Wk of Oct 8--2007 WISH Walking/Running Club

Hi guys!! I have not heard from the doctor yet, I have never had x-ray's done before (except for the dentist), so I don't know how long this process takes. I'll just stick to my cross training until I hear something.

Melissa, Christa, & Carrie--Thanks for your opinions, I think I am going to follow them! I've been doing the stationary bike as xt for the past 2 weeks, I wish I could master the elliptical machine, I'm one of those people who bounce and usually give up after a few minutes, I know it's a great workout and as close as it gets to running. Maybe I'll try again tonight, I think I am making it harder than it really is!

Carrie--SNOW?? Yuck! Actually it was 34 this morning when I left for work, it supposedly flurried earlier today, but I didn't see it. The crazy thing is, it was 85 on Monday, it's no wonder we are all sick!!

Jen--My Mom is training for the half and she swears by her chiropractor, she keeps trying to get me to go to him. She has a herinated disk and ankle issues too (that's where I get them from) and she swears up and down that her back and legs feel 100% better now that she sees him once a week. He is even doing the cast for her orthodics for her running shoes.

Melissa--I hope the boy is feeling better today. Pass along the :wizard: to him!!

Judy--I read on the stationary bike and listen to my mp3 player, helps to pass the time, but it stinks when I drop my book, then I have to stop, get down, get my book, find my place, get re-situated on my bike and then start again. Have you tried Clif Bars yet? They are better than Power Bars, but not as good as the Snicker Marathon bars, they come in fun flavors too, like Carrot Cake and Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Crunch. I'm thinking they might not freeze as quickly as Power Bars do, since they are thicker. I just started training with Clif Bars this past summer, so I don't know how they hold up to cold weather. I cut them in half and eat a half every 40 minutes, because they are 250 calories each, so then I'm get 125 calories every 40 minutes, not counting the Gatorade.

Teri-- :welcome:

Stephanie--Great job on your 4 miles!! That's a fantastic pace!

Kevin--What's the RPM's you keep in your spinning class? How do you keep going so fast for so long? Last week I kept my RPM's around 100, I did 6 miles in 17 minutes, but my legs felt like jello! I can't imagine doing that for 30 minutes or longer. I usually keep it around 85-90 and do 7.5 miles in 30 minutes.

Jodi--I keep forgetting, good luck on your half this weekend!!! You will do great! How is Goofy training and TnT going?

Back to work, I have been here since 7:30 with no lunch, trying to make up from leaving early yesterday, it's been a looooong day!!
gatorphipps said:
BOSTON! :faint: That is my dream, however...I just don't know if I could ever do it.

COME ON! You have to do Boston some day! I will even take off work to go cheer you on somewhere along the route, ok?

And maybe you could meet me & Sunny and we could be crazy in Boston. Although, I am now a 30-something married mom, so I might not know what crazy is anymore... :confused3

Chad would love to do Boston, but he'd have to beg & plead to get a waiver. I am going toi ask around at work. A few of our anchors & other employees got them through the station last year.

Judy - I did my first sub 12 miles this week too! Isn't it amazing for us Penguins to do that? CONGRATS!!! Loved the banana story! Sounds like me, I always have some sort of story. Last time, I had to dogde a crazy dog, who's owner wouldn't reel in it's leash. Try dodging some big, unfamiliar dog in the dark, when he has a 30 or so foot radius! :furious:

I hope they fixed your air conditioning! My work is like an igloo. All summer, I would work in the control room with a jacket on, a blanket over my legs, and on really bad days, I'd pull out the knit gloves with the tips of the fingers cut off! Supposedly, it's that 'cool' for the equipment. Then explain why the terminal room (with all the main computers, for lack of a better term) is always nice & toasty? :rolleyes: Since the fall, I just wear my jacket - it's almost balmy! :rotfl:

- nice to see you check in. Awesome pace!

Dave - I cannot wait for you to surprise your wife, then tell us all about it! One of my most favorite things I've done was when I surprised Chad with a 3 days WDW trip for his 30th bday. He knew nothing until I was jumping on the bed at 4am to wake him up to go to the airport. Our bags were packed and waiting in the spare bedroom. I honestly think it was even more fun for me than for him.

