Just want to say I am also just loving your trip report - great job! Looking forward to the rest! :)
We tried making another reservation for this summer and the prices went way up...we got a deal for this trip at 139 a its 189-200 a night. So we will see, Ill definitly let you all know when we are going next. Anyone want to join us?? lol.

yep, summer prices go up some, if you go in aug-sept i think theyre decent though. we went in october and the temps were reasonable, as were the prices.
Love your TR. We've never been, but hope to go sometime after Harry Potter opens. Looks and sounds fun; LOVE your pictures! If you don't mind my asking, what kind of camera do you have?

Not a problem, i love the camera.
The Sony DSC-W35 7.2MP
Check on Ebay they have great deals.
I have it in pink, but i believe it comes in silver and teal.
I got it in nov for my bday and this is like the first time I got to take really good pics with it. They come out very vibrant.

If you need help finding the camera on ebay let me know.
Im baaaacccckkkkk!!!!! lol. I thought I would post some more of my TR before i have to study for my chemistry exam :( booo. Why cant I just live in orlando and play everyday at the theme parks? :confused3

Still Day 2: More Thrill Rides

"Spiderman, The Hulk, Dueling Dragons..WOOOOHOOO"

WE LOVE JURRASIC PARK! The ride was amazing, the first thing scott said to me was his stomach felt as if it was in his throat. I felt the same way, the end drop is soooooo thrilling! These were our faces:scared1: :scared1:


thats us in the back, the really scared ones lol

once again me taking a picture of our picture!:woohoo:

After Jurrasic Park we decided to head over to Dueling Dragons, well we walked through Dr. Seuss land and I saw the cutest little ride! So I forced scott to go on, I know its a kiddie ride but it looked soo cute. I love Dr. Seuss, his books are great!


Would you like some green eggs and ham???

Isnt this super cute, Im telling you I want to live here!!
We headed up to the ride, it was a 10 minute wait and with our hotel key/express pass we waited maybe 2 min! We were so spoiled with the express pass!



This was a pretend ticket booth in the ride, so cute.

THe cast member approached us and asked "How Many" "2 Please" "Row 6"

I love it!



Here comes our train, I litterally was jumping up and down like a kid lol.

(photobucket is not working with me, ill post more later, soo sorry)

Coming up.

Still Day 2: Getting to the end of the night!

"Its Cat in the Hat, I must take a picture with him"
Great trip report! :cool1: I can't wait to read more. Me and DH are thinking of doing Universal for a couple of days this summer.....without the kids......
I would love to stay right at Universal, but all the prices are crazy in the summer. We might have to stay somewhere outside the resort. :confused3
Great trip report! :cool1: I can't wait to read more. Me and DH are thinking of doing Universal for a couple of days this summer.....without the kids......
I would love to stay right at Universal, but all the prices are crazy in the summer. We might have to stay somewhere outside the resort. :confused3

Yea Scott and I want to go again in like July but the prices are too crazy, we thought well maybe lets stay at pop century, since its cheaper BUT then you dont get your express pass ya know? So were not sure, I know we want to go up regardless to do the water parks at Disney.. so we will see.
Yeah, the prices usually don't go down a bit until August so I usually don't hit up Universal in June or July.

Your trip report was awesome.. I'm so sorry about your bad lunch. That was not my doing! :laughing:

I seriously laughed out loud at your churros pictures. I never get them when I go to the parks here but when in California, I get one for like every parade, nighttime show or long line over there. :laugh:

Anyway, I'm getting so hyped for my trip. Thanks for the awesome report! Mine will pale in comparison. I'm telling you now.. I do not take that many pictures. haha
Yeah, the prices usually don't go down a bit until August so I usually don't hit up Universal in June or July.

Your trip report was awesome.. I'm so sorry about your bad lunch. That was not my doing! :laughing:

I seriously laughed out loud at your churros pictures. I never get them when I go to the parks here but when in California, I get one for like every parade, nighttime show or long line over there. :laugh:

Anyway, I'm getting so hyped for my trip. Thanks for the awesome report! Mine will pale in comparison. I'm telling you now.. I do not take that many pictures. haha

I know you gave me good advice on lunch but we didnt head to mythos...major regret, but hey theres always next time. Churros are fun and yummy... I know our pictures are soo funny looking lol Im gonna post some more of my TR just one more day to go.
Im back again to post some more. Just to keep you all updated..On my TR i have to finish Day 2 night and just a little of Day3 then im done..I hope you all are liking it so far

Still Day 2: Getting to the end of the night!

