Walking on Sunshine : Celebrating Spring at Universal & SeaWorld - an April/May 2016 PTR

It was a beautiful sunny day here too but cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

Well...that was one way to describe it!! :rolleyes1

Your plans sound great! Make sure someone tries the Haystack at the Silo!:thumbsup2

Mmmmmm......yes!!! Steve and I both had the haystack when we visited there for the first (and only) time a few years ago. Abosolutely delish! But you know, my favourite thing about the place are the views and the atmosphere. So relaxing and so pretty. If I ever win the lottery, my winter home is going to be in Florida and my summer digs will be in the Niagara region ::yes::.

Ok it's official I want Gina to adopt me. Maybe Sunshine will share:lovestruc

LOL, Sunshine would welcome you in with open arms! She is from a large extended family, so our little trio of three is quite perplexing to her sometimes. She often feels sorry that Jake grew up all alone.....of course, he feels sorry for HER that she is pestered by brothers and sisters, LOL!

Also, I reeeeeeaaally hope your non park event starts with Moon and ends with Stone! ::yes::

Nope, but a good guess! ;) Want to give it another shot? I am trying to thing of a hint......but I can't come up with anything good :cool: .

I am so excited for you! This trip sounds wonderful. I wouldn't worry too much about the weather, April is usually nice here.
Sunshine is absolutely beautiful, and you are right, what an incredible smile!

She is a beautiful person, inside and out ::yes::. She's artist and poetic, and so family-oriented. She just lives life genuinely.....and never apologizes for her softness or vulnerability. I really connect with her on many levels. She jokes all the time that Jake is a carbon copy of her father, and he counters with "well yeah, YOU are just like my MOM!". Ha ha ha, poor girl!

One thing I can almost guarantee about April weather in Orlando....no matter what it does, it will still be much nicer than here!! Of course, its just those pesky April showers that could foul up the plans :umbrella: .... and my hairstyle :rolleyes2.

Here I've been checking the Orlando Hotels and Attractions board for you to start the new trip report and you were over here!
I just popped into this forum myself because I'm plotting Universal AP's again for 2017. On Friday dh was offered a job he had interviewed for and it's 20 MINUTES FROM HOME!!!!! If you recall, he's been living in Durham on weekdays for two years. We are over the moon. Naturally one of my first thoughts is that this means more money in the vacation budget with no more rent to pay on his Durham rental, and an extra few days of vacation to play with now.8-)
The new job has no waiting period for vacation to start so our May plans are still in tact and I am happy to plan along with you Gina, like we did for oh so many August trips!
Sunshine just looks like a kind soul. It's nice that she's slipped so effortlessly into your family. I can't wait to see what she thinks of her Orlando travels Bo-bina style!

A huge congrats to your DH on his new job, my friend.....that's news to dance to :banana: and I know an answer to your prayers! I am so, SO happy for you and your family :goodvibes . You guys will have lots to celebrate on your spring getaway! Our time is whitting away quickly.......have you been able to secure a good rate on your car rental yet? (I have been crossing my fingers and mentally sending some good rental vibes your way!)

Sunshine has a very nurturing and loving personality by nature, which is evident in all she does. And she never makes me feel like my "mothering" is unwanted or unwarranted.....unlike the old girlfriend :rolleyes1 (and that's all I'm going to say about that :rolleyes: ). As a mom, you develop a checklist of all the things you want to see in a mate for your child, and this one checks all the boxes for me......most of all, that she loves and respects my boy, just as he is, despite all his little oddities and shortcomings (and Lord know he has a few of those.....he inherited them all from his parents!! :rotfl2:). And really, if you have unconditional love and respect, what more can you ask for beyond that? :goodvibes
A big Happy Family Day to all my Ontario peeps.....I hope you are all enjoying a day off with the ones you love! My boy is in Kitchener until Thursday (he and Sunshine are on their reading week from school, so they left Saturday to spend some time with her family on their break) so its just Steve and I marking the holiday together. I think we might go visiting my mom later, and perhaps Steve's parents too.

