Wk of Dec 4--2006 Disney Half-Full Marathon Info/Training

Hey, guys! I am giving this one more shot.

We still have an extra bedroom in our Beach Club Villas 2 bedroom unit for Thurs - Sun nights. Is anyone looking for a (cheap) room? Please PM me if you are. It has 2 queen sized beds I believe, and there is a living room, full kitchen and full size washer/dryer. We thought our kids were going with us when we made the reservation and once we realized they couldn't go, there were no studios or 1BRs available.
Hey everyone, I'm back from my not so great honeymoon. Man, don't EVER fly on American. I'll do an OT Trip Report in a few days.

Anyway, one good thing...I DID continue to do the TM every other day while on vacation and even bumped up to 3.3 for 40 minutes with 1% for 10. I'm very happy with it. I try to do a little something more every time.

OK, I have to host my dept holiday party for 40 people in two days so I might be a little busy but I just wanted to take a quick peek thru this week's thread to see what I missed and apparently I missed a lot! You all are so busy!

Cam...thanks for the pics! You ARE very pretty and your progress is amazing and inspirational! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2:
Question to those bringing "spectators" along for the trip. Where do you plan on stationing them to see you? My parents want to see us finish the marathon but I feel like last year the spectators had to wait at a tent area and couldln't actually see the finish line--can anyone remember??
kaf7878 said:
Question to those bringing "spectators" along for the trip. Where do you plan on stationing them to see you? My parents want to see us finish the marathon but I feel like last year the spectators had to wait at a tent area and couldln't actually see the finish line--can anyone remember??

They should only go to the family tent AFTER they see you finish. My guess is that everyone had "we gotta meet up" on the brain and forgot about the finish. Athletes will be getting their medal, getting their finish picture, getting water and food--in other words..you will be busy and they will have plenty of time after they see you finish to get to the tent. The tent is not oriented in any proximity to the finish line.
NYcpa said:
Have decided to take it easy for the next couple of days. My car turned into the filling of a sandwich yesterday morning on the way to a 8 AM appt. I was the middle car of a 3 car accident. The car I got pushed into wasn't damaged by my car was damaged both front and rear with the rear being the worse. I ended up with a soar neck and muscle spasms in my back. I will play it by how I feel on Sat. before deciding on the 6 mile LW.

I found the day before the accident the problems with my neck are such that I am being referred to a neurosurgeon for a consult. Being rear ended is not the best thing to happen to anyone but couuld prove damaging for me.

Everyone is doing great with their training. It will be interesting to meet everyone in January.

Meed to get some work done.

So sorry about your accident. Even if you have to take 2 weeks off, you will be fine. I hope that it isn't anything worse. Be sure to note explicitly any change in symptoms from before the accident and after since you have documented that you had a problem prior. It can get really sticky on the medical claim portion of the accident.

Hope you get better soon. :wizard:
murcor said:
Question from a 1st timer. When we signed up for the 1/2 we had to put down a shirt size. Do we get a shirt? If we do, does anyone know what type it is?



Angela- The shirt is a long sleeve performance-type shirt (not cotton). Last year the 1/2 marathon shirt had Donald Duck on the front, and the marathon shirt had Mickey Mouse. You pick up the shirt at the Expo.

On the topic of shirts, like Lily, I purchased an "I Did It!" t-shirt at the Expo before the race. I was afraid of jinxing myself, but I am so glad that I bought it. To this day I wear it proudly. I am looking forward to buying another one this year.

Kathy- So sorry to hear about your accident. I hope everything is all right. :wizard: to feel better soon.

I got excellent news on Monday. I made partner at my law firm! After 11 years practicing law and having 4 kids in 5 years, this is no small feat. Needless to say, my family is very happy. :cloud9: It is so fulfilling when hard work really does pay off.

I plan to go to the gym to get in a few miles on the TM. I think someone mentioned it here before as a rumor, but John Bingham has confirmed that he will be at the Disney Marathon going for the Goofy. You can follow his training at http://penguintimes.blogspot.com/ I really hope I get to meet him! He has been such an inspiration to me.

Okay, back to work.
Hey all - congrats Bree and Christa, you'll be flying through Disney at this rate.

I skimped a bit on my long run last night. Got a bit of a hip issue that I would normally ignore but I've worked too hard to get sidelined by injury now so took it a bit easy and am off to the physio today. Thankfully we have a sports medicine institute here so they are used to people walking in and saying 'I'm doing a (insert stupidly long event here).. and there's no debating that so how do you want to tackle my problem now'. Don;t think it helps that I've been writing a feature on chronic pain for the last week - and I always get what I'm writing about - sadly it never works when I write about rapid weight loss!!!!

