*****Official October 2011 Thread*****

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I actually have access to Disney's travel agent website through my dad who used to own a travel agency. So I've been known to use that to help me plan my trips :) Wish I could get the travel agents rates still! Cuz danggg are they cheap.
Hi everyone! We are here now. We just moved over to WL after 3 nights at ASMo. We were in a newly refurbed room in Toy Story there. It was very nice and would absolutely do it again. Now we are in a BB CY view room and it is so awesome. We are having a great time. Crowds are med./low and the weather is nice. Not sunny but not too hot or humid so overall we are happy. It is very cloudy with light rain and drizzle, but this is a non park day for us so no big deal. Just hangin out/ doing laundtry resting and stuff. CM for dinner tonight!
Shannon, I passed you and your family yesterday morning in Mk in front of Crystal Palace and really wanted to say hi,but nick had been having a bad day and we were making a bee line back to the resort to avoid a meltdown so we couldn't.
Hi everyone, sooo I need some advice please. Non-disney related problem. So I used to be the manager of this bakery in town and they burned down on april fools day of this year (you would not believe how many times i said haha april fools until they convinced me it was true.) They are now opening up again nov 1st, after tonnnns of drama with a new owner/boss. However, the old owners are still going to be there as managers. I talked to the new owner today and said if I want, I can come back and work Saturdays (7AM-6PM, and the day after thansgiving/xmas/etc. Now I have a regular 8-4 job during the week so this would be a second job. Torn if I want to do it or not!

Pros: *It would be an extra $ every month.
* My best friend and really good friend will be working there still.
* I usually just lay around and watch tv on Saturdays anyways..
* DH works Saturdays too.
* I really did love that job and our customers/coworkers.
* I would still have my nights with my DS, during the week and Sundays
which is waaaay more than I had when I was in college for most of
his childhood

Cons: * I would only have one off day a week to spend with DS.
* Since I started my full time job that I have now this is the first time
I have not worked Saturdays since I was 16, and I like it!
* There are a new girl going to be working there I really don't like.
* Bad blood between me and the old owners. They screwed over my
dad who used to work there.

Hi everyone, sooo I need some advice please. Non-disney related problem. So I used to be the manager of this bakery in town and they burned down on april fools day of this year (you would not believe how many times i said haha april fools until they convinced me it was true.) They are now opening up again nov 1st, after tonnnns of drama with a new owner/boss. However, the old owners are still going to be there as managers. I talked to the new owner today and said if I want, I can come back and work Saturdays (7AM-6PM, and the day after thansgiving/xmas/etc. Now I have a regular 8-4 job during the week so this would be a second job. Torn if I want to do it or not!

Pros: *It would be an extra $ every month.
* My best friend and really good friend will be working there still.
* I usually just lay around and watch tv on Saturdays anyways..
* DH works Saturdays too.
* I really did love that job and our customers/coworkers.
* I would still have my nights with my DS, during the week and Sundays
which is waaaay more than I had when I was in college for most of
his childhood

Cons: * I would only have one off day a week to spend with DS.
* Since I started my full time job that I have now this is the first time
I have not worked Saturdays since I was 16, and I like it!
* There are a new girl going to be working there I really don't like.
* Bad blood between me and the old owners. They screwed over my
dad who used to work there.


Well, it sounds like you have more pros than cons, so if it's just one day a week, I don't see why you couldn't give it a try for a while and see if it works. I personally don't get a lot of time with DD - just nights and weekends - and a second job wouldn't be worth the extra money to me no matter how much I liked it unless I could do it at home. But that's something you need to decide for yourself. If you don't really need the extra money though, I say don't do it. IMO it's better to spend that time with your family and if the old owners have given you a hard time, do you want to give them that time over your kids? Just my two cents.... :goodvibes Good luck with whatever you decide!
Well, it sounds like you have more pros than cons, so if it's just one day a week, I don't see why you couldn't give it a try for a while and see if it works. I personally don't get a lot of time with DD - just nights and weekends - and a second job wouldn't be worth the extra money to me no matter how much I liked it unless I could do it at home. But that's something you need to decide for yourself. If you don't really need the extra money though, I say don't do it. IMO it's better to spend that time with your family and if the old owners have given you a hard time, do you want to give them that time over your kids? Just my two cents.... :goodvibes Good luck with whatever you decide!