"Its Cat in the Hat, I must take a picture with him"

We really liked the Dr. Seuss ride ( i cant remember the name) it really was lots of fun and very cute. A must do for those with children.

It takes you basically through Dr.Seuss land, this was the restaurant. We waved to those who were eating.


A beautiful view, isnt it?

To be honest, I was amazed by the view through the ride that I didnt really pay attention to the plot of the ride. It was a great little coaster like ride that took us through DR. Seuss land. it really was cute.

After the ride we made a game plan, we had 4 rides left that we wanted to ride
the Hulk
Dueling Dragons
Dr. Dooms Fear Fall
So we decieded to hurry up and head over to the last 4.

Talk about the best for last.


We all know Scott loves fish. I made him take a picture by it lol.:cool1:

A few minutes later and I saw Cat in the Hat! i was so excited, I loved his movie. lol
Then I saw the Grinch but decided to hurry up for the other rides and I skipped taking a picture with The Grinch,


Ok so after our picures we walked hand ing hand on our way to Marvel Comic land.
( i cant remember much of the words)

SO we saw Spiderand and jumped in on the express pass lane. Within 5 min we were seated in our buggy/ride car and then 2 min later we were forced to leave the ride because of Technical Difficulties.

The cast members were so nice they kept us aside so that when it came back on we were the first to get back on the ride! Within 15 min it was back and runningYAY!:yay:


I tried to get a good picture of them.


Us ready to go on you like our glasses???:3dglasses
LOL the ride was amazing. Scott really liked it. The 3D really gets ya excited.
After the ride I noticed Dr. Dooms Fear Fall was right there, so of course with our great benefits of our hotel key we jumped right on in.

Within 5 min we were buckeled up and harnest down. Scott didnt care for it much, his stomach gets very nervous with heights lol. Hes such a baby!
I loved it, I love Free Fall jumps..I litterally was out of my seat at one point.
No pictures on the ride because of course they dont let you.


Scarey:scared1: lol thats the only picture i got :(

2 more rides left.

We then headed to Dueling Dragons and got in the express pass lane and we chose to ride on FIRE since we both have been on ICE in the past...We LOVED IT whata great ride. especially when you feel if your feet will touch the other people onthe coasters feet. Soooo reccomend it!:thumbsup2

After Dueling Dragons we went to THE HULK and got in the EP lane. Another excellent ride, and I wish I took pictures but there is a guarentee that you will get very freaked out lol.

As we were done with those rides it was now 6pm and we started to head to the park exit and head back to the pool then out for one more night at City Walk.

Coming up Day 2: Dinner time
"This pool is delicious"
( in best whiney baby voice) I wanna gooooooooo...Your making me so excited I can't stop surfing the boards and get to work....Wish I was there now.
Im back again, and ready to post more. I hope you all enjoy

Day 2: Dinner time
"This pool is delicious"

Ok so its now 6pm May 2, 2008 and we headed to the park exit. As we were exiting Scott was just ready to jump in the hotel pool. Thats all he talked about. We stopped in some shops by the exit, we didint really buy anything, we just looked around.

We exited the sad :sad1:
We walked where the boats are and got on our Royal Pacific Resort boat. We were beat, we had been at the parks since 9am and we were walking so much and with the sun beating its viscious rays down at us it made us tired. We rode the boat back and planned our night...our plan was to go swimming for about an hour then head up to the room, get ready, and eat at a restaurant in City Walk.....WELL we changed our minds once we stepped one TOE in that delicious pool. (you would have too)


I took this picture because I LOVE:love: :santa: classic xmas movies. lol. This was in the Christmas Store at IOA.


Bye bye IOA, see ya soon!


So we rushed up to our room and changed into our bathing suits. We just couldnt wait, doesnt that pool look YUM!

We got two lounge chairs by the edge of the pool, we set our towels on them and claimed our Relaxation Spot. Scott headed in the pool while I ordered a drink. A DELICIOUS Fruity cocktail, of course i forget the name, but it was soo yummy and refreshing by the pool.