As for me and my training, I stink! I am a bonified slug. :sad2: I am so tired. Not following weight watchers that well either. I think alot of it is the stress of Chad's upcoming unemployment. :sad2: I love him to death, but he is the slowest moving, laid back person - and he hasn't even begun thinking about looking for a job. Nevermind, even reading ads or doing a resume. I know it will work out in the end, this part just stresses me out! That & anticpation of our lack of $$$, has me volunteering to work 6 days a week indefinately (we had someone quit recently). So, this is my 3rd Saturday in a row this week. I am taking the next one off, then doing 6 days/week after that until who knows when.

Ok, vent over! Today is supposed to be 30 mins. xt. I think I will do my yoga DVD right after Zack goes to bed tonight. Maybe that will relax me enough so I can fall asleep good tonight.

Keep up the awesome training you guys! I need the continued motivation to get off my behind! :teeth:
I just received my "official" time from the Towpath Marathon this past weekend. I finished in 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 41 seconds (EVEN BETTER THAN I THOUGHT), and I placed 280th out of 399 overall in the half marathon.

Interestingly, my Garmin 201 showed more time, as I reported before, and a longer distance run (13.4 miles versus the 13.1 it should be) I can see why the Garmin would come up short on distance, especially when you occasionally lose a signal under tree cover, but I don't know why it would over measure a distance. :confused3
gatorphipps said:
Sunny - You rocked on your WO! Don't get to confident in my abilities...Boston, maybe when I am 70..... :rotfl: Hey...When you are 100%, lets try to qualify together...with my EQness and your ICness...I know we can do it..or die trying! :lmao: There is also a downhill maraton..like down a mountain like down hill....Lets do that.

Hey, and we could wear those wheelie/sneaker shoe things the kids wear :lmao: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2: Just roll on down the mountain :rotfl: What age to you need to be to qualify with a sub 5-er? 70 might do it.:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Krista-- I wouldn't run on the ankle until you get the results. Don't sweat the 10 miler. Take it from me, you can do the distance without the training, but it will be much slower than usual. I went from nearly nothing to a speed walk of 10 miles Sept 23rd, followed by a half marathon a week later. Not the best way to go about training, but its possible. Good luck with the xray :wizard: :wizard: :wizard: :wizard:

I did an hour of deep water running at lunchtime. Oh it felt great. I did "intervals" of pushing and then not pushing. Funny thing is; either way, I go the same pace! The zero impact on the spine is soooooooo rewarding.
Just got back from a 6 miler...perfect walking weather.

Plutomyfav - do you wear water shoes, or wear hand paddles when working out in the water?
solotraveler said:
In case those of you are wondering, you can clock it-- October 12th, the first measurable snowfall here in Western Michigan. :cold: Well, fall was fun. :guilty: ( I actually believe that Carrie jinxed us with all of that "Oh, maybe we won't get snow until Christmas talk. Bah Humbug.)

Oh, so sorry to hear of your snow
Sept/Oct are the best running weather we get. (You can throw it right back at me come December!) :cold:

As I've said in the past, I am the snow monster in the family. Dx plows for another town so he's gone from the first flake to hours after the storm. We still don't have a solution for this season. Guess I'm just going to have to see what that Rav4 can really do. Three foot snow-plow walls? Sure, why not! I know I can't rely on my little 17yo princess who now has her own car to do any shoveling :rolleyes:
Just got my WDW 2007 calendar in the mail, and it has all the anniversary dates for when the parks/rides opened, but doesn't have the marathon dates. What's up with that? I think we need to call Roy Disney and complain....lol ;)
Kristi1357 said:
COME ON! You have to do Boston some day! I will even take off work to go cheer you on somewhere along the route, ok?

And maybe you could meet me & Sunny and we could be crazy in Boston. Although, I am now a 30-something married mom, so I might not know what crazy is anymore... :confused3

:lmao: :rotfl2: I'm a 43 yo mother. "Getting Crazy" for me is actually watching a movie that isn't animated!:rotfl:

Kristi1357 said:
Chad would love to do Boston, but he'd have to beg & plead to get a waiver. I am going toi ask around at work. A few of our anchors & other employees got them through the station last year.
the other way is to join a charity team like TnT. People at my gym claim you can run Boston without qualifying, I've always meant to ask what they mean.