As for spectator info - I'm asking my boyfriend to be at Animal Kingdom for support and then MGM to supply Red Bull (and he'd better make it or he's in serious trouble). As great as it is for people to see you finish, personally I think by then you don't need the support - you've done it, your own endorphins will see you through, but seeing someone you know at some point round the course gives you an extra lift when you need it more. Helen
Heather- WOW CONGRATULATIONS on making partner...4 kids in 5 years???? You deserve a medal for that feat, never mind running a marathon :rotfl:

Seriously, though. Congrats on your accomplishment, it's not easy being a working mom.

First, thanks for filling me in on the Minnie Marathon...I would love to be a part of the inaugural event for women only (I assume it's for women only?), I'm so glad I found out about it!

Second, I almost always run on my treadmill because I only really have time at night, and I'm uncomfortable running alone at night, in the cold. I'm not sure what incline I have it set on because it is somewhat of an older model and doesn't tell me exactly...I just know that I have to work really hard to run (like I'm tired and out of breath at 2 minutes, but I can run on a flat surface outside for an hour and not feel nearly as tired). My theory is that I'm "tricking" myself to work extra hard, so that the half-marathon will be a piece of cake (yeah right). :rotfl2:

Third, I'm trying to "catch up" by surfing around this series of threads but I'm realizing how much I don't know...like about diet..."carb loading"...what to eat/drink during the event...going to the bathroom...wearing a fanny pack...throw away clothes...none of those things had previously occurred to me much. And I had NO IDEA :earseek: that we had to start lining up around 4 am!!! I haven't received my pack of info yet so you guys are my only "inside information" source. I just read about the 90 steps/minute recommendation, I'll definitely have to count next run. I started reading the Marathon Training for Non Runners book, but I only got to chapter 4 before I got bored and quit reading...so I'm "winging it"--which is probably bad.

Last night I did 9 miles on my treadmill, walking (mostly) and jogging when I could. It took me 157 minutes, which comes out to a 17 min/27 sec per mile pace. I'm not sure how much the incline affects this...

So anyway, if you see a brunette with a long braid, looking half-asleep and COMPLETELY clueless and lost on race day, with nobody else there to cheer me on or take pictures, that's me! :wave2: Just point me in the right direction and I'll run/walk with the rest of the herd in the last corral!
Heather -- Congratulations on making partner! How awesome for you! Sounds like you did it in record time!

Kathy -- so sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you recovery is quick and uneventful. I can't imagine how stressful this must be for you. Take good care of yourself.

lacool -- meant to thank you for another great song for my mix. Am going to have to add that near 3 hours! Very cool words!

Christa -- LOVE the new picture in your siggie! :rotfl: Not sure the Evil Queen likes the competition! :earseek:

Mel -- congratulations on DD's National Junior Honor Society induction. Awesome!

plutosmyfav said:
Speaking of packing and carryons, do you think it would be "cruel and unusual punishment" to ask Dx to bring home my stinky marathon clothes with him since he leaves Sunday night It would be nice not to have to deal with them at the resort!

Now THAT is love! :lovestruc Funny story: when I was a college senior, I lived in an on-campus townhouse with laundry facilities at a central location. One day, when Howard and I were leaving my unit, we heard a young guy begging a young woman "If you really loved me, you'd do my laundry." I think Howard took that very seriously, because he has done almost all the laundry in our 21 years of marriage. :love2:

Jodi -- I think you won't have a problem finding food options. You might want to check out the menus on www.allearsnet.com to plan some meals ahead of time. I know we are doing O'Hana's Thursday night, Trails End Friday night, LeCellier Saturday night and leaving ourselves open to whim for Sunday and Monday. Lots of healthy choices around.

Honeibee-- Sorry your trip wasn't completely awesome. That COULDN'T be because it wasn't WDW, could it? ;)

Heather -- I HAVE to have that shirt and I am glad to know that neither you nor Lily jinxed yourselves by buying it at the expo. I have heard that most of the stuff at the expo cannot be bought anywhere else or after the events. So, I am definitely going to the expo with credit card in hand! :cool1:

mazzy-- be sure to wear something lime green so we can spot you and drag you into the fold! :goodvibes

Helen -- I am really curious to hear what they tell you about the hip pain. I am having pain in my right hip but I think it is only when I use the treadmill (though I haven't done a LW outside in a couple weeks, so I guess I will test that theory on Saturday). Not sure whether to use heat or ice or to baby it or to push it. Would love any advice.