This :thumbsup2 If you don't like it you can always quit.
Can I just say that I admire all of you who are keeping this trip a secret? I could NEVER do that. I am known to have sort of a big mouth... :laughing: I tried to last trip, I really tried, but yeahhh that didn't work. I couldn't stop talking about the trip for the second we decided we would do it!

So yesterday was my DB's big 13th birthday(who we are taking with us.) As a joke after DB got done opening his presents my Dad brought out a mickey mouse balloon. He shouted, "Happy birthday! Your going to Disney World!" Needless to say, my big bad teenager brother, who already obviously knew thanks to my big mouth, was NOT impressed. However, he did like the starter pin set and lanyard I bought for him! He's never pin traded before and is excited to do it this trip.

Ok now, back to work! 4 more days of work and 6 more days till we leave!

So not easy, especially now that it's almost here. Trying to get everything organized and ready to go has been hard. I'm sending Zoey to soccer practice on Thursday even though she won't be at the game--just so i can use that one hour with her not being here to crank on stuff. I do not want to wait until she is in bed thursday night to wrap things up, we have to be up by 3 a.m. on Friday!!

Ugh it's hard! Soooooo hard! Especially when they get older and think they are so smart and question EVERYTHING that you do. Brent's daughter knows, my oldest has an inkling(I'm hoping I convinced her otherwise) and my youngest has no idea. Brent's daughter knows thanks to the attendance lady at school, though!!! I called and made the suggestion that next time she is told it's a surprise vacation to NOT put it in absences yet since they teach them in computer class how to see their attendance :sad2:

I would have been so mad:mad: My sister almost blew the surprise today and I was so annoyed. She kept talking to Zoey about having Zoey send her a picture every day she was gone, and Zoey asked "gone where" I just kept repeating over and over "she doesn't know what you're talking about" and finally my sister got it. I was about to scream "SHUT UP" but thought that would have been rude.

Meanwhile, 2 days left of work and I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tlenzendorf I added "vanilla beans" to the list of "last minute things to pack" tonight. :thumbsup2
I would have been so mad:mad: My sister almost blew the surprise today and I was so annoyed. She kept talking to Zoey about having Zoey send her a picture every day she was gone, and Zoey asked "gone where" I just kept repeating over and over "she doesn't know what you're talking about" and finally my sister got it. I was about to scream "SHUT UP" but thought that would have been rude.

Meanwhile, 2 days left of work and I am free!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tlenzendorf I added "vanilla beans" to the list of "last minute things to pack" tonight. :thumbsup2

I was pretty mad. I was quite contained on the phone when talking to the attendance lady for how mad I was. Brent couldn't even call and Alyssa is his daughter even he was so mad!!

2 days left of work here too!!! Surprisingly I have been able to focus the past 2 days. We will see what happens the next 2.... :lmao:

Thanks for bringing the vanilla beans! I must be a big nerd, too, since I am excited about it lol.
Thanks for bringing the vanilla beans! I must be a big nerd, too, since I am excited about it lol.

Us nerds have to stick together!

This packing thing is no joke. I pulled up all of our bags from the basement, took everything out of them and inventoried them and then repacked. I clearly have OCD!!! I was just really worried that because I was putting things in whenever I had a free minute, someone was going to have too many clothes and someone else not enough. So, i feel better now, with my list of how many shirts each of us are bringing (again, have I mentioned my OCD?)

Our carry ons are done, with the exception of putting our travel sized toiletries in them and a couple of other random items. We are checking just one bag and that is packed with the exception of the rest of JPs clothes (MEN!!) and a few other things. I just weighed the suitcase and it's 28.5 lbs. I think we should come in under 50lbs. I have a list of what is left to pack and what is left to go in our personal bags. I made JP promise tomorrow he'd pack the last of what he can, and I will do the last loads of laundry we need before we go. Thursday night all I will have to do is organize our personal bags for the plane and throw in the last minute things I can't pack before we leave. Right now, i feel ok!! We have to be up at 3 and to the airport by 530, so i really want to be in bed by 11 on Thursday night. We'll see if that happens!
Us nerds have to stick together!