Denny-- my Garmin always shows more distance than the race. MelR theorizes that it's from weaving during the race. Consequently, my Garmin always gives me a better pace than chip time, too. So I've learned not to get too excited when I look at my Garmin results before the official results are up.

Can anyone tell I'm avoiding work today?????

Judy-- my office is on the 4th floor, too. Up until this recent back stuff I ALWAYS took the stairs to and from and for every trip to the caf for coffee, tea, food (which is on the ground floor). SO tell those knees Sunny's IC will catch up with them if they don't behave! ;) Oh and my plush office is also climately controlled and supposedly a "green" building. I wear thick sweaters all summer long :confused3 :cold: I don't think the temp in here ever gets above 65! Which of course, makes drinking one's required 8 glasses of water a day a real challenge. I sit on my hands alot! Then there's the winter when we can actually turn on a heater in our office. It has two states: off and 85 degrees. You'd think MIT engineers could have done a better job. This buiding is only 10 years old!

monte said:
Just got back from a 6 miler...perfect walking weather.

Plutomyfav - do you wear water shoes, or wear hand paddles when working out in the water?

Funny you should ask. I purchased a set from AquaJogger that consists of the flotation belt, triangular dumbells and strange tube like things for the feet. I did many sessions with just the belt, then I dared to try the dumbells (actually really like the feel of that on my arms) and just today I tried the tube-like things on my feet for the first time. Someone actually asked "what are those?". I felt like saying "I haven't a clue". It definitely added resistance to the lower legs. I could feel my calves and ankles working harder.

This is the set I got:


I highly recommend it to anyone with back pain. I'm substituting one or two running sessions per week with DWR.
Monte the calendar sounds kewl! I like the idea that they have the opening dates on it. Nice touch and I agree they should have Marathon Weekend on there too :teeth:

Judy if you try the frozen PBJ let us know how they work out on the training, I have them in the house always since i'm not a morning person and therefore need a lunch that is grab and go but have never tried them for traininig. I have to add my :thumbsup2 for Clif bars. I only like the Oatmeal Raisin which is funny because I've always been anti-raisin IN my food. But there was a mini sampler Oatmeal Raisin in our goodie bags in January and they got me hooked :lovestruc I haven't cared as much for the other flavors but that is ok, the pantry is already overstuffed with Clif Gels, Clif bar, Sport Beans, Clif Bloks and I DO enjoy the Luna line too thought I've been hooked on the Clif Bar lately.

Buy the way if you have a REI by you they carry Clif products and I think if you buy 12 you get a wee discount and actually....thru Oct 15th they are 25% off which reminds me I have to stop there this weekend LOL I shop for Susan, Cathy and myself so I'm the designated Clif Shot buyer :teeth:

It's been snowing here on and off :scared:
Drive by-

Mom(NYcpa) had her shoulder rotator cuff surgery today and so far is doing really well. Currently sleeping but says the pain is really well controlled. Tomorrow will be the real test though but she has this little pump ball device that will inject painkiller right into the joint.

Wasn't real happy w/ how I ran at the Army Ten Miler last weekend. Went 1:32 for the 10 miles which was a slower pace than I ran Minnie at in May. Realized that between the taper and recovery that while I still had the conditioning to run 10 miles, I didn't really have it to "race" 10 miles. That's okay for now- my focus is really on just making sure I have the base for Goofy and that I don't go into triathlon training injured because...

It's done. The checks are written and I have now committed to doing two Ironman races 7 weeks apart. I should probably be committed. First up will be my third go at IM Lake Placid. I'm doing it with a program called Race4Kids and we are raising money for the Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario. The website is Race4Kids.ca and there is a link to donate to POGO for specific athletes or just make a generic donation to POGO. This will be for RRizzo's niece, Richard Pady's daughter, my sister's school classmate Jesse who should have been Valedictorian if he hadn't died April of their Junior year and all the other kids and their families for whom childhood cancer is a reality. Great cause, great race- win, win.

