Wow! we could've used that...

Can't wait to go to the dollar store this weekend to pick up some stuff. :thumbsup2
y'all are so smart!
Our List
Downey WRinkle Releaser! (thanks nurseypooh)
first aid kit
meds: ibuprofen-immodium-cold-eaze, should do it- allegic to Benadryl, (go figure) but I should be ok as long as i don't change any beauty routines.
Rock climbing hookies to keep backpack closed & SECURE- after all it holds our "keyes to the world"
"splashproof" camera w/advantix film
digital camera
hand sanitizer, (people are germy and disgusting)
facial cleansing cloths (6pm- I am germy and disgusting)
sweater/sweatshirt- hot outside/ freezing inside
hair equipment (when it's annoying or for a quick fix before dinner)
Water???( where am I gonna put all this crap???)
Do you think we will need misty fans in October??? I already live in the south so I am used to hot, but nobody likes sweltering
I also have laminated cards with out touring plans and ADR's (yes I am a dork)
oh wedding mouse ears! we will be honeymooning (see note above)
tissue pack
and a good attitude- i liked that, some people forget theirs.
DId I miss anything??
Oh yes a SUITCASE for all my junk, this should be interesting- i think 2 backpacks should do it though.
Here is a web site that was posted on another thread, that I've ordered from and it's awesome. Mini size travel "everything" from cyrstal light-type flavor packs for your water to anticeptic/sunscreen sheets.

Some clever ideas... but ARE YOU KIDDDING A TOASTER OVEN? Please don't fly with your luggage on any plane I'm going on... I tend to pack light and travel quickly! *just kidding....people.*
This is worth bumping...just when I thought I'd heard of everything, I find my "list of things to pack" growing again! :rotfl:
TiggersPal said:
Here is a web site that was posted on another thread, that I've ordered from and it's awesome. Mini size travel "everything" from cyrstal light-type flavor packs for your water to anticeptic/sunscreen sheets.

What a great site! :thumbsup2 Thanks for posting it.
I would definately bring a rain poucho. For me it usually rains at least once when I'm there. I'm not going a little rain spoil my Disney experience!! You can buy pouches at the gift shops but they are kinda of pricey for the short time you'll probably wear them. :thumbsup2
We use the official Disney autograph books. We about to take our 5th trip, and we are still working on filling them up.

I don't remember the Sharpies being a problem. I remember thinking the same thing as you with the bleeding through the pages, but we have character signings on both pages, so I think it worked find from what I can remember.

One of the things that I used this trip that I will use for every other one was homemade Disney Bandana's! I got Disney Fabric from a fabric store, cut it into big squares, stiched the edges (crooked because I can't sew) and we wore them instead of hats on the trip. They all matched and let me tell you I was always able to find my family in the crowd or spot them on rides that I didn't go on. Never mind as well that everyone thought that they were so cool and asked where they could get them. :thumbsup2
marathonmommy said:
We are doing this for the first time. I actually have the retractable Sharpie tied to an autograph book with a ribbon to "hold" pages and have easy access. I thought the Sharpie would give the best looking autograph but thought it might bleed through the disney store bought books. Is this not the case? (I decorated a sprial bound small scrapbook to use instead.) It is a bit heavy though, so if the sharpie doesn't bleed through the official Disney books, I would reconsider for future trips.

The sharpie bleeds a little, but we had the character sign only the right side page. Once we were home I stuck a picture of DS with character getting his autograph on the left side to hide the bleeding.

As for the ribbon idea, I don't know that I have the patience to try and thread it through the binding :rotfl2: I did try velcro last year, but it still kept detaching. Thats why we just kept the book and the sharpie in its own zip loc and I just grabbed the whole bag when we were in the autograph line.
Cinderumbrella said:
The sharpie bleeds a little, but we had the character sign only the right side page. Once we were home I stuck a picture of DS with character getting his autograph on the left side to hide the bleeding.

As for the ribbon idea, I don't know that I have the patience to try and thread it through the binding :rotfl2: I did try velcro last year, but it still kept detaching. Thats why we just kept the book and the sharpie in its own zip loc and I just grabbed the whole bag when we were in the autograph line.
Keeping the autograph book/pen parts in a ziplock baggie is a great idea! I always get so frustrated searching for a pen in the bottom of my bag. My DD likes to pick a certain color sharpie (we have a whole set of the retractables) depending on what character is signing, and so there's this whole annoying unpacking process while in the character line to locate what she wants. Instead of the standard autograph book, we take a cheapie lightweight Tinkerbell 4x6 photo album with 4x6 index cards in it. Characters sign the cards and once we get home we have the digital photos printed up, and then both photos and autograph cards are transferred side by side into the big nice Disney photo album.
The original question was what did you pack that turned out to be a waste...If I pack PONCHOS it wont rain at all (I do have to LUG them around all the parks for this to magically work, though.) I dont have the dollar store kind because they are a HUGE soffocation risk for babies just like a dry cleaning bag. I have the yellow ones with Mickey on them that we bought 8 years ago when it started to DRIZZLE and since the minute we bought them it NEVER rains for us!

We brought tons of snacks from home and the kids didn't want them because they weren't Mickey shaped or disney exclusive...snack divas I have!
cuucuu4karaoke said:
I like to request the free samples online of laundry detergent and just toss those premeasured packs into my suitcase.

There's lots of great free samples out there that are perfect travel sizes.

I like the that was mentioned, but I also just request free samples any time I come across or are told about them. I keep one small suitcase in my closet that I just dump these items into when they come in. Anytime we are traveling, I go through and pick out what I think we'll need. I love it because #1) they were free and #2)I frequently use them up while on a trip and can just throw away and have a little more room on the way back.

For our trip to WDW at the end of the month, I have shampoo, conditioner, body wash, deodorant, toothbrushes, toothpaste, floss, contact solution, facial cleaner, razor, flavored tea, shaving cream, bubble bath, sunscreen and insect repellant wipes (maybe a few others but that's what pops into my mind) that were all free samples that got via mail or that were attached to other products that I bought. :cool1:
Just bumping since I can't live without my lists, I love to read other people's suggestions! :)
STUPID STUPID STUPID! I just re-read the original question and I had read it WRONG (up a few posts) so I feel like a ding-a-ling! So, here's my real answer:

1. diaper cream for the diaper rash my baby COULD get festering all day in a wet/poopy diaper trapped in her stroller feeding on junk food shaped like Mickey Mouse in 100% humidity and 99 degrees HOTTTT.

2. Blister band-aids- the ones at the first aid stations are LAME on my blisters (NEVER bring new shoes no matter what!)

3. Diet PEPSI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Pinkbounc
I love this - I am learning so much. And I have a loooong time to go before I get to WDW! :rolleyes2 But I think planning is half the fun! Keep all the ideas coming. :thumbsup2
Actually, I'm going to add one! I like to take a scented candle or small oil burner with tealights for the room. Probably not the best if you have kiddies with you, but if the room is a bit musty (as some can get) it does make it smell really nice. Also good to have a eucalyptus/menthol type scent if you have a bit of a cold - helps clear the nose. If not a candle, then perhaps a scented room spray..
Last time hubby cracked a filling in one of his molars! We had to find a drug store and get an over the counter temporary filling gummy stuff for it. (can't remember what it was) Thank goodness we had rented a car! I'm packing this for our next trip, that way it won't be needed of course. If i pack it, we never need it, if i forget it...well you know how that goes.
A HAT! Every time we go, I take it out and put it where I will remember it, and every time, I come home and there it more burnt parts and foreheads...I WILL REMEMBER NEXT TIME! (In almost 2 years... :rolleyes1 )


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