On a positive note, its up to a balmy -11 as I type this entry. After -30 or worse for the past two days, this is feeling like a heat wave! :rotfl:
If I ever win the lottery, my winter home is going to be in Florida and my summer digs will be in the Niagara region ::yes::
The Niagara region is really a stunning area!

Nope, but a good guess! ;) Want to give it another shot? I am trying to thing of a hint......but I can't come up with anything good :cool: .
Darn! Your Steve looks like he could get down with some KISS and Def Leppard!:rockband: lol I'll have to wait for a clue, cuz now I have no idea!

On a positive note, its up to a balmy -11 as I type this entry. After -30 or worse for the past two days, this is feeling like a heat wave! :rotfl:
I feel ya!! I didnt even bother to get out of my pajamas let alone leave the house! lol
Here we go again :cheer2::cheer2:

I got worried when I saw the first photo, I thought you'd turned Jake and Sunshine into your favourite minions!

Hope you are warming up a little, you must have a big heating bill with such cold temperatures :scared1:
It was a beautiful sunny day here too but cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.

Hmmm, military quotes, really? That's not really that risqué...

A big Happy Family Day to all my Ontario peeps.....I hope you are all enjoying a day off with the ones you love!

On a positive note, its up to a balmy -11 as I type this entry. After -30 or worse for the past two days, this is feeling like a heat wave! :rotfl:

Wish I could say yes, but alas our agency is open on Family Day; which has always struck me odd as it is a provincially funded agency, and they are the ones who created this day for the REST of the province to take off. Actually Ottawa is still pretty busy as the Feds don't get it off either, although with the schools closed a lot of them have to take it off anyway. Maybe this is like boxing day in reverse; the silly servants actually all work for a change, while everyone else gets the day off.

And it may be warming up, but now we are looking at 30cm (a foot) of snow tomorrow and up to 55cm (almost 2 feet) by next Monday. If it's not one thing, it's another...
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Joining in! Did I miss your TR for Christmas? If I did, please post the link! I love your TRs! DH and I will be heading for a spring vacation, too, but for Disneyland! I am excited, but will miss being able to pop over to Universal easily like you can in Orlando! We will be back in Orlando though towards the end of September, when we plan to go to HHN. Think you will be a Halloweenie there again this year ? :)

Sunshine is one lucky gal!! So many celebrations you guys have all at once! You will all be wearing like 5 buttons. :teeth:
The Niagara region is really a stunning area!

Darn! Your Steve looks like he could get down with some KISS and Def Leppard!:rockband: lol I'll have to wait for a clue, cuz now I have no idea!

I feel ya!! I didnt even bother to get out of my pajamas let alone leave the house! lol

Yes, you are correct.....KISS and Def Leppard would both be right up his alley. If our schedule wasn't already so full, I am sure he would have been sorely tempted to check it out!

Joining in! (At least sporadically...)

Yay! Welcome aboard! :)

Yay!! It sounds like a great trip planned, can't wait to read more!!

Thank you!! Glad to have you along! :flower1:

Things are just getting started here....must set the bar high

*shudder* .... those kinds of comments make me very afraid :eek: .

You know you're from Ontario when....
-11 is balmy and the -1 prediction for tomorrow is a heat wave

It was quite nice to go outside today and not have my eyeball juice freeze within the first 30 seconds of being exposed to the air. Tomorrow I may be tempted to break out my shorts and t-shirts :rotfl: .

Here we go again :cheer2::cheer2:

I got worried when I saw the first photo, I thought you'd turned Jake and Sunshine into your favourite minions!

Hope you are warming up a little, you must have a big heating bill with such cold temperatures :scared1:

Yep, heat costs are high here in the north. Thankfully, we have a fairly efficient furnace, forced air gas heat (which is cheaper than electric) and a reasonably small bunglow, but it still adds up to a large chunk of change.