And then seven weeks later I'll be flapping around in Lake Monona(IM WI- Madison) again in my last year of eligibility in the Collegiate category. I don't know what's odder- doing two IMs in less than 2 months or the fact that in less than 2 years I'll no longer be in school and will be a physician. So my priorities now are to make sure my body is 100% come the first of the year, have fun but not sweat the times running Goofy, study hard, and become a fundraising fool 'cuz it's for the kids.

real name- Lynnette Johnson

Happy training everyone.
PD for Krista's x-ray being clean and no high ankle sprain
Yeah for Sunny's workout
Loved the Towpath, Race for the Cure, Race for the Taste, etc race reports.
Well, everyone I wanted to say I've been off training this week. Way too much on my plate right now and I just couldn't get it going.

I've tried to read up and love what is happening here these days! Welcome Welcome! to our new Team members! You are in the best place with the best team!

Good luck to all playing in events this weekend.

So, Christa's going Boston!~Whoot Whoot! :banana: :banana: I've got faith for you with that. I'm thinking that WDW is not the one to qualify for that. Have more fun and qualify near Sunny and friends!

Who asked about stuff to put on your shoes whilst running when it is a bit snowy/icy maybe slippery? Anyway, I've got the answer! It's callt TM (treadmill). :lmao: I'm sorry I just couldn't resist. If it is suspicious of slip I go put my feet On the TM, not something on my feet. (Did those 22 miles TM for the LR for the full. Can I have fun or what! :crazy:

Lynne, Thanks for letting us know that your Mom's surgery is done. PD to her for quick and good healing.

I've not any more time again. Must finish chores. We leave early a.m. for the WDW cruise 7-day Magic followed by the 4-day Wonder (DVC Member Cruise) topped off with some WDW days and of course a citrus swirl or few...

I will be doing my workouts then and LRs somewhere. May even get a moment longer to check in here. I'm looking forward to more stories.
plutosmyfav said:
:lmao: :rotfl2: I'm a 43 yo mother. "Getting Crazy" for me is actually watching a movie that isn't animated!:rotfl:

the other way is to join a charity team like TnT. People at my gym claim you can run Boston without qualifying, I've always meant to ask what they mean.

I am sure I can ask all the cool 'kids' at work what to do. There is a bar near work called the Red Hat that they all go to all the time... :confused3

You do not have to qualify for Boston. You absolutely can raise money for a charity instead. The minimums are very high - $2k+, I think. There were articles in the Boston papers last year about what a hard time runners were having raising the funds. Alot of them held charity nights at bars, things like that. And they still hadn't met the $$$ requirement.

I know for a fact that two of our anchors and one IT guy got vouchers last year through our sports dept. Chad had a voucher from Jack Hynes at his station in 2002, but got injured during his first WDW marathon and was still in physical therapy by Boston. We did go to the Expo though & get his shirt.

I plan to beg anyone & everyone at my station for a waiver for Chad. I am not proud! :rotfl:

So, anyway, after all that - yes Christa, you have to get up here & do Boston soon! :cheer2:
Although I'm a bit sad to admit it, I'm afraid I have a pretty rough case of Medial Shin Splints. It's been sort of an on and off thing for a couple months, and I took 3 days off prior to the DL half hoping they would go away. I was fine for the race, but then once I started training again they returned. Whenever I take a couple days off I'm fine, but after a week or so they come back. Running back to back races probably didn't help.

After a bunch of reading it's clear that the road to recovery is to scale back training, but this is the time we're supposed to be ramping up mileage not vice versa. I pretty convinced it's not the shoes, I don't think I even have 200 miles on these yet. Which means I guess icing, taping, and trying to avoid running on pavement are the only real remedies.

The real problem is there are no real trails in my area, and I'd have to drive like an hour to get to something workable that's not pavement or concrete. Sand is in option at the beach, but then you have that slope thing to deal with.

