Wk of Oct 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Christa - JMO, but hte more you push, the less you may enjoy WDW. If you think you've got a chance of breaking 4 though.....

Judy - OMG! You poor thing. Hope the appt goes well! WTG on that 12! That is huge!!!!

Jen -Hope your back's doing better!

Jodi - I second flipping the 8 and 10 too.

Cam - Hope you're hanign in there.

Christa - Love the pics!

AmyBeth - Hope your PT person can do better than just keep you together!! :wizard: :wizard:

Denny and Lily - Have great trips!!!

MelR - I hope your bronco fix worked!!! :wizard:

Gu note: Although it's slimy, I could not live withought it. I have a hard time breathing and chewing.

Funny side note from Monday - Dh and I were talking marathon goals while running, so my mind was not realy functioning well. I told him I wanted to get an 11 and did not to want to die when I was done. He said, "When did you decide on 11???" Duh, I keep thinking that if we break 5 hours, we finish by 11 am, which is an 11:3o-ish pace. Of course, when I said 11, he thought mpm! :O Oh no, not gonna' happen!

:wizard: :wizard: :wizard: to evryone nursing injuries!
Here is my two cents... Go for it. A sub 4 marathon would be a terrific accomplishment! Especially after running a half the day before. The pace you would need to run is only a 9:10mpm. Then next year only run the full and line that up as a Boston qual race. Depending on your age at the time of Boston 18-34 is 3:40 and 35-39 is 3:45. The 3:45 time is 8:45mpm, totally doable after a sub 4. Think about it,... you would have the confidence of a sub 4 race, a whole year to train, plus no half marathon the day before. Except for Kiawah, there are not many flatter courses. And you will have several Disney races to add to your knowledge of the course.

Disney will still be magical January 7th as well as any other day of the year. Just think of the magic of running the oldest marathon in the states with 500,000 fans cheering you on. Yeah that's right half a million,.. at least that is what the website claims.

You take it easy during the half, soak up the magic then. Take pictures, have fun, but then run your heart out Sunday. Trust me you are still "Goofy" if you run 13.1 miles at a 16mpm or 8mpm, then run a full the next day at 9:10.

The fun for me is acheiving personal accomplishments.

And that is my 2cent,

Good luck,
Christa - Actually, this is pretty much the same plan as what I was doing before. Only difference is that I am doing a 20 and a 23 miler, instead of a 20, 23, and 26 miler. I had been so determined to run the 26 3 weeks before the Marathon because at least then I would have known I could do it, but a post from you along with my injury and need to redo my trianing plan made me realize that I don't have to do 26 in order to complete it on race day.

I am gonna take yall's advice and do 10-8 instead of the other way around for the taper for the race. I am still unsure about this weekend though. Should I run 6 this weekend, 14 the next and then 16 the next? Or should I switch the 6 and 14? Does that make any sense?

Ok, well back to cleaning the house.
wtpclc said:
Holy small world Batman!!!! You know, I was going to add that I was at Kensington for Dian and Susan if they were reading, but didn't. Yes, it was Kensington, yes it was beautiful and I lived in Brighton from 1 to 22 years of age! WHile I was thrilled with the score, MSU had our number at times. They really just beat themselves. (Brainless kick returner, multiple penaties...) PM'ing you for home town details.

Dave and Carrie!!!! OMG! I just talked Susan and Cathy into doing a (approx) 10 Miler out there (LW) for my birthday LOL I decided if I posed it as a birthday request they'd give in :lmao:

I think it was a 15K or a 10K race that the Ann Arbor Track Club does but I have to go back and look at the map on their site. We plan do be doing 10 Miles again starting with Nov 4th and a few weeks later heading to Kensington for a morning LW for the benefit of the hills :teeth: Afterwards we're stopping at Claddagh's in Livonia by Laural Park for a well deserved birthday lunch :woohoo:

Soooo we can expect some sore hill muscles huh? :rotfl2:

My week so far...

only the 3 miles on Sunday because Susan is now in WDW and had to pack.
Monday 3 miles with the dog and it was DARK when we reached the car again, I hate that.

Tuesday - 30 minutes on the elliptical.
Tonight is my night off :surfweb:
Hoping to get in something tomorrow afternoon with the dog again but did ya see? There be snow showers on our horizon! YUCK!!!