Sunshine is SO EXCITED to meet the minions! We've been watching the dance party videos on youtube and she can't wait to see them in person!

Hmmm, military quotes, really? That's not really that risqué...

Wish I could say yes, but alas our agency is open on Family Day; which has always struck me odd as it is a provincially funded agency, and they are the ones who created this day for the REST of the province to take off. Actually Ottawa is still pretty busy as the Feds don't get it off either, although with the schools closed a lot of them have to take it off anyway. Maybe this is like boxing day in reverse; the silly servants actually all work for a change, while everyone else gets the day off.

And it may be warming up, but now we are looking at 30cm (a foot) of snow tomorrow and up to 55cm (almost 2 feet) by next Monday. If it's not one thing, it's another...

Sorry to hear you were among the few who had to work on this mid-winter holiday. I had forgotten that for much of Ottawa, being our federal capital, it was business as usual. A quiet day here, though....nothing but Tim Hortons and a few restaurants open in our town (and many dining establishments even closed for the day!).

I pray the weather man is wrong about the snow. Seriously, I am so done with it for this year :sad2: .

Joining in! Did I miss your TR for Christmas? If I did, please post the link! I love your TRs! DH and I will be heading for a spring vacation, too, but for Disneyland! I am excited, but will miss being able to pop over to Universal easily like you can in Orlando! We will be back in Orlando though towards the end of September, when we plan to go to HHN. Think you will be a Halloweenie there again this year ? :)

Sunshine is one lucky gal!! So many celebrations you guys have all at once! You will all be wearing like 5 buttons. :teeth:

I still have to check out and see which parks even offer buttons! (Does SeaWorld? I don't think so......and Universal? I'm not sure!)

You did miss out on my Christmas trip report, but its not too late to read all about it :santa: . You can find it here:


:oops: I'll try harder next time

Oh no....no, no, no......:scared: .
There are really, really wonderful people in this world ::yes::.

This entry is about the kindness of one of them :).

About a month ago (give or take a little.....it was after our return from our Christmas trip), the boys and I were downstairs watching TV together one evening: a basketball game, to be specific (but knowing my sports-loving guys, you had probably already guessed that). Jake had just nicely returned a few days before from a bus trip to Cleveland where he had watched his beloved Toronto Raptors get shamed by the amazing Lebron James and his Cavalier teammates. Even though Toronto lost, he was still oozing about how much fun it was to watch “his” team play in another team’s venue.....there’s just something very fun about having the chance to watch one of your home teams compete outside of your local stadiums and arenas. We reminisced about how much fun it was to watch the Raps play in Orlando back at Christmas 2012, and how we had wished that the scheduled would have allowed us to do so again on our most recent vacation (but sadly, this year Toronto was nowhere near Orlando on the dates that we were there). They casually inquired if I had thought to check and see if the Toronto Blue Jays were scheduled to be in Tampa on any days of our April trip, and I laughed.....what were the chances of that? It was unlikely, at best......and besides, with Sunshine now joining us in April and our dollar on a massive and consistent slide, tickets for four wouldn’t be in our budget anyway. The conversation eventually turned elsewhere and the original question was forgotten.

A few days later, Steve and I were enjoying a relaxing evening by the fireplace.....he was fiddling on his tablet, and I was surfing the net on my laptop. That discussion popped into my head, and I thought, what the heck....let’s check the game schedule and rule that out (so that when Jake asked again....and I knew he would!...I could assure him that it was a non-issue anyway). A couple of clicks of the keyboard, and I had the Jays 2016 game schedule on the screen.

No. Way :eek:. We fly in on the 24th of April, and fly home on May 3rd. So you can imagine my shock when I see that the Blue Jays are slated to play in Tampa for a three game road trip spanning April 29th, April 30th, and May 1st.

