Wow! we could've used that...

:thumbsup2 Get ideas. Bumping up so more can share.
This is such an awesome thread!!

My tip isn't actually one I have experienced thankfully, but make sure you have a large digital media card or bring extra(s) or for the "technologically challenged" - film. I have heard the horror stories of people trying to put their priceless digital photos on a disc at one of the kiosks, only to lose them.
justplaingoofy said:
FYI, packing quarters may cause delays at airline security checkpoints. Especially if they are rolled because they are dense, xray cannot see through them...SO you are usually selected for additional screening.

This happened to me - the people at the checkpoints could not figure out what those m&m mini tubes that I had filled will 2 quarters/1 penny to the top were... so I was pulled over - twice ... one guy told me they looked very much like some type of explosive to him :blush:
Great thread! Here are my "top three" We drive so the following are great easy to pack and great helpers during our stay:

A tension shower curtain rod to mount directly over the bathtub for those dripping wet swim suits to hang on. :thumbsup2

A power strip to plug in the laptop, digi camera and 2 cell phone chargers in one easy location. :sunny:

Extra hangers for laundry. We don't like to dry our clothes to a crisp nor do we want to spend $$$ on running the dryer over and over trying to get them to dry. We give it one dryer run and then hang them up in the room to finish drying. They are not as wrinkled that way either. :banana:

We're counting down the days... 42 till we see the world again.
This thread is great! :thumbsup2
I've started my list of things to pack, and the dollar store things I can pick up a few at a time and put them up for the trip.
Keep those tips coming!!
Great tips! I really like the power strip one... Here are a few:

1. Permanent marker (mark letter of your name on back of ponchos-easier to find your kids from the back)
2. Empty collapsible suitcase for bringing home goodies
3. Pre-bought autograph books (get them at your local Disney store and velcro a pen to them)
4. ID card (laminate) for your child's pocket
5. 1/2 to 1 inch binder w/tabs for itinerary, tickets, park info, emergency numbers of docs, insurance, family, etc., maps, tips, etc. (carry in tote bag with you on plane)
6. Sam's Club phone card
7. Imodium AD (ugh)
If park tickets are pre-purchased a photo copy of the back of them in case they are lost. I'm told that is the only way disney will replace them. Rechargeable batteries and charger, walkie talkies, light weight beach bag, beach towels from home (I hate the little hotel towels especially when you take a night time swim), although we do use them on the last day so we don't have to pack wet towels. Tea bags because I don't like the food court tea bags, a change purse for basic necessaties and leave the big wallet at home. A denimn shirt for everyone for when you just need a little something to throw on. Linda
Well, I'm not as odd as I thought! I just read this whole thread, and alot of the things I bring that seem odd are on here!
I bring the colapsable laundry bag, over the door shoe rack, Crystal Light singles, cheap ponchos, two beach towels, hand sanitizer, Wet Wipes and individual stain remover packets.
New this year: power strip and extention cord, the new wipes with bleach.
Things not listed that I bring: a queen size quilt. I know, it sounds odd, but the comforter gets removed as soon as I walk into the room, and my quilt goes on. It's always a carryon item, and it actually folds into a pillow, so it's a 2 in 1 for the flight! :teeth:
I tend to overpack every trip! Maybe a few good ideas on packing light this trip. Thanks for the tips. :thumbsup2
The one thing we generally bring that I didn't see listed is antibiotic ointment. Dh got a blister 2 days into our trip once and it became seriously infected by noon. He had put a Dr. Scholl's Blister treatment pad on it and I guess he must not have cleaned it well beforehand, or something got in there.....he was getting feverish and had some bad redness and swelling. We had to spend about an hour soaking off the blister treatment pad (he soaked while I ran to the Boardwalk store to get antibiotic ointment...) and luckily the ointment did its job and seemed to kick the infection by the end of the day. We would have headed to the doc in a box that evening if it hadn't improved.