Honeibee and Colleen -- Thank you so much for the compliments. I just can't remember the last time anyone other than my husband or children told me I am beautiful or pretty. Sure, I've heard "you have a nice smile" or "that sweater looks nice on you" or "I like your haircut" or "your hair looks pretty like that" and all of that makes me feel really good. :goodvibes But not the straight-on-make-my-heart-sing stuff! So, the compliments here have been very exciting for me. Thank you. :grouphug:

I am so excited about the prospect of seeing John Bingham in person, though I have no illusions of actually meeting him. I am still trying to grapple with the idea of 14,000 people in one place at one time at 4 a.m. at the start of the 1/2. WOW!!
Jodi said:
Hey All!!

I've been reading about the packing & carry ons & getting nervous, it's actually going to happen. I have a question for all you that have run/walked the WDW race before.

What did you eat while @ WDW the few days b-4? I've been eating very healthy since I've been training, & am convinced this has a lot to do with my energy levels. That being said, when I go on vacation, I tend to eat a lot of junky food; burgers, fries, you get the idea. I don't think I'll find brown rice concoctions & high protein pasta @ WDW. Any thoughts?? :confused3

I toyed with the idea of bringing some food from home in tupperware, but I think it'd get kinda gross after a while.

Where did you guys eat?

Jodi - Don't be nervous. You will have so much fun! WDW is really good about being able to meet your nutritional (sp?) needs. You may have to do some planning and/or call ahead for the place you will be eating. But they can alter dishes for you if you call ahead and let then know. I ate pasta both times the day b/4 I ran the WDW marathon. Good for you on eating good!
keenercam said:
Christa -- LOVE the new picture in your siggie! :rotfl: Not sure the Evil Queen likes the competition! :earseek:
Thanks cam! This picture was taken in MGM. That is mile 20 something so I know I am looking oh so good! It was @ the 2004 WDW Marathon - My 1st!
I have lost around 20 lbs from the time that picture was taken. However, I thing 5lbs has found me. I just cannot stay on WW with this training. I know I eat at least 50 points a day.
Sunny - John, our neighbor and adventure race team member has actually washed our socks and bike shoes after a race before. Those are the one's that had been worn for 10-20 hours and had stepped in who knows what, from cow pastures to riverbeds to city water drainage ditches. Maybe if you pack it away in giant zip lock bags before you send it back with him, he could just dump it in the washing machine when he gets home and he will never have to touch it. That wouldn't be too cruel! I'd say if he does agree, you definitely owe him one!!! :rotfl2:

Heather - Congratulations on making partner.

Cam - We watched Charlie brown last night too. It was the boy's first time to see it. we missed the TV version, but I got the video. I'm now a little concerned about his future though. A few weeks ago, he asked me who he was going to marry. I told him he would meet a girl that he liked and it could be her. He said he liked Veruca Salt from Charlie and the Chocolate factory. This morning, he told me he liked the "blue girl" referring to Lucy on the Charlie brown christmas show. I'm thinking he likes the fiesty gals!!!!

It is looking like we are getting snow tonight. If we get much (more than 1 inch) on the ground, they will cancel schools. That means I'll probably miss my long run this week, unless i can find babysitter in the neighborhood!

Christa - how much do the crowds slow you down at disney? Is it a big issue, or does it just add a few minutes onto your total time? If i'm in the 5:15 corral (which is what i put as my projected time) can i still hope to finish in under 5 or am i stuck? When the boy and i ran the furry friends 5k with all of maybe 30 other people, there was one girl who came between me and my girlfriend actually putting her hands out in front of her to make a wedge!! She did it to a couple of people in front of us too. It was really quite comical given the small crowd!
Mom sent me an email yesterday with the subject line "sandwich" telling me to call after 1. I figured she wanted me to wait until after lunch was why it said sandwich. No, that was the description of what the car that is registered and insured in my name(long story, it is her car) had become. Geico is pretty good about dealing with accidents when you are many states away from where it happened. It helps that mom is listed as a driver on my policy. When the deer ran into my car while I was in TX this summer and the car was in NY(poor Mom, she was driving it), they insisted on talking to me first before anything could happen. I made a pre-emptive phone call to them yesterday afternoon and they've been great about dealing with it so far. The real test will be when the policy comes up for renewal in Feb as there were no tickets issued. Therefore the insurance copmanies have to fight it out about liability. Mom said that the cops didn't bother coming until 1.5 hrs after the accident. Yes it was called in as no personal injury but that's probably also why no tickets were issued but still.

