Wk of Oct 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Good Morning TEAM: :surfweb:

MfM scheduled rest day for me today after my tempo run yesterday. Sounds good to me.
jodistar said:
I can't wait to hear more -- you're doing the suprise on your half marathon weekend, right?
Hi Jodi- No, I'm going to do it the weekend after my half marathon - the weekend of Oct. 28th and 29th. I thought I would let her see how I made it (hopefully) through the half marathon and then surprise her with the WDW trip for the full marathon. 5 miles on the treadmill - great job! Again, good luck on the 1/2M this weekend. I'll try to get on the computer while I'm in Atlanta to see how you did. I hear you about being able to stay in Hartford overnight. I did book a room at Niagara Falls to stay overnight for my 1/2M, but I'm trying to do it on the cheap.
Jen117 said:
Dave - I bought the Waikiki dress last month for me and the girls. Isn't it cute!!! I wish my DH would do something creative like you are. Maybe in January you can have a talk with him!!
Thanks Jen- I got the Waikiki shirt too for myself so DW and I can match. I have to say that I don't feel like I'm being that creative. I feel more like I'm being sneaky and trying to convince DW about this plan.

Hi Diane- Well have fun with the race at Kensington. You'll love it. So you're a stones through from Hanson. Does that mean your up by Houghton Lake?

Carrie- I remember the "Run through HE**"! I always wanted to run that one.

Cam- Great to hear from you. Good job on your treadmill run and pushing your comfort zone. WTG!!! Hope things are going well for your sooooo busy family.

Krista- I have my fingers crossed for your x-ray. Oooh, I hope it's not anything serious.
aladdinsgirl said:
Dave--I think your wife will love your surprise. What does she think you are training for if she doesn't know about the marathon? Did you tell her you are running your long runs for fun?? :Pinkbounc Oh, and what about those Steelers? They are making me :furious: :furious: :furious: .
Thanks Krista, I hope she likes it. The main thing I'm worried about it how the trip impacts our budget. Money's been kind of tight these days, and I'm hoping she isn't so concerned about how much the trip costs to enjoy it. I really have been saving for almost a year and have the whole trip about covered and paid for (I'm lucky to have received some "extra" funds from travelling and giving talks places), but I'm hoping she doesn't think "well, we could have gotten some new living room furniture with that money". We'll see, I've probably built it up way too much in my mind. :confused3 As far as the long runs go, she knows I'm planning on running a 1/2M next week - so she could just think I'm doing the LRs for that. Months ago we had a conversation about running the WDW full marathon, and I said I wanted to do it. She said if you can train for it, go for it, but nothing more was ever said about it. She may remember that conversation, I don't know. We'll find out soon. Oh, and as far as the Steelers go, I would be furious if they hadn't won the Super Bowl last year. I must admit that I'm still on :cloud9: from the Super Bowl win, and am giving them a break this year. Although more wins is always good! Wins are always better than losses. Also, I have to say that I'm enjoying Michigan's run of wins so far - so that's making up a little for the lack of the Steelers wins.

Nancy- Congratulations on the RFTC! That's awesome! WTG!
Krista- Good luck with your x-rays! I hope its good :wizard:

Judy-Too Funny!! :rotfl2: I hope you got the banana out of your new shoes!

Cam-good to "see" you :sunny:

Yesterday was supposed to be XT but since the boys are home for FAll break I didnt get a chance to go to the gym. So when DH got home from work I went out & did 2.5 miles instead. I almost caved & did nothing, so I am so glad I at least got in those steps!!!!! Its coming up fast & I dont have any time for fooling around :crazy:
Happy Thursday all! :sunny:

Monday and Tuesday went well--about 3.5 miles each day at 11mph. And then yesterday was a rest day--gotta love those. Today I'm headed to the gym to get in 4 miles, probably split between the treadmill and indoor track. I'm really itching to get out on the road--but with 2 small kids and DH being out of town this week, nothin' doin'. No way I can push both of them in a jogging stroller!

Dsis is going to watch the kids Sat. morning so DH and I can get a LR in. Will check in later to let ya'll know how it goes--first LR in LONG time!!

good luck to all those racing this weekend! :wizard:
gatorphipps said:
Thanks everyone! I think this will be my #1 goal! But let me see about that! I did my last 18 miler in 2:41 and that put me up for sub 4, but I do not know if I could have run anymore.

Oh Christa, you're going to be visiting me in BOSTON in no time! :wizard: :banana: :cheer2: :moped:

I'm not sure Disney is the best qualifier due to crowd congestion. If you're willing to travel, the best Boston qualifier (according to Cool Running) is the Baystate Marathon in Lowell, MA. It's a 13.1 mile loop you run twice and it's pancake flat. It produces more qualifier times than any other marathon. So maybe you'll be out to visit me twice ;) Another good one is the Steamtown, PA marathon. It's a point-to-point slightly downhill with a course record of 2:17. Just a little fuel for the fire :woohoo: I'm less than an hour away from both the Boston and Lowell!