Of course I never have this problem when I'm down at 175, but I can't seem to break into the 180s from 191 unless I just ran 6 miles or more, and that's just water weight lost... :guilty:
Dennyha said:
I just received my "official" time from the Towpath Marathon this past weekend. I finished in 2 hours, 10 minutes, and 41 seconds (EVEN BETTER THAN I THOUGHT), and I placed 280th out of 399 overall in the half marathon.

Interestingly, my Garmin 201 showed more time, as I reported before, and a longer distance run (13.4 miles versus the 13.1 it should be) I can see why the Garmin would come up short on distance, especially when you occasionally lose a signal under tree cover, but I don't know why it would over measure a distance. :confused3
FYI...Races are measured from the "inside lane" of the course, so if you weaved in and out or even changed sides of the road it can account for the higher mileage. Not sure if inside lane is a good term, but I hope I am understandable...
BTW - Congrats!
Hey, and we could wear those wheelie/sneaker shoe things the kids wear Just roll on down the mountain What age to you need to be to qualify with a sub 5-er? 70 might do it.
Sunny - :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl2:

Oh Matt, I am so sorry! :wizard: :wizard: for a speedy recovery!

Kristi - Can you wait until I am 70 something...that is when I will qualify..If I can keep up this pace! :rotfl2: B/c I know I could not raise that much money! I am 30 something too w/ 2 DDs...so my idea of fun is taking a nap. :rotfl:

Lily - Have fun on your cruise! No girl..WDW would not be the race to qualify! I like Sunny's roller blade idea....down the mountain... :rotfl2:

Lynne - DUDE! That is all I can say!

OK...Off to bed..I have a 10 miler tomorrow....that not long is it? I guess it's what you compare it to. It is shorter than the run I did last weekend. :lmao: But they had killer food at the race last week...well not really, but at mile 18 even soggy PB&J taist good! Judy, aren't you the one going to try frozen PB&J on a run? :rotfl2: I am just so funny tonight! :rotfl:
Lots of catching up to do. Sorry if i miss anybody.

Teri and Stephanie - :welcome:

Jodi - Good luck this weekend!

Minnie - Have a great trip!

Judy - You crack me up! :rotfl2: Glad your workout was a good one!

- Since you've done the race before, I say Go for It! Push it for as long as you can.

Cam - WTG on your workout! :thumbsup2

Denny - Congrats on your race! :banana:

Nancy - Glad to see you back! :wave2:

Krista - Hope the xrays turn out ok. I know what you mean about the enrgy bars. They seem to freeze up quick in the cold weather!

- Can't wait to hear about the surprise!

Jen - Glad the back is feeling better!

Sunny - Good job on your workouts. Glad you're getting back into the groove! :)

I've been doing mostly short walks this week. Shortly after getting back from WDW, I've developed a wicked cold. Still trying to get the steps in, but keeping it short and low intensity.

I almost feel guilty after hearing all the snow reports in telling you how warm it was for my bike ride this afternoon! Temp at that time was about 90º! Seriously, though, I really did not want to get out there today until I came here and saw what everyone else has been doing. That got me moving and I spent a good quality hour on the bike. So, thanks, everyone for the motivation.

I do have a road hazard story to share. We live in a golf community and about halfway through my ride I very narrowly missed being hit by a flying golf ball. It whizzed by right behind me and if I'd been just a few seconds slower it would have hit me right in the head! That's the second time now that's happened to me. The first time the ball in question was coming from the other side of the road, off the first tee. Between watching for snakes (I nearly ran over a 6 footer with the bike last week), and now golf balls, workouts around here have been hazardous in ways I hadn't expected!

Terri It feels good to be back here and out of my "training slump"! Hope your cold is better.

Cam You rock with that workput! You've come so far!

Krista Go easy on that foot. You still have plenty of time for training!

Christa Add my voice to the group that says "go for it!" You CAN do it! I see Boston in your future!

Sunny Glad to see you're back in training!

Dave I've missed most of the build up to your surprise, but I did know that it was in the works! I'm sure your DW will be delighted with her surprise!

MelR I watched one segment of an adventure race on TV tonight and I've got to say that I'm even more impressed with what you do that ever! This one was even longer that the ones I've heard you describe, but the same sort of race. I got tired watching!