I'm also not very happy with the family practice doc she saw last night. Since she's allergic to the cox-2 he wanted to prescribe, he just told her to take higher dose ibuprofen instead. There are lots more options for stronger prescription NSAIDS and he didn't prescribe a muscle relaxant which is very important for dealing with the muscle spasm that tends to occur in the neck and back after something like this. When the kid jumped on my head while I was teaching swimming and I ended up with functional whiplash, I had killer headaches until I got the muscle relaxant that helped with the cervical muscle spasm and I had a normal young person neck. We're really going to need the trip to WDW in a week and a half.

Ran inside with Nathalie on Monday and only did 30 minutes due to no time in the schedule, watched the first half of Mulan while x-train on the bike last night(will finish it Friday), and ran my tempo run outside this morning. It was cold with 20-30 mph winds. I'm having problems trying to run fast- I'm working hard but just not doing the times I was a couple of weeks ago when it was 20-30 degrees warmer. I'm hoping its just the cold and I'm not missing something more. Pretty much I'm counting on the taper and the fact that the race is in FL where it better be warmer.

Congrats Heather on making partner, Mel on the NJHS induction, Christa and Bree on the marathon finish.
Cam- the pictures are great, you look so good. Hey, how is your daughter's college app going? Wasn't she applying early decision?
Welcome to mazzypig and murcor.
Great job on the progress everyone.
There was more stuff I wanted to say that I'm blanking on right now so I may post again later.
MelRhoads said:
Christa - how much do the crowds slow you down at disney? Is it a big issue, or does it just add a few minutes onto your total time? If i'm in the 5:15 corral (which is what i put as my projected time) can i still hope to finish in under 5 or am i stuck? When the boy and i ran the furry friends 5k with all of maybe 30 other people, there was one girl who came between me and my girlfriend actually putting her hands out in front of her to make a wedge!! She did it to a couple of people in front of us too. It was really quite comical given the small crowd!
That is a FUNNY story! The crowds will slow you down a bit. I don't know why my time @ WDW was 5 something and in Charlotte less than 4:30. Only 600 people ran Charlotte, but that is a big jump in time. Crowds, heat, ect....You will be fine. I know you can finish under 5.
mazzypig said:
First, thanks for filling me in on the Minnie Marathon...I would love to be a part of the inaugural event for women only (I assume it's for women only?), I'm so glad I found out about it!

Nahhh--I'm sure men are welcome---though not sought out and certainly outnumberred.

Even the Nike Women's Marathon in San Fran has men in it. I would think it would be key for me to participate as they greatly imporove their chances of winning their age group. :teeth:

I'll go check though for ya.
Lisa loves Pooh said:
I'll go check though for ya.

From the website:

Women Run the World 15K runners must be 11 years or older. All participants must be able to maintain a 15-minute per mile pace.

For everyone's safety, baby joggers/strollers, bicycles, inline skates, skateboards, headphones, and animals will be prohibited on the course

And you can select gender :).

So I am sure there will be some renegade Mickey's--but the event is for women and being marketed as such. :cheer2:
xterratri said:
Cam- the pictures are great, you look so good. Hey, how is your daughter's college app going? Wasn't she applying early decision?

Thanks! And thanks for asking about Jenn. I think decision letters will be sent on 12/15, so we are all on pins and needles but acting like there is nothing going on. Kind of like the white elephant in the room that everyone pretends to ignore. <--- Is that the right analogy? :confused3 Or is it something to do with a 10,000 pound gorilla? :teeth:
Heather-congrats on making partner :Pinkbounc I cant wait to get me an "I did it" shirt. I plan on doing some serious damage at the expo.

Kathy-sorry about the wreck. Hope you heal quickly

I think I'm going to have to break down & do TM in the morning. Oh well, at least it should be warmer,drier for the weekend & can do LR outside. Although I dont consider 6 miles very long any more. My mom said she did think she'd ever hear me say 6 miles isnt very long. Those aliens again!
Heather congrats on making partner! :cool1: :banana:

Kathy - sorry to hear about your accident. Hope you are ok!

Tiff - I'm right there with ya causing damage at the Expo :teeth: My cc may never be the same!

Only got 45 min. in today. Went to visit family member in nursing home tonight. They had their holiday party for the residents and family members. It was fun, but I felt guilty not getting more time in today.

Snow is coming again tomorrow night. Ugh! Although I usually like the snow, now it's interfering with my outdoor workouts - Yuch!

Hope everyone is having a good week.



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