutting them out and pasting them everywhere I will see them all day. Every time I start thinking about the fact that we are just over 4 weeks away, I get a little freaked out. My sayings include the two in Christa's signature and "NO DAY BUT TODAY". Anyone want to make any suggestions?

Carrie -- Here is a groupshot of our DIS friends and us at Hilton Head over Thanksgiving (Howard is behind me):

I have missed you all sooooo much!! I have been having the craziest month of my life. Let's see I've been on vacation, moved twice, and been training for the goofy. I am so ready for january to get here!!

Thanks to those of you that have asking about me. Christa has passed along your well wishes, and I appreciate them. I must make DH get my computer set up this weekend, and I should also create a path to get to it seeing as it is in a room that we haven't even touched since our move. I'm "sneaking" on the boards on my lunch break today. :) It's been so hectic we have talked about not even putting up a tree this year, but as I sit here in listening to Christmas music I've decided I can't do that. Christmas only comes once a year, and I think I might regret not decorating just a little bit.

So you've heard about our marathon last weekend huh? Well first of all let me tell you about our girl Christa... er, uh I mean the Evil Queen. She absolutley KNOCKED IT OUT!!!! She not only is my Evil Queen but she is now also my hero. I am so proud of her. She is the most determined person I have ever met, she not only finished within the time she set for herself but she finished almost 40 minutes faster than she predicted! WAY TO GO CHRISTA!!! YOU'RE THE BIGGEST :dog2: I KNOW!!!

Ok so now to me. First of all this was my 4th marathon and I finished faster than any race I've done so far. Right at 5:14. My goal was to finish in less than 5 but I cramped very badly at mile 17 and had to walk a bit more than I wanted to. Let me give you all a piece of advice...now I know that we've been giving each other advice all along but I want you to read this and take it seriously.....when you are running the race in 32 days...you must...and I mean MUST...drink lots...and drink often!!!!! That was what killed me in my race last weekend. I didn't even drink 40 oz. the whole race. When you hear the "experts" say that you will cramp if you don't drink they are right. I knew this but in my disgust at the thought of one more sip of gatorade decided to not drink. Needless to say at mile 20 I looked at DFIL and said I feel like I'm going to either cry or vomit..or maybe just both. He just smiled, rubbed my sholders a bit and told me to keep pushing forward.

So I am pleased at my time, but very disappointed in myself for being so stupid. Learn from my mistake folks and don't make the same one.

I'm glad to see most of you guys are on the tail end of your training. We should all have about one more L-LR to go then we taper... :cool1:

I hope to talk to you all soon!!

My gosh Cam, you are melting away!!!!! Your latest pic look even awsomer!!! :teeth: I second LIsa, do tell other names.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
Great pic, Cam!

If they are DIS friends--would you mind sharing who's who?

I'd love to, but they aren't WISHers and I'm not sure they've posted pix anywhere. They all hang out on the DVC board. Here's a hint, though. If you look for the thread about who is going to HH at Thanksgiving, you'll know who was at Surfmen's Station for that Wednesday night DIS meet. Mysterious, right? ;)
Thanks, Carrie! You are sooo sweet! You made me feel like :banana: !

BTW -- Howard was sweet enough to upload our pix to imagestation and I made time to caption them, in case you'd like to see. I'm wondering if you will be able to see the album if you go here: HH 2005 Album
Here's my story: :wave2: I impulsively signed up for the WDW half-marathon to force myself to get in shape (the Disney part of the half-marathon was the reward). Now we're 4 weeks out and I'm starting to freak out because I don't feel ready...I haven't received my packet of info...I'm going by myself...and I have no idea what I'm doing! :hourglass

At this point my highest training level has been 7 miles on a treadmill, walking the majority (I have it set on a decent incline)...but I haven't run in the past 4 days because I have felt unusually tired (my son is sick so I might be tired due to a virus). I feel that I can walk for days, but I'm worried about making the 16 minute pace consistently. I started checking the Disboards yesterday to see if anyone else is experiencing similar feelings (misery loves company)...

Oh, and what is the Minnie Marathon I see on peoples' signature blocks?
Bree - Glad to have you back! You were AWESOME Saturday @ the marathon. You also crack me up calling me the evil queen and such!

Cam - LOVE the newest pic of you and Howard. You are melting away! What drive you must have. So proud of you! :banana:
I also LOVE you for saying how young I look. I tell everyone I am 25 but that is a lie. I will have to let youguys try and see if you can figure out my age like you figured out Sunny's name. :rotfl: I need to post a pic of my DD7.5. She is blond. (Where did that come from.)

OMG - I just ate a whole bag of Milano Mint cookies! :earseek: I am so cold setting here at my desk trying to get work done. I made some coffee and was dipping a few cookies in the coffee. But I just ate the WHOLE bag. How did that happen? :confused3 There are 8 servings and it is 7 grams of fat per serving! OMG!!!!!! I am a PIG! I need to run 3 marathons.....Oh I tallied up my WW exercize points for the marathon. I got 26 points that day and I know I did not eat them. Maybe that will off set all these cookies I just ate!