Back to work just had to chime in to let you 2 know I had seen the Kensington reference LOL Thanks for info :)
lol Diane! I was thinking you might catch that. I almost put Kensington in my original post, just for you and Susan. Hmmm...10-miler fro a b-day present? I don't know... ;)

Dana - Sorry, I shoudl have caught that hte first time. I'd do 12-6-16, if you think you can do the 14 now.
Greetings TEAM: OK, I got my presentation done a little early for my meeting this weekend so I treated myself by going for a run before lunch. I went outside but it was raining so I ran inside on the treadmill. I did my tempo run on the treadmill, and it was something like 48 min. Those tempo runs are hard, but it was kind of nice doing it on the treadmill and being able to really control my speed and time.

Jodi- Good luck with the 1/2 marathon this weekend. I'm excited for you. I know I can't wait for mine next weekend. Good luck and have fun!

Amy- Good luck with the x-ray. Let me know how it comes out.

Krista- I LOVE your halloween costumes!!! Go STEELERS!!! It looks like you and your hubby were having a lot of fun at WDW! That castle picture is gorgeous. Looks like they kept some of the trim up from the HCOE.

Dana- I'm glad you're not feeling any pain from your runs. Keep it up. I'm going to defer to the more experienced folks about the training plan.

Judy- Your posts just make me laugh. The :banana: banana :banana: story was hilarious. Great job on the 12 miler LR. How is your knee these days? Just saw your post - I hope the pain doesn't get too bad. Hang in there. Good luck with the doctor.

Jen- Here's hoping your back gets better soon.

Christa- Wow, you are getting fast. WTG! No, I for one don't think you are stupid for trying to break 4 hours in the marathon. Sounds like it might be a little tough at WDW with all the people though, but what do I know. I say go for it!

Diane- Thanks for the Pal Mickey info. So are you in Michigan now? I realize I have no idea where you are from. That's so cool that you run in Kensington MP too. I absolutely loved that park when I lived in Brighton, MI. I would go there almost every day. Such a great place. I remember all the herons on the nature trail too. Before I lived in Brighton we lived for about 5 years in Ann Arbor, and I used to do my running on the track at Pioneer High School. My DW and I lived 1.5 blocks from Michigan Stadium, and we sold parking on my lawn. Last year we went back for the Mich/Minn football game, and it was our first time back in about 7 years. I was shocked how much people on that street (Snyder Ave) were selling parking for now. It was about $20. When we were there we were selling parking for $8. Oh, and Carrie, we did drive up to Brighton on that trip last year too because our oldest daughter, DD8 princess:, wanted to see the house/condo she was born in. Yeah, Grand River Ave is sooooooo congested now.

OK, back to work.
Rockclimber said:
A sub 4 marathon would be a terrific accomplishment! Especially after running a half the day before. Good luck,

Dave, I think Christa just signed up for the marathon, I could be wrong though.

Anyway, Christa, it is so doable, especially if you have your friend/pacer.

Dana, personally, I think you are ramping up a little too early with your long runs. Remember though, this is coming from a 40+ year old runner. :guilty: I am curious what everyone else thinks.

Judy - That banana was so funny! I feel pretty good about the nutrition stuff, so i though i could give you a few pointers. Number one - squishy stuff doesn't travel well :teeth: Seriously, it is a good idea to have some calories b/4 you start, but the gels are really hard to stomach if you are not in the thick of activity!! If you keep the gels in a pocket close to your body, your body heat will keep them warm and they will go down more easily. You might actually like the cliff blocks or the sport beans if texture is an issue for you. I found that i really enjoyed the sport beans in the winter as opposed to a near solid gel!! You'll get it all worked out to a science b/4 you are done w/ your training!! CONGRATS on that super fast mile. That is an awesome pace. :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: Sorry, i couldn't resist.

Christa - DUH! You must go for it!!! If you tank, you tank, then you can do the picture stuff, but you have to have something to occupy you since you don't have bree this year!!!
Rockclimber said:
Here is my two cents... Go for it. A sub 4 marathon would be a terrific accomplishment! Especially after running a half the day before. The pace you would need to run is only a 9:10mpm. Then next year only run the full and line that up as a Boston qual race. Depending on your age at the time of Boston 18-34 is 3:40 and 35-39 is 3:45. The 3:45 time is 8:45mpm, totally doable after a sub 4. Think about it,... you would have the confidence of a sub 4 race, a whole year to train, plus no half marathon the day before. Except for Kiawah, there are not many flatter courses. And you will have several Disney races to add to your knowledge of the course.

