For all my "Pending" peeps!

Your so nice! Thank You soooo much! Im on cloud nine right now and so is she-- she had to get to her 1st class-- she probably cant even concentrate!! I will write more later as I have to run out now-- but I just had to shout it out----YIPEEEE!!!!!!!

Oh I know if I got the acceptance, I wouldn't be able to concentrate while in class, my mind would be racing and I would definitely be all jittery! It makes me kinda glad I'm taking online courses.:lmao:
Oh I know if I got the acceptance, I wouldn't be able to concentrate while in class, my mind would be racing and I would definitely be all jittery! It makes me kinda glad I'm taking online courses.:lmao:

I'm glad I was home! And I had to work! Luckily I was the first server out of the restaurant last night! I was bouncing off the walls!!


She just called and said she checked her emails and there it was! She'll be doing hospitality!!!!! We didnt have much time to talk cuz she had to get to her 1st class-- she'll call me tonite and we'll talk all about it cuz she has a full schedule today! WE'RE SOOOOO HAPPY!!! I'LL LET YOU KNOW MORE LATER! :rotfl::lmao::banana::banana::banana::laughing::yay::yay::woohoo::woohoo::dance3::cheer2::cheer2:

wow congrats that is not an easy role to get....haha i checked my email had two in my inbox and was pumped cause i thought one had to be from disney.....nope two fantasy baseball trades i couldnt believe it...hopefully mine comes soon either way so i can get on with my life
wow congrats that is not an easy role to get....haha i checked my email had two in my inbox and was pumped cause i thought one had to be from disney.....nope two fantasy baseball trades i couldnt believe it...hopefully mine comes soon either way so i can get on with my life

I know how you feel. I really want to hear something because it seems like everyone is finding out if they were accepted these past couple of days. I'm constantly checking my email!
Well good luck to both of you JonnyJ18 & SpectroMagic125!!

:tink::tinker:Here's a little Pixie Dust for you two as well! Hope it is a potent as it was for Pam and her daughter! :wizard:
I'm glad I was home! And I had to work! Luckily I was the first server out of the restaurant last night! I was bouncing off the walls!!

lol, I can only imagine!! The excitement was off the charts for ya!! And thanks for the pixie dust. It definitely did work for Pam and her daughter, and hope it works for me and Jonny!:goodvibes
congrats to all that got accepted. my dd got the dreaded rejection letter,its a shame cause she is perfect for disney. i guess i should have asked for pixie dust too! its her last semester so i dont know what she is going to do now.good luck to you all still pending.
congrats to all that got accepted. my dd got the dreaded rejection letter,its a shame cause she is perfect for disney. i guess i should have asked for pixie dust too! its her last semester so i dont know what she is going to do now.good luck to you all still pending.

Oh no, that's terrible. I'm so very sorry.:sad1::hug:
congrats to all that got accepted. my dd got the dreaded rejection letter,its a shame cause she is perfect for disney. i guess i should have asked for pixie dust too! its her last semester so i dont know what she is going to do now.good luck to you all still pending.

I'm sorry :hug:


She just called and said she checked her emails and there it was! She'll be doing hospitality!!!!! We didnt have much time to talk cuz she had to get to her 1st class-- she'll call me tonite and we'll talk all about it cuz she has a full schedule today! WE'RE SOOOOO HAPPY!!! I'LL LET YOU KNOW MORE LATER! :rotfl::lmao::banana::banana::banana::laughing::yay::yay::woohoo::woohoo::dance3::cheer2:

Yay! Congrats!

congrats to all that got accepted. my dd got the dreaded rejection letter,its a shame cause she is perfect for disney. i guess i should have asked for pixie dust too! its her last semester so i dont know what she is going to do now.good luck to you all still pending.

I'm so sorry. :hug:
Yeah, starting at about 9am, I'd start half hourly to check and see if she was on my street yet. I think she has some kind of personal vendetta against me, my house tends to be the last house she delivers to.. And not to mention all the times a white packet would happen to be in her hand, I'd be watching her like a hawk to make sure it came to my house!! I'm sure she will appreciate the lack of stalking!

