Wk of Dec 4--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

lacool - That's great news!!!!

FYI - I've had 2 runs in a row with no hip pain!

Cam - If you're going down sizes, you're doing fine. Don't forget that muscle weighs more than fat, especially now!

MelR - Temps can range frm 20 to 80, so who knows. Chances are you'll be fine in jeans but I'll wear shorts any chance I can get in January!
Hi all! These last couple of days have been crazy. I am trying to get my ducks in a row. I hate it when I'm not organized & on top of things.

Today was the first day I really just did not want to walk period! DS doesnt have school today so DH takes him to work & I get him when I'm done. Well on top of that not being real convenient, it was 20 degrees without the windchill & I so was not in the mood for the TM. I decided to skip this walk. I think I'm doing good enough where it will be o.k. I did WATP tape for cardio instead. I can do it at home w/DS & not in the cold.

I cannot believe you guys that go out in the ice & snow. I have gotten to be a weenie about the cold.

Cam- you go girl! You are doing great :Pinkbounc

Mazzy-this is my first 1/2 too. My mom is doing it with me. I had never even done a 5k when I signed up for this thing. I will be walking it. The Minnie Marathon is a 15k the 1st weekend in May. It is an innaugural women's only event. Several of us are planning on being there. It should be a blast. I'm hoping to be running a little more by then.

Christa-awesome pics! You & bree look great. I cant believe you look so happy doing a marathon.

I got my new shoes today. I can't believe how much cushioning my old ones have lost. These new ones feel great. I also got the shot blocks to try. They look good, & I think they'll go down better than gu.
Thanks, Tiff!
I am with you on the cold. I've resorted to the Y treadmill several times due to weather issues. ICK! Good for you for doing WATP. I say any activity is good!

BTW, how is your mom doing?

I think you will like the bloks! I couldn't handle the gu, but really liked the bloks. Kind of like firm jello. Let me know what you think. Oh, the guy at EMS told us not to get the lemon-lime. I think ours are strawberry.
Wow, all these pictures...Cam,(you are beautiful, great smile) Christa, Bree, Lynn (you young things, no wonder you all have rabbit-like speed) you all look marvelous. I remember seeing Heather, MelR and Sunny's pictures and all I have to say is Wow! what a good looking group of Wishers!! Everyone looks SO healthy, fresh and bright-eyed, yes, you are all athletes. Glowing in an athletic way! It is great to see.

Bree, Bree, Bree so good to hear from you! I thank you for sharing your experiences with us. Hopefully, we will all remember to hydrate. Drink, drink, drink.

lacool, good job on your 16 miler. Glad to hear you tried the cool bath. After 20 miles try the alternating cold hot routine, really works.
Sort term pain for long term gain. :cold:

Welcome Mazzy, how high do you have the incline at? You really don't need to set it at all, maybe 0.5, but I wouldn't go any higher. Getting the miles in is more important than the incline. Get that baby down and you will be able to crank out a 8-10 miler no problem!

Christa, you were 40 minutes faster than your goal time??? Unbelieveable! Your time was so awesome especially tackling those hills in Charlotte. We have the same hills in Hickory so I am really hoping that will be to my advantage when I get to WDW.

Speed work for me today, cross train tomorrow. I have to do my 8 miler on Thursday because we are leaving for DH's marathon at Kiawah Island, SC on Friday morning. He is pretty hyped, he has checked the forecasted Saturday weather a gazillion times over that last 3 days.

princessmomma said:
Christa, you were 40 minutes faster than your goal time??? Unbelieveable! Your time was so awesome especially tackling those hills in Charlotte. We have the same hills in Hickory so I am really hoping that will be to my advantage when I get to WDW.
Colleen - I think Bree meant to say I finished 40 min faster than my time at WDW last year. It was a little over 5 hours. Just a reminder of how the crowds and heat can slow you down! My goal was 4:30 so I did finish faster than that. No PR @ WDW this year though. I may try a faster time @ Myrtle Beach....a flat course! :teeth: That is in Feb so I will have to see how I feel then.
Yes the hills are killer!
Welcome mazzypig! Glad you joined us! Here's the link to Minnie:
Disney's Minnie Marathon Weekend

Started packin' my marathon bag last night. Ummm...there are no shorts in the bag ;) Just changed our plans a little so we'll be coming up late Thurs night, staying at ASSports then popping over to the Expo and check-in at BCV as early as possible.

I skipped my SR last night in favor of DD12's National Junior Honor Society induction. :goodvibes This sounds weird to me, but I'm really looking forward to my first 10 miles this weekend. :teeth:

Cam...love the photos! You look fantastic!

Bree and Christa...great photos! You guys really make marathons look like fun! :dog: :dog:

There's a 5 mile run here on Dec 31 which just happens to coincide with my 5 mile taper before the half. Is it reasonable to do a race before the half? Or should I just do 5 miles easy to keep from getting injured?
Just wanted to let everyone know...starting with next week's thread, you'll find us on the brand spankin' new Events/Competition Board. I'll have a link at the end of this week's thread as always, but look for us on the new board starting on Sunday.
It hit me as I was eating my bagel this morning:

ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: :earseek: :earseek:

Krista princess:
Have decided to take it easy for the next couple of days. My car turned into the filling of a sandwich yesterday morning on the way to a 8 AM appt. I was the middle car of a 3 car accident. The car I got pushed into wasn't damaged by my car was damaged both front and rear with the rear being the worse. I ended up with a soar neck and muscle spasms in my back. I will play it by how I feel on Sat. before deciding on the 6 mile LW.

I found the day before the accident the problems with my neck are such that I am being referred to a neurosurgeon for a consult. Being rear ended is not the best thing to happen to anyone but couuld prove damaging for me.