What are the chances of that? :confused:

Steve and I discussed it at length.....it almost seemed like fate! Yet, our budget was being stretched by adding both Jake and Sunshine to the plans for this vacation (remember, this was originally supposed to be a couples trip after our big family affair at Christmastime). We knew we had extra dining costs to account for, Jake’s airfare to factor in, and Universal passes for the two kids yet to buy. Every nightly newscast was preaching gloom and doom for the value of our dollar and predicting a steady decline, possibly to the low 60-cent range, without any foreshadowing of a recovery until sometime in late 2017. It really felt irresponsible, financially-speaking, to buy the tickets. But yet, it seemed to be a total shame to miss an opportunity that really did seem like it involved more than just good timing on our part.

I lamented the conundrum to a few folks who I knew would understand our dilemma: I bent my mom’s ear. I discussed it here on the Dis (lots of other Canadians are also feeling our exchange rate pain, so I knew there’d be LOTS of understanding on the boards). I chatted about it to some friends. After endless debate with the boys over many nightly dinners, we resigned ourselves to the fact that we should probably just take a pass. It was the responsible thing to do.

Then, we had the most generous offer extended to us by a friend: knowing about the game, and all the considerations which were keeping us from splurging on the extra event for our vacation, she reached out to us and said she wanted to gift the tickets to our family. I was flattered, flabbergasted, and speechless all at the same time. Let’s just say that I’m not very accustomed to being the recipient of that kind of random, undeserved, unexpected generosity. All three of us were so touched and our hearts so warmed by the incredible offer, but we couldn’t possibly accept......and that’s what I told her.

This friend and I talked often in the days after that.....she truly wanted us to accept her offer. I was way too overwhelmed to accept. My momma raised me to live life by the “Tis better to give than to receive” philosophy, and this was so far outside of my comfort zone that I wasn’t sure how to process it. We had some very thought provoking discussions, though, where she reminded me that sometimes people need to learn to be good receivers as well as good givers. I began to really sense that this was something that she really, truly wanted to do for us.

With the most grateful hearts, we eventually accepted her very kind, very wonderful, very awesome gift. It still overwhelms me....it overwhelms all of us, for that matter ::yes::. I hope she reads this entry and can know how truly appreciative we all are. Her friendship alone has been such a blessing to me.......these tickets are just a happy bonus.

So......our non-park event for Saturday, April 30th is taking us out of Orlando on a little road trip! :drive: We’ll be sporting our finest fan wear and cheering on our beloved Blue Jays at Tropicana Field in St. Petersburg as they face the Tampa Bay rays at 6:10 pm :cheer2:. Our seats are simply amazing .... Fieldside box, smack dab between the Jays dugout and the bull pen. I swear the only way we could be closer to the action is if we were asked to stand in for Josh Donaldson at third base.

Jake informs me the other day.....”Now mom, don’t be insulted by this, because I don’t mean anything bad by it at all. I know you have some awesome things planned for our trip, and I am looking forward to them all....but you know what I’m most excited for? The Jays game in Tampa. I seriously cannot wait!”.

Jake and Steve have authentic player jerseys that they will be happily sporting on game day. I have bought new Jays t-shirts for myself and Sunshine (matching, because we’re hokey like that! :p) and co-ordinating bandanas for our hair in a perfect Blue Jays blue colour.

I love the fact that our T’s are Canadian red, while the guys will be in the official Jays blue. Sunshine was so excited when she saw my purchases, she literally squealed right out loud. (An amusing aside....her dad, who is a HUGE Jays fan, is simply dying know she is going to a Jays game while we’re in Orlando. I think he almost passed out when he heard the news :rotfl2:).

We hope to check out the ray tank located in the outfield (its apparently a joint venture between the Florida Aquarium and the Tampa Bay Rays.....we can even feed them for a small fee!) and of course, since we’ve never visited the Gulf region before, we’ll probably leave early in the day so we can stop at one of the beaches while we’re in town. Of course, weather will be a factor in those plans so we’ll watch and finalize the day’s itinerary a little closer to game day.