Jodi Have a great time on your half this weekend! I'm sure you'll do great!
Good Morning TEAM:

Had a MfM scheduled rest day yesterday. Felt good. I'm waking up before going to the gym for my x-training. I'm leaving around noon today to head down to Atlanta, and I'll be back on Tuesday evening. I hope Atlanta is warmer than here because all you Michiganders, Kevin, Carrie, and Diane, sent your snow over here!!! BTW: My DW and I work together, and we are both going to this meeting in Atlanta. The Cool AUNT (who will be going with us to WDW for the marathon) just arrived yesterday to watch the princesses, DD5 princess: and DD8 princess:.

Jodi- I just wanted to wish you luck again on your 1/2M this weekend in Hartford. I'm so excited for you. Have a great run. Take it easy though and don't hurt yourself.

Diane- OK, Sterling Heights, home of the Brooks Hanson project - I got it now.

Stephanie and Teri :welcome: It's always good to have new teammates! This group is so supportive and great. I started in January getting off the couch and walking 2 miles, and now I'm planning on running my first 1/2 marathon on Sunday, Oct. 22nd. It's all due to the support and encouragement I got from this group. They've really helped me stick with it all this time. :welcome:

Krista- Good luck with your doctor's appointment. I hope your x-rays are nothing too serious.

Christa- That is a very healthy plan about the WDW marathon. No worries, no stress, whatever you get you'll get, and we'll all cheer you on in Boston!

MelR- I hope the boy is feeling better. My DD5 princess: is starting to get a cold. Hopefully she won't get too sick while I'm gone.

Kristi- I didn't know Chad was losing his job. I must have missed that somewhere. Here's :wizard: :wizard: that everything works out. Hang in there, don't work too hard, and get your steps in.

Sunny- I'm soooooo glad the deep water running is working for you. That's great. It helped me so much when I couldn't run because of my shins. I've been continuing doing it for one of my x-training days. I was going to do it this morning, but the pool doesn't open until 8am and I have too much to do to get ready for my trip to wait until then. So you recommend the dumbells and shoes from aquajogger. I've just been using my life jacket for my SWOGs ("I'm not that strong of a swimmer..."). I might have to look into getting some of the other accessories sometime. Although I think I need to save up for a new MP3 player first. BTW: The snow's coming your way. Just you wait...

Lynne- Please give you mom all our best for a speedy recovery from her shoulder surgery. The Race4Kids sounds like a great idea. Good luck with the Lake Placid IM. Maybe I should come out and cheer you on for that one.

Lily- You didn't get your steps in!?!? You're the one that get's me going!!! Wow, my world is turning upside down. You get out there and get those steps in! You have a great time on your cruise!

Matt- Oh noooooo, medial tibial stress syndrome is what I've been struggling with all year. It hurt so bad this summer that I couldn't run for 2 months and just did aquajogging in the pool. I do hope they go away for you. I solely ran in the pool for June and July, and my shins have been OK since I really started the marathon training in August. However, I'm really careful about giving my legs time to recover, and I only run on the pavement for my Saturday LRs. I'm trying to get my weight down too, but I sound pretty similar to you and am only down to about 188 right now (started over 200 in January though). Hang in there!

Amy- I hope your legs are hanging in there too.

OK, I'm off to the gym, and then off to Hotlanta!!! Have a great weekend everyone.
gatorphipps said:
Kristi - Can you wait until I am 70 something...that is when I will qualify..If I can keep up this pace! :rotfl2: B/c I know I could not raise that much money! I am 30 something too w/ 2 DDs...so my idea of fun is taking a nap. :rotfl:

OT - whenever Chad ask me what I want for my birthday, mother's day, etc. - my answer always is sleep! :rotfl:

I am now going to work on getting 2 vouchers for Boston... :magnify:
I personally don't think you will need a voucher, you speed demon you! :moped:

And thanks Dave! :goodvibes

I didn't end up exercising yesterday either. :guilty: I am in such a rut! I will get out there and do the steps if it kills me today. I think with all this work stress, I NEED it!


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