Welcome Mazzy! DO you have a program you're on? Most of us are using Marathoning for MOrtals by John Bingham. I believe the prescribed mileage for teh half ofr last Saturday was 8. I don't know about this saturday, but next should be 10. You'll want to have at least 1 run a week that's at that longer mileage. Are you doing the 7 multiple times a week? If so, you are preobbaly more than on track.

I'm doing the full, so I don't know what the halfers are doing during the week, but I'm sure someone will be around soon to help!
Just wanted to pop on here real quick to hi. I "cross trained" last night by baking Christmas cookies. :rotfl:

Carrie--Last week I did 9 miles, this week 6, and next week 10 for the MFM half program.

Cam--You look GREAT!!! How much weight have you lost? I hope you are celebrating by going on a huge shopping spree!!

Bree--Good to have you back. I know you feel with the whole Christmas tree ordeal. 2 years ago Stephen and I closed on our house on Dec. 28 and moved in on the 29th, which meant no Christmas tree or baking for us (all of my cooking stuff was packed away), that year it didn't feel like Christmas at all. Congrats on the marathon and your PR!! :cheer2:

Welcome Mazzy!!

I better get back to work, just wanted to say hi and good luck training tonight!!

Krista princess:
aladdinsgirl said:
Cam--You look GREAT!!! How much weight have you lost? I hope you are celebrating by going on a huge shopping spree!!

Krista -- Thanks! Over 40 on WISH and 59 total since December. The scale is totally uncooperative these days, but I have 5 sizes worth of clothes in my guestroom that I have to find a home for. I have become addicted to nice clothes in sizes I've never ever worn before. It has been costly to buy stuff in each size but I've found lots of good stuff on ebay. My current dilemma will be to find shorts for WDW in January -- I don't have a single pair that fit except my workout shorts! :goodvibes

Bree -- I am so excited for you that you had a PB for the marathon, but I am sorry you had such a rough time of it. I know this month will be crazy for you. Maybe you could just get a small tree and decorate with popcorn, a string of lights and some mini candy canes. At least you'd have something and you won't have to unpack all your boxes. You can also use any holiday cards you get to decorate with (assuming your forwarding order works okay!)

Christa -- Thank you for your sweet compliment! BTW -- I think it is hysterical that you are eating APs today from Saturday! I have done that too. :rotfl: I have to say I was very reassured to hear how much our tiny little Sunny is able to eat during training. It gives me hope that when I hit my goal weight, I will be able to eat normal food, as long as I am willing to exercise like heck, like the big :dog: :dog: I haven't had a mint milano in sooo long. I used to be addicted to them in college--now that I think about it, I am surprised they had those in the dark ages. :teeth:

Mazzy -- I posted on your other thread, but wanted to welcome you here! So glad you found us for the next several weeks' worth of support. I know I couldn't do it without everyone on this thread.

So, any inspirational sayings, anyone? I need many more -- for my office, my fridge, my car, my bedroom mirror, etc. etc.
I did my 16 mile LR today, the first real run I've done since Thanksgiving. The good news is that the rest appears to have helped and I had NO FOOT PAIN AT ALL! I hope I can say the same tomorrow. My knees were another story, but I can deal with them.

I would like to announce myself as the newest member of the "COLD SOAK" club. It was actually more lukewarm than cold, but it'll do for now. Was it Colleen who said she does cold-hot-cold-hot? You are a big :dog2: . I couldn't bring myself to get back into the cold tub after the hot shower. As it was I discovered some new chaffing on my lower back during the hot shower. Gotta look into the Body Glide. Where does one find that?

All in all a successful day. I wanted to complain about the cold. Today's 39 degrees was much colder than I am used to. But after reading about so many of you guys running in ice and snow, I no longer feel I have the right to complain about being a bit chilly.

Keep up the good work, Team! Only two more LRs for me and we are in the home stretch! :jumping1:
Confession time again - I am not a planner in any way!!!! I have a vague idea of what I'm wearing for the races, but when Cam mentioned shorts, I started freaking out. Will i need shorts for the parks???? I thought I could get away with jeans? (I know it is sad. I don't use a scheduler and I only recently purchased a watch for adventure races and the tri training!)

I did my "speedwork" today. I cheated! I could talk the whole time. Oh well, I did get the steps in!!!!!

Cam - not inspirational, but still one of my favorites! I don't know which nascar driver said it, but it is: "if you are not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space"
By the way, your pictures look AWESOME! Can't wait to meet you!
Melissa -- Didn't mean to send you into a panic. Jeans are probably fine. I just feel a very serious NEED to be in shorts at least once while we are down there, since it should be about 30-40 degrees colder here than there. I am still seriously considering shorts for the 1/2 with throw-away pants over them until it is warm enough.

I love the "living on the edge" quote. OTHERS?
Not really a quote, but it is what got me through my last mile today. I held off putting on the iPod until the last two miles and just as I was on the last half-mile "This is How a Heart Breaks" by Rob Thomas came on. My favorite part:

And I’m steady but I’m starting to shake
And I don’t know how much more I can take

Well, this is it now, everybody get down
This is all I can take
This is how a heart breaks
You take a hit now
You feel it break down
Make you stay wide awake
This is how a heart breaks

It came on at the perfect time and kept me motivated to finish! :banana:


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