Sunshine, artsy gal that she is, is already planning to adorn our cheeks with little red maple leafs and Blue Jays temporary tattoos. Jake is about to experience a sporting event with a decidedly female influence for the very first time. I have always been “one of the guys” when it comes to our family’s sports pursuits, but Sunshine.....she’s all girl. This is going to be a fun change! :teeth:

To the very amazing lady who is making this all possible.....

Know that we will pay forward your kindness. I’m not yet sure how, or when, or for whom, but the moment will come :goodvibes.

Thank you, from all of us :hug:.
Following along again!! LOVE the pre-TR and TR's!
Even though I was born and lived 1/2 my life in the northern states I have found I don't really miss cold/snow much now that we have lived further south: Took the oldest to Golden Colorado last week to check out a school - 60 degrees (F), sunny, patio weather; Home to MO-19 degrees and sleet-however we are back in the upper 60's to 70's this week-hope this means spring is here to stay:)

What a FANTASTIC gift of b-ball tickets!!!! My FIL has season tix to STL Cardinals (for >25 years) so we go to games alot-even got to see a Spring training game one year in Florida.

As far as Jake's GF-sometimes you just know...My DH has fit in with my family from day one and his family has welcomed me similarly - in fact his mom STILL doesn't trust him to drive her car but I've had that privelege for ~20 years now :rotfl2: It is a bit of a running joke in his family actually...And I frequently visit his mom without him if he has to work:)

This is gonna be a fun ride along with you:banana:...
Wow! What a wonderful wonderful RAOK! I am sure you'll pay it forward when the time comes! It is always amazing when things like that happen, but I am so glad it's to you and your family!
Yes, you are correct.....KISS and Def Leppard would both be right up his alley. If our schedule wasn't already so full, I am sure he would have been sorely tempted to check it out!

Yay! Welcome aboard! :)

Thank you!! Glad to have you along! :flower1:

*shudder* .... those kinds of comments make me very afraid :eek: .

It was quite nice to go outside today and not have my eyeball juice freeze within the first 30 seconds of being exposed to the air. Tomorrow I may be tempted to break out my shorts and t-shirts

I still have to check out and see which parks even offer buttons! (Does SeaWorld? I don't think so......and Universal? I'm not sure

That is so awesome!! What I generous gift!!

I've seen many a Yankees game at Rogers Centre so I know the feeling you're describing ::yes::

You guys will have a blast!! I hope those Rays fans aren't too brutal!
Being gifted with Jays tickets is most likely just the return of some good karma. I would be willing to bet that somewhere along the line you have gifted that same friend with good deeds.

While I'm super excited for you to be seeing the Jays it reminds me that I'm not seeing them in March. :sad: They aren't playing at the WWoS while we are there. Last year they were there for 2 games during my visit. Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. On the plus side.....ONLY 22 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!! but who's counting?
It's nice to know that there are some truly wonderful people out there :goodvibes

Yes ma'am. In a world where it sometimes seems as if there is SO much wrong, there are so many good people who are quietly making a wonderful impact. We need to celebrate and recognize those good deeds far more than we do.

Following along again!! LOVE the pre-TR and TR's!
Even though I was born and lived 1/2 my life in the northern states I have found I don't really miss cold/snow much now that we have lived further south: Took the oldest to Golden Colorado last week to check out a school - 60 degrees (F), sunny, patio weather; Home to MO-19 degrees and sleet-however we are back in the upper 60's to 70's this week-hope this means spring is here to stay:)

What a FANTASTIC gift of b-ball tickets!!!! My FIL has season tix to STL Cardinals (for >25 years) so we go to games alot-even got to see a Spring training game one year in Florida.

As far as Jake's GF-sometimes you just know...My DH has fit in with my family from day one and his family has welcomed me similarly - in fact his mom STILL doesn't trust him to drive her car but I've had that privelege for ~20 years now :rotfl2: It is a bit of a running joke in his family actually...And I frequently visit his mom without him if he has to work:)

This is gonna be a fun ride along with you:banana:...