Everyone is doing great with their training. It will be interesting to meet everyone in January.

Meed to get some work done.
Oh, gee, Krista, way to make me sputter on my laptop! I had been thinking in terms of 4 weeks from tomorrow we leave for Orlando. But thinking of the 1/2 as being 1 month away is mind-boggling!

Did an hour on the TM this morning, since last night we had a family night -- "charlie brown Christmas" and tree decorating. I did it pretty steadily at 4.1 mph with a couple of times where I put it at 4.2. 4.1 mph seemed very doable. I think that is about a 14:38 pace or something like that.
Question from a 1st timer. When we signed up for the 1/2 we had to put down a shirt size. Do we get a shirt? If we do, does anyone know what type it is?


Cam-- Wow, you look FANTASTIC! Thanks so much for sharing your pics. I love being able to put a face with a name.n As for motivational sayings, you know mine... "just what makes that little ole ant..." (I'll spare you the rest this time!!!!!)

Bree-- So good to hear from you! Good luck with your crazy December!!!! Great job on the race and thank you for the heads up on hydration.

MelR-- I'm usually a planner, typically I'd have my bags packed and 15 lists made for my trip by now. I haven't done anything yet, EXCEPT LOSE MY DISNEY REWARDS CARD :eek: I'm so mad at myself. I religeously use my disney visa so I can rack up the reward dollars and now the stupid thing is nowhere to be found. I don't even know if I can get the balance transferred to a new card. Grrrr. I still haven't bought our park tickets yet. I better do that today. I don't have a clue how to pack. Usually we go strictly carryon, but this trip I will need one whole carryon just for 4 hours of the stay! I plan to bring all my different training gear just in case (I have a fuel belt, 3 fanny packs, 2 mp3 players, 2 visors, ....... ) And then there's Christmas to contend with. Again, usually I have all sorts of plans in motion. I'm clueless this year. I haven't even started shopping. :scared:

I did lower body weights at lunchtime yesterday (I need to find a "Leg Press Anonymous" I just can't help myself, I haven't reduced my weights). I went to the Y last night at 8:30 PM and ran 6.3 on the TM. I woke up this morning with the start of achilles tendon pain on the right, a glute pull on the right and totally body soreness and exhaustion. I'm finding it hard to move today. So I guess the body is gently trying to tell me it might like to have a little rest ...

Speaking of packing and carryons, do you think it would be "cruel and unusual punishment" to ask Dx to bring home my stinky marathon clothes with him since he leaves Sunday night :rotfl2: It would be nice not to have to deal with them at the resort!
Sunny -- LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!! Resting your body may be the perfect excuse for taking care of everything else. Good luck!
keenercam said:
Sunny -- LISTEN TO YOUR BODY!!! Resting your body may be the perfect excuse for taking care of everything else. Good luck!

Its hard to hear my body over the audible moans and groans :rotfl: :rotfl2:

But seriously, I am resting today! THanks!
Just a word to those who are flying. Have a carryon with you that has your shoes and race outfit in it. I always do this. It would be a pitty to get to WDW and the airlines have lost your bags with your shoes. :earseek:
gatorphipps said:
Just a word to those who are flying. Have a carryon with you that has your shoes and race outfit in it. I always do this. It would be a pitty to get to WDW and the airlines have lost your bags with your shoes. :earseek:

Christa -- It is SOOO funny that you said this. Just yesterday I totally re-wrote my packing list to make room in my carryon for all my running gear. Especially since I have a pair of those very high-tech shoes that are huge and heavy and take up a lot of room. My carry-on is now all 1/2 marathon gear and toiletries.
Congrats on your Thunder Road finishes! For those of you who are not familiar with our town, that marathon course is a bear. You cannot imagine the number of very steep hills were included in that route. I ran down Queens Rd in the opposite direction of the marathon and passed the water stop at mile 10. I thought of you both and sent mental good wishes your way.

I did 13.5 miles on Saturday and that is the longest I plan to go. This weekend will be 8-10 or so depending on how I am feeling. I am going to WDW on the 16th so am moving my long run to the 20th then I think it's taper time! My packet showed up Monday. I am the proud owner of #20711!

Best of luck to all my WISH pals. You are all doing so great!


PS - How 'bout those Panthers? They "vick-timized" the Falcons! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
plutosmyfav said:
I haven't done anything yet, EXCEPT LOSE MY DISNEY REWARDS CARD :eek:

Sunny- I did the same thing just before our trip last year. They can transfer the points to a new card and mail it, but call soon, so they can get it in the mail ASAP!

Speaking of aches and pains -- I got a massage this morning, to deal with the soreness resulting from 16 miles yesterday. It was all I could do not to scream when she reached my quads! :scared1: Then it seemed like a very long walk to my car. I'm sure all that lactic acid is now racing through the rest of my body looking for a place to roost. I'd better go drink some water.

Christa, thanks for the heads-up on carrying-on the race gear. I haven't thought that far ahead yet, but chances are that wouldn't have occurred to me. :flower:

--Leigh Ann
Hey All!!

I've been reading about the packing & carry ons & getting nervous, it's actually going to happen. I have a question for all you that have run/walked the WDW race before.

What did you eat while @ WDW the few days b-4? I've been eating very healthy since I've been training, & am convinced this has a lot to do with my energy levels. That being said, when I go on vacation, I tend to eat a lot of junky food; burgers, fries, you get the idea. I don't think I'll find brown rice concoctions & high protein pasta @ WDW. Any thoughts?? :confused3

I toyed with the idea of bringing some food from home in tupperware, but I think it'd get kinda gross after a while.

Where did you guys eat?



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