Disney will still be magical January 7th as well as any other day of the year. Just think of the magic of running the oldest marathon in the states with 500,000 fans cheering you on. Yeah that's right half a million,.. at least that is what the website claims.

You take it easy during the half, soak up the magic then. Take pictures, have fun, but then run your heart out Sunday. Trust me you are still "Goofy" if you run 13.1 miles at a 16mpm or 8mpm, then run a full the next day at 9:10.

The fun for me is acheiving personal accomplishments.

And that is my 2cent,

Good luck,
Thanks Dave! I am only signed up for the marathon (I did Goofy last year) but my pacer friend is signed up for both.
BOSTON! :faint: That is my dream, however...I just don't know if I could ever do it. Thanks for your faith...Hey aren't you pretty fast yourself?

Thanks everyone! I think this will be my #1 goal! But let me see about that! I did my last 18 miler in 2:41 and that put me up for sub 4, but I do not know if I could have run anymore.
This will be my 4th time doing WDW (including Goofy) so "enjoying" the marathon course by going slower is not what I am after...I just don't know if I have set too lofty a goal. :wizard: :wizard:
Go Christa, Go Christa, Go Christa :cheer2:

Hey everyone, I just got the Waikiki dress for my DW from DisneyShopping.com! Ooooh, it's fun getting things delivered to me here at work. My surpise gifts for the marathon announcement are coming together...
Mouse Skywalker said:
Go Christa, Go Christa, Go Christa :cheer2:

Hey everyone, I just got the Waikiki dress for my DW from DisneyShopping.com! Ooooh, it's fun getting things delivered to me here at work. My surpise gifts for the marathon announcement are coming together...

I can't wait to hear more -- you're doing the suprise on your half marathon weekend, right?
Dave - I bought the Waikiki dress last month for me and the girls. Isn't it cute!!! I wish my DH would do something creative like you are. Maybe in January you can have a talk with him!!

Mel - Thanks for the nutrition tips. That's why I love this group!

OK, my back is feeling better today. I didn't have to take my afternoon Ibuprofin. I may try to walk on the treadmill tonight. The Biggest Loser is on tonight and it seems to give me motivation to get moving!!!
wtpclc said:
lol Diane! I was thinking you might catch that. I almost put Kensington in my original post, just for you and Susan. Hmmm...10-miler fro a b-day present? I don't know... ;)

Now now, let's get this straight! The 10 Miles isn't to take the place of a b-day present it's just me guilting them into going. Kinda like it's my b-day so I get to pick the place I want to eat at or pick the movie to watch. I'm just picking the park and the course. Lunch afterwards and gifts are still required LMBO :lmao:

Now that I'm home I've been reading the posts over the last few days...

A big cheer to those that competed this past weekend and pixie dust and best wishes for those competing this coming weekend :)

Thoughts and pixie dust for those dealing with injuries and wondering how Christa (did I get the name right?) did the x-rays and what the verdict was on the ankle.

Hey Dave :wave2: Actually this will be our 1st visit to Kensington although we did do the Milford 10K in 2005 :teeth: I might attempt that one again in 2007, might but not promising. Oy those hills! I'm about an hour from Kensington. We get out to Ann Arbor every so often on Saturdays and I've done the 5K on the 4th of July with Susan (2005). That is put on by the Turtle and the Hare. We've pretty much given up on the smaller races for now to focus on training and the only 5K we're penciled in for is the Hanson 5K in March since they are a stones throw from home. And regarding the Pals... happy to help :)

Judy I have to agree with Dave on your posts. Cracked me up. You and Susan need to get together. When her foot was bothering her she kept saying to it that it could just fall off and she wouldn't care that we weren't coming back for it. Also in the colder months the same thing about it freezing and falling off and no one would care and that she'd just go on with out it so it could just stop annoying her and work probably. LMBO She's a hoot to have with you while training. She totally takes my mind off the miles. OH!!!! I just loved your smiling by the line of you conquering the Half in WDW. That smiley always gives me a laugh too. Can't wait to see you in January where you WILL conquer the Half. :goodvibes

Off to finish chores.

Go Team! Happy healthy training thoughts to all!!!
:thumbsup2 lol DIane. I like the way you think (birthdays). I think you, me, Solo, Bekah and Susan need to get together for the "Run Through (H-E-double hockey sticks)" Or, teh "when *** Freezes Over" run.