We basically just relaxed and enjoyed the rest of the late afternoon, the dj was there playing good music and they were about to set up for the Torch Lighting ceremony which goes on around 6:30-7pm, around there. I told myself one hour in the pool so we can get ready for dinner...BUT....BUT...
we saw people ordering nachos, and it looked soo good.

THe best thing about the RPH was they had a waitress walking around to take your order, it was soo nice to be in the pool and say "Id like a pina colada and some nachos" lol and they bring it to you. Wonderful service, makes you spoiled.


So i got my drink and sat around to relax and I saw a little worm doing the same thing....getting sun lol.


My yummy tropical drink, I love it...AND i got to keep the cup. YAY! lol. It was soo perfect for the setting. Tropical plants, nice tropical music, the pool, the sun, just P E R F E C T!


THe pool was soo serene and soo turquoise. I love it.

Scott ordered a captain and coke... WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? I said, your pracitcally in Tahiti, you have to order like a Mai Thai or something...he is soo nutty.


By the way, look at that sky..NOT ONE cloud
It was by that time 7pm and just fantastic.

Obviously we didnt want to leave the pool so I said...Scott, lets eat here lets enjoy the pool for the night..Well I didnt have to ask him twice, he was in hog heaven. So we decided to swim a few and then sit by the cabana tables and eat some dinner

The pool was soo nice and the music from the torch lighting ceremony was soo awsome. Scott and I reccomend this place with 1 BILLION thumbs up!
We didnt feel like an orlando tourist, we felt like a tahitian tourist.



This hotel is just beautiful...soo beautiful.

So by 7:15 we headed to a table after drying up at Bula Grille..and of course..WE ordered the "Shipwrecked Loaded Nachos" NOW LISTEN EVERYONE lol....if you go there and eat at Bula MUST order nachos...I REPEAT you must order the nachos...

Now put your right hand over your heart, (yes do it lol) and promise me you will order the nachos at Bula Grille. Because it is soooo delicious, what a PERFECT appetizer by the pool. we were happy.
(ok you can put your hand down lol)


I know, I know, isnt it sooo amazing how yummy they look.
I am drooling just thinking about them, and I know you are too hahah im just playing.

The wait staff was SUPER DUPER awsome and nice, they were quick and helpful.
Scott ordered the Bratwurst (sp?) on a bun and fries...very yummmmmmy.

We kept saying to each other, 'Im so glad we ate here, ugh Im so glad"
It was soo nice to just relax by the pool after a long day at the parks.

I ordered the Chimichurri Steak wraps with this D E L I C I O U S pasta. Im serious it was just P E R F E C T.
I could for that right looks soooo yummy,.
I love food, i know thats such a wacky statement, but when its good food I love to appreciate it and tell everyone.

We sat and relaxed and ate our yummy food...towards the end we had some left overs and asked the waiter for a to go box, so we packed our left overs, paid, and headed to the little beach they had and saw the pretty ducks and I fed them some french fries. It was just soo relaxing and romantic.

Scott posing...major nerd lol

After that it was no 8:15pm and we headed up to shower and go to CityWalk to go to some clubs,

Scott fell asleep after his shower and I got ready. We were exhausted but we wanted to take COMPLETE advantage of the weekend there.

So by 10pm we headed out to the boat and head to CityWalk.

Scott is still tired, next trip we stay longer.


On the way to CityWalk. we just wanted to dance. ( at least I did lol)



Us at The Groove.

So we headed up to The Groove and wanted to dance, they checked our id's and took us to an elevator, which was cool. We rode the elevator up and got inthe club. They were playing really cool :rolleyes1 music, so I got a diet coke and soco and just danced a little with scott. Scott still wasnt 100% feeling good cause he had a headache. :mad:
I told him we can go back to the room but he wanted to stay out a bit more.

After spending a half hour there we exited and went again The Rising Star Karaoke and listened to some people sing again.

It was relaxing and just sat back and watched the karaoke singers lol.

AFter being there an hour, we called it a nice because we both wanted to get into that bad and close our eyes.

So we took some last minute pictures before we left.




It was a beautiful night, but we were tired and called it a night. We litterally hit the sack afterwards.

Coming up:
Day 3: Last day there

"Portofino Bay then going home"

I hope you all enjoyed, have a good weekend.


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