Welcome aboard, my friend! So glad that you have joined us over here!!

I don't have a super close relationship with my MIL, unfortunately. I wasn't the "right" girl for her son. She was hoping for a blonde haired, blue-eyed Dutch girl who would settle down on a little hobby farm and be a stay-at-home mom to a half dozen curly headed blonde babies. Instead, she got a raven-haired, dark-eyed city girl that juggles three jobs and had the audacity to produce an only child :rolleyes1. Poor Steve couldn't have gotten it more wrong if he tried!! :rotfl: We have always been friendly (we share a love for the same guy....she as a mom, me as his wife) but I always felt like I was woefully far from measuring up. I was a disappointment. With that experience, though, I vowed to have a different relationship with my own daughter in law when the time came: so long as she obviously cared for Jake and loved him as much as I did, then we would be more than just related by marriage. I would be her friend. I knew, depending on the girl, this could be harder than it sounds.....but thankfully, Sunshine has made it easy. Assuming she sticks around for the duration (and I hear lots of talk between the two of them about the future.....long term stuff, like marriage and children) I can see her becoming the daughter I never had. What a blessing for me, especially.....not losing a son, but gaining a daughter.

Jake dreams of being a season ticket holder to the Raptors or Blue Jays some day :cloud9: . Not really a possibility if he stays in this area, but if he moves to the big city, its a good goal to have. While life in Toronto has its drawbacks, when it comes to being a sports fan, its an awesome place to be!

Wow! What a wonderful wonderful RAOK! I am sure you'll pay it forward when the time comes! It is always amazing when things like that happen, but I am so glad it's to you and your family!

Aw, thank you for such kind words!! I really do feel very undeserving, and finding the right words to convey just what my heart feels has been hard. I know she knows we are grateful, I just hope she understands how deep that gratitude runs. I can't even remember when someone has been that spontaneously and unexpectedly kind to me, for absolutely no reason at all.

Woohoo! Universal does have birthday buttons! :banana: Sunshine is going to be SOOO happy! That's all she says she wants for her birthday....her own I'm Celebrating button :rotfl2: .

That is so awesome!! What I generous gift!!

I've seen many a Yankees game at Rogers Centre so I know the feeling you're describing ::yes::

You guys will have a blast!! I hope those Rays fans aren't too brutal!

When we were at the Orlando Magic / Toronto Raptors game a few years back, the home fans were super nice. The staff were great, too....they doled out a fun helping of teasing and really made us feel welcome. It's nice when fans can indulge in some friendly rivalry, all in the name of good humour and honest competition. After all, it's just a game :thumbsup2 .

We often see lots of New Yorkers at our Toronto games......with the exchange rate right now, I'm betting even more fans from the USA will make the trip to watch sports games in Canada. Its a good value for y'all if you don't mind the extra drive!

Being gifted with Jays tickets is most likely just the return of some good karma. I would be willing to bet that somewhere along the line you have gifted that same friend with good deeds.

While I'm super excited for you to be seeing the Jays it reminds me that I'm not seeing them in March. :sad: They aren't playing at the WWoS while we are there. Last year they were there for 2 games during my visit. Oh well, I guess it wasn't meant to be. On the plus side.....ONLY 22 DAYS TO GO!!!!!!!!!!! but who's counting?

I am definitely a firm believer in karma.....but I'm still not sure I deserve this generous of a gift. It's exciting and very, very humbling at the same time.

You are down to 22 days until departure??? Hokey smokes! :eek: I bet it can't come soon enough on a day like today, assuming you're getting the same whollop from Mother Nature that we are. They're predicting a full 35 centimeters of snow today before Old Man Winter is finished with his hissy fit. Every bus is cancelled, and travelling is beyond nasty. I even had Steve drop me off at work this morning....there was no way I was making even my 4 km commute in this mess.


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