And I was starting to get a little negative too. Especially when you hear kids finding out after a week, or 2 weeks. It's like "WHATS WRONG WITH ME?!?!?!" I was actually having a blah day yesterday, I had a nightmare I got rejected from Disney the night before (the insanity was getting that bad:laughing:), then had trouble getting back asleep, and then esp. with the conversation I had with the woman at Disney. Ironic that the one day I wake with a major chip on my shoulder would be the day I hear something...

I would like to point out the reaction I had resembled something like --->:scared1: and :eek: I am still so surprised by it all. I am kind of glad this was the way I found out. I brought a print out of the email to work and was showing it off to everyone. They are going to be more sick of me by the time I leave!!

YAAAAAAAYYY!!! :mickeyjum :dance3::cheer2::cool1::banana: That's awesome! Tell her congratulations!

That pixie dust is powerful stuff!:wizard::tinker:

Hey, you never know, I may run into her at some point in the apts. or parks! Whenever I find out where I am placed I'll tell you, then maybe we could meet up...

WOOHOO! THIS IS SOOOO COOL! YOU'RE RIGHT-- THE PIXIE DUST IS SUPER POWERFUL!!!!!:thumbsup2 I will also let you know where Tashiana is placed and maybe if nothing else the two of you can meet each other once and talk about her silly Mom (me!) whose so excited you'd think I was the one getting the internship! hee-hee! :cheer2: keep me informed, ok?!!!!!!:yay:
WOOHOO! THIS IS SOOOO COOL! YOU'RE RIGHT-- THE PIXIE DUST IS SUPER POWERFUL!!!!!:thumbsup2 I will also let you know where Tashiana is placed and maybe if nothing else the two of you can meet each other once and talk about her silly Mom (me!) whose so excited you'd think I was the one getting the internship! hee-hee! :cheer2: keep me informed, ok?!!!!!!:yay:

Ironic. My mother is the same way. :rotfl:
hello everyone!

I called the disney recruiting office today to check on the status of my application, and yesterday they said it was still pending, and that they would email me with the status. I didn't get an email yesterday so I called again today, and I was told the decision was already made and I would be receiving a letter in the mail, then she also said "oh you should also check your email". Since this was such a vague answer, I asked "Can you just tell me over the phone first?" LOL and she said "Due to legal reasons, I can't tell you over the phone." LOL :guilty: What do you guys think this means? I read on a post that receiving a letter after you got the pending letter is a bad thing? You guys think I got accepted, or rejected? Please give me your honest opinions. I've waited almost 5 weeks already AHHHHHHHHHHHH =[
hello everyone!

I called the disney recruiting office today to check on the status of my application, and yesterday they said it was still pending, and that they would email me with the status. I didn't get an email yesterday so I called again today, and I was told the decision was already made and I would be receiving a letter in the mail, then she also said "oh you should also check your email". Since this was such a vague answer, I asked "Can you just tell me over the phone first?" LOL and she said "Due to legal reasons, I can't tell you over the phone." LOL :guilty: What do you guys think this means? I read on a post that receiving a letter after you got the pending letter is a bad thing? You guys think I got accepted, or rejected? Please give me your honest opinions. I've waited almost 5 weeks already AHHHHHHHHHHHH =[

Dont worry yet!! Here's the thing. My daughter did exactly what you did-- and the person on the phone told her the same thing they told you. We assumed she was going to get a letter and that it would be a rejection because so many kids were being notified via email that they've been accepted. So, we figured a letter might mean rejection. Well, there was never a letter. I believe it was 2 days after she made that call we were at the point where we figured it was a NO -- then, she checked her emails yesterday morning when she first awoke-- and there it was-- her acceptance! 6 weeks and a few days later! So, do not despair! Be patient and think positive! I know its hard to do, and we started freaking out and being negative and all stressed, etc-- for nothing! Good luck to you! Wish you all the best!:)
I had to jump in here with my daughter's pending situation. I have not heard of one going on as long as ours. My daughter's phone interview was Feb 4th.