(FYI, that is a real city in MI)

BTW, will someone tell dh that I want the bracelet on the finshline???.com site. It was an ad at the top of teh Events board page adn has Marathon/running charms. Very fun site! There's a bracelet on there that says "Run Like a Girl." Too cool! NOw, how to give dh teh hint........;)
Just a drive-by tonight, guys, sorry! I miss you all!
Did a 5 minute warmup on the treadmill (.33 mile) and then did 60 minutes where I walked 4 at 4.2 mph and jogged 1 at 5.2 mph for the ENTIRE 60 minutes. I think I have always skipped at least one interval when it got to be too much.
Tonight was great -- 4.4 miles in 60 minutes -->> 13:38 pace!!!
Judy is inspiring me! :lovestruc Well, you are all inspiring me :grouphug: , but I was so proud of her and thought it was about time I pushed my comfort level.

Hope to talk with you all tomorrow! Miss you terribly :sad:
I got the x-ray's done on my ankle today, they said they would send the results to my doctor and my doctor will be contacting me. I should know something by Friday. I'm trying to decide what to do tomorrow about running; should I stick to just cross training for 50 minutes or should I try to run again--maybe something like r3/w2? My ankle is feeling much better, but I haven't run on it for a week, so that could be why it feels okay. The only reason I'm even thinking about running before I get the results of my x-ray is if my x-ray comes back that it's not a high ankle sprain or fracture or anything like that and I can start running again, how in the world do I run 10 miles on Saturday when I've only cross trained for the past 2 weeks? What do you think? I guess I'll take my clothes with me tomorrow in case I decide to just cross train so I can go to the Community Center after work.

Christa--I definitely think you should go for time at Disney. You've done so many marathons that you don't have to run just for fun or to finish the race. I don't want you to not give it your all on January 7th and cross the finish line disappointed because you maybe ran a little slower to savor the race, but now you are wondering what if you had run for time. Carpe diem!!

Judi--You are so funny!! :banana: :banana: Just wait until November or December when you are trying to eat frozen food. I use to put a piece of Power Bar in my mouth, suck on it to get it soft so I could actually chew it. At least that kept me busy for a little bit. How was eating the Gu on an empty stomach? I've found that eating any of that stuff--Gu, Power Bars, Clif Bars, etc on an empty stomach makes me feel queasy. I usually eat a banana or a granola bar about 30 minutes before I run and then use Clif Bars every 40 minutes and I'm good to go. Like Melissa said, by the marathon you will have everything down to a science.

Dave--I think your wife will love your surprise. What does she think you are training for if she doesn't know about the marathon? Did you tell her you are running your long runs for fun?? :Pinkbounc Oh, and what about those Steelers? They are making me :furious: :furious: :furious: .
wtpclc said:
:thumbsup2 lol DIane. I like the way you think (birthdays). I think you, me, Solo, Bekah and Susan need to get together for the "Run Through (H-E-double hockey sticks)" Or, teh "when *** Freezes Over" run.

I've heard of their races but for the life of me tonight I can't find any info on them. I'll pick up the search tomorrow. I think the Run through... takes place in August? All I could find was results from past years and I mean past past as in 2000 LOL

Remember we use the term "run" loosely course if there is a banana involved either on the course or at the end I do actually run :banana:

ETA: the bracelet sounds neat. I tried to refresh and see if I could get the link to come up but it wasn't tonight so I'll try again another time. :)
Krista - Don't worry about your 10. You can do it and if you are worried about the distance then plan the intervals for the 10 or cut it down to 8 or 9. You will be able to catch back up. I imagine that your legs will be well rested and the 10 will be easier than you expect. I don't think i would run until i heard from the dr.
Now that I have mostly caught up, I'm finally able to take the time to say that I'm back! I did exercise this summer, but nothing that vaguely resembled training. I did do the non competitive RFTC 5k on Sat, a race report from my day is HERE

I plan to be around more than I have been because I have been very lacking in motivation, and being around all of you really does get me motivated.
Morning Everyone,

Thank you all for your well wishes this weekend! Still very excited about the half -- did a little training last night, 5 miles on the threadmill.

Tonight, I will be getting my weekend off to an early start - after work, I've been invited my client teams for pizza and bowling, does bowling count as crosstraining.

I took Friday off to kind of just relax before the run and of course to pick up my race packet -- I only wish that I could afford to stay in Hartford for Friday and Saturday.....It would have made things easier - Oh well!

Well have to get ready for work! Have a great day everyone!


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