I've loved all the recent race reports and pics! This is such an inspirational group. I think I might have thrown in the towell by now if it wasn't for all of you :grouphug:

Speaking of not throwing in the towell, I did a 6 mile TM run last night. The first 5 miles were at 5mph, then a little walking in the last mile gave me an avg pace of 12:10. I did almost all .5% grade, then a little 1% grade. No major pain :banana:

I also did weights, to the tune of 24,000 lbs. Ugh, I used to do 85,000 lbs in a full body weight session... baby steps baby steps!

WTG SUnny! :banana: :banana:

Run Threough H*** - My dad and brother did it once. I think the winter one too. I was still a bit young then, though. SOmething in my brain thinks they may have discontinued at least one, but not sure. Probably teh winter one if tehy did.

Diane - The link is www.finishlinecharms.com.

Cam - Way to go!!!! We miss you too! Hope things slow down for you soon! :grouphug:

Dave - Your wife will love the way you are surprising her!

CHrista - :wizard: :wizard: for the x-rays. I'd stick to XT until you hear someting. One or 2 runs will not help you with the 10. I bet you'll do fine, though. You've done 8, right? Just consider it a taper to your 10-miler. ;) Take it slow and you'll be ok.

nucpharm - Good luck on your LR!!

:guilty: it was :umbrella: and :cold: and windy last night, so we did not go out. :sad2: (Really hpoping Kevin doesn't oppostt that he went out last night or I'll feel even worse.) I won't be home 'til after 11 tonight, so we couldn't just trade days. Feeling guilty now, though, especially when so many people did not throw in the towel.
The boy is home sick from preschool today, so no exercise for me. I think i'm next in line for whatever he has. I may try to do my mid week run on the tm today. If i get too stir crazy, i'll do it. Phil is o n call this weekend, so unless i get a babysitter, i'm going to have a few rest days!!

Sunny - good job on your 5 miler! You are so fast at the walking!!!!! That is great that you were pretty much pain free!!

Krista - hope to hear good news from you today.

Carrie - If i was able to get out and run or ride today, it is 39 and raining!!!!! Where am I?? Akransas or Mich???
MelRhoads said:
Carrie - If i was able to get out and run or ride today, it is 39 and raining!!!!! Where am I?? Akransas or Mich???
Must be in Arkansas, because it's snowing in MI. ;) Then again, I'll take snow over rain adn 39 any day. Hence teh reason we were slackers last night. Brrrrr!
Hey all - It was snowing yesterday afternoon and more is expected for tonight. This is way too early. Now I have to quickly figure out what to wear for cold weather running. I may have to check out ebay.

My back is feeling better. I did 25 minutes on the treadmill last night and another 30 minutes this morning. My back is a little tender, but feel OK. My legs are very sluggish and didn't want to run. I guess after a 3 day rest they decided they had enough. I took it in slow intervals and hope all is well!!! I just don't want to strain my back again. People at work are suggesting going to a chiropractor to keep my spine in alignment, but I have never been to one before, so I am not sure about it.

Well it is freezing cold here and I have tons of work to do. I think I need a warm coffee....
The results are up for the race I ran a couple weeks ago (Rump Roast Run).... I finished 60th out of 150 5K racers. I finished 17th in my age group (30-39) out of 37 runners. I was in the upper 1/2 of the group. I was so excited. It didn't seem like there were that many people behind me yet, but apparently there were.
okay, so I just reread my previous post and I must have still been sleeping b/c I meant to write I did 3.5 miles at 11min miles--not 11mph--Whatever! I guess it's mommy brain! :rolleyes:

But that being said I just had a great work out!!! I did 4 miles at an ave. pace of 9:30 min miles!! WTH! :cool1: I hope my LR is just as good--I just got back from mapping out our course for Sat. A little hilly, but at least it's pretty!

melrhoads--What is up with the weather here! I moved away from WI to get away from the cold in Oct! Funny, though, DH is back in WI for work this week and they got snow yesterday--so I guess we've got it a little better!
Greetings all. What a dreary day it is here in New York.

Today was supposed to be a XT day for me, but, well, the truth is...I kinda don't have any XT. Except stable chores. So I did only 30 min on the TM, 15 @ 3.8 and 15 @ 3.9, @ 1%. Then I did 10 min on the stationary bike. Can't see the tv from there, though. :teeth:

Dave - This is just for you...about my :banana: "banana incident" :banana: ....... :chewy: Laugh it up, Fuzzball! :chewy:

Melissa - Thank you for the nutrition advice. Excellent idea to keep the shots close to me so they warm up. :thumbsup2 I have one more and I'll try that. But I also do want to try the Cliff Shots and Beans. I'm still trying to figure out how to keep a PB&J in my AmphiPod. :teeth:

Christa - I have no advice or opinion on what you should do. You're the expert, I'm just a beginner. :blush: All I would say it do what you think you can, and what would make you happy. I'm sure whatever you set you mind to, you will do and do well. :goodvibes

Jen - Oh I'm so happy to hear your back is feeling better! :yay: Yay!