That was 10 weeks ago.:eek:

She called Disney yesterday because I was sure that a decision was made and we just didn't know what the answer was. I was surprised to learn that she was still pending. Ten weeks after her interview. Wow. She was refered to her recruiter, who is out until Monday the 20th.

That had to have fallen into a crack, right? They wouldn't tell someone two and half months later that they were rejected, would they? Has anyone ever heard this taking this long?

To say that I am worried she didn't get in would be an understatement.
I had to jump in here with my daughter's pending situation. I have not heard of one going on as long as ours. My daughter's phone interview was Feb 4th.

That was 10 weeks ago.:eek:

She called Disney yesterday because I was sure that a decision was made and we just didn't know what the answer was. I was surprised to learn that she was still pending. Ten weeks after her interview. Wow. She was refered to her recruiter, who is out until Monday the 20th.

That had to have fallen into a crack, right? They wouldn't tell someone two and half months later that they were rejected, would they? Has anyone ever heard this taking this long?

To say that I am worried she didn't get in would be an understatement.

Oh my, 10 weeks??!!! That's insane. She didn't have an audition did she? Wow, I was freaking out and I've only waiting 2 weeks, I could not imagine waiting 10 weeks! I hope your daughter gets accepted after that long wait. That would be just awful to get not get accepted after such a long wait.
I'm still pending as well. At this point, even if I get accepted, I'll be declining the offer because I've already made my plans to graduate in December, and I don't want to postpone that. The spring program would really be better for me. But still, I'd like to know whether or not I impressed Disney on my interview! it's been 8 weeks.
I had to jump in here with my daughter's pending situation. I have not heard of one going on as long as ours. My daughter's phone interview was Feb 4th.

That was 10 weeks ago.:eek:

She called Disney yesterday because I was sure that a decision was made and we just didn't know what the answer was. I was surprised to learn that she was still pending. Ten weeks after her interview. Wow. She was refered to her recruiter, who is out until Monday the 20th.

That had to have fallen into a crack, right? They wouldn't tell someone two and half months later that they were rejected, would they? Has anyone ever heard this taking this long?

To say that I am worried she didn't get in would be an understatement.

wow, ten weeks and still pending! do you know when she recieved her pending letter and did she audition? well either way i hope she recieves and answer real soon!
I had to jump in here with my daughter's pending situation. I have not heard of one going on as long as ours. My daughter's phone interview was Feb 4th.

That was 10 weeks ago.:eek:

She called Disney yesterday because I was sure that a decision was made and we just didn't know what the answer was. I was surprised to learn that she was still pending. Ten weeks after her interview. Wow. She was refered to her recruiter, who is out until Monday the 20th.

That had to have fallen into a crack, right? They wouldn't tell someone two and half months later that they were rejected, would they? Has anyone ever heard this taking this long?

To say that I am worried she didn't get in would be an understatement.

Hi! Did your daughter receive a "pending" letter at any point? 10 weeks does seem long. We waited 6 weeks and a few days and thought that was super long. I wish I could tell you what your next step would be-- but I dont have an answer-- we called and we emailed and never got responses. Just when we gave up hope, my daughter received an early morning email informing her she was accepted. I'm new at this too, so some of these others who post often may have more information. But there must be some way to get an answer other than to keep waiting till Monday. Best of luck to you and we hope you can resolve this quickly and that your daughter is accepted!
wow, ten weeks and still pending! do you know when she recieved her pending letter and did she audition? well either way i hope she recieves and answer real soon!

She did not audition. The pending letter came about two weeks after the phone interview. It was about Feburary 18th or so.

Someone else just posted that they have been waiting eight weeks, so I guess I feel a little better. The longest I had seen on the boards prior to that was about six weeks.

We are going first week in June for family vacation and I did not get my daughter airfare for the week because I thought she would be taking her car down to Florida about the same time. Or her older brother that said he would ride down with her (from Ohio). If I need to get more tickets, so be it, but the idea was that she would be starting her CP around then and that is why we scheduled first week in June.

She worked a year at Six Flags when it was here in Ohio, taught dance at the dance school she graduated from and has been a server at a nice restaurant for the last couple of years and still got a pending letter. Oh well, guess I will just sit tight and see what happens next week.


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