Lots of great ideas here...I need to get ponchos, antibacterial wipes, dishwipes and maybe even some glow necklaces and mister fans for our upcoming trip!
We always take a couple of zip-lock bags into the parks for our cell phones and cameras when we ride the really wet rides. (Or when the downpours start.) We learned this the hard way. DH shorted out his cell phone when the pocket of his raincoat filled with rain. :sunny:

Chapstick. Sunburned lips really hurt. :teeth:

I usually carry a small travel size deodorant. I can't stand to stink!! :banana:
I wish I had taken some Anbesol or something for toothache, I got a nasty toothache w/ two days left and was miserable the last two days. The kind that the resort shop sold was very nasty tasting and not as strong as regular Anbesol. Now I know to take that as a just in case. :teeth:
Small scissors to cut the moleskin!
Aleve for the joints.
memory chip for camera
aloe vera for when the sunblock is forgotten.
extra hats to replace the lost ones.
RE: The Digital Camera Memory Issue

We're actually going to bring an old laptop my buddy has to dump the camera images into each day. It's relatively small and since we're driving it's a minor addition.

I'm trying to think of everything we take. I swear I am OCD, and I like to make sure all bases are covered.

I love the ziploc bag packing idea....great for little kids, but not so great as they grow, huh? Anyway...I like the idea of repacking it all each day, so there is no need for "packing" when you leave. I usually try to take two suitcases--one for us (my husband & I) and one for my two boys. Then, as the smaller suitcase empties out, I start reloading it with the dirty clothes--same idea as the Ziploc bag idea I suppose. Then, you have them all in a suitcase and ready to go when you checkout--again, no repacking the dirty clothes and much easier to pack back in the car versus a clumpy bag of dirty clothes.

One thing we do, which I learned off these boards (I think) is to buy each child a tube of M&M minis before you leave home. Then, have them--over the months, weeks, and/or days leading up to your trip--stack their coins in it for the pressed penny/quarter machines. I tell mine to "make me an AAB pattern." Quarter, quarter, penny; quarter, quarter; penny; etc." By the time the tube is filled, you just tuck it in your fanny pouch, backpack, etc., and you have what you need all in a row and ready to go! No need to search for loose change or certain coins! :thumbsup2

I also went ahead and invested in those Sterlite plastic containers from Wally World. One is food items, one is medical items, etc. Then, you don't have stuff floating all over your hotel room--on the counters, on the tables, etc. I just stack them up on the wire shelf by the sink, and if we need them, they are at the ready. This is especially helpful in the smaller hotel rooms where space is at a premium.

Oh, yeah! That reminds me....bring a toaster for morning poptarts. We eat breakfast in the rooms and save our dining meal credits for lunch and dinner. Get a refillable mug--then each a.m., you can get your drink and pop in your poptarts and you're ready to go!

Another idea--we always take vinyl clings for our hotel window, and I always make a magnetic door sign. Magnetic printer "paper" is available at W/M and office supply stores. You can make them with any software, print them out, and hang them on your hotel room door! Really helps you find you room on those late nights!

Remember too (see, now my juices are flowing...) to bring a BIG (i.e., THICK) pen for the characters. It is hard for them to hold small, skinny pens....the bigger, the better!

Other ideas--I.D. holder from W/M (99 cents) to hold your KTTW, etc.; buy lanyards and pins THAT YOUR KIDS DON'T LIKE off Ebay before you go--pins are the cheapest and best souveniors TO BUY AT THE PARK (buy all others before you go [i.e., light-up necklaces, etc.]. Do you know why? Just buy ONE! Your child can trade ALL DAY LONG, meaning new "souveniors" ALL DAY LONG, with the CMs! What a rush, and you won't have to spend a penny! Wow! "Free" souveniors at Disney, who would have "thunk" it? :thumbsup2
Great ideas everyone!

One thing I've just purchased is a watch that chimes every hour and has the ability to set four different alarms. When we were there in December, I went a little "commando" and didn't feed my kiddos or myself until we were all super hungry and cranky. This way, we'll stop and have a drink every time I hear the chime and I can set the alarms for breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner, and try to avoid hungry tummies. I found it at Wal*Mart for six bucks!
What a great list... the only thing I can think of to add, and I don't think it's been mentioned, is the travel liquid Tide at Target. I found it over with the health & beauty samples, and it was only $.99! It is good for 4 loads. I also purchased a travel box of All (I think, or maybe Snuggle) dryer sheets in the same area for $.99 (20 in the box).
Detergent tablets. Easier than taking liquids, no spills and light weight, cheaper than buying it in the laundry room. Not something I use at home but it's great for vacation.


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