Walking on Sunshine : Celebrating Spring at Universal & SeaWorld - an April/May 2016 PTR

Gina so sorry to hear about Steve's grandfather. It is always so worrisome to have that happen to a loved one as you are heading out of town in less than 3 days. Yea!!! For that part though:-) hopefully everything will be settled by the time you guys head out.
Sending well wishes to dear grandfather. Falls are hard on an old body. I hope he recovers and is not in pain.
Work always seems to be in a flurry before you go in vacation. Just think, in a couple more days, you will be enjoying the Florida sun. And, did you get an email from Universal? Last track for Hulk was laid, so that coaster should be ready soon. I am waiting to see the Kong ride. So looking forward to that one.

Hugs to Steve and your family.
Hi Gina! I'm sorry I have not been able to keep up with your PTR as well as I wanted, but I did want to stop back by and wish you a super, wonderful, fantastic trip! I am looking forward to the trip report! Have fun!
I'm sorry to hear about Steve's grampa, Gina. I hope he's able to make a recovery and that he's not in too much pain. You guys will be in my thoughts.:hug:
Adding my well wishes for Steve's Grandfather to have a speedy and full recovery, that feisty spirit will definitely help!

Hoping you are enjoying your last few days' packing flurry! The anticipation is probably at fever pitch right about now!

Maria :upsidedow
Tomorrow cant come quick enough !!! I haven't even packed yet. Just back from NC. Still exhausted... I need a vacation !! DD still doesn't know yet. This morning she asked if we were going to Disney for spring break... shes a smart cookie... I thought I could fool her > I guess I will tell her tonight. I thought I would surprise her by going to the airport tomorrow night. I need her help packing !!
Sorry to hear about the fall and broken hip, Gina. It is remarkable that Steve still has a grandparent. We are around the same age and lost all of ours years ago.


I'm sorry to hear about the broken hip. He sounds like a fighter, I hope he heals well. Sending you prayer.

I have two questions for you:

1) Best outlets? This is the first time we'll have a rental car and I'm dying to go to the Character warehouse. But which location? Also, Nike Clearance vs. Nike Outlet what's the difference? My boys want to visit Nike.

2) we arrive Saturday. Forecast is calling for 60's in the evenings, is that chilly and breezy? That's 60's here in NYC! Don't know what to pack for the evenings? Next week is calling for 90's during the day. I much prefer traveling in the summer when it's hot, hotter and crazy hot! ;-)

Loving your Pre Trip excitement!

Gina sending my best wishes for Steve's grandfather. My grandma fell and broke her hip when I was 8ish, and it was rough. She was late 70's at the time I'd say. Thankfully she was able to be operated on, and recovered decently for her age. Wasn't able to get around as well.
Sadly, she fell again when she was 90, almost 91. She sadly passed away about two weeks later, but it wasn't from the broken hip. Not sure they could have operated on her with her health. She pretty much sadly had given up, and stopped taking her heart medicine and died from the heart attack. So hearing of other people's grandparents breaking their hips brings back bad memories :( Hopefully his dad is strong, and can recover.

Gina let us know how Grandpa is doing after his surgery.

Gina so sorry to hear about Steve's grandfather. It is always so worrisome to have that happen to a loved one as you are heading out of town in less than 3 days. Yea!!! For that part though:-) hopefully everything will be settled by the time you guys head out.

Sending well wishes to dear grandfather. Falls are hard on an old body. I hope he recovers and is not in pain.
Work always seems to be in a flurry before you go in vacation. Just think, in a couple more days, you will be enjoying the Florida sun. And, did you get an email from Universal? Last track for Hulk was laid, so that coaster should be ready soon. I am waiting to see the Kong ride. So looking forward to that one.

Hugs to Steve and your family.

Have a wonderful trip - safe travels! CaN't wait to hear all about your trip:flower1:

Hi Gina! I'm sorry I have not been able to keep up with your PTR as well as I wanted, but I did want to stop back by and wish you a super, wonderful, fantastic trip! I am looking forward to the trip report! Have fun!

I'm sorry to hear about Steve's grampa, Gina. I hope he's able to make a recovery and that he's not in too much pain. You guys will be in my thoughts.:hug:

Adding my well wishes for Steve's Grandfather to have a speedy and full recovery, that feisty spirit will definitely help!