Diane - Oh, I'm glad I keep you entertained :lmao: ! I think I'm getting a reputation for my twisted sense of humor!

Cam - Oh Cam! I inspired YOU??? :blush: Oh geez! Remember it was you that got me here in the first place! :goodvibes I'm proud of you for what you did last night. :thumbsup2

Krista - Oh you have to wait until tomorrow for the x-ray results? Big time :wizard: for you! No injuries now! Not now! I can't take the gel on an empty stomach, thus the banana that got stepped on. I kinda like Power Bars. I really like the Snickers Marathon Bars. Who had the idea to cut them up into 13 pieces? Was that you Carrie? I love that idea. I may do that too. Heck, I may totally snack my way thru the Half. :teeth:

Sunny - Oh wow! You're really doing great! :thumbsup2 But yes, remember baby steps, baby steps.
Ncpharm - Where in WI did you live? I am in Central Wisconsin currently, but have also lived in western WI and Milwaukee. It snowed yesterday!!! And is supposed to snow tonight again. I don't care if this is WI, it is still too early for snow!!!
Hey team!

I've been working out indoors using the rowing machine and the stationary bike...so far, so good, but I miss my trail walking (dang weather). I also have been running alittle, but find that it hurts my left knee (bum knee due to skiing), so I'm back to just walking. The weather is suppose to be nice this week, so I'm hoping to get some hiking in. You can really tell that the weather is changing because the rec. center is getting packed! Tis the season! ;)

Have a great weekend everyone and I love all the pictures....Krista your sneakers should be bronzed! lol
Hi all!!!

Is it seriously Thursday afternoon and I have yet to write anything?? :confused3

Stephanie-- :welcome:

Krista-- I hop the Drs news is good news! :wizard:

Tiff-- I'll level with you... I hate camping too. Seriously. Days Inn is about the closest to camping I come. :rotfl:

Judy-- Oh, the wonders of gel. I have to admit I LOVE the stuff during my long runs. I can't get the same energy out of Gatorade or SportBeans. Or those DISGUSTING shot blocks!! Eww eww eww eww.

Jodi-- Good luck with your race!

wtpclc said:
:guilty: it was :umbrella: and :cold: and windy last night, so we did not go out. :sad2: (Really hpoping Kevin doesn't oppostt that he went out last night or I'll feel even worse.) I won't be home 'til after 11 tonight, so we couldn't just trade days. Feeling guilty now, though, especially when so many people did not throw in the towel.

Oh HECK NO I did not get out there last night!! (I did go to Spinning, though... so at least that's something I guess) And you better believe I didn't get out there this morning!!

In case those of you are wondering, you can clock it-- October 12th, the first measurable snowfall here in Western Michigan. :cold: Well, fall was fun. :guilty: ( I actually believe that Carrie jinxed us with all of that "Oh, maybe we won't get snow until Christmas talk. Bah Humbug.)

Anyhow, training is going OK. I've gotten a couple of good runs, 3 and 6 miles, both just under 9:00/mile. I have Spinning tonight and then back to back 6 miler on Saturday and 10 miler on Sunday. I haven't decided whether or not to try and get out there tomorrow to make up for the past couple of days.... we'll see.

OK, I better get back to work for the moment...
Happt training all!
Kevin :earsboy:
nucpharm- I'm stuck at home w/ sick boy today anyway, so.... the weather is pretty weird today though. Phil and i will be in lr next fri sat and sun for raid the rock adventure race!! I'm really looking forward to it. the prerace meeting/gear check and skills check is at burns park. that means we will probably finish the race there. i really hope we get to use the new bridge. I need to put my head in the maps to see where the burns park trails start in relation to the bridge and the river trails!!

Judy - you know, they make those "uncrustables" they are frozen pb & j's. You could pack one and let it thaw :thumbsup2 We may try them on our next really long adv. race. The one next weekend should only be about 12 hours, so probably won;t need them for that, but i do have to admit that my stomach is generally messed up by 12 hrs. of gels!!!!!
Mel--my dad bikes a lot from Burns Park and it's really easy to hit the river trail from there--NLR has done a great job with the trail, you can go all the way from the Big Dam Bridge to downtown w/o ever having to be on the street. I have yet to cross the bridge, my dad says it's awesome--he did the 50 mile bike race a few weeks ago--but right now it's so crowded with kids, dogs, etc that he said give it a month so the "newness" will wear off and people will thin out.