This packing thing is no joke. I pulled up all of our bags from the basement, took everything out of them and inventoried them and then repacked. I clearly have OCD!!! I was just really worried that because I was putting things in whenever I had a free minute, someone was going to have too many clothes and someone else not enough. So, i feel better now, with my list of how many shirts each of us are bringing (again, have I mentioned my OCD?)

Uhhhh hmmmmmm.... I may be doing that tomorrow AND Thursday night.... :rolleyes1

Our carry ons are done, with the exception of putting our travel sized toiletries in them and a couple of other random items. We are checking just one bag and that is packed with the exception of the rest of JPs clothes (MEN!!) and a few other things. I just weighed the suitcase and it's 28.5 lbs. I think we should come in under 50lbs. I have a list of what is left to pack and what is left to go in our personal bags. I made JP promise tomorrow he'd pack the last of what he can, and I will do the last loads of laundry we need before we go. Thursday night all I will have to do is organize our personal bags for the plane and throw in the last minute things I can't pack before we leave. Right now, i feel ok!! We have to be up at 3 and to the airport by 530, so i really want to be in bed by 11 on Thursday night. We'll see if that happens!

We have so much to do the next 2 nights when the kids are at their other parents! I also have to do the final toiletries. We have plenty of suitcases. We even have an empty suitcase with a tote in it... Thank goodness we are flying SW!
Hmmphhh...how do you guys do it? Keep up with the Disboards AND FB? I totally get caught up in one and forget about the other!:laughing:

We're so down to the wire...the boys are so excited...but I am SO busy at work that I don't have enough energy at night to finish packing. The next 2 nights will be spent getting all of us haircuts. It's ALMOST like I wish I had more time.........NOT!:eek:

For all of you with surprise trips - I know the torture you are going through! We surprised the boys 3 years ago when they were 7, 7 and 10 and it sure was tuff! I'm so glad we pulled it off because it's a memory that they'll have their entire life. To this day the twins still write stories and poems about it for their school projects and in Writers Workshop.:teacher:

On a side note, DS13 got his full-arm cast off on Monday and DS10 is out of his immobilizing boot as of today! We are finally all healthy so BRING IT!:yay:
Hmmphhh...how do you guys do it? Keep up with the Disboards AND FB? I totally get caught up in one and forget about the other!:laughing:

I may be a little bit of a tech geek... I have noticed that when one is really busy the other is really slow.

For all of you with surprise trips - I know the torture you are going through! We surprised the boys 3 years ago when they were 7, 7 and 10 and it sure was tuff! I'm so glad we pulled it off because it's a memory that they'll have their entire life. To this day the twins still write stories and poems about it for their school projects and in Writers Workshop.:teacher:

OMG it's horrible! I can't wait until Friday so it can be OVER and we can go!
On a side note, DS13 got his full-arm cast off on Monday and DS10 is out of his immobilizing boot as of today! We are finally all healthy so BRING IT!:yay:

YAY for everyone finally being healthy! :banana:
Hmmphhh...how do you guys do it? Keep up with the Disboards AND FB? I totally get caught up in one and forget about the other!:laughing:

On a side note, DS13 got his full-arm cast off on Monday and DS10 is out of his immobilizing boot as of today! We are finally all healthy so BRING IT!:yay:

I'm always on the computer, so it's not that hard!

And congrats on getting the cast off!
I would have been so mad:mad: My sister almost blew the surprise today and I was so annoyed. She kept talking to Zoey about having Zoey send her a picture every day she was gone, and Zoey asked "gone where" I just kept repeating over and over "she doesn't know what you're talking about" and finally my sister got it. I was about to scream "SHUT UP" but thought that would have been rude.

I would have yelled it for sure - rude or not. :rotfl:

I was pretty mad. I was quite contained on the phone when talking to the attendance lady for how mad I was. Brent couldn't even call and Alyssa is his daughter even he was so mad!!