Hoping you are enjoying your last few days' packing flurry! The anticipation is probably at fever pitch right about now!

Maria :upsidedow

Tomorrow cant come quick enough !!! I haven't even packed yet. Just back from NC. Still exhausted... I need a vacation !! DD still doesn't know yet. This morning she asked if we were going to Disney for spring break... shes a smart cookie... I thought I could fool her > I guess I will tell her tonight. I thought I would surprise her by going to the airport tomorrow night. I need her help packing !!

Thanks everyone .... you guys are truly the sweetest people.

Grandpa came out of his surgery well last night. At last contact from Steve's mom, they had inserted multiple screws in the broken hip to fuse the bones back together. At 92, its hard to say where it goes from here. I have texted my MIL this morning to see if there are any new changes.

@JenLanDisney , Grandpa is the only grandparent we have left between the two of us. We are so blessed to have him still with us at such an advanced age. Losing that final living grandparent will definitely be tough blow to weather. Its hard to let those precious links to the past go.

A big thanks to everyone for the prayers for Grandpa and for the good vacation wishes! I am woefully, horribly behind on packing and must make that a priority tonight (or else we will be spending our vacation at a nudist resort instead of the Vistana :rolleyes2). We are having some minor home updates being done as soon as we get back from Orlando, so there's been a bit of last-minute prep work (counter top selection, measurement submissions, shopping for a few new fixtures) that has eaten up our evenings. Tonight, though, its aqua fit and packing. Nothing more!!

Haircuts are all done, and the summer tires are being put on Steve's SUV today and Jake's car tomorrow. It will be nice not to come home to ANY reminders of winter.

@goofygal531 , I can't be much help on the Character Warehouse recommendations (we aren't big Disney shoppers), but the Nike Clearance Store has afforded us far better shopping bargains than the locations in the outlet malls. The Clearance Store inventory changes regularly (so if you see something, buy it while you can), a more limited stock, and definitely deeper discounts. It's Jake and Steve's favourite shopping stop, hands down. I hope you find some great deals there as well!! As for the temps dipping into the 60's, we (as hearty Canadians) won't find that cold at all. Honestly, that will probably be when Steve and Jake (who are always enviably warmer than me!) are actually comfortable. If in doubt, toss a hoodie into your luggage just in case. We almost always spend the evenings in the hot tubs at the resort, so the cooler air temps at night will be a welcome reprieve. The daytime highs look SPECTACULAR! :sunny:

I'm so sorry to hear about Steve's grandfather, Gina. I'm glad that the surgery went well for him. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers for him and for your family. :grouphug:

I can't believe you only have 2 more days to go!:banana: I am so excited for you guys! I hope you have a wonderful time together and safe travels as well. :wizard:
Thanks everyone .... you guys are truly the sweetest people.


Especially on this forum. Disers are great. Sending you my well-wishes also. My grandfather is also 92 and he is more spry than most 65 year olds!

Spending our vacation at a nudist resort instead of the Vistana :rolleyes2)

:rotfl: You know you're just feeding into @dancin Disney style right? You really can't blame her!!!

The daytime highs look SPECTACULAR! :sunny:

ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY the gorgeous Florida sun! Can't wait to be back there myself.
Oh my gosh, you guys really need this time together as a family! It is still a massive celebration of many things, but also a time for you guys to heal and appreciate each other's company (in lieu of break-ups and surgeries...). If anything, your reason for adding another donut keeps getting longer.
So sorry about Steve's grandfather, prayers his recovery goes well! Getting old is hard, parents health is getting worse, still have little ones to deal with (in my case) and yeah I am at that season of life where I realize that my parents won't last forever. I have one grandmother still living, and she's 90! She's is fairly good health but you can tell things are slowing down a bit.

My family of 5 can easily eat 2 dz doughnuts in 1 sitting, esp if they are HOT and FRESH! I have no doubt that you 3 (or the 2 boys) could do it! lol
It's Friday! And that means one more day, before your off to Florida! That deserves a Wahoo. Hope your grandfather is doing well, and will recover soon. It's so nice that Jake can come too. I bet the Nike store is calling his name.

Have an awesome time!


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