Jenn--we used to live in Menasha--right outside of Appleton--for the past 4 years--DH works for Kimberly Clark so that's why we were there. I worked for a pharmacy in Appleton, but travelled a lot to Marshfield to staff their facility! Keep warm!
Nucpharm - I am in Wausau now and know Marshfield and Menasha/Appleton. We like to go to Appleton and shop and when I was in college my roommate was from Hortonville so we partied in Appleton.

Mmmmm.... Uncrustables PB&J!!!! The Poly Concierge serves those (at least when I stayed there they did!). One morning this older lady and her older son (he was in his 50's), took almost the whole basket and shoved them in her purse. She had like 10-15 of them. I was quite upset about that, you would think they would have more manners than that.
Dave.... I'm actually in Sterling Heights which is about a 5 minute drive from Hanson's Running as in the guys and gal who won the Half in 2006. :teeth: I've yet to meet the winners since I tend to stick with one guy who I believe is a miracle worker when it comes to my running shoes. Someday I will be brave enough to participate in the Speed Training sessions they have at my park but for now I just avoid them. Not enough guts to run with the pack since most of the loca park runners are speedy little devils and they RUN constantly I wog but more often walk.

Mel & Kevin if we're blaming Carrie for the snow count me in. I couldn't believe the snow driving this morning. My day off so I ran over to have my new classes fitted better so they don't bounce on my face as I run, talk about a dizzy walk the other night. Egads! This is how crazy I am, DOC had the buy 1 get one promo. I have a pair for work and pretty much every day then I have my 'running' glasses :lmao: These are the ones I spent the money on to have the transitions put in so they darken on a slightly cloudy day AND they have a clip that have a more powerful magnet hold then my everyday ones which would blow away in the wind LOL

Back to the snow.... the other day it dawned on me.... something for the sneakers to grip in the snow/ice in case I have to run across a patch. Last year was pretty good in regards to the paths being clear before the Half and afterwards. We didn't miss much due to snow covered paths but now I'm wondering if I should get something to make me more stable on those snowy-icey patched days. Anyone have something they use? Can't remember what they are called though I saw them in the LL Bean catalog the other day.

Judy it's a good rep to have :goodvibes You keep a smile on our faces how can you ever go wrong?

Oh one more thing besides any thoughts on the shoe thingys with this snow fallling today it also turned my thoughts to warmer running tights. Is there something I should look for in the way of winter running tights/pants? I don't want to over heat but last winter my legs were chilly using my regular pants. I've been picking up my stuff at Target and for warmer weather training have been happy. T.I.A. for any suggestions.

To those unlucky enough to be getting snow and cold temps today stay warm on your runs! To those training in beautiful sunny perfect training temps.... :p drat there isn't a raspberry blowing smiley LOL

Oh and Carrie.... I really like that bracelet too!!!

Happy training even to those lucky devils in the nice weather. :grouphug:
:wave2: Morning all,

I'm new to the Dis boards, and want to say thanks for the inspirational posts, as we all train together for the Jan events at WDW, other races/fitness goals/health/fun.

Also, to all of you who live in cold climates, I am completely amazed at your survival skills. :cheer2: You all are truly inspiring, that you can purposely expend extra calories when the weather is soooooo cold. Keep up the great effort!! And please keep posting about the weather... it reminds me not to complain when the temps drop below 70 (it's still in the high 80's here in Redding, CA). And, we'll all know who to ask for cold weather training tips!!

I look forward to getting to know you all, and hopefully meeting in person at WDW!!

Stay healthy,

Hey all!
Krista - I think I would not run until you heard from the Dr. You may even find this xtraining and "rest" has helped you do better on your LR. You can bike..that can take the place of runs.

Teri and Stephanie-- - :welcome: This is a great group to be a part of....

Jen - Glad your back is feeling better and :banana: for your race results...Did you say SNOW????? :confused3 OUT OF CONTROL!
Don't get me wrong, sometimes it kinda snow/ices in Charlotte, but we are pretty blessed with mild weather.

Melissa - Did you say the boy was sick? Good luck and :wizard: for you and him. Having a sick one is not easy!

Judy - All I can say is :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: ! All your stories crack me up and I cannot wait to meet you.

Sunny - You rocked on your WO! Don't get to confident in my abilities...Boston, maybe when I am 70..... :rotfl: Hey...When you are 100%, lets try to qualify together...with my EQness and your ICness...I know we can do it..or die trying! :lmao: There is also a downhill maraton..like down a mountain like down hill....Lets do that.

Dave - You must be such a wonderful and toughtful husband! :goodvibes

Keven - WOW...Yes, you have had some good WOs. You are fast.

About WDW... I think I am going to go out and just do the best I can...I cannot totally strees about this. Not worth it...I have enough stress @ work and running is my outlet....Whatever I get, I get! That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. :Pinkbounc


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