I'd have been furious about that. I don't understand schools these days. It's mandatory that you tell them you're going to be out but then they can't keep the secret. I have a friend who was surprising her kids back in the spring for their birthdays and the teacher told them AS THEY WERE LEAVING SCHOOL!!!! REALLY??? They kept it from them that whole time and they ruined it for the parents at the final hour! I'd have been furious!!

Soooo, what's with the vanilla beans? Are they magic beans? :lmao: Seriously, because I love cooking and I'm always on the hunt for good vanilla and extracts of such, so if this is something I need to know about, do tell! :thumbsup2

Hmmphhh...how do you guys do it? Keep up with the Disboards AND FB? I totally get caught up in one and forget about the other!:laughing:

On a side note, DS13 got his full-arm cast off on Monday and DS10 is out of his immobilizing boot as of today! We are finally all healthy so BRING IT!:yay:

I keep up by not working. :lmao::lmao: No, I'm on the computer all day and I have my iPhone, so for me it's being constantly connected.

Yay for the boys!!! Disney will be some great exercise for DS10's foot!

4 days!!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
I'd have been furious about that. I don't understand schools these days. It's mandatory that you tell them you're going to be out but then they can't keep the secret. I have a friend who was surprising her kids back in the spring for their birthdays and the teacher told them AS THEY WERE LEAVING SCHOOL!!!! REALLY??? They kept it from them that whole time and they ruined it for the parents at the final hour! I'd have been furious!!

:scared1:I think I would have been way more mad about that!!! At least my 2 girls don't know and Alyssa has been able to keep it a secret.

Soooo, what's with the vanilla beans? Are they magic beans? :lmao: Seriously, because I love cooking and I'm always on the hunt for good vanilla and extracts of such, so if this is something I need to know about, do tell! :thumbsup2

Well it sounds like something you need to know about then! I read earlier this year about making vanilla and I want to do it for Christmas gifts. You use vanilla beans and liquor and can make your own!

Here is the recipe:

How to Make Vanilla Extract

Commercial vanilla extract usually has simple syrup (sugar water) added to the extract to give it a sweet aftertaste. You can do this if you want, but if you are using the vanilla for baking, there really is no need.

3 vanilla beans
1 cup vodka
glass jar with tight fitting lid

1 Use kitchen scissors or a sharp paring knife to cut lengthwise down each vanilla bean, splitting them in half, leaving an inch at the end connected.

2 Put vanilla beans in a glass jar or bottle with a tight fitting lid (mason jars work well). Cover completely with the vodka.

3 Give the bottle a good shake every once in a while. Store in a dark, cool place for 2 months or longer.

Lasts for years. You can keep topping it off with vodka once in a while as you use it, just remember to give it a good shake.

You can also make vanilla sugar by putting a split vanilla bean into a jar of white, granulated sugar. Great way to infuse the sugar with vanilla flavor for baking.

I keep up by not working. :lmao::lmao: No, I'm on the computer all day and I have my iPhone, so for me it's being constantly connected.

Haha that's me, too!!

Yay for the boys!!! Disney will be some great exercise for DS10's foot!

4 days!!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

I would have yelled it for sure - rude or not. :rotfl:

I'd have been furious about that. I don't understand schools these days. It's mandatory that you tell them you're going to be out but then they can't keep the secret. I have a friend who was surprising her kids back in the spring for their birthdays and the teacher told them AS THEY WERE LEAVING SCHOOL!!!! REALLY??? They kept it from them that whole time and they ruined it for the parents at the final hour! I'd have been furious!!

Soooo, what's with the vanilla beans? Are they magic beans? :lmao: Seriously, because I love cooking and I'm always on the hunt for good vanilla and extracts of such, so if this is something I need to know about, do tell! :thumbsup2

I keep up by not working. :lmao::lmao: No, I'm on the computer all day and I have my iPhone, so for me it's being constantly connected.

Yay for the boys!!! Disney will be some great exercise for DS10's foot!

4 days!!!!! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:

My DD's teacher thanked me for NOT telling her and having it be a SURPRISE. She said children get too distracted and can't focus and was so happy I didn't tell her. I'd be livid if somebody let the